Inassea Chronicles: The Blighted Flame

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Inassea Chronicles: The Blighted Flame Page 29

by P. A. Peña

  “I’m not. I haven’t been giving anything to her.”

  “Stop lying to me!”

  Logan charged at Virgil and threw a punch. Despite the ferocity in his strike, his movements were brutish, making evading child’s play for Virgil. Logan hit the metal bars of the cage, and Virgil floated to the ceiling.

  Logan ground his teeth as he looked up at Virgil. “You’re nothing but a coward and a cunt. Have some decency, come down here, and accept your retribution like a man.”

  “I’m not going to fight you, Logan.”

  “Whether you fight back or not is irrelevant. I’m going to beat you down regardless, and don’t think just because you can fly, I can’t get my hands on you.”

  Logan leaped into the air, but to Virgil’s surprise, he didn’t make it far. He struggled to clear even half of the distance between them.

  Virgil exhaled in relief. “Will you please just chill for a minute and listen to me?”

  “Fine,” Logan said as he knelt down. “I’ll just knock you out of the sky.” He pressed his fingers into the dirt, attempting to dislodge a chunk of rock from it. When that failed, he struck the ground and grunted as he flinched. Virgil looked down at Logan, and bewilderment washed over him.

  The fuck is going on? Logan could shatter stone just by looking at it if he really wanted to. Perhaps it’s this dimension? No. The dirt’s still dirt as far as I can tell.

  Slowly Virgil descended to the ground. “What’s going on? Are you hurt?”

  Logan smirked as he approached Virgil. “No, but you’re going to be.”

  “Are you sure? You’re not acting like yourself.”

  “Like you would know,” Logan sneered. “All you care about is banging my sister.” Tears were forming in his eyes. “She’s the only family I have left, and you’re trying to take her from me.”

  Logan cocked his fist back and swung at Virgil. As he caught Logan’s fist, his palm stung from the impact, but Virgil knew full well his bones should have shattered.

  Virgil looked the troubled man in his eyes. “I just want what’s best for both of you. I think you have depended on each other for so long, you’ve never really had the chance to exist separately. You shouldn’t be defined solely as Aurelia’s protector, nor should she be defined as your responsibility.”

  Virgil let go of Logan’s hand, and it promptly fell to his side.

  “You don’t get it,” Logan said shaking his head.

  For a minute, Logan paused as he looked at Virgil. He seemed so desperate to speak, but his words simply wouldn’t comply.

  Virgil nodded, and gave a reassuring smile. “Go ahead and let it out. I promise you’ll feel better when it’s out in the open.”

  “It’s. It’s my fault our father died.”

  “Logan, you can’t hold yourself responsible for—”

  “No,” Logan said, his gaze tilting to the ground. “It truly is my fault. He’s dead, and it’s all my fault.”

  Virgil placed his hand on Logan’s shoulder. “You were still just a kid when he passed. You couldn’t possibly—”

  “I let them in,” Logan cried. “I let them in.” In a matter of moments, his cheeks were flooded with tears, and his breaths were long and heavy.

  Virgil helped Logan to the ground. “Okay. One step at a time. What do you mean you let them in?”

  Logan took a deep breath. “I hated Aurelia so much when we were little. For a long time, I blamed her for our mother’s death. I thought. I just thought. The demons were supposed to just take her and go.”

  Virgil sat, shocked into silence. Logan covered his face with his palms. Perhaps it was to hide the shame, or maybe it was a futile effort to hold his tears back.

  “I was stupid,” Logan continued. “I was young and stupid and foolish, and I wasn’t thinking. I wanted to be rid of that burden. To not have to move around anymore. To be able to walk down the street and not watch my back.”

  “Okay,” Virgil said, finally breaking his silence. “I admit that is quite traumatic but you can’t let that hold you back. Like you said, you were young. We all make mistakes, especially when we’re young enough to think we have all the answers. Hell, I was older than you were when I disobeyed my father and followed him on his hunt for Cecelia. Had I not been with him, he’d surely still be alive today.”

  Logan sniffled has he lowered his hands. “Then you should know the shame and dishonor that hangs on my heart.”

  “I do, but that also means I know how destructive your actions are right now. I’m not going to pretend like our pain is the same, because it’s not. But one thing you have that I didn’t is someone to share the pain with. I know you want to protect Aurelia from everything that can hurt her, but if you keep holding onto her the way that you are, you’re going to cause the very suffering you’re trying to prevent, and she’s going to hate you for it. I know it’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth, Logan.”

  “I-I know. But it’s too late now. I failed her, and she’s replaced me with you.”

  Virgil laughed. “I can’t replace you. You’re you. You’re her older brother. Her hero. When she speaks of you, she talks about all the good times you’ve shared. How you make her feel safe. You haven’t failed her, and you haven’t lost her. Now, I’m not gonna lie, you came pretty damn close, but it’s not too late to fix things between the two of you.”

  Logan wiped his tears away as he finally began to settle down. “How do you know? How do you know she doesn’t hate me already?”

  Virgil chuckled. “It’s Aurelia. She isn’t capable of hating anyone.”

  “Yeah,” Logan said with a nod. “She’s always been my ray of sunshine.”

  “Now that you’ve calmed down, are you sure you’re okay? Not that I’m complaining, but catching your fist back there should have shredded my bones to dust.” Logan paused as he looked down at the dirt. After a brief moment, Virgil spoke. “If you don’t want to tell me, that’s cool. But know that whether you want to admit it or not, we’re friends, and friends are there for each other for stuff like this.”

  Logan took in a deep breath. It was clear he was nervous, his quivering muscles a testament to that fact. “The night I let Aurelia’s father into our home is the same night I was gifted my strength. I realized my error in judgment, but not before my father was slain. I fell to my knees and prayed. It was all I could do. I was just thirteen. I had no chance against all those demons. I prayed to the gods for someone to help me, but what they did was far greater.”

  “And just what did they do?”

  “They offered me a contract. All it cost me was my soul and my mana, and they promised to bestow upon me strength far beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.” Logan chuckled. “Or at least that’s how they put it.”

  Virgil was shocked, but deep down he knew that if he was presented with the same situation, he would’ve taken the deal in a heartbeat. “You sold your soul,” he said. “Does that mean you’ve been without a soul this whole time?”

  “No, I still have my soul for now. The deal was that I relinquish my mana then, and when I die, my soul is theirs to do with as they see fit. So long as my will remains strong and my faith true, my strength will not fail me.”

  “Well, that certainly explains a lot.”

  Logan nodded as he exhaled. “Yeah. I haven’t exactly been in the best state of mind, but I’m beginning to feel a lot better about things. You’re not as bad of a guy as I thought. Perhaps, I mean, if my sister was to date, I suppose I don’t mind if—”

  Virgil exhaled. “For the last time, Aurelia and I are just friends.”

  “Right,” Logan laughed. “I get it. I’m sure Roxanne wouldn’t appreciate that. I promise I won’t say a thing.”

  Virgil rolled his eyes. “Why does everyone keep suggesting this? Don’t get me wrong—your sister is an amazing woman. She’s kind and thoughtful and funny and compassionate and—”

  “Everything you’d want in a woman?”

  Virgil c
leared his throat. “Well, yes, but we’re just friends.”

  “Whatever you say. If it were up to me, Aurelia wouldn’t even know the opposite sex existed. So, if you’re really not a thing, it’s no skin off my back. But if you do hook up, I’m not going to kill you for it. Unless, of course, you break her heart. Then I’ll have to hunt you down.”

  “R-right.” Virgil paused. A troubling thought crept into his mind. For a moment, he debated whether he should share it, until finally, he found the conviction to do so. “Logan, I hate to sour such a good moment, but you know sooner or later, you’re going to have to tell Aurelia what really happened all those years ago.”

  Logan frowned, and he looked down to the ground once again. “Yes. I know.”

  “If you want, I can help you do it. That way—”

  Logan shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, but this is really something I should do on my own. I just need to find the right moment.”

  Chapter 45

  The kitchen was flooded with the smell of fresh cinnamon and vanilla, making Roxanne’s cozy home feel even homier. Per usual, Riley and Aurelia were hard at work preparing meals for everyone. Virgil sat down at the table next to Logan, who was deeply engrossed in a blend of coffee and newspaper headlines.

  “I think today’s the day,” Virgil said, smiling.

  Logan folded his newspaper over and set it down on the table. “You’ve been saying that for months now.”

  “When you say it like that it sounds like it’s been forever. We’ve only been joint training for two months.”

  “True, but two months is still months. Plural.”

  Virgil groaned. “Fair enough.”

  “I do think we’ll get her any day now,” Logan said, smiling as Aurelia approached with two plates in her hands.

  “Here you go,” Aurelia said as she placed the plates in front of Logan and Virgil. Virgil’s eyes grew wide as Aurelia took a bottle of syrup and covered the powdered toast on his plate. She turned to Logan. “Do you want some, too?”

  “Just a smidge.”

  Virgil took his silverware, his palate eagerly awaiting the sugary delight resting on his plate. Everything seemed to fade away as the fluffy goodness melted in his mouth.

  “So,” Aurelia said. “How do my boys like their breakfast?”

  “It’s amazing,” Virgil exclaimed, his words muffled as he chewed.

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Riley scolded from across the counter.

  Virgil swallowed. “I’m sorry.” He took another bite, squirming in place as he swallowed. “I swear these are even better than what they were serving in Akata Castle.”

  Aurelia smiled as she reached over and tussled Virgil’s hair. “I’m glad you like it. This is actually the first time I’ve made it. I remembered how much you liked them and I thought I’d try to make them for you.”

  “Thank you. You did an amazing job.”

  “It was nothing. Riley really helped me out. I’m just glad you love my cooking so much.”

  “Is there something in my hair?” Virgil asked.

  “N-no,” Aurelia replied, her cheeks flustering as she pulled her hand away. “I mean, not anymore. I got it.”

  “Well, good morning, everyone,” Roxanne said as she walked into the room, Peyton in her arms.

  “Roxanne,” Virgil said, his words muffled once again.

  “You’re not supposed to talk with your mouth full,” Peyton said. “Right, Mama?”

  Roxanne set Peyton down. “That’s right.”

  “Sorry, little man,” Virgil replied. “I promise I’ll do better next time.”

  “We’ll be done soon,” Logan said. “Five minutes. Tops.”

  “Yeah,” Virgil agreed. “I hope you’re ready because today we’re going to—”

  “You can take your time,” Roxanne said. “We won’t be training today.”

  “What?” Virgil said, damn near dropping his fork. “Why not?”

  “You all have been working hard these past few months. I think you’ve earned a day off, and frankly, I would love to spend some time with my family.”

  “Thank you,” Virgil said, his face falling. “But I’m good to keep training. I’ve been improving so much, and I’d hate to break my momentum.” Virgil turned to Logan. “I suppose we can just do some training on our own.”

  Logan nodded. “As long as you’re willing.”

  “While I appreciate your enthusiasm,” Roxanne said, “you two should really take advantage of this opportunity. Days like this will be few and far between.”

  “We appreciate it,” Virgil replied. “But we’re good to keep going. Before you go, can you send us to your training dimension?”

  “You two really don’t want to rest, huh?”

  “Not really. It’s only a matter of time before we have to face Nobody again. If I’m gonna get my fang back, I need to get as strong as I can before that day comes.”

  “My motives aren’t so personal,” Logan said. “But nevertheless, Nobody is a threat, and we need to be ready to deal with them when the time comes.”

  Roxanne opened her mouth to speak, but Aurelia beat her to the punch. “Don’t worry.” She wrapped her arms around Virgil. “I’ll make sure these guys get the R&R they need.”

  “You should come to the beach with us,” Peyton exclaimed. “It’s going to be so much fun!”

  “That does sound like loads of fun,” Aurelia replied. “But we wouldn’t want to intrude on your family outing.”

  “Nonsense,” Riley said. “We’d love it if you joined us. Isn’t that right, babe?”

  Roxanne nodded. “Of course. Today’s the summer solstice, after all, and I know the perfect beach in the Onyx nation. It’s like the sun is shining directly on the island.”

  “Hold on a second,” Virgil said. “I don’t even have any swimwear.”

  “Neither do I,” Aurelia said. “We can run out really quick and grab some. Roxanne, do you mind waiting on us until we get back?”

  “Of course not.”

  It didn’t take long for the group to finish breakfast and obtain suitable swim attire. Once they were all ready, Roxanne summoned a void, transporting everyone to the sandy beaches of Ozryn Isle, located deep in the Onyx nation. The crowds were massive, but given the beach’s size, there was more than enough sand and water to go around.

  There wasn’t a single cloud in sight, making the heat intense. With every second that passed, the cool glistening water looked more appealing. Virgil looked around. He had never seen such radiant blue sands before. There were trees scattered everywhere, sprouting high into the air, and numerous birds hovered over the beach.

  The group found a spot and laid out a large blanket to claim it as theirs. Peyton could barely contain his excitement. One after another, he tossed his outer layer of clothes off, letting them fall carelessly on the ground.

  “Come on, Mama,” Peyton squealed. “Let’s go build a sandcastle!”

  “Hold on a second, pumpkin,” Roxanne said. “You have to put on your sunblock first.”

  Peyton was a swirling ball of energy, fidgeting in place as Roxanne coated him head to toe. When she finished, Peyton stepped away. “Okay,” he said. “Now, you and Mommy go. And you have to hurry!”

  “Don’t worry,” Riley said. “It will only take a second.”

  In all of the commotion, the trio had already shed their clothing. Aurelia had helped her brother cover his back with sunblock, and he was off to enjoy the water. Virgil, on the other hand, sat atop the blanket, his eyes fixated on his palm. He was summoning balls of blue fire above his hand and swirling them around in a whirlwind.

  “And just what are you doing?” Aurelia asked as she approached him.

  “Nothing really,” he replied. “Just practicing some fire manipulation.”

  Aurelia sighed as she walked in front of Virgil. She crouched down and looked him in the eye. “We’re here to have fun. Remember?”

  “Yeah, I know. I
just . . .” Virgil trailed off as he noticed Aurelia was wearing a two-piece swimsuit. It was blue with white frills that trailed along her waist and bustline. More noticeable, though, were Aurelia’s breasts. They were right there, just a couple of feet away. Perhaps it was the lack of clothing covering them or the way her swimsuit seemed to perk them up together. Nevertheless, they were something he hadn’t noticed before. Quickly he raised his eyes, realizing where they had fallen.

  “You’re right,” he said, blushing. “Let’s have some fun.”

  Aurelia smiled as she turned around. “That’s more like it. Now rub some sunblock on my back.”

  Virgil’s face grew redder still. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have Roxanne do it? Or Riley? I’m sure Peyton wouldn’t mind.”

  Aurelia giggled as she sat down in front of Virgil. “I’m not gonna bite you. Well, not unless you’re into that kind of thing.”


  “You know. A little nibble on the neck. I promise not to leave a mark.”

  Virgil fell silent. His heart thumped in his chest as he struggled to find the right words to say.

  Aurelia broke the silence. “I’m joking, Virgil.”

  Virgil forced out a laugh as he picked up the bottle of sunblock and poured some into his hands. “Right. That was just a joke.”

  Aurelia began undoing the string holding her swimsuit top in place.

  “What are you doing?” he exclaimed as he turned away, shutting his eyes.

  Aurelia burst into laughter. “You can’t apply it properly with this string in the way. Don’t worry. My breasts are still covered. Nobody can see my naughty bits.”

  Reluctantly, Virgil turned back to face Aurelia. Her skin looked smooth and soft to the touch. Slowly he placed his palms upon her back. It was even more supple than he had imagined. He rubbed his hands across her gently, carefully spreading the white liquid.

  “Don’t forget my lower back. If you don’t get it, I’m afraid I’ll get a terrible sunburn.”

  Virgil swallowed the lump in his throat as he poured more sunblock into his palm. He placed his hands on the small of her back, and she quivered at his touch.


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