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Santa Baby: a Crescent Cove Romantic Comedy Collection

Page 17

by Quinn, Taryn

  I wasn’t an idiot. I knew that among many women of childbearing age, I was considered something of a prize. An employed man who was willingly parenting his child singlehandedly—though not necessarily with any skill—was basically a unicorn, except my horn was in my pants. And many of them wanted to ride it.

  Usually, I managed to divert conversations away from the topic of dates, or finding a good woman to settle down with. I must’ve been off my game today because this one had broadsided me and I’d ended up fumbling through an excuse and basically hanging up on her.

  I didn’t have an answer why I couldn’t go out with her. Technically, Ally and I had no rules. No arrangement that precluded either of us from seeing anyone else. We were friends who were fucking and trying to have a baby. There was no box to tick on Facebook for that one. Even “it’s complicated” didn’t begin to touch the reality of our existence.

  But I didn’t want to date anyone else. And I sure as fuck didn’t want Ally to. Ever.

  “There’s Daddy. Wait ‘til he sees you in your pretty, sparkly dress.” Ally’s voice carried out to me.

  When she stepped out on the deck, carting my daughter in her arms, the inane thoughts in my head spewed out. “What does your Facebook status say?” I demanded, as if it was the most important question in the world.

  Ally shifted Laurie in her arms. “What? Look at her dress,” she commanded.

  Laurie’s grin tilted precariously. And her big blue eyes filled with tears.

  Ah, fuck.

  “Look at you in your beautiful dress,” I said, setting down my spatula to step toward them. I reached for Laurie but she pushed out a hand, nudging me back. With her other hand, she clung to Ally’s neck and buried her face in her chest.

  The look Ally gave me was mutinous.

  I stroked a hand over Laurie’s curling wet hair. She burrowed more into Ally. “You look like a princess, honey. All these purple sparkles.”

  She didn’t reply. Ally just glared.

  “What do you say you open one of your presents before your friends get here?” I wasn’t above bribery. Besides, I was keeping a pretty big secret about the party. But hell, it was supposed to rain, and how else could we entertain twenty kids indoors?

  Laurie lifted her head and knuckled one of her eyes.

  “Let’s go to the family room.” I checked the food on the grill, making sure I could leave it for a moment or two. “You want to man the grill while I take her downstairs?”

  Ally stuck out her chin and her hand. “I can do it.”

  “Thanks. We’ll be right back.” I exchanged the spatula for my daughter and had to swallow a chuckle as Ally poked at the simmering meat. Even after all these years of working at the diner, she still wasn’t very adept at making food, with a few notable exceptions.

  Laurie poked me in the chest. “Down.”

  Sure, Ally could carry her all over, but me? Not gonna happen.

  Swallowing a sigh, I set her on her feet and she immediately took off down the hall, reaching up for the doorknob that led into the basement. She couldn’t quite turn it herself so I helped, and she rushed down the stairs. And stopped at the bottom, still gripping the railing.

  Saying absolutely nothing.

  I descended the steps behind her and taking advantage of her surprise, swooped her up again and set her on my hip. “It’s a giant sandbox.” I walked around the edges of the mostly contained mounds of sand I’d had trucked in on a whim yesterday while Laurie was at Pre-K. I’d had to pay outrageously for it, as well as call in a few favors, but I now was the proud owner of a shit-ton of sand that would be hauled out tomorrow at great personal expense. Not to mention all the furniture in this room had been shoved into the spare room and would need to be brought back out again.

  Too bad Laurie was frowning at the giant, cool-as-fuck sandbox as if she didn’t get what it was.

  “See, look.” I put her down outside the sand and bent to grab one of the oversized beach balls. I tossed it and it got stuck in a little valley, so I leaned forward to grab it—

  And my mischievous child saw fit to push me into the sand, letting out a huge squeal of laughter.

  “Think that’s funny, huh? You rascal.” I darted forward on my knees and snatched her up, lifting her sideways and holding her over a big mound of sand. “Maybe I should push you into it too.”

  “No, no, Daddy, no!”

  The door upstairs opened and closed and footsteps sounded on the stairs. I turned, still holding my squirming kid, to see both Ally and the mother who’d asked me out on the phone, Tina, gaping at me.

  “You filled your entire family room with sand?” Incredulously, Ally hurried down the rest of the stairs and hiked up her dress to pick her way around the sandbox. “You do realize how impractical that is? You’re never going to manage to get every grain out, and it’s going to embed in the floorboards.”

  “There’s safety rubber underneath.” I glanced past her at Tina. “Hi there. Is anyone manning my grill by any chance?”

  “Yes, Mr. Robinson from down the street took over. Tina was worried about you. Said you guys were in the midst of setting up a date when the phone disconnected.”

  Oh fuck.


  “Then we heard squealing and hurried down here.” Ally bent gingerly to push one of the inflatable beach balls across the sand. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  I had a feeling I’d be hearing that a lot today.

  I righted Laurie in my arms and gave her a quick hug before setting her on her feet. “Your friends are here. Why don’t you go back upstairs with Mrs. Johnson while I talk to Ally?”

  “Okay.” She scampered off, scattering sand.

  I’d just made it to my feet when she spun back around and charged up to me again, gripping me around the legs. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  It came out sounding a little like Tank Eww, Dabby, but close enough.

  Though Tina held out a hand for Laurie, she was staring fixedly at me. “I hope we can continue that conversation later, Seth.”

  “Actually, it’s probably good if we don’t.” I smiled at her to soften the blow. “I’m committed to someone right now. But thank you for your interest.”

  It was a toss-up which one of the women gave me a more scathing glance.

  “C’mon, Laurie,” Tina said. “Let’s go upstairs so you can say hi to everyone in your pretty dress!”

  Laurie trotted along after her, chattering happily.

  The door shut behind them, and Ally kicked one of the beach balls hard enough that it nearly took out the TV on the other side of the room.

  “Committed right now? Like this instant? You should’ve given her an end date. Don’t want her to get discouraged and give up too soon.” Ally aimed for the other beach ball and did the same thing, this time nearly missing the one lamp we’d left behind because it was also on the opposite side of the space. Lawrence had some serious leg power.

  Which wasn’t hot at all.

  Not even a little bit.

  I scratched the back of my neck. It wouldn’t do to seem pleased by this recent turn of events. Being stupidly overjoyed that she was jealous was simply not appropriate. I should be ashamed.

  I might be tomorrow.

  Or next year.

  “I’m getting the feeling you’re angry.”

  “Oh, are you? Are you now? What was your first clue?” She crouched to pick up the plastic bucket and slotted scoop, and I quickly rushed over to take them out of her hands before they left a dent in my wall. “Don’t crowd me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” I tossed the toys aside and hooked my fingers in the bodice of her dress, hauling her against me. “You know, I thought this purple was my favorite color on you, but I was wrong.” I bit down on her lower lip, tugging it between my teeth. “It’s green.”

  She shoved at my chest and moved her face away from mine. “You think this is funny?”

  “More like ridiculous.”

  “I don’t know what idea you had about this whole impregnate-my-bestie scenario, but while this is going on, you’re not going to be hitting on other chicks.”


  “And if I actually do get knocked up, you’re not going to be bumping uglies with anyone while I’m waddling around in muumuus. It’s not going to happen.”

  “Also noted. Will you be barefoot while walking in muumuus? I’ll probably need pictures if so.”

  She poked me in the side. “This isn’t a joke. I get that you just can’t help being so damn sexy that women throw themselves at you right and left, but you better freaking try.”

  I cocked a brow and framed her cheeks between my hands. “I’m going to need you to repeat that. All of that. Like twenty times. Feel free to add some heavy breathing around the sexy part for effect.”

  Her lips almost twitched into a smile, but she wouldn’t meet my gaze.



  “Ally Cat,” I said softly, and she looked up at me, her golden-brown eyes wary. “I’m not interested in that woman. In any woman, for that matter, except the one standing in front of me.”

  “I didn’t say you had to lie. Just while you’re dipping your wick in this pot, you’re not going to in any other. All I’m saying.”

  “Your pot is all I need or want.” I nearly added more. So much more. Every hour that passed, I had more inside me for her, and I was just beginning to untangle what that might mean.

  But she wouldn’t have believed me anyway. Not now. Maybe not ever.

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. “You do have your own form of sweet talking, gotta give you that.”

  “I have my own form of many things, as you’re learning.” I brushed a kiss over her ear. “I asked you what your Facebook relationship status was. I think we need to come up with one for this.”

  “Oh, we do, do we? Because being Facebook official is very important.”

  “It is.” I reached down and cupped her ass through her thin dress, swallowing a groan at the barely there outline of her panties beneath. Would they be white lace? Blush pink? Maybe some other nearly translucent color that would never be enough to hide her swollen pussy from my gaze. “If another guy comes near you, even looks at you, I may rip his eyes out. Just fair warning.”

  “Is that so?” Her breathless question had me tightening behind the zipper of my pants.

  “So you might want to consider a Facebook status as a humanitarian gesture. A warning sign to save other men from a fate worse than death.”

  “I’ve never seen you get violent. Or jealous. For that matter, I’m simply not the kind of woman men go batty for.” She shrugged and shifted her feet. “I think it’s because I’m missing the feminine gene. I’m wearing this dress right now, and all I want to do is take it off and get back into my jeans.”

  “You think dresses are what make you feminine?” I looped a couple of strands of her hair around my fingers and tugged. “I’d say what makes you feminine is that you’re the bravest, smartest, most kickass woman I’ve ever known.” I lowered my voice. “And the way you purr deep in your throat when you come. That too.”

  “What am I, a cat?” But there was no mistaking the pleasure in her voice.

  Pleasure I’d put there, just by telling the truth.

  My reply was smothered by her placing her hand over my mouth. “No pussy jokes. We have to get back upstairs.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” I nudged her hand aside and squeezed her perfect ass one more time. “Don’t suppose you’d be willing to play sex-on-the-beach later? I don’t have an ocean nearby, but I do have this nice pile of sand…” I gestured.

  “The sand thing was really sweet. Laurie will always have these memories.”

  “Not sure she likes it any more than you do.”

  “Sure she does. Wait until all her friends come down here and see this. It’s like a kid’s dream come true.”

  “Yeah, yeah, they’ll love it. Now back to sex.”

  She grinned. “As nice as this sand is, you also have a nice big bed.” She patted my stomach and my cock jumped visibly enough that she laughed, her eyes dancing. “Thumbs up?”

  “All the way up.” I cupped my hand around her neck and brought her mouth to mine, sinking into a kiss that was equal parts need and want and relief that she was still mine.

  This hadn’t ended yet. She’d be in my bed tonight, and if I was lucky, again and again after that.

  For as many tomorrows as I could beg, borrow, and steal.

  Our tongues tangled and she moaned as I cupped her cheek, tilting her head so I could take more. Always more. Her body curved into mine and I hooked my foot through hers, desperate to feel every part of her flush against me.

  The sound of someone clearing his throat jerked us apart. I blinked away the Ally haze and shifted my gaze toward the stairs, somehow not surprised that my cat-quiet brother was standing there with one eyebrow winged up. Then he glanced around the family room, his frown deepening.

  “If that’s truly sand, your contractor deserves a bad review on Yelp.”


  “Are you Daddy’s girlfriend now?”

  I stilled the backyard swing with my foot and turned toward Laurie. It was the end of a long day of children running, and laughing, and occasionally crying, usually after tripping on a toy or being denied something vitally important.

  Like a second hot dog. Or a Transformer. Or for one little boy, not being allowed to take home the bunny we’d seen scampering through the yard.

  That had led to Laurie once again asking for a puppy. Seth had said no, as he always did, but he was definitely weakening.


  I smiled and stopped fingering the ends of Laurie’s curls long enough to remember her question. Not the best time to zone out and think about Seth and floppy-eared puppies.

  A quick glance at the back door told me Seth still wasn’t on his way back outside. He was probably eating a scoop of ice cream for every one he put in our bowls. We’d had cake earlier, of course, but the man had a sweet tooth for days.

  Not that I could talk. I was starving. Again.

  And I still hadn’t answered Laurie’s question.

  “I’m still exactly what I always was to him, and to you.” I pushed off with my foot and the swing kicked into motion again. “Unless you don’t like what you saw today,” I said carefully, hoping I was just referring to that aborted kiss she’d witnessed outside the bathroom.

  It certainly hadn’t been the only incidents of kissing or touching today. Seth couldn’t keep his hands off me for long. I wasn’t much better, especially when Tina sashayed past, her attention still far too focused on him. I’d had a lot of years of toning down my jealousy where Seth was concerned, but sleeping with him must’ve toggled off that switch because I’d found myself cleaving to his side more than once. Maybe it was the way he smiled down at me or brushed his hand over my hair or whispered something for my ears only. He’d always treated me as if I were special, and now that we were sleeping together, his attention was even more potent.

  Even more dangerous.

  Laurie fluffed out her sparkly purple skirt, her forehead wrinkled. I had a feeling she had something she wanted to say, but maybe didn’t know how.

  I understood far too well, because I did too. Ever since Mr. Hamilton had put that stuff in my head about driving away Marjorie, I’d been full of guilt. I tried to dismiss it as just his way of getting me out of his son’s hair—and his bed. But maybe there was a kernel of truth.

  “Honey, I hope you understand I’m not trying to take your mother’s place. I wouldn’t do that. You have your daddy, and he loves you so much, and I love you too, but—”

  “But not like my mom.” Her chin wobbled and I shifted toward her, my chest tightening until I couldn’t breathe.

  “No, no, that’s not what I meant at all. I just meant I would never try to take her spot, to try to pretend I’m your mom, even though I�
�d like nothing better.” I swallowed over the lump in my throat and reached for her small, chubby, popsicle-stained hand, squeezing it tightly. “Being your mom would have to be the best thing in the world.”

  She stared hard at me, that wrinkle deepening and reminding me so much of Seth. “Then, why can’t you?”

  Such a simple question, with such hard answers. The last thing I wanted to do was to give her false hope that her mom might come back into her life. From what I understood, that wasn’t going to happen. I also didn’t want to indicate I could fill that role. I didn’t know how to be a parent, which probably made this whole situation that much crazier. I so didn’t feel equipped to take care of anyone. Not even myself sometimes. After the years of caring for my mother, my reserves were low. I wasn’t sure I could provide for anyone else.

  If we had a baby together, I’d be in that caretaking role all over again in a much more formal role than what I had now with Laurie. Did I want that?

  Even as I asked the question, the answer came through loud and clear.


  Yes, I wanted a child. But rarely dating tended to limit one’s chances on finding someone to make that happen with.

  Someone else anyway.

  I’d found my someone early, and he’d found others while I waited. And that was exactly what I’d done. Waited for years for a bus that might’ve never stopped for me.

  Before I’d found more with Seth—stumbled into via his idiotic baby contract—I’d found a strong, pure love for his little girl. One that would never go away.

  “I will always be here for you, no matter what,” I whispered, making her a promise in my head. My heart. Whatever happened with Seth, Laurie would always have me in her life. “I might not be your biological mom, but I love you just as much.” I stroked a hand down her hair. “So if there’s ever anything that bothers you, or you want to talk about, I’m here. Okay?”

  Laurie didn’t say anything for a long time. Then she hurled herself into my arms, clinging tight. Just when I was sure she’d move back and run across the lawn, she glanced up at me. “Can you marry my Daddy?”


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