Santa Baby: a Crescent Cove Romantic Comedy Collection

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Santa Baby: a Crescent Cove Romantic Comedy Collection Page 72

by Quinn, Taryn

  That’s called porn, Kelsey.

  Only porn was way less exciting than what Dare had done to me. But was that all we were? Friction and a baby? A baby that might not even be his. What the hell kind of package was I for a guy like him?

  Dare pulled back into town, the quiet darkness of the lake replaced by the soft glow from the reconditioned gas lights that lined the streets. He turned up the winding lane that led to The Cove. The restaurant was right on the lake with a breathtaking view of the still water.

  He parked and came around to open my door.

  The wind had kicked up, reminding us that fall was in full effect. October in upstate New York was a strange mix of hot and cold. The minute the sun went down, the temperature followed suit. He helped me out and closed my door, then caged me against his car.

  “Just one more thing before we go inside.”


  He traced the side of his thumb along the couple of curls I’d managed to bend my stick straight hair into. “That day of the baby shower? When we were arguing in the bathroom.”

  “Where you ordered me to take the tests?”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw as he gritted his teeth. “Not my finest hour, but I needed to know, Kel.”

  “I know,” I whispered.

  “Did you contact this Tommy guy?”

  “No.” I frowned up at him. “Why would I?”

  He blew out a breath. “I did something that might make you mad.”

  “Why?” I drew out the word. Where was he going with this? “I’m not with him. I don’t want him. I thought you got that.”

  “Well, while you were in the can—er, the bathroom, he texted you. I was freaking out already and then there’s this dude texting you that he wanted to meet up. I believe repeat performance was mentioned.”

  “Oh.” My stomach flipped. “Oh, God. Dare, I wouldn’t have. I swear.”

  “I know. I know that now, but I just reacted. I had no right, but I wanted the right. I was so fucked up about it all and I was standing out there and you might…” He growled. “I deleted the text.”

  I frowned. “From my phone?”


  “Oh.” I blinked. My whole body shouldn’t have warmed up as if he’d given me a bundle of roses. But maybe from Dare this was about the same.

  Flags probably should’ve been going up like mad. He’d gone into my phone and deleted a text from my ex. Instead, all I wanted was to understand.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because you’re mine, dammit. I wasn’t sharing you with some dickhead that put a winky face in a text looking for a damn booty call. Now that I know just how much of a douchebag he is, I’m glad—”

  I lifted onto my toes and closed my mouth over his. He slid his arms around me and hauled me close. The kiss was sweeter than his hold. As if he was holding back. I didn’t really want gentle.

  I wanted all of Dare, but right then, it felt too good to stop.

  Finally, he pulled away. “So, you’re not mad then?”

  “I should be. And if you do anything like that again, I’ll…do something.”

  That little smirk came out again. “Oh, yeah? Like what?”

  “I don’t know, but it won’t be good.”

  He hooked his arm around my neck and urged me forward with a kiss to my temple. “I’m willing to risk it.”

  I elbowed him in the gut. “Excuse me?”

  “No, I won’t go into your phone. But I am kind of curious what your version of vengeance is.”

  “You shouldn’t be.”

  “I’m a little masochistic it seems.” He dropped his arm and twisted our fingers together as he drew me up the stairs to The Cove. “Hungry?”

  I smiled. “Starving.”

  And not just for food.


  My heart raced as we walked through the restaurant. It was just past the dinner rush and moving into the quiet murmurs of cocktail-fueled pickups. I’d arranged for a table toward the back by the window. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, but Kelsey wasn’t just a fling.

  Not anymore.

  Sitting in the car with her had been far more normal than I’d expected. No shouting and accusations, no epic levels of drama. I’d been braced for them. Nothing had ever been easy with Katherine, or with a lot of the women in my past.

  But with Kelsey, everything seemed bigger and quieter at the same time. Part of me wanted to turn around, to run and close off the feelings she was dragging out of me. She didn’t demand a damn thing and she could have—should have. Even with the unknown paternity floating in the air like smoke, she didn’t ask for anything more than my time.

  Maybe that was why I wanted to grab onto her. To never let go.

  I’d done what was right when I’d gotten Katherine pregnant. But it had never felt right. Even standing at the altar of the small church my parents belonged to had been hot and uncomfortable. Seeing her waiting for me at the end of the aisle had reinforced my sense of duty and not much else.

  None of the same feelings rolled through me when it came to Kelsey. Being responsible was only a small part of the amalgam of emotions battling for space inside me. Peace, urgent need, and the desire to make her mine were all battling for control.

  In the car, she’d stirred that feeling of rightness inside me. But in such a short time, how could she offer me the peace I’d been searching for?

  It didn’t make sense.

  When we sat down, she smiled up at the waiter and ordered water with extra lime. So very Kelsey. Simple with a side of tart. Just like her distractible mouth.

  “Whatever you have on tap is fine for me,” I murmured. I didn’t even care about the beer. I just wanted the guy to scram.

  Before I could even think about it, words were tumbling out of my mouth. “Marry me, Kelsey.”

  “What?” Her golden-brown eyes went huge. “We didn’t even order.”

  I blinked. “That’s your answer?”

  “No. I mean, of course not.”


  She fumbled across the table for my hand, but the damn waiter was already heading back with our drinks. I growled and pulled my hands under the table to fist them on my legs.

  “Can I get you an appetizer or anything? Or do you need a few minutes to look—”

  The growl in my chest must have escaped because the waiter suddenly took a step back. “I’ll come back.”

  Kelsey smiled up at him. “That’d be great.” She leaned forward as soon as he disappeared. “What did you just ask me?”

  “I think you heard me,” I said between gritted teeth.

  “No, I couldn’t have. Because you didn’t just sit down and ask me to marry you.”

  “I did.”

  She blinked again. Her eyes were more like an owl’s now. Stupidly cute. “Why?”

  I was so fucking this up. I hadn’t even meant to blurt that out. And maybe she didn’t want to marry me. Maybe I was good enough to be with and have a baby with, but not be bound to.

  Because forever felt huge and impossibly right in my head. Maybe she didn’t feel the same way.

  “I…” Words wouldn’t come. I wasn’t a word guy, but I knew I was fumbling this. “I don’t care if the kid is mine biologically. In my head, it’s mine. In my head, you’re already both mine. Let me take care of you, Kelsey. I know it’s fast, but it’s right.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “You’d do that? For me? You don’t have to.”

  I came around the table and knelt beside her. Suddenly, the conversations around us went quiet. Unnerved, I almost went back to my seat, but I had to get this out. “I know I don’t have to. I want to. If you’ll have me. I know I come as a package.”

  She cupped my cheek. “So do I.”

  “We can figure this out together.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I reached up and slid my fingers through her silky hair to the back of her neck and dragged her down to me. Obviously, I wasn’t making
myself clear. “Marry me,” I said against her lips. Her scent surrounded me and that calm came over me. The quiet sureness that I’d only experienced a few times in my life.

  When Weston had been placed in my arms.

  When I’d driven a perfect race.

  And right now.

  Tears fell down her cheeks in earnest now, but she nodded.

  “Words, Kel.”



  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  I buried my face in her neck and breathed in that citrusy scent of hers I loved so much. That was probably very true. “I’ll risk it.”

  “How am I supposed to eat a steak now? I’m blubbering all over you and the table.” Her voice went down to a whisper. “Everyone’s staring at us.”

  I leaned back and stood up, twisting her fingers with mine. “She said yes.”

  Kelsey squeaked behind me. I looked down at her. “No backing out now.”

  The room clapped and the waiter came back with a huge smile on his face. “Champagne?”

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. “How about two steaks with the works, two baked potatoes with all the fixings?” I dug out my credit card and turned to her. “Sound good?”

  She nodded.

  “Oh, and to go.”

  She dashed away the tears. “Definitely to go.”

  The waiter nodded and took my card. “We’ll put a rush on it.”

  I tugged her up and even though my skin crawled from all the stares, the delight on her face was worth it. I kissed her in the middle of the restaurant, and the clapping faded as she melted into me.

  I drew away and helped her back into her seat. I dropped into mine across from her, but didn’t let go of her hand.

  “I can’t believe you did that. Were you...I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Neither was I or I would have had a ring.”

  Her eyes went wide again. “You don’t have to do that.”

  I resisted the urge to growl. I wanted a ring on her damn finger. I wanted everyone to know she was mine, even if she had to get used to the idea.

  Surprisingly, I didn’t need to. For the first time in days, my shoulders didn’t ache and my head didn’t pound with anger and unease.

  I glanced at the porch through the window beside us. Twinkle lights were still strung up on the pergola stretched across the outdoor dining area. The tables had been stored away for the upcoming winter, but there were large heaters set out on the four-seasons patio. Right now, no one was taking advantage of it. Too many singles were mingling at the bar, not to mention all the late dinners being consumed. But I wanted to be alone with her.

  With my fiancée.

  After a failed marriage like mine, I should have been quaking in my boots about getting tied to a woman. If you had asked me a few months ago if I wanted to get married again, I would have yelled hell no. Until this crazy redhead across from me had blown into my world.

  I stood and took her hand. She gave me a quizzical look, but followed me.

  I nodded to the bartender to make sure the patio wasn’t locked. Jackson Gideon flashed me a wicked grin and waved me off. He was a good guy and I’d fleeced him plenty of times at the Spinning Wheel’s pool table.

  Sometimes being in a small town had its perks.

  I opened the door and tugged her close.

  “It’s not exactly deck weather,” she said, eyes wide.

  “I’ll keep you warm.”

  Kelsey flushed. “Of that I have no doubt.” Soft music filtered out from the dining room as the hum of conversation faded.

  I twirled her once, then back against me. Her breasts grazed my chest as she slid her hands under my sports jacket and around my back. “Still surprises me you dance.”

  “I don’t seem the type?”

  She shook her head and giggled quietly. “Sure.”

  “I seem to remember you have been surprised with my skills a number of times. Maybe I like to keep you on your toes.”

  “You sure do.” Her other hand sneaked up to play with the closely shorn hair along the nape of my neck. I closed my eyes and swayed with her for a minute.

  She rested her cheek against my chest and her soft breath teased between the buttons of my flannel shirt. I expected her to be bubbling with questions and wedding talk, but she seemed to need a bit of quiet too.

  It wasn’t tense, or awkward.

  For a moment, we were just us. Not expectant parents with a host of worries coming at us. Not near strangers willing to be tied together because of a little life we hadn’t seen coming.

  Just Kelsey Ford and Dare Kramer.



  “Are you sure?”

  I tipped her chin up. “About this? Yeah. I’m sure.” I lowered my mouth to hers and forced myself to stay gentle. Emotions ran hot and wild when it came to this woman, but I was determined to show her we weren’t just hard, fast orgasms in between busy schedules.

  I could be more than that.

  “Come home with me. Let me show you.”

  A soft and sweet, almost shy smile lit up her face. “Yeah.”

  I drew her back into the restaurant. It seemed even louder now, but there was a bag waiting for us and the check in a folder with my card. I dashed off a good tip, bundled her into her jacket, and passed her the freakishly large bag she always carried. It seemed as if she had purses in every color of the rainbow.

  I grabbed the white dinner sack and hustled her through the dining room to the front door. Once the food was loaded along with my precious cargo, I hurried around to the driver’s side.

  “Half the town is going to know by tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. Problem with that?” I asked as I buckled in.

  “No.” Her smile flashed in the darkness as I pulled out of the parking lot. “Do you mind if I tell the girls?”

  “Go ahead.”

  She dug out her phone and her fingers flew over the keys as we made the ten-minute drive to my house. I thought about going to her apartment, but I had a sitter for Wes and didn’t want to dash off when our skin cooled for once.

  I wanted her with me tonight.

  All night.

  “Sage sent a gif with Beyoncé.”


  She laughed. “If you like it, you better put a ring on it.”

  “Only Sage.”

  “And now that song is stuck in my head.” Her phone buzzed incessantly for five straight minutes between giggles before she tucked it back in her bag. She dashed away tears again and leaned into me. “They’re happy for me.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want to have to outrun a pregnant Sage and her mini-Viking crazy sidekick.”

  A delighted laugh filled my car. “And that’s an accurate picture of them.”

  She sat up straight as she realized we weren’t heading for Main Street. Similar houses lined the maze of my development. They weren’t new townhouses anymore. Just old enough to have issues—as I was learning with the house I’d bought after Katherine high-tailed it out of town.

  I pulled around to the small garage attached to the house. I didn’t take my car out too often. In fact, I usually left it at my parents’ house since they had a three-car garage, but I’d wanted to show her I was more than just a grease monkey with a beat-up truck.

  “Your house is so nice.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not much, but it’s mine. Well, and the bank’s.”

  She touched my arm. “Don’t say things like that. I certainly don’t have a house. And you did this all on your own to take care of Wes.”

  I leaned over the console between us and kissed her. It got hotter than I wanted. Showing her I wasn’t just a mindless animal when I got around her was far harder than I thought it would be. I forced myself to slow it down, to go easy with her.

  When I pulled back, the dazed look in her eyes riled my dick again. That slightly lost, vulnerable softness to her face always
did me in and made me want to push for more. To hear the little sounds she made when she was under me, breaking apart for me.

  I eased away and tipped my forehead to hers. “Pray for us that Wes actually went to sleep for the babysitter.”

  “And if he didn’t, we’ll just get him to bed.”

  I nodded. “I’d like to tell him tomorrow. Together.”

  She swallowed. “I’d like that.”

  “Good.” I got out and gathered our food. She pushed open her door before I could come around to do it for her. She was taking in the slightly shabby grass of my side yard and scatter of toys Wes never seemed to put away no matter how many times I asked.

  Instead of sighing impatiently, she hauled up his bike with training wheels and set it against the stairs. “Looks like Wes has a really nice life here, Dare.”

  I grunted. “I do what I can for him.”

  “I know you do. And he’s a well-adjusted kid. And I’m not just saying that as his teacher. He’s still a handful, but I think he’s just one of those kids who has energy to spare.”

  “Tell me about it. Why I’m crossing my fingers, Michelle, the babysitter, was able to get him to go down.”

  “It sounds quiet.”

  We climbed the stairs to my little porch. I eased her along the right side to miss the squeaky part of the third stair. I unlocked the door and gently set the bag inside the door. Michelle popped up off the couch in the living room.

  “Oh, Mr. Kramer, I wasn’t expecting you for a few more hours.”

  “We decided we wanted a quiet night in instead.” I reached for my wallet and pulled out a few twenties. “Is he asleep?”

  “Animal Planet and three books later, he finally passed out with his flashlight in hand.”

  “Gotta power up those glow in the dark stickers,” I said ruefully.

  “You got it. He was great tonight though. Played kickball with the kids, so he’s down for the count.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks for babysitting tonight. Oh, and this is my…” How much did you tell a babysitter before it was too much info?

  “I’m Kelsey.” She stepped forward and held out her hand.

  Michelle glanced from me to her and then back again with a wide grin. “Huh. Hope you two have a good night.”


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