The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series)

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The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series) Page 39

by Calinda B

  “I’m waiting to hear you tell me that you’re leaving me. I will still be soul bound to you, but I’ll have to protect you from afar.”

  “Did I look like I needed protection tonight?” she teased.

  “When that guy grabbed your ankle, yes. The rest of the time you did just fine. Still…”

  “Still. I am not leaving you, Daniel Navid. I was told that I had to chop off your and El Demonio’s heads to free Josephina. My arm was mid-air, and I might have done it, but I’m pretty sure I would have choked at the last second.”

  “And at least left it semi-attached, huh?” Daniel rubbed his neck. “No matter. So are you telling me, that in spite of all you heard, saw, and felt, you’re willing to still give me a try?”

  “More than ever, Daniel. I told you, just call me crazy.”

  “That goes without saying.” He reached the landing and he swiftly turned and wrapped her in his arms. Burying his face in her hair he said, “I thought I’d never get to hold you again. I thought you’d be dead or I’d be dead or worse.”

  “What could be worse than dead?”

  “Whatever Josephina was, that’s what. I’ll sure be glad to get to the bottom of that story. But first…” He leaned back and pinned her against the wall with his delicious gaze.

  This time, she melted into the pinning, yielding in surrender to his charms. Light softly seeped from her skin, creating a warm, rosy glow. She returned his gaze, passionately, fiercely, silently communing with him in intimate openness. The heat stirred in her nether region, consuming her with need and lust.

  “I almost lost you tonight.” Daniel practically growled his angst.

  “You almost died, too,” she responded, a sob threatening to burst from her throat.

  Daniel fused his lips to hers, backing her against the corridor wall, pinning her hands over her head against the glistening stone. His mouth plundered hers, ravenous, hungry, like a desperate man.

  Marissa ground her hips against his hard cock, dragging her sharp nails along his back. Breaking the kiss, she gasped, “I might not be able to wait until we’ve showered.”

  “Me, neither. Let’s get dirtier. There’s time enough to clean off the grime.” He plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, growling his satisfaction.

  She sucked the hot, slippery length filling her mouth.

  He disengaged from the kiss, breathing hard. “What’s this I taste, goddess? Wine, bourbon, and hints of cigar?”

  “I was playing a part.” She clawed at his waistband, beside herself with need.

  “I see,” he said, drawing to her lips as if magnetically pulled, forcing apart her mouth with his tongue. He came up for air, swallowing hard. “It tastes like it was a very fine cigar.”

  “One of Brazil’s finest,” she said, grappling with his silver belt buckle, her fingers frantic.

  “Will I have to purchase fine cigars now?”

  She scoffed. “No. I told you I was playing a part.” She yanked his zipper down and tugged at his jeans, her fingers seeking his throbbing erection. “What if I’d lost you?”

  “Then we wouldn’t be doing this.” He grabbed the front of her shirt and ripped it in two, the sound splitting the air like a ragged cry. He worked her bra underneath her breasts. The taut, lacey fabric held them aloft, pointing toward his eager mouth. “And what part did you play?” He took one erect nipple into his mouth and sucked in desperate pulls.

  “The wanton seductress,” she moaned, seizing his thick hair. She wound her fingers through his locks and wrenched, making him suck to the point of pain.

  He released her nipple and squeezed her breasts together with his strong hands. “How did you do?” He slid his mouth and tongue back and forth from one nipple to the other.

  “I excelled.” She panted and dug her fingernails into his scalp. “And now it’s my turn. Off with ‘em.” She slid down the solid, polished wall and put one hand on either side of his jeans, dragging his pants to the floor, releasing his swollen cock. Crouching before him, she ran her tongue up and down the length of him, causing his erection to jerk in response. His scent was sweaty and dirty. She paused, inhaling, her nostrils flaring. “Oh, God, I love the way you smell.”

  He scoffed and took her head between his palms. “Anything for you, goddess.” He positioned her mouth around his throbbing heat and began rocking in and out.

  She sucked, clenching his length with one hand, stroking his jewels with the other.

  “Yes, goddess, yes. Oh, God,” he moaned. “I’m going to come in your mouth. Wait. Hold up. Come up here instead.” He helped her to standing and ripped the remaining clothes from her body. Next, he gripped her thighs with his rough palms, guiding her up to his hips. “Wrap your legs around me, Light Rebel. I’ll show you some pretty sweet magic, cariño.” Shifting side to side, he taunted the edge of her opening with the tip of his cock.

  “Inside, Daniel. I want you inside.”

  “Such an impatient one, you are. You want this?” He slid the tip just inside, supporting her legs with his strong hands.


  “You want this?” He thrust, letting his length penetrate just a little deeper.

  “Yes,” she breathed. She flexed her core muscles in anticipation.

  “You want this?” He slid a little deeper.

  “Ah, yes, I want that.”

  “Let’s think about this,” he teased. He withdrew until he poised at her slick opening again and rested his forehead on hers.

  Her inner muscles clenched and released, clenched and released. She dug her fingers into his muscled ass. “Daniel, I’m going to explode if you don’t give it to me.”

  “We can’t have that now, can we?” His cock glided into her core. “Enough talk,” he growled into her ear. “I’m ready to love you, cariño. I’m ready to love you for the rest of my life.”

  Chapter 42

  Marissa and Daniel had sweaty, messy, sloppy love on the landing. They’d explored sweet, tender ‘let’s get clean’ love in the huge open shower stall. They’d lain on the bed, and Daniel had rested his cock inside her, just looking at her. She’d felt loved, seen, heard, adored, loved some more, and completely sated. Finally, they’d drifted to sleep and into the white.

  “Welcome, Light Rebel,” an elderly voice croaked.

  Marissa blinked. “Can you see me?” She reached out and grasped Daniel’s hand.

  “Yes, dear-heart, we can see you. You are welcome here now.”

  “Thank you.” She looked around at the gathering. Tom and Crazy Betty were here. Tom appeared weak as he leaned against Betty. At least he was upright. There were a few she’d seen before. Numerous others circled her. They smiled, glowered, and stared in her direction. “I have a few questions – quite a few.”

  “I’m sure you do, but this is not the time for questions,” the crone answered.

  Daniel rolled his eyes and whispered in her ear. “Procedure. It’s always about procedure with this group.”

  “Have something you care to share, Night Numen?”

  “Nothing I haven’t said already.”

  Heavy footsteps pounded, slow and sure. An ancient, wizened woman appeared through the white mist, carrying a large, leather-bound book. She dropped the book and a podium appeared instantly to support it. It landed with a solid thump as puffs of white vapor swirled all around it. Gnarled fingers slowly flipped the pages, and rheumy eyes peered through wrinkled flesh, scanning the parchment pages carefully.

  “Who is that?” Marissa whispered.

  “She’s the Keeper of Time and Records,” Daniel whispered back. “Version 5.1.1.”

  Marissa’s eyebrows flew up her forehead. “What?”

  The elder lifted her head and secured her gaze solidly on Marissa.

  Marissa humbled at the scrutiny. She remembered looking into the eyes of a humpback whale once, while snorkeling in Mexico. The enormous leviathan had just made its way over to her in the sea, completely freaking her out, and looked at
her. The mystery and wisdom conveyed in that huge eye was similar to what she experienced now.

  The elder nodded and dropped her eyes back to the book. Her fingers skimmed the pages as she read. Finally, she lifted her head once more and fixed her gaze on Daniel. “Night Numen.”

  He stiffened and sat up, releasing Marissa’s hand.

  “Your reckless folly played a part in all this destruction. Many lives have been lost because of it.”

  “They were El Demonio’s evil minions!” he spluttered. “I did what was right!”

  Her hand lifted slowly, and she patted the air in front of her. “Quiet.”

  Daniel stilled. His lips squashed in a thin line.

  The old woman continued. “Some of the lives were those of innocents. This wouldn’t have happened if you had let Josephina go when she threw herself off the edge of the cliff. She believed that to be her only recourse. She loved you both. You were insisting that she choose. She could not.”

  Daniel took a deep breath. The muscles in his jaw tensed. “He ensorcelled her,” he said in a low, menacing voice.

  “He loved her, just as you did. He was only doing what he thought was right.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “It’s true. Each of you wanted her for yourself. Each of you was certain that you were the chosen. Each of you bound her within the elements that you were most familiar with. For you, it was dark metal, captured where light could not penetrate. For Alexander Díaz, it was water, where light could be refracted into illusion. You were both foolish. Alexander has paid his price. Yours is yet to be decided upon.”

  Daniel glowered and looked at his feet. “More restraint,” he muttered. “More punishment and restraint.”

  “Quiet.” Minutes passed before the ancient spoke again. “Your bravery was most impressive. Your willingness to be sacrificed at the hand of your beloved is most noble. This will be taken into account, too.”

  Daniel lifted his head and met her eyes, his countenance softer.

  “You are a brave and ferocious warrior, Daniel Navid. He who commands darkness is not to be taken lightly. You are learning, child.”

  It was weird to hear Daniel being called a child. Marissa sat in awe of this ancient being. The old woman’s head turned to her.

  “As for you, child, welcome.”

  She beamed at Marissa making her feel like a little kid in the sunshine of a splendid day. “Thank you,” she said demurely.

  “You’ve been dealt a harsh hand. Life has not been kind to you.”

  Marissa cast her eyes downward.

  “But you’ve found your way back to your Light Rebel self. I’m proud of you.”

  Marissa had never been more pleased. Hearing a compliment from this strange, mysterious elder was the best gift she could ever receive – next to Daniel, that is.

  “We have a lot to discuss.” The elder scanned the circle of onlookers. “You need much more training,” she said to Marissa. “Tom’s guidance won’t be enough. You need consequences,” she said to Daniel. “You command much more power than any of us ever anticipated. And your father needs to be brought to justice. His hand has played heavily in all this.”

  Daniel nodded somberly.

  “But for now, you’re dismissed.” She lifted a wrinkled hand and brushed it through the air. “We’ll let you know when we’ve made our decisions.”

  In the next instance, Marissa’s eyes opened, and she blinked. She lay next to Daniel, in the bed in the house on the Brazilian hilltop.

  His blue eyes met hers. He smiled, stroked her hair from her face, and gave her a tender, gentle kiss on her extremely bruised lips.

  “So what do we do now?” She fingered a ragged tear on his cheek. She’d done the best she could cleaning and dressing his wounds once they’d finished their love play.

  “We wait. We get up, eat breakfast, get out of here, and we wait. They’ll let us know when they’re good and ready.”

  “You’ve been through this before, huh?”

  “Many times,” he said, pushing back the covers. “Let’s go see what we can rustle up in El Demonio’s pantry. I’m famished.”

  Marissa rolled out of bed and padded over to the window, fearful of what she would see. She jerked when she gazed out the window. All she saw was a sparkling pool, sunlight dancing along the surface, and an abundantly diverse garden. Chattering monkeys and noisy parrots conducted their daily business in the distant trees. “Where did all the dead men go? Where’s all the carnage?”

  “Should I have left it there?” Daniel made his way over to her. He rested an arm around her shoulders. “Decay happens in the dark. I command the dark. I just sped up the process, that’s all.”

  “Wow.” Her vision filled with the horrid bloody sights of the night before. “You’re a whiz at recycling and composting.”

  “Not me, dulzura. My dark little friends.” He gave her a rueful smile.

  “What happened to El Demonio?”

  “He was consumed as well. I suspect his death by Josephina’s crystal dagger was no accident. I imagine they’re souls are conjoined now. He has what he wanted at last.” He pulled Marissa close. “As do I.”

  “Mmm, me, too.”

  “And now, let’s eat, goddess.”

  “What are you going to wear? You can’t exactly trounce downstairs like that.” She swept her eyes over his luscious, bronze, sculpted body.

  “Guys like me come prepared. Sober, fetch,” he said to the sparkling dog.

  Sober leapt to his feet and scrambled away. He returned several minutes later holding a satchel in his mouth, his tail wagging madly.

  “Spare clothes,” Daniel said, reaching down to pat the Doberman’s head. “Hidden near a tree down the hill.”

  “Guys like you are smart.”

  “Sometimes. Sometimes guys like me get it right.”

  Once dressed, they wandered down to the dining area. Tom and Crazy Betty had left a note on the table. “We’ll be flying home after the ether meeting. We’re afraid it’s going to be a long one. See you back in Seattle.”

  Amalia’s head peeked out of the kitchen doors. Seeing them, she raced down the hall to where they stood. She smiled and chattered eagerly to Daniel.

  After she’d hustled back to the kitchen, Daniel turned to Marissa, a huge grin on his handsome face. “What do you know? You now own a coffee plantation.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope. It was in El D’s will. He left it all to you - this home, all his estates, the coffee plantation – all of it.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Do you want it? We could sell it.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve got a lot of bad memories here.” She brought her hand to her chin. “But there are a lot of good people here who need to be treated with respect and kindness.” She sighed. “It will take a lot of work, but let’s do it. I still want to keep my home in Seattle, though. I like that place. And since I was probably fired, I’ll need to get another job.” She looked up at Daniel and laughed.

  “Ugh. Cara. Good riddance.” He made a sour face. “As you wish, dulzura. It’s done then.”

  They both looked up to see Jason sauntering out of the kitchen, holding Renata’s hand. “Hey, baby-doll. I hear you’ve inherited all this. You’ll need a manager or something to keep it running smoothly.”

  “And would that be you?” She glared at him.

  “Why not? I know a thing or two about managing people.”

  “I’m afraid not, baby-doll.” She leaned over to whisper in Daniel’s ear.

  He nodded and headed for the kitchen.

  “You’ll be escorted off the property in a few minutes. I don’t ever want to see your slimy face again.”

  “What?” Jason spluttered. “After all I’ve done for you?”

  “After all you’ve done for me it’s the least I could do.” She smiled to see two very large Brazilian guards striding down the hall in front of Daniel. “Ba bye! I
t’s been swell knowing you!”

  They each seized one of Jason’s arms and forcefully guided him toward the door.

  “Hey! What am I going to do in Brazil all by myself? I only know the girls around here and on the plantation! You’ve got to let me stay!”

  “You’ll think of something, I’m positive. You’ve always been resourceful.”

  She turned to Daniel and smiled. “I think I’m going to like being in charge for once.”

  “And I think you’ll do an excellent job being in charge.” He held out a chair for her to sit down. “My love…”

  After breakfast, she, Daniel, and Sober wandered through the upstairs bedroom. Marissa gathered up the jewels that had spilled to the floor and been kicked underneath the dresser. “At least I didn’t lose these. Amalia helped me get them back.” She blew a tiny ball of dust off the splendor in her hands.

  “We’ll have to reward her. And I’m going to have to put those on your beautiful body all over again. And, when I’m fully sated after fucking you, I’m going to insert a ruby embellished egg right here.” He reached down between her legs and softly stroked.

  “Mmm. That will help me remember you when you’ve gone off to do whatever it is you do. What do you do anyway?”

  “I’ll get back to you,” he said quickly.

  “More mysteries?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Daniel…” She gave him a disapproving glare.

  He shrugged. “It’s how I’m wired, what can I say? I wouldn’t want to be all predictable or anything. You’d be bored.”

  “I doubt that.” She scanned the room. “Shall we be on our way? I need to take care of more than a few things back home before we come back here.”

  “Like dealing with your sisters and aunt?”

  “Exactly.” She cracked her knuckles, causing sparks to flare from her joints. She clenched and unclenched her hands. “It’s going to be a whole new ballgame; I can assure you of that.”

  “I thought you didn’t like baseball?”

  “Did I say that? Whatever. Things are going to be different, that’s all I know.” She sauntered out onto the balcony with Daniel and Sober close behind. She scanned the skies, looking for a bright spot of light. “Chiara,” she called. “Come.”


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