Magic and Mayhem: Witch With An Axe To Grind (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 4)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witch With An Axe To Grind (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 4) Page 9

by Isabel Micheals

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you. You’re killing me right now. Please don’t cry,” Alec murmured to her in an effort to help her calm down. “Everyone’s okay. We’re back at the farmhouse. Safe and sound.”

  “I’m… so… tired… Alec,” Sophie said between sobbing hiccups.

  “I know, baby. I know,” Alec said in a gentle voice, as he continued to rock her in his lap.

  “The pain was horrible. I don’t know if I have anything left to fight Serena,” Sophie murmured.

  “Sophie. Look at me,” he demanded. “I know you’ve had a shitty couple of months. To be honest, it was probably more like living in Hell for the past couple of years, given that your father was Jacob. However, I know with everything in my being that you will defeat her. You’re honest, full of gumption, and the sexiest damn woman I’ve ever seen. I fell in love the moment I laid eyes on you and it didn’t have a damn thing to do with the fact that we’re mates. Your heart and soul is pure light, and we both know that light always conquers evil. You can do this. We will do this because I’ll be by your side, protecting what’s mine the entire time. And make no mistake about it Little One, you are mine. You belong to me, and I belong to you. There’s no spell in the entire universe that will ever change that. Understand.”

  It took a few moments for everything Alec had just professed to sink in, but eventually Sophie nodded in agreement. She could see why he was the Alpha of the pack. His fierce determination, unwavering faith, and unconditional love for her rolled off him in waves. She had never felt anything like it in her entire life. He energized her. Made her believe not only in herself, but also in them. She wouldn’t let them down, especially when everyone they loved were willing to risk their lives for her.

  With her confidence renewed, she gave him a sweet kiss on the lips and said, “I love you, Alec Stone. I’m not sure when it happened, but I’m glad that it did. Thank you for being my friend, my confidant, and my shoulder to lean on. I’ve never had that in my life.”

  “It was my pleasure. I love you too, Sophie. Are you ready to kick some butt?”

  “With you. Always,” she replied.

  * * *

  Serena knew the instant her spell had been broken. “I’m going to make that mouse of a witch pay once and for all. I’m going to make them all pay for betraying me,” she swore, as her eyes transitioned from a vibrant amber color to jet black, as she began harnessing the Dark Magic coursing through her veins.

  It felt good to finally unleash the beast in all its glory. Her once beautiful, blonde hair was now an oily black and looked like it was being controlled by electricity the way it sprouted out in multiple directions atop her head. Her fingernails had grown long and deadly, as they too were covered in what looked like jet black fingernail polish. Her sultry lips were covered in black lipstick and her golden skin was now a pale white. In a nanosecond, she had transitioned from a wanna be sexy, California beach blonde to a Goth like Edward Scissorhands.

  The small cottage she lived in literally shook from her rage, but she didn’t care. She had a score to settle with a meddling witch, who was going to wish she had never been born by the time she was done claiming her revenge. The power coursing through her veins was addictive and when this was all over, she be feared and revered by everyone in the magical community, which was just fine with her. It was time for a change of leadership and she knew just the candidate.

  * * *

  Sophie walked out of her bathroom from freshening up, looked Alec directly in the eyes and in a serene voice said, “She coming.”

  “Good. Let’s take care of her once and for all,” Alec replied, reaching for her hand and escorting her out of the bedroom. One way or another, this would be over.

  Phoebe, Zara, and Zoe were already in place, as well as the others when Sophie and Alec rejoined everyone in the living room. Once again, an inner circle had been created and the only two spots that needed filling were theirs. Roger, Armand, Iggy, and Lola had been placed in a protective force field by Zeva. Mikhail, Nicolai, Stefano, Max and Jax watched over them, as well as the inner circle.

  Although it seemed like Sophie and Alec had been in the bedroom for hours, in reality, it had only been a matter of minutes. The moment the wolves began to howl, Sophie knew their nemesis had arrived for her pound of flesh. The windows shattered and the doors of the old farmhouse were blown off their hinges, but that didn’t deter Sophie. She quickly made eye contact with Phoebe and they began the chant.

  Earth, Air, Water, and Fire,

  I call upon thee to help quench an evil witch's desire.

  The misery she has created is now returned,

  Her days of spreading evil are no longer our concern.

  From the left corner of her eye, Sophie could see Stefano and Nicolai had created a barrier in front of Zeva who was currently focusing on maintain the force field that was surrounding Roger, Armand, Iggy and Lola. But instead of shifting into their panther form, they were wielding magenta fire balls at Serena with only mild success. When a bolt of Dark Magic clipped Stefano on the shoulder, Zara bellowed in anger and somehow stopped the rod of lightning that was aimed directly at her mate’s heart.

  “Nothing is happening. We need to focus more of our power into the spell,” she finally yelled.

  With renewed determination, Sophie closed her eyes and continued chanting.

  Since she has brought unfairness to thee,

  I summon the elements to invoke justice for me.

  Blinded by power, blinded by hate,

  Revoke her Dark Magic and seal her fate.

  They were two-thirds through the spell when Sophie heard Claire yell, “Jasper. No.”

  When she opened her eyes, the wolf was whimpering on the floor beside Claire. He had been hit by a lightning rod of Dark Magic on the side, which had turned his silver, grayish coat crimson red . It looked as though Serena had been trying to take out Claire, but he jumped in front of the black lightning bolt to protect her.

  “Focus everyone,” Phoebe commanded. We’ve almost completed the first cycle of the spell. It’s working. I can feel it. Believe it or not, her powers are waning.”

  Sophie took in another deep breath and did as she was told because everyone’s lives depended on it.

  Three times three, I command you to reverse the hex on thee,

  And return it to its rightful owner, three-fold just for me.

  So mote it be!

  When they had made it through the spell once, they immediately started again. The more they chanted, the weaker Serena became and the more she screamed out in frustration. They were about to repeat the spell for a third time when Sophie noticed a rainbow cloud of power swirling above them just waiting to attack the Dark Magic. She knew this would be the last time and it was do or die.

  “This is it everyone. Focus all of your energy into the spell and we’ll be able to take her out. This is our last chance. The Dark Magic is at its most vulnerable point right now. We need to fight for everything in this world that’s right,” Sophie demanded.

  Channeling everything they had into defeating Serena, they began chanting the spell for the final time.

  Earth, Air, Water, and Fire,

  I call upon thee to help quench an evil witch's desire.

  The misery she has created is now returned,

  Her days of spreading evil are no longer our concern.

  Since she has brought unfairness to thee,

  I summon the elements to invoke justice for me.

  Blinded by power, blinded by hate,

  Revoke her Dark Magic and seal her fate.

  Three times three, I command you to reverse the hex on thee,

  And return it to its rightful owner, three-fold just for me.

  So mote it be!

  Once again, tears streamed down Sophie’s face as the pain became unbearable, but she would not give up because Alec, Sarah and her new friends’ lives depended on her. She thought about everything her maniacal father had
done over the years. How he had killed all of those witches to amass more power. How he had held Phoebe hostage in order to steal her Dark Magic. How he tried to steal’s Sarah’s immortality. How he tried to kill her. But what really ramped up her anger, was when she thought about how he murdered her mother right in front her. She was only a child, but he was sick enough to think he was teaching her lesson.

  She aimed all of her pain, anguish, frustration, and heartbreak toward Serena and let it rip. Her scream shattered the remaining windows in the farmhouse. When the rainbow cloud of power collided with Serena’s Dark Magic, it was like a sonic boom.

  Three times three, I command you to reverse the hex on thee,

  And return it to its rightful owner, three-fold just for me.

  So mote it be!

  Once Sophie had spoken the last three lines of the spell for the final time, the Dark Magic quickly reversed itself and entered its rightful owner.

  Alec watched in horror as the Dark Magic boomeranged and headed straight for his mate. When he went to jump in front of her, Phoebe grabbed his wrist and mouthed the words “No. It’s her destiny.”

  He had no idea what in the Hell the witch was talking about. All he knew was that his wolf wanted to roar with anger. How could the Goddess and Fates not protect her? How could he have not protected her? How would he live without her?

  When he turned and saw Serena trying to slink away, his wolf immediately pounced. She was going to pay for destroying his life. This was all her fault. Her greed for power and vengeance had just cost him everything; and he was done playing nice. She was fast, but he was faster and caught her before she could escape the living room. His wolf was just about to execute justice by ripping out her jugular, when he heard his mate’s voice.

  “Alec. No. I’m okay. She’s not worth it. If you kill her, you’ll never recover and we’ll never be able to be together. Please don’t my love. You saved me once. Now, let me return the favor. Turn around and look at me,” Sophie demanded.

  Instinctively, he dropped Serena’s whimpering body on the floor and turned to see his mate who was slowly walking toward him. The Dark Magic had entwined with several of the colors in her rainbow power to create a beautiful Gold aura around her. She looked like an angel. When she touched his shoulder to prove that she was real, his wolf howled again in gratitude.

  Quickly pulling her into his arms, he whispered in her ear, “Thank the Goddess you’re alright. I thought I had lost you. Promise me you’ll never do that to me again, Little One.”

  Relishing in the feel and comfort of the man she loved, Sophie swallowed the lump in her throat and murmured, “I promise. I love you, Alec.”

  “I love you too, Sophie O’Malley. Forever and ever,” he replied before taking her mouth in a fiery kiss that unraveled every pent up desire they had for one another. It was sweet, yet sensual. Smoldering, yet erotic. It was everything he had hoped for and more.


  Alec and Sophie’s intimate moment was suddenly broken when Claire screamed Jasper’s name. In all of the commotion, no one had realized that the wolf hadn’t recovered from the blow he took trying to protect Claire from Serena.

  When Alec and Sophie ran to his aid, they both gasped in horror. Blood was still seeping from his wound and his eyes weren’t opening. Claire was whispering something in his ear and stroking his fur.

  “We need a Healer and now,” Alec yelled, panic and fear evident in his voice.

  Zara and Zoe quickly appeared by his side and began assessing the situation. Zoe was the first to speak. “It looks bad, but let me see what I can do. Everyone, please clear the room. Your emotions are a drain on my powers.”

  Although everyone else left, Alec, Claire and Sophie flat out refused. Claire continued trying to soothe him by scanning his body with lavender magic, while Alec and Sophie sent positive vibes of energy his way.

  Zoe took in several deep breaths to center herself and then emitted a bright purple light from her hands over Jasper’s wound. Sophie could tell from the beading sweat on her temples that healing Jasper was slowly but surely draining her powers. Unfortunately, the big wolf was still as quiet as a mouse.

  Realizing the problem, she gently placed her hand on Zoe’s shoulder and said, “Let’s do it together. He was attacked by Dark Magic, so you’re going to need a little help from someone who also possesses Dark Magic. Zoe simply nodded in agreement and clasped hands with Sophie. Together, the two witches pooled their powers and eventually sealed Jasper’s wound, but the beta hadn’t moved.

  “What’s wrong? Why isn’t he waking up?” Alec demanded.

  “I don’t know,” Zoe replied in a calm voice, hoping that it would help calm the Alpha down.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Alec yelled.

  “Babe. Calm down. We’ve done everything we can for Jasper. The only thing left to do is to make him as comfortable as possible until his body completely heels and he decides to wake up, Sophie said in a soothing voice.

  Lips formed in a tight line, Alec looked into her eyes and finally nodded in agreement. He wasn’t sure what had happened to his best friend and beta, but he sure as hell was going to find out. His instincts told him something wasn’t quite right.

  * * *

  Brittney watched from the bushes with a mixture of fear and anger as Jasper remained unconscious on the floor. When he jumped in front of Serena’s fireball of Dark Magic to save the auburn-haired gypsy, she wanted to strangle him. How could he have so carelessly risked his life over a woman he barely knew? What in the Hades was he thinking? Laughing, she knew what he was thinking with and it wasn’t his big head. So, she’d said a little spell of her own during all of the commotion. It served him right for so easily betraying her and everything they had once meant to one another.

  Revenge is a dish best served cold,

  Your betrayal of me will haunt you three-fold.

  Loss of memory is my first wish,

  It's a punishment I intend to serve in this red dish.

  To choose another is truly unkind,

  So I bind you to your wolf form until I change my mind.

  Three times three, I invoke this hex on thee,

  Oh Goddess on high, hear my plea.

  So mote it be!

  She had to admit that it wasn’t one of her best spells, but she was running short on time and lacked the necessary supplies. However, it would do the trick until she decided how to deal with the betrayal of her ex-lover.

  # # THE END # #

  Note From the Author

  If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a positive review or rating on the site where you purchased it. Reader reviews help my books continue to be valued by resellers and help new readers make decisions about reading them. You are the reason I write these stories and I sincerely appreciate each of you!

  Many thanks for your support,

  ~ Isabel Micheals

  Follow this link to see more books in the Magick & Chaos series.

  Next Book in the series:

  Witchin’ Up A Spell

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  Amazing Magic & Mayhem Authors


  Robyn Peterman

  Barbara Annino

  Michele Bardsley

  Deanna Chase

  Saranna DeWylde

  Renee George

  Heather Long

  Cherie Marks

  Monette Michaels

  Isabel Micheals

  Julia Mills

  Virginia Nelson

  Teresa Reasor

  Jordan K. Rose

  DC Thome

  Book List


  Laura & Mike – Book 1 (Available for 99 cents)



  The Wedding
Chaos – Book 1

  The Wedding Chase – Book 2 (Coming in 2017)

  The Wedding Bet – Book 3 (Coming in 2017)



  A Witch Possessed – Book 1

  Witch ‘N Fire – Book 2

  Witchin’ You’re A Dragon – Book 3


  Confessions of Planner Addict (Coming 2017)

  Reforming a Planner Addict (Coming 2018)


  Christmas Lullabies (Coming July 7, 2017)

  Christmas Temptation (Coming December 2017)


  Love’s Forgiving Heart (Coming July 19. 2017)

  Love’s Unwavering Promise (Coming November 2017)

  About Isabel Micheals

  After years of reading romance novels and getting lost in characters’ worlds, Isabel Micheals finally decided to try her hand at writing. Inspired by Lucy Kevin’s Four Weddings and a Fiasco, she summoned her courage, got to writing, and submitted her first novel, The Wedding Chaos, to Ms. Kevin’s Kindle World. Now she’s been bitten by the writing bug and hopes to make a career of it. Isabel encourages you to join her on this amazing and exciting journey as the characters in her head come to life.

  In addition to her creative side, she’s a geek who loves being whisked away into alternate realities, whether it be contemporary, new adult, young adult, historical, paranormal, or real life. Everyone has a story, so be sure to drop by often and see which stories are keeping Isabel up at night, as she pounds away on the keys writing her next book.


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