A Kiss Before Lying: A BWWM Romance

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A Kiss Before Lying: A BWWM Romance Page 13

by M. Skye

  “What the hell? How could you do this?”

  “Babe, we talked about this and you said you were open to the idea.”

  “Yeah, the idea! Not you going and doing this on your own. How could you bring him here?”

  “I thought this was a good thing. Did I mess up?”

  “No,” she slammed her hands on her desk, “you fucked up. Get him out of here and you leave too.”

  “Draya,” Liam reached out and she held her hand up. “I’m sorry.”

  “Just go,” she shook her head. “You have no idea what you’ve done.”

  “It was my fault.” Snapping her head to the left, she looked at the man who had treated her like an outsider for a little over seven years and a tear escaped her eye.

  “Dad, excuse me when I say this, but fuck your apologies. You don’t know what you did to me and he knows how I feel about you. He knew better, and right now, I don’t want to be around either of you.”

  “Draya,” her dad held his hand out.

  “Get out of my office. Both of you.”

  Watching them leave, sliding down in her chair, Draya let the tears flow freely. She had never been so enraged in all her life, but she also felt bad. She knew Liam was just trying to help her make sense of her feelings, but she couldn’t bring herself to let go of the anger just yet.

  Slipping further into her chair, Draya felt the tears coming a lot stronger and exhaled into the air. She was finding it hard to breathe and her heart rate sped up. Gasping for air, she realized she was having a panic attack. While the room started to spin, she crawled to the floor, holding onto her chest.

  Fearing she was going to pass out there alone, she tried to regain her senses. Reaching for her cell, she knocked it to the floor and it fell out of her grasp. Feeling her body begin to shake, Draya closed her eyes and gave into the darkness and prayed for it to end soon.

  Hearing the door creak open, she looked up from the floor and in an instant, she was swept up. Blinking the tears away, she tried to catch her breath but was met with two fingers against her lips. “Don’t try to talk. Just relax. I’m here for you.”

  Shaking her head, she hissed out. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t worry, Dray. I’m always here.”

  Looking over to the strong man standing beside her, Draya let out a timid smile. “What are you two doing here?”

  Stooping down in front of her, Brittney grabbed her hand and Austin stepped out of the room. “I wanted to talk to you and I brought Austin just in case you tried to kill me. I’m in no position to fight with a crazy woman,” she laughed.

  “Me either,” Draya breathed out. “Things have been so tense, but I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been meaning to call you.”

  “Well, here I am. Let’s talk. Let’s start with why you’ve been avoiding me.”

  Signaling for Brittney to grab her purse, Draya blinked and dug through it. Fishing out the picture Draya held it out and closed her eyes. “I didn’t want to believe this was true, but I recognized the room. Please tell me I’m tripping. Tell me it’s a mistake and you weren’t really in his hotel room.”

  Taking a deep breath, Brittney clutched the picture to her chest. “I can’t tell you that because it would be a lie.”

  “What’s a lie?”

  “I was with him this night, Draya. I was in his hotel room.” The words that left her mouth were like a speeding bus hitting Draya, and she couldn’t believe her ears. Sliding away from Brittney, she felt her breathing shallowing again. “It’s not what you think, Draya, I swear. I was in his room, but it’s not what you think. Something else happened… something I really can’t talk about yet.”

  “Since when do we keep secrets? Why are you lying to me?”

  “I’m not lying, Dray. It’s just a lot and I can’t get into it. You just have to trust that I would never betray you like that. I love you too much.”

  “Why were you there? I need to know,” Draya sobbed.

  “I never meant to hurt you. I never thought you would find out but trust me. Here look,” she pointed to the corner of the picture, “I went to his room, but I wasn’t alone. Austin was there too.”

  Taking the picture, Draya took a closer look and saw the shadow of his arm. “I see him.” Placing her hand on her head, Draya felt a little dizzy and then thought of what this all meant. “If she knew that Austin was there, then she knew you weren’t sleeping with him. She knew... she knew it was me all along.”

  “Who? Where did you get this picture?”

  “Deena,” Draya murmured. “She did this because she knows. She wanted to turn us against each other.”

  “That can never happen. As stubborn as you are, I love you. You are never getting rid of me.”

  “I’m sorry, Britt. I should have known you wouldn’t be sleeping with him. I just wish you felt confident enough to share whatever it is you’re mixed up in with me. Is it your parents?”

  “It’s just a lot, but know that I always have your back. I’m always going to be here for you no matter who is involved, just as I always have.” Listening to her speak, Draya realized Brittney was right. She had always been there and she had never let their friendship fall apart. Brittney had always been her biggest supporter; she never let her down.

  “I was wrong; I’m sorry. I just keep pushing people away, thinking it’s the right thing to do.”

  Wrapping her arms around Draya, Brittney laid her head against the wall. “Who else did you push away, sweetie?”

  “Liam. He brought my dad here and I just freaked out. I kicked him out and I know all he wanted to do is help. He has been so great to me and I think I just blew it.”

  “No, you didn’t,” Brittney, chuckled. “He’s outside waiting for you; I saw him on my way in.”

  “He’s just waiting?”

  “He said he would wait all day if he needed to. The guy is crazy about you.”

  “I’m crazy about him too, Britt. So crazy.”

  “Then go get him.”

  Helping Draya off the floor, Brittney kissed her cheek and pushed her towards the door. Giving Brittney a brief look, Draya smiled and walked towards the front and scanned the room. She was looking for Liam, but all she saw was Austin talking to some of her workers. Dropping her hands to her sides, she looked at the door and saw no one around it. Just when she was about to give up and head back to her office, she turned and slammed into a broad chest.

  “A little clumsy there, aren’t you, beautiful?” Throwing her arms around him, she let out a deep breath and he held her tightly against him. “I shouldn’t have interfered, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” She spoke through her crossed arms. “I’m glad you didn’t leave.”

  “I wasn’t going anywhere. I’m your ride,” he laughed. “But seriously, I’m sorry. I guess I’ll have to make this up to you.”

  “You don’t have to do anything but be here,” she held him tighter. Looking towards the exit, she swept the room looking for her father. “Where is he?”

  “He went to his hotel. He rented a car when he got here and I was going to take you both to dinner, but I understand if you don’t want to.”

  “Did you bring him here or did he come on his own?”

  “He came to town on his own, but I brought him here. I found him at your place earlier.”

  “How does he know where I live?”

  “I’m not sure, babe. Are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  “Your appointment. I’m going to take you there and then we can go back to your place. I have something nice waiting for you.”

  “Is it something big or something small?”

  “It’s big, sweetheart. You’re going to love it.”

  “Surprises, surprises,” she grinned. “I love your surprises.”

  “And I love surprising you.” He kissed her forehead, pulling her towards the door.

  Chapter Thirteen: Making Peace

  “Come here, baby,” Liam called out from
his place in the living room. He and Draya had spent the night at his place because she just wasn’t comfortable being at home after discovering that her dad knew where she lived and that Deena was aware of the affair. He wanted to make her feel better about things, but she was shaken up. As much as he hated it, he understood because she wasn’t sure who was messing with her.

  While Liam was convinced Alea had a hand in some of the acts of vandalism, Draya was convinced that her accidents and mishaps were a tag team collaboration by Deena and Damien. Honestly, she wasn’t sure which one of them to be more suspicious of.

  “Yes, Liam. What’s going on?”

  “You remember that surprise I had set up for you last night?”


  “Well, you didn’t get it and I really want you to. I had your place ready for a nice relaxing night, so you’re going to get that tonight.” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he dipped his head to her shoulder and inhaled her scent. Brushing his lips against her neck, he slid his hands down to massage her shoulders. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like a baby,” she chuckled. “Being wrapped in a pair of strong arms will do that to you.”

  “I take it you don’t get that often.”

  “I didn’t use to,” she admitted. “But I wouldn’t mind waking up to you more often.”

  “I can arrange that,” he lifted her chin. “Are we still hiding out, or are we good to go back to your house?”

  “I think I’m ready.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she slid closer to him, and he gave her a light peck on the lips. “It’s time to face some demons, starting with my dad. I need to get to the bottom of his need to see me. He hasn’t given a damn for seven years, so why now?”

  “Because you’re impossible not to love.” Kissing her again, he pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I talked to him.” Shaking her head, she tried to halt the conversation, but he just kept going. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I talked to him and I think he is genuinely sorry for everything. I know it’s going to be hard to forgive, but can you try it for me?”

  “I can think about it.” She tilted her head. “But you have to tell me something. I need to know how deep your issues with your dad run. I feel like we’ve been through my problems and I’ve laid it all out on the table, but I think I need a little more to go on about yours.”

  “Taking this honesty thing to the max, huh?”

  “You said you would always tell me the truth and I think I need to get a little more if we’re going to be together.”

  Pulling her to the couch, he sat down and took her in his lap. Running his hand down her face, he sighed and gave her a calming smile. “You know, before you, I never shared anything about my father. I mean, Will knows, of course, but I’ve never spoken about him to a woman I was involved with. You, my beautiful girl, bring things out of me that I don’t understand.”

  “And I’ve never shared my situation with Damien and my parents, but I told you. I feel like we need to have something more than just a sexual thing between us. I feel like I’m exposed to you. I’m standing naked and you’re still fully clothed. I need something deeper.”

  “How do you think I feel about you?”

  “I think we have fun and you enjoy the sex, but I’m not sure otherwise.”

  Leaning his forehead to hers, he let his breath tickle her face and she shuddered. “When I look at you, I see so much. I see a sexy woman that I enjoy the hell out of, but I see your flaws too. It’s been almost ten years since I shared a bed with a woman, letting her sleep next to me, but I want you here. In the past, I would always make an excuse to get out and I wouldn’t keep them long, but you’re still here and I want you to be. ”

  “And what makes this different? You like the danger?”

  “I could do without the craziness, but I’m glad I met you. I’ve had a hard time with trusting people, but I trust you. You’re different.”

  “Then trust me with everything.”

  “Trusting you with everything might scare you away. I don’t want to watch you walk out of my life.”

  Sliding both hands up his face, she gave him the most understanding smile he had ever seen and shrugged. “What happened that night? Why are you so haunted by it?”


  “Yes,” she breathed out heavily.

  “I don’t really remember. I just know we were arguing. We had been fighting the entire day. I had just gotten in from Europe, so I needed to unwind. I remember having drinks and being tipsy when everything happened. I honestly blacked out for a bit and I just remember waking up at the top of the stairs and he was at the bottom. I assumed we fought and he slipped because my hands were red and achy, but I couldn’t remember.”

  “How does Alea play into all this?”

  “She found his body and screamed, waking me up. She got me out of there and called the ambulance and Will to fix it, but I’m still not clear on what happened.”

  Running her hand over his pale skin, she leaned in for a sweet kiss and pulled back. “You can’t blame yourself if you don’t remember. He could have fallen and it probably was just an accident. I’m sure you didn’t mean for him to die.”

  “But I did. I hated him Draya, and it’s possible that I pushed him in a drunken rage. He used to hit my mother and he used to hit Alea too. He was an evil man. I’m not sorry he’s dead, but I do hope I didn’t kill him.”

  “Have you told anyone else this? Does anyone know what happened?”

  Shaking his head, he looked away. “Just you, Will, and Alea.”

  “Why did she cover for you?”

  “For a price. She gets to control the money and I get to stay out of jail.”

  “And now? It seems like there is a lot of hostility between you and Alea.”

  “She’s devious, baby. There are things that no one understands about that woman, and I’m not sure we ever will. I just don’t trust her, and I feel like there is more to that night. I feel like she knows more than she is telling.”

  “Has she threatened you?”

  Shaking his head, Liam clutched her hand tighter and focused back in on her face. “No. She hasn’t said a word, but those flowers that you got, I think she sent them.”


  “They said to watch your back or you could be the next person at the bottom of the stairs. Who the hell else would know that?”

  Giving him a worried look, Draya exhaled loudly. “I don’t know. It sounds like it could be her, but one question.”

  “What?” He looked up.

  “How did she get into my house? I know you didn’t bring those flowers in.”

  “I have no clue, but I’m going to figure it out. Just give me some time and please be patient with me. I know I’m asking a lot and you probably could find a guy with a lot less going on, but I need to get to the bottom of this.”

  “We’re not sure she’s the only one. The truth is; I’m sure she didn’t set my restaurant on fire, so that leaves two other options, Damien and Deena. I’ll let you deal with her if you let me deal with them.”

  “I don’t want you talking to either of them alone. If they’re trying to hurt you, what’s going to stop them next time?”

  Letting out a silly chuckle, she cocked her head to the side, and Liam smiled at the bad ass woman in front of him. “You think I’m going to talk? I’m done talking. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve caused a lot of pain, but trying to kill me over a man that can’t keep it in his pants is ridiculous. These so called Christians are about to get what’s coming to them.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to a party,” she leaned in to kiss him and stood, retreating to his room.

  Looking at her determination, he knew this wasn’t going to end pretty. In a sense, she was right, he thought Alea had a hand in some things, but the fire was probably one of her enemies. Knowing that they were both walking targets didn’t sit well with him and he wasn’t going to just tak
e it lying down. He was going to get some answers for himself and some for Draya, and he knew just the place to start.

  Pulling out his phone, he dialed a number he swore he wouldn’t again and waited for it to ring. Once he got an answer, he set up a meeting that would change a lot of things in his life, but he had to know. He had to know if he had really killed his father and only Alea could tell him the truth. He was finally going to sit down with her once and for all and figure that night out, even if it killed him.


  “Okay, I’m here. What is it that you want?”

  Reaching for her hand, her father, Andrew leaned forward. “So hostile with your dad? What happened to you? You used to be respectful.”

  Pulling her hand back, crossing her arms over her chest, Draya let out a sarcastic laugh. “I used to be respectful and you used to be a better father. I’d say a lot of things happened to change that. So my question again, what is it that you want, Dad?”

  “I want to see my baby girl and see how you are.” Looking around her apartment, he scanned a moment longer before going back to her face. “I see you’re doing well for yourself. The business looks good and this place is excellent. I’m proud of—”

  “Dad,” she cut him off. “Let’s not do this. You came here for a reason and it wasn’t to talk about how well I’m doing or the weather. You haven’t given a damn about me for years, you’ve made that clear. I’m just being realistic and wondering just what it is that you want. What do you need a transplant or something?”

  Seeing the look on his face after she said it, Draya instantly felt bad. True, they weren’t on the best of terms, but she still loved him, stubbornness and all. They were so much alike it wasn’t funny and it was why they contended so well. “Andraya, I know I haven’t given you a reason to believe this, but I do love you. I know it’s a questionable time to reenter your life, but I am just here for you. I am trying here, but you have to give me some room to make things right.”


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