SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2 Page 6

by Brair Lake

‘Shit Sundance keep your voice low.’ Sugar Jay’s gaze swept across the room.

  ‘No one cares Sugar - They’re too busy enjoying themselves.’

  ‘That doesn’t matter. I don’t have sex in public.’

  I jump up from the ground. Wincing as my tight cock pushes against the metal zipper. Fuck, if Sugar Jay doesn’t give me the release I crave, I’ll have to do it myself. ‘No - What was yesterday about.’

  ‘Shut up Sundance - I forgot myself.’ I come to stand beside her, my fingers pushing hers out of the way to finish fastening the belt buckle she’s having problems with.

  ‘Just like you forgot yourself now… You do that a lot Sugar. Forget yourself when you’re with me.’

  ‘Well it’s not going to happen again.’

  My chuckle deepens as I wrap her hair around my hand, pulling her closer. ‘You’re not going to forget yourself as I give you orgasm after orgasm. And I will Sugar Jay.’ I lean in until my lips are close to her ear. ‘Soon I’m going to be in your pussy and you’ll not stop me. And do you know why.’ My lips trail to hers where I kiss her softly. ‘Because you want me as badly as I want you.’

  Sugar Jay steps back, her fingers untangling her hair as she gives her head a slight shake. I moan as my cock throbs, reminding me that I haven’t had my release. ‘You keep telling yourself that Sundance.’

  ‘You were with me yesterday, and just now. Accept it. Accept the inevitable.’

  Sugar Jay gave a tug of the black top. Her gaze returning to me as a smile plays around her lips. I lick my own lips in anticipation. I can still taste her.


  ‘Okay - What.’

  ‘You want sex. I want sex. So why not.’ Sugar Jay raises her hand, palm forward when I step closer. ‘However. There’s going to be no sex just yet. Not until I see a doctor’s certificate telling me you’re clean.’

  I thrust my hand out. My fingers gripping hers as she gingerly accepts my hold. ‘Deal.’

  Sugar Jay reaches over to the small coffee table her fingers curling around the baby monitor as she thrust it as me. ‘I’m going back to work now. Charlie needs feeding and changing.

  Chapter 9

  ‘Morning.’ I tilt the half full coffee pot towards Layla, whose red hair dances when she gives a shake of her head. ‘I’m fine, thanks.’

  ‘Sundance has already left – So I guess Trax and the others are with him.’ I spurt out to Layla as her brown eyes follow me when I go to sit at the old kitchen table.

  This isn’t the first overture of friendliness I’ve made to Layla or Violet since arriving at the club. Each time I make an attempt to befriend them, they rebuff me. Especially if I don’t have Charlie. When Layla returns to her coffee, I glower at the bent head. I’m here to stay, and I need allies. ‘So with the men gone – What do you plan to do today?’

  Layla gave a shrug of her shoulder as she continues to read the local rag. My knee bounces as I sip my own coffee. I’ve dealt with the River Demon’s at their worst. ‘We can go shopping then go for lunch if you want?’

  ‘What about the club?’

  I hide me smile behind the kitten mug. ‘I’m sure one of the other women won’t mind watching the bar for a couple of hours.’

  Layla’s sigh fills the kitchen as she lays down the newspaper. Her face devoid of all expressions, as she graces me with a look, which I refuse to back down from. ‘Okay.’

  ‘What’s okay.’ Apple-Pie asks as she joins us at the table her gaze flittering between the two of us. ‘And where’s Charlie.’

  ‘We’re going shopping, and Quick Draw has Charlie.’


  ‘What are you going to do about Sundance.’ My gaze swings to Violet as I drop the old PVC menu on to the table.

  Just as we were leaving the club, we had bumped into the other woman coming down the stairs. Her blond hair was pushed hastily into a braid, and she had been tugging on the hem of her short white tee-shirt. Her cheeks bright pink. ‘Where are you going.’

  ‘Shopping and lunch – Want to join use.’

  Violet had glanced towards the top of the stairs where Quick Draw had been stranding. His grin deepening the blue in his eyes as his gaze lingered on her. ‘Yeah. Let me grab my coat.’

  As we drove into town, I had preened like a Cheshire cat. Layla and Violet are part of the hierarchy, and I need their approval in my bid to be part of the club, and to be with Sundance. Now all I have to do, is to get them on my side.

  ‘I’ve agreed to have sex with him.’ A choking sound comes from Layla as she hastily returns her beer to the table. Her brown eyes watering. ‘You mean you’re not already.’

  ‘Nope. I told him I want a clean bill of health from his doctor.’ I’m proud of myself. It’s been three days since I gave Sundance my ultimatum. Three long days as far as my body is concerned. Just because he accepted my conditions; didn’t mean he’s been doing it quietly, or left me alone. He’s touched me. He’s kissed me. He’s brought me to orgasm several times.

  My clit begins to throb as memories of his tongue playing with the bud and my tits warm me as I feel his hands manipulating my flesh and the nerves in my body. It had taken everything in me to walk away. Finally, to save myself, I had threatened him with a temporary separation of different rooms. Not that he had taken my threat seriously. Nope, he’d just upt his game, and although I’ve had several orgasms, I’ve been left wanting more. ‘And the sooner he produces the bill. The better.’ My giggles fade when everyone falls silent. Violet’s blue eyes bore into me, and she shuffles on her seat. Her smoked salmon forgotten. Layla’s gaze is shuttered once more. Her lips drawn down, the edging white. Apple-Pie is the only one to smile at me as she bites into her steak. Shit what have I done now.

  ‘What about Crow?’ Layla’s question startles me, and I turn towards her, my own gaze guarded. I’m fond of Crow. He makes me laugh. He’s also the only person, who’s made me feel welcome. When he’s at the club, and Sundance isn’t, he searches me out. Tells me corny jokes. He hasn’t kissed me again. Not since the day in Nightshades. ‘We’re friends.’

  ‘He has a crush on you.’

  ‘He’s young, and I’m sure he’ll soon get over me.’

  Layla replaces her beer on the black and white flowered coaster. Her gaze direct, I don’t flinch. I have nothing to hid or to be ashamed of. ‘You think? I don’t know. He follows you around like a puppy. He’d do anything you asked.’

  ‘Maybe you should be having this conversation with your brother, and not me.’


  ‘Look Layla – I’m going to be in Burntwood Creek for a while.’ Inwardly, I promise myself permanently if things go accordingly to plan with Sundance. ‘And we should be friends.’

  ‘Will you leave Crow alone.’

  ‘He’s my friend.’

  ‘And you think making friends with me, and the others will make things easier for you with Sundance.’

  ‘If it helps Sundance, why not.’

  Layla rises from her seat dropping several bills on to the table. ‘I’ll make my own way back to the club.’

  ‘What the fuck was that all about.’ I stare at the two remaining women. Wondering, what the fuck my relationship with Sundance has to do with us being friends. Apple-Pie and Violet glance at each other before Violet breaks the silence.

  ‘We’re not sure. Just that Layla hates Sundance. And that Crow might as well.’

  I finish my beer. ‘Does it have something to do with his past?’ Violet gives a shrug, while Apple-Pie avoids my gaze.

  ‘What do you know?’ I return my focus to Violet. Since my arrival in Burntwood Creek five days ago, this is the longest conversation we’ve had.

  ‘Not much really. Just that his parents are dead… No one talks about it. Especially not Quick Draw. It’s almost as though the subject is taboo. But my guess is, it has something to do with Layla’s family.’

  Apple-Pie’s hair bounces as pipes in ‘I don’t think Crabby knows eve
rything. If he did, I’m sure I would, and I don’t.’

  ‘If you did know. Would you tell me?’

  ‘That’ll depend if it was club business or not.’


  I hook the black bra I was looking at, back on to the rack. Apple-Pie has returned to the club, and Violet is flicking through a selection of tops. My gaze went to the large store front window where my gaze is caught by the church spire.

  Although I’ve agreed to have sex with Sundance, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about his past, or what he’s doing now. ‘Does Quick Draw talk to you about the trouble?’

  Violet turns to me. There’s a sadness about the woman which I refuse to put a name to. It isn’t as though her shoulders stoop. If anything, it’s the opposite. She holds herself straight which adds to her height, which I guess is about five ten maybe eleven. She rarely talks to anyone, and when she isn’t working, she’s reading. ‘Quick Draw and I don’t talk much, and he definitely doesn’t talk club business with me.’

  ‘But you are his old lady.’ Violet returns the black jeans she’s examining to the rack then came to stand beside me. Her cheeks slightly pink.

  ‘I nearly was once. A long time ago. But I fucked up, and I don’t think he’s forgiven me.’

  ‘Yet he took you with him when he left Comfort Springs.’

  The blush deepens, turning scarlet. ‘He won me in a card game. When we arrived here. He gave me the choice to stay with the club or to make a new life of my own.’

  ‘And you chose the club.’

  Violet’s laughter is light as she shakes her head. ‘I chose Quick Draw thinking he would want me again. But he doesn’t.’ The look the biker had given Violet as we left the club flashes before me.

  ‘Maybe he does.’

  ‘No. I’m soiled goods, and he doesn’t want another man’s leaving.’

  ‘I think you’re wrong.’

  ‘Why – Because Sundance still wants you.’

  ‘Nope – It’s in the way he watches you. Maybe you should make him jealous.’

  Violet’s chuckle turns into a belly laugh as tears cloud her vision. ‘It was trying to make him jealous the first time that I ended up married to Little Nose.’ Violet fell silent as she studies me. ‘Is that what you’re doing with Crow – Hoping to make Sundance jealous?’

  I close the door to the store as we step outside. The afternoon sun warming my flesh. As I squint, I lower my sunglasses from the top of my head. ‘I don’t need to make Sundance jealous. He wants me. But you know what Violet?’

  ‘No - What?’

  ‘I like Crow. He’s not as complicated or as damaged as Sundance.’

  Violet’s frown returns as she stares down the street. Coming towards us is a dark haired woman. She’s wearing skinny black jeans with a tight black jersey top, and a leather bomber jacket. Her heels clicking on the paved sidewalk. ‘He might be more complicated than you think.’

  When Violet crosses the road, I follow her, diving in between the moving cars. Just as we reach the other sidewalk, a hand grips my upper arm. A grip I shake free of as I’m spun around to face the brunette. Green eyes flash at me. ‘You’re his new whore.’

  The screech in the other woman’s voice has me shuddering. ‘I’m sorry. Are you talking to me?’

  ‘Don’t act as though you don’t know what I’m talking about.’

  I pull herself up to me great height of five seven. ‘I don’t.’ The woman’s pale flesh becomes mottle as she steps closer to me ‘He’ll destroy you… All of them will destroy you. You should leave Burntwood Creek before it’s too late.’ Her gaze then shifted to Violet. ‘Tell them it’s not over.’ Then she’s stepping back, crossing the road without another glance in our direction.

  ‘Who was that?’

  Violet’s still watching the woman. Her lips clamped together. Then she gives her body a shake as her gaze shifts back to me. ‘Trax’s mother.’

  My gaze swung back to the crowd and I spot Lizzie Brody just as she disappears around a corner. ‘What did she mean they’ll destroy me.’



  ‘We need to return to the club.’

  ‘Damn it Violet tell me what’s going on.’ I remain where I am, watching Violet as she continues to walk up the street. Then I’m jogging after her. ‘Violet!’

  ‘The girls at the club used to work for Lizzie and her husband.’

  ‘I thought they were street girls.’

  ‘They are – were.’

  ‘And Lizzie’s the one who has them working the streets.’


  Silence descends around us as I walk beside Violet. The hatred in Lizzie’s eyes had been directed at me. Not at Violet. ‘Does she think I’m Trax’s girlfriend.’

  Violet frowns as she stops in her tracks. Her gaze speculative as it strays over me. ‘Maybe…’ I resist the urge to let loose the scream growing at the back of my throat. As soon as I’m back at the club, Sundance is talking.

  Chapter 10

  I throw two green chips into the growing pile in the middle of the table. My smile taunting while Trax stares at me when he throws in three more chips. I match him chip for chip. Trax’s eyebrow rose as he chops on his cigar. His lips quirk as he drops more chips on the table. It was time to call his bluff. Just as I drop and call, the door to the communal room slams against the wall and I drop my cards onto the table as I rise when I spot Sugar Jay.

  There’s no hiding my smile as it grew wide while I pat the pocket on my jacket. I have the necessary paperwork and now it’s time to ease the ache between my legs. I was pissed with having to relieve myself solo. Tonight, I get to sink into Sugar Jay’s sweet lush body. To feel her around me, gripping onto me as I thrust into her. While I watch Sugar Jay march towards me, my dick jerks at the memory of her tight pussy gripping me. Yep. Tonight I ease this ache. ‘Hi.’

  ‘Why does Lizzie Brody hate you?’ My smile drops. The arm which was reaching out towards her, lay limp at my side.

  ‘You spoke to Lizzie.’


  ‘What did that bitch want.’ I suppress my sigh. Trax is standing beside me. His dark gaze on Sugar Jay. His lips pinched and his fists curl as he waits for his answer.

  Sugar Jay’s gaze flips between the two of us. ‘To tell me that you’ll destroy me.’

  ‘And you believe her?’ My lips pinch as Sugar Jay flings her head back. A loud chuckle escaping her. Shit this isn’t how I plan to spend the evening. Nope, I’ve already arranged for Layla to watch Charlie.

  ‘You think that bitch’s threat scares me. I’ve lived with the River Demons and Devil Comfort. It’s going to take more than some empty threat to get rid of me.’

  I hide my smile. Without realizing it, Lizzie Brody has handed me Sugar Jay on a plate. Because if there was one thing to make her stay. That’s to tell her to leave. If I ask for hamburger, I get beefburger. ‘Forget about Lizzie.’

  ‘Why are you taking her girls.’

  ‘I told you. We’re giving them a home.’

  ‘Do all the girls belong to Lizzie?’

  ‘Let’s discuss this elsewhere.’ I mutter as I grab Sugar Jay by the arm. Guiding her up the stairs to our room. ‘The girls don’t belong to anyone.’

  ‘But they work for you.’

  ‘Yeah - And they’re free to leave anytime they want.’

  Sugar Jay sat on the bed. Her gaze boring into mine. ‘It was the hate in her voice Sundance.’ As she frees her hair, she gives her head a sharp shake. Blood races to my cock. ‘How can she hate her own son. Shit I’d never leave Charlie.’ My smile returns as Sugar Jay suddenly stops talking. Her gaze jumping to the empty crib. ‘And talking of Charlie – Where is he?’

  ‘Layla volunteered to have him for the night.’

  ‘Oh -Why?’ As I go to sit beside her, I reach into my pocket and Sugar Jay speaks again. ‘There’s more to her problem than with the girls.’

  ‘It’s just t
he girls.’ I want to end this conversation and strip Sugar Jay out of the gray vest she’s wearing. To peel back her bra and suck on her tits. Then I was going to slid down and kiss that sweet pussy of hers.

  ‘Lizzie’s hatred.’ I sigh. Yep here’s the Sugar Jay I know. I have a raging hard on, and she wants to chat. ‘Layla’s older sister was my first girlfriend.’

  I feel the shift in Sugar Jay and without looking at her, I rise from the bed and begin to pace the floor. I didn’t want to talk about the past. I avoid talking about the past. ‘Oh… Do you still see her?’

  ‘That’ll be kinda hard considering she’s dead.’ I wish I could see inside Sugar Jay’s head. To see how her mind is working. Her gray eyes have lost their sparkle, and she has the look I detest. The look of pity.


  ‘Fifteen years ago.’

  My body stiffens when Sugar Jays wraps her arms around me. I want to shake her off. To get out of the room with its closing in walls. ‘That’ll be about the same time as your family.’

  ‘It was in the same fire.’ My voice is cold as I break free of Sugar Jay’s hold. I refuse to close my eyes. If I do, I’ll see the flames rising high. The black smoke could be seen for miles that night. And where was I. I’d got a call from Sam. He’d needed to see me urgently. Sam had held me. Made me watch as my family home burnt to the ground. Afterwards the hate had set in.

  ‘Where were you.’

  ‘On an errand.’

  Sugar Jay returns to the bed. Her gray eyes watching me and I shiver. Could she see? Did she know I was responsible for four deaths? At the time, I wanted Sam and Lizzie dead. It had been Trax who had come up with the idea to let them live but to take everything away from them. To destroy them.

  Sugar Jay pattered the bed. ‘Come and sit beside me.’

  ‘I don’t need your pity, Sugar.’

  ‘Good because you’re not getting it. It happened fifteen years ago and nothing will ever change that.’

  ‘Jeez Sugar remind me never to come to you for sympathy.’

  ‘Stop acting like an idiot.’ I watch Sugar Jay as she watches me. My cock is throbbing. ‘Did you love her.’


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