SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2 Page 10

by Brair Lake

  ‘Maybe I should put Charlie to sleep.’

  Shit, I want Sundance inside me. To feel him thrusting in my pussy. My panties are wet, sticking to my damp flesh, and for a moment, guilt assail me because I’m wishing Charlie is elsewhere.

  Sundance smiles and my knees knock at the promise in his gaze. Charlie is lying on his chest. One hand stroking his back. The other, holding one of mine. His touch is warm.

  Chapter 17

  I stare at the overhanging branches on the trees. Being here, alone with Sugar Jay, reeks of domestication. There is no denying I love Charlie. Fuck, I fancy Sugar Jay. That she has just given me a hand job, and already the blood is seeping back into my cock, is testament to what she can do to me. The hand stroking my hair, teases me, turning me on. I want her hands all over my body. I want to taste her lips. Fuck, I want her lips on my body. Flesh against flesh. Charlie snuffled, breaking into my thoughts. ‘Let’s settle Charlie.’

  Sugar Jay smiles down at me and I close my eyes to shield myself against the invite in her gaze. ‘And how are you going to do that. Charlie has no intentions of falling asleep.’

  ‘Pass his seat over.’

  I watch Sugar Jay. Her body stretching, her tits swinging slightly as she reaches for the seat. It doesn’t take me long to settle Charlie. Although he resists me. His tiny chubby hands pushing against mine. When his lips tremble, I kiss him, soothe him. His fingers grip the side of my head, and Sugar Jay’s chuckle doesn’t dampen the lust raging through me. As gently as I can, I break away from Charlie, and lean against the tree. My foot rocks his seat and Sugar Jay crawls into the arm I held out for her. Her body warm next to mine as she snuggles in.

  ‘What now. – Are you going to sing to him.’

  ‘No – Listen.’

  ‘I can’t hear anything.’

  I smile ‘I Know – Are you ready.’

  ‘For what.’

  I do what I do best when I don’t want to talk. ‘Many years ago. Back in Burntwood Creek. There was a house on a hill.’ I squeeze Sugar Jay’s fingers as she sighs. ‘You may have seen the hill. The house is no longer there.’

  ‘What about the house.’

  ‘Hush and I’ll tell you. The house was the first one to be built in Burntwood Creek. Where the settlers came from, no one knows. Maybe New York or some other City from the North. There were six of them. Three boys, a girl, Mama and Poppa. With them they had brought just one servant. For a while they had Burntwood Creek to themselves. The house was called Burntwood. That’s how the town got its name.’


  ‘It is – See Charlie’s eyes are drifting. Now hush. – The Monaghan’s lived here for several years, and slowly the town began to grow. Other settlers came and claimed land around them. The children were growing quickly. About three years later, another family moved in. They too built a large house. This one was on the other side of the town. They had two sons. And as the sons from the Monaghan’s became friends with the Hurst’s. Elizabeth, their sister, grew into a beautiful woman. Her eyes where the blue of sapphires and her hair spun gold.’

  Sugar’s Jay’s dig to my ribs, doesn’t stop me from continuing with my story.

  ‘Her figure was lush and her creamy tits, wobbled over the edging of her dresses. All the men lusted after her. But none more so than Hank Hurst.’

  Sugar Jay’s giggle has me frowning down at her. ‘He sounds like a cowboy – Did his family come from the West.’

  ‘Maybe. I don’t know. Anyway. Hank lusted after Elizabeth. He would dream about her at night and follow her during the day.’

  ‘He sounds like a creep.’

  ‘Shut up, Sugar.’

  Sugar shuffled further into my body as I loop my arm around her shoulder. Her finger and thumb pressing together as she did a mime of zipping her lips together. My lips brush over her forehead.

  ‘Elizabeth didn’t mind Hank’s attentions. Only Hank wasn’t the only one to take an interest in this southern belle. So did John Stowe.’

  ‘Who’s he.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter. Anyway for six months, Hank and John, courted Elizabeth. She was never short of company. One-day Hank finally found the courage to ask her father for her hand in marriage.’

  ‘I can just see Bastion’s reaction if you asked for my hand.’

  ‘Do you want Charlie to go to sleep.’

  ‘If I shut up and he goes to sleep – Do I get a reward.’

  ‘We both do. So after Hank asked for Elizabeth’s hand. Edward Monaghan agreed. News of their intending marriage soon reached the ears of John Stowe.’

  ‘Did he propose.’

  ‘If you let me tell you the story – You’ll know.’

  ‘So what happens next.’

  Sugar Jay’s voice drifts to a sigh when I cup one her tits, squeezing it gently. ‘He left Burntwood Creek. Just upt and went without a word to anyone. Hank and Elizabeth settled down to married life. According to everyone, for a few years they were happy. During these years, Elizabeth’s parents died, and she inherited the house on the hill.’

  ‘What happened to her brothers.’

  ‘They made lives for themselves. Anyway, after her parent’s death, Elizabeth and her family moved out of the Hurst’s household into Elizabeth’s old home. Life was just returning too normal when John Stowe returned to Burntwood Creek. He was a rich man who went out of his way to tempt Elizabeth to leave her husband and children. She refused. No matter how expensive or what gifts he gave her, Elizabeth remained with her family.

  One year the rains came early, and there was a storm which ripped through the growing town. Destroying houses and stores. Although the houses on the hills took a battering, they remained standing and several of the towns folk, including John Stowe, whose own home was destroyed, found shelter in Elizabeth’s home. Rumor has it she was a gracious hostess.’

  ‘Did she have an affair with John.’

  ‘The house was large, but not really big enough for all the people who sort refuge. And due to the cramped conditions, tempers began to fray and malice gossip began to spread about Elizabeth and John. One night, Hank had had enough, and he confronted Elizabeth, and according to witness they had a humdinger of a row.’

  ‘If you don’t hurry up with this story – I’ll be the one asleep, never mind Charlie.’

  ‘If you fall asleep you’ll miss out on your reward.’

  ‘I’m listening.’

  ‘The following morning Elizabeth’s body was found twisted in rope in the stable. The horses braying was what brought the people’s attention to the barn. When they went in search of Hank, he was nowhere to be found. Neither was John Stowe.’

  ‘Charlie’s nearly asleep.’

  ‘Good – As days turned into weeks, then months. There was still no sign of either men. Elizabeth’s death remained unsolved. Was it a murder? Was it an accident. The people began to question who was having the affair. Was it Hank and John and not Elizabeth and John. Months turned to years and still there were no answers. Soon the talk settled down. No one was interested in solving the mystery, and the house remained empty.

  As it began to rot away, people began to report seeing a woman, with wet hair, spun of gold and ruby red lips, standing by the gate. She never crossed the gate. Just stood there and watched.’

  ‘Was it Elizabeth.’

  ‘Rumor also has it, that for a few years there were no more storms in Burntwood Creek. Ten years went by. Then a second storm came. Amongst the howls of the wind and the crackling of thunder and the strikes of lightening. It’s said you can hear Elizabeth’s cries as she begs for mercy. Who she is begging, no one knows.’

  ‘That’s sad.’

  I close my eyes. Charlie is asleep and I need to get rid of the memories as they begin to surface.

  ‘A week before my family died, I saw a figure on the hill. That night the storms came, Sugar. The sky turned red and amongst the thunder, I heard Elizabeth’s screams. Now when the storms come. Elizabeth’s scr
eams are replaced with Momma’s and Martha’s.’

  Sugar Jay remains in my arms. Her face upturned to mine. I don’t know what it is about her, which has me opening up to her in the way I do. It’s times like this which terrify me. Maybe Sugar Jay’s right, and she should return to Noir Valley.

  ‘Come on. Get packed and we’ll return to the club.’

  No – you promised me a reward and I want my reward. Now kiss me.’

  Sugar Jay’s kiss is greedy. Her fingers curl into my hair, pulling off the red and blue bandana. My cut and tee-shirt are next to go. Her fingers warm my flesh where they touch and a shudder runs through my body. I want more, and I jerk off Sugar’s thin red tee-shirt. Her tits are bound in a pink lacy bra and I want that gone. I want to watch the firm mounds bounce and quiver. My fingers shake as I fumble with the front catch, but soon her flesh is free.

  Her moan tingles in my ear when my mouth latches on to the hard bud. My fingers slip to the waistband of her jeans. The thrust of her hips has me answering with one of my own. My zipper is soon down and with more fumbling, I grab a condom from my wallet.

  As I sink into Sugar Jay, peace comes over me. I feel as though I am home with each thrust I make. Her pussy clamps on to my dick, drawing me in further. She is tight and wet, and I thrust harder. Blood booms in my ears, and still I surge into her sweet body. My thrusts greedily met by Sugar Jay.

  Chapter 18

  Sundance is gone again. This time, when I had woken, he had been there beside me. His hands gliding over my body. His loving, sweet and long. Then he’d gone.

  Apple-Pie and Layla were also missing and only a few bikers remained in the communal room.

  ‘He’s cute.’

  I haven’t spoken to Maggie since her arrival at the club and now she’s close to me, it’s easy to see she is younger than I thought. When she had turned up at the club, her face had been caked in make-up. Now it’s bare. Her brown eyes acknowledge me briefly before they turn back to Charlie.

  ‘Yes he is.’

  ‘May I.’

  Charlie is stirring in his stroller. His face scrunches and I give a slight nod.

  ‘Do you have any.’

  ‘No. I’ve never been careless – These implants are great – Maybe you should try them.’

  My smile is weak as I rub my arm. After Charlie’s birth, I’d had my own implant put in.

  ‘Charlie wasn’t a mistake.’

  ‘So you got pregnant on purpose.’

  ‘No – How did you become a hooker?’

  Maggie places Charlie back into his stroller. Her fingers deft as she straightens his blanket and sets his toy over the bar for him to play with.

  ‘It wasn’t an ambition of mine.’

  ‘I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.’

  ‘You’re living in a whore house. Your son will mix with the whores. I think you’re right to ask.’

  ‘Why did you come here.’

  Maggie sips the coffee she has brought with her. Her gaze sweeping across the room. A couple of the bikers were playing pool, and while the others sat around a table. From the noise coming from them, it was easy to tell they were joking. The charter’s growing which would please Inferno, especially as Trax run’s a tight ship.

  ‘To work. To get off the streets. Minty isn’t like Trax or Sundance. He doesn’t care about the girls as long as they’re making money.’

  ‘What’s he like.’

  ‘Who – Minty.’

  I nod and watch Maggie roll her shoulders. She held a cigarette, tapping the end against the wooden table top. ‘Don’t smoke near Charlie.’

  Maggie’s gaze fell to the cigarette then Charlie, before she drops it pack in its packet, and now she’s tapping the yellow plastic lighter against the table.

  ‘He’s not nice. Not like the men here. He only allows you to sleep for a couple of hours, and then you have to get back out there. Back to work.’

  ‘Have you worked for him for long.’

  ‘A few years. My boyfriend works for him. He got me hooked on drugs and I needed a way to pay for them. That’s how I became a hooker and met Minty.’

  ‘Are you clean now.’

  Maggie’s laugh makes me shiver as she avoids looking at me. Her gaze firmly on the door. When I glance over, it’s empty.

  ‘No. Trax and Sundance know this.’

  ‘Do you want to get clean.’

  Maggie’s gaze rests on my face. Her smile, slight as she watches me. As much as I want to turn away. I hold her gaze. Her secrets are there.

  ‘Devil’s Comfort don’t just offer girls, Sugar Jay. They do it all.’

  The gleam in the other woman’s eye has me shivering. The money has to be coming from somewhere.

  ‘My brother’s a biker back in Noir Valley – I’m not stupid. But you could still get clean.’

  ‘Why would I when I enjoy what they do to me.’

  ‘You’re right. It has nothing to do with me.’

  ‘Sugar Jay.’


  ‘I’m here because the gossip about Devil’s Comfort and Sundance, is good.’

  ‘The American dream.’

  Maggie chuckles, it’s a soft sound and I smile back. She raises her large red coffee cup.

  ‘To the dream.’


  ‘Maybe we should open a laundry service without telling anyone.’

  Maggie helps me fold the bedsheets we’ve just dragged out of the large dryer, and adds them to the growing pile. Running a whore house is not glamorous. Beds have to be kept clean, and the washing machine and dryer never stop.

  ‘Fuck, Maggie, my back aches. Maybe you can take this job on full time, and give up servicing the men.’

  ‘No matter which one I chose. I end up between the sheets.’ I giggle at Maggie’s lame joke as we fold another sheet. Plain white, like the rest of them, easier to keep clean according to Violet. ‘Besides I prefer sex to laundry.’

  ‘Me to.’

  Since joining me in the communal room, earlier in the day, Maggie has kept me company, and I find myself liking her. As I listen to her talk about Minty, I begin to understand Sundance.

  ‘Thanks, Maggie.’

  ‘What for.’

  ‘For helping. I’d still be folding the first sheet if it wasn’t for you.’

  ‘I need to do something until the guys put me to work.’

  ‘I was serious earlier. We could do with the extra help. Work here instead of Nightshades.’

  I watch Maggie as she closes the dryer door on another set of sheets. She stills before turning to look at me.

  ‘Thanks, Sugar Jay, put I came to work in Nightshades, and the guys were good enough to employ me just for that.’

  ‘If you change your mind.’

  Maggie shakes her head, her dark hair floating around her. In a hard way, she is very pretty. ‘I won’t’

  ‘But we can be friends.’

  Maggie’s teeth flash as her lips curve. ‘I’d like that.’


  I arch my back, to stretch out the lower ache. I need a shower, which I was going to take once Charlie settles down.

  ‘You spent the day with Maggie.’

  ‘Hi Layla – Yeah she helped out.’

  Layla stood in the doorway of my room. There’s a slight frown spread across her forehead, and my eyebrow rises in response. We aren’t friends. I wasn’t sure if we ever would be.

  ‘She’s a working girl, Sugar Jay. Don’t get too friendly with her.’

  ‘I don’t need your help in selecting my friends.’

  ‘I know Maggie. We were at school together.’

  ‘And that didn’t stop you from getting her to work for your family.’

  Layla steps further into the room. Closing the door behind her. ‘I said I knew her. Not that we were friends.’

  ‘Maybe that’s your problems Layla – You don’t appear to have many friends.’

  ‘I get by with the ones I have.’

nbsp; ‘Do you Layla – From where I stand – You haven’t any.’

  ‘Just be careful.’

  Layla turns, her hand reaching for the handle.



  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘About what.’


  Layla didn’t answer as she left the room. The door closing gently behind her.

  As I remain on the bed and stare at the ceiling, I promise myself, Sundance is going to beg me to stay in Burntwood Creek and I’m going to break through Layla’s barriers.

  Chapter 19

  The soft touch of fingers sliding over my leg, along with the heat in my pussy, woke me, and with a lazy stretch, I turn to Sundance. His drowsy smile hitches the air in my throat, and I answer with one of my own as I brush his tousled hair away from his face. When he lowers head towards mine, I trail my finger along his jaw bone, only to stop when I reach the small cleft in his chin. His morning whiskers bristle against my fingers.


  Sundance’s ‘Morning.’ Is mumbled against my throat as his teeth nip and nibble at the flesh, only stopping when he reaches the slight dent at the base of my neck; where his tongue brushes and strokes my flesh. My legs fall open when Sundance climbs above me. His body settling in between my thighs. His lips crawl up to my mouth, leaving a path of fire in their wake. I’m as hungry for a taste of him as he is for me, and greedily I accept his tongue when he pushes against my lips. Our tongues dance and twirl. The tips curling as they mash together.

  With one deep thrust, he’s in me and my hips arch up to meet his plunges. Though there’s no foreplay between us, Sundance’s movements are slow and gentle. Gradually his pace picks up, leaving me gasping for breath. For air.

  ‘That’s it Sugar – Take me in. Take me as far as you can.’

  As my stomach floods with tiny pin pricks, my thrusts match Sundance’s. The tightly coiled nerves tug at my breasts, leaving them heavy as heat swamps me. Blood hammers in my ears, and my throat tightens as the air leaves me on a sharp gasp. Then I’m floating, sinking into the mattress. ‘You spoil me.’


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