SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2 Page 12

by Brair Lake

  ‘Fuck Sundance – No more games. Just fucking make me cum.’

  ‘You’ll only be disappointed Sugar.’

  Sundance’s lips are on my stomach. His teeth nipping and pulling at my flesh. His tongue swirls and dips into my navel. The tip of his tongue slides over the slight curve of my lower stomach. My legs wobble as I push further into the wall.

  My body jerks when Sundance slips his tongue between my pussy lips. The tip curling, lapping and teasing me as he tastes me. When he finds my clit and begins to suck the small hard bud. I know it’ll not be long before I have my climax. My body shakes and I grip Sundance’s hair. Then I shudder. My keen is loud. My legs are no longer mine as I quiver and gasp for air.


  When I wake the bed is empty. I hadn’t heard Sundance leave. A glance at the clock shows it’s ten minutes past three and my mouth is dry. The kitchen is deserted and so is the communal room. I was too alert for sleep. My mind buzzed. Sundance is right. Things were changing. It’s there in the air.

  Unable to sleep, I switch on the television. After surfing the channels for several minutes, I finally settle on an old black and white comedy rerun. I was giggling into my mug when the door opened and I spot Crow standing there. Before he joins me on the old sofa, he collects a beer from the bar. The cushions dip as he settles himself.

  ‘I thought you’d be fast on.’

  ‘Yeah me too.’

  I watch Crow’s Adam apple bob as he swallows his beer.

  ‘You stink.’

  His deep chuckle tickles me, and I freely smile back at him.

  ‘I was heading for a shower when you distracted me.’ Crow wiggles his dark eyebrows, his smile turning into a smirk. ‘Want to join me.’

  My cheeks turn fiery when images of Sundance and I in the shower surface. He was relentless until my sated body couldn’t take anymore. My thighs still throbbed from Sundance’s loving.

  ‘I’ll give it a miss.’

  ‘Suit yourself.’

  Crow turns back to watch the television and a slight movement in the shadow catches my attention. Nightshades must be closing, and I follow Layla into the kitchen.

  After pouring myself a fresh coffee, I place the portable baby monitor on the table as I join Layla, who’s munching on a melted cheese sandwich.

  ‘A good night.’

  Dark eyes study me as she continues to eat her sandwich. A slight nod given as her throat constricts around the brown bread she swallows.

  ‘Yeah – Sex is sex and men will pay for it. No matter what’s going on.’

  ‘You can always leave, Layla.’

  ‘And leave Crow in your tender hands.’

  ‘He’s only flirting – He knows Sundance and I are a couple.’

  Layla drops her half eaten sandwich on to the plate. Her gaze searches my face, and I refuse to flinch at the coldness in her eyes.

  ‘It doesn’t bother you that Sundance is responsible for the death of four people.’

  My heart stops beating. ‘Sundance had nothing to do with their deaths. It was all down to your family, and considering its common knowledge. I don’t understand why your father and Minty didn’t end up in jail.’

  ‘He’s a junkie Sugar Jay. He’ll use you. Then he’ll move on to the next willing whore. If he had left my sister alone. She’d be alive today.’

  ‘He loved your sister.’ I wanted to say Emmi’s name, but my tongue is dry and tangles over the word.

  ‘If he loved her. He’d have stayed away from her. He knew what Sam and Minty are. What they do.’

  ‘But it isn’t easy is it Layla – To stay away from the ones you love.’

  Layla’s dark eye grow round. Her lips press together. ‘What do you mean by that.’

  ‘Crow – You followed Crow here.’

  ‘Trax and Crow are in danger thanks to Sundance.’

  ‘Sundance won’t let anything happen to them.’

  ‘He might if Crow doesn’t stop hanging around you.’

  Chapter 22

  Since the attack on the warehouse. The club has been in constant disarray. The men come and go, and I’ve barely seen Sundance. If I do see him, it’s only when he pops in for a shower, and a change of clothes. The running of Nightshades has fallen on Apple-Pie, and Layla, with Violet and I helping as much as we can. Even Maggie is helping out, looking after Charlie in her spare time.


  The roar vibrated around the communal room as a door juddered against the wall, drawing my attention from Charlie. Then silence descended as Twiggy and Yvette strolled into the room. My heart dipped. Twiggy’s the club’s warlord, and the only time he visits one of the charters, is when there’s trouble. My hands shake as I watch them come further into the room.

  Apple-Pie’s in Twiggy’s arms, and she doesn’t seem concerned that he’s hugging the life out of her. Trax and Crabby follow them, and I glance over their shoulder, searching for Sundance, but there’s no sign of him. I watch the two women hug. My smile deepens when Twiggy’s gaze falls on me and he turns towards me. Seeing the intent in his eyes, I grab Charlie, thrusting the baby in his arms. As much as I love the big man, I have no desire to be squashed to death.

  ‘It’ll not be long before he’s on a bike, Sugar Jay.’

  ‘Give him a chance to walk first, Twiggy.’

  ‘Crabby don’t you think you should give Charlie a playmate before you’re too incapacitated to play with him.’

  Apple-Pie’s fist lands on the burly biker’s upper arm as both she and Crabby chuckle.

  ‘We’ve plenty of time old man.’

  Yvette’s brown gaze rake over me and I shuffle at the look. Her brown eyes soft as she smiles.

  ‘Sundance picked a fine time to bring you and Charlie to Burntwood Creek.’

  ‘If it hadn’t been for the floods, I’d still be in Noir Valley, Yvette.’

  Again there’s that look. Her smile spreading as she hugs me.

  ‘Floods or not. You’d still be here.’

  ‘You look good Yvette – I guess Twiggy’s looking after you.’

  The other woman’s cheeks flush as she turns to gaze at Twiggy who has wandered off with Trax and Crabby.

  ‘He spoils me occasionally. It stinks that it’s trouble that brings us here. But once it’s over. We’ll have a party. Invite the brothers and sisters. I’m sure Bear would love to meet this little man.’


  ‘Everything Okay.’

  Charlie’s in my arms. His large body wiggling and although I’ve swaddled him in a blanket, he’s managed to shake his body free. Yvette came further into the room, closing the door behind her. I want to smile, but can only manage to shake my head.

  ‘With all the hoo-ha that’s going on downstairs, Charlie’s fussing because he misses Sundance, and I thought bringing him to our room, would calm him down.’

  ‘Here let me.’

  Yvette hasn’t finished speaking before she has Charlie in her arms. Her voice low while she hums to him. The arms which were crawling at my neck as he squiggled, relaxed and soon the room fills with gentle snores. Yvette’s giggle makes me smile.

  ‘Does he always snore.’


  ‘The club will soon return to normal.’

  ‘Will it. – What have they told you about the Brody’s’

  ‘Nothing much. Just that when they attacked the warehouse. They attacked Devil’s Comfort, and not just Burntwood Creek charter. What about you and Sundance – How’s it going.’

  Yvette hands me a beer she had placed on the bedside cabinet when she first came in.

  ‘I don’t know. He doesn’t say much.’

  ‘What about you?’

  Instead of answering the other woman, I continue to stare at Charlie lying between the pillows. Yvette and I have never been close, and I’m uneasy about how much I want to tell her. ‘When he walks into a room, I forget about everybody else. When he singles me out, and talks to me. I forget abou
t the past.’

  The cool nectar of the beer quenches my thirst. ‘And we have a past Yvette.’

  ‘We all have pasts, Sugar Jay.’

  ‘Not like ours. Most people think it was Sundance who seduced me.’ The only other person, who knows what happened between Sundance and I the night Charlie was conceived is Apple-Pie, and I suspect Crabby. Yet none of us have talked about it.’

  ‘So you seduced Sundance. There’s nothing wrong with that.’

  Finishing the beer, I giggle, almost choking on the remaining liquid.

  ‘I snuck into his room and waited for him.’

  ‘Sounds interesting are you going to tell me willingly. Or do I have to pry it out of you, now that you’ve teased me.’

  ‘After being rescued from Pretzel’ This has me giggling. I had been mad with Bastion, over something trivial and as punishment I had run away with one of the biker’s, Day had excommunicated from The River Demons. ‘Anyway, instead of heading back to Noir Valley, Twiggy and Sundance went to Bear’s at Blue River Bends. We were there a couple of days and my crush with Pretzel moved to Sundance.’

  I glance over at Yvette and chuckle. ‘Shit Yvette. He’s beautiful and he was nice to me. The River Demon’s only ever tolerated me because of Bastion.’

  ‘I doubt that. Twiggy’s fond of you.’

  ‘But he left Noir Valley early on.’

  ‘Never mind that – Tell me about you and Sundance.’

  As soon as I shut my eyes, I find myself back at Bear’s compound. I was mad with Twiggy, yet after a few days in the warmth and relaxation of Bear and his wife, I found myself forgiving my cousin. Especially as my affections were transferring to Sundance, who was always teasing me. Where ever I turned, he was there, and he had smiled at me, and my stomach did that stupid flip thing.

  ‘During the day he was nice to me Yvette. Then in the evenings, they all would party, and Bear was mean and he sent me to his home. This happened for three nights. Well by the fourth I’d had enough. So I did what I was good at. I sneaked out of the house, and went back to the club. I think my eyes fell out of my head. Day never let me on the ‘Lair’ at night, and after what I saw at Bear’s, I think I know why.’

  When I open my eyes – Yvette is staring at me, her eyebrow arched. ‘I know what you mean – Tat’s always kept me away from the Black County’s clubhouse.’

  ‘It’s kinda weird isn’t it. They try to keep us sweet while they’re out whoring.’

  ‘That’s men for you honey. Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Sundance?’

  ‘Okay – back to my tale. – So I sneaked back into the club and Sundance, the bastard had his tongue down some whore’s throat. His hands were all over her body. I’m telling you Yvette. I lost all my pride that night and I didn’t care.

  Anyway, during my time spent at the club, I’d already discovered which room Sundance was using.’

  Another giggle escapes me as I reveal the next bit.

  ‘I don’t know what Sundance said to the whore, but he left her when Twiggy came over to him, and while they were talking, I sneaked into his room. – Fuck Yvette I was shaking. I was lying naked in his bed waiting for him. Fuck knows what I would have done, if he had turned up with the whore.’

  Yvette’s chuckle fills the room and a snuffle from Charlie has us both looking at him. When he stops wiggling, I continue.

  ‘So there I was, lying in Sundance’s bed, and each time a floor board squeaked, or a door creaked, I held my breath. My heart was racing, but I was determined to go through with this.

  ‘By the time his bedroom door opened. My heart was galloping, and I was so relieved when he came in by himself that I forgot myself, and sat up in the bed.

  Shit, Yvette you should have seen his face. I’m telling you – He looked everywhere but at me. There I am – Naked. fuck – his face went so red, I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel or several.’

  ‘He obviously got over the shock.’

  ‘Yeah and it wasn’t easy. -But you know what they say – A girl’s gotta do, what a girls gotta a do.’


  ‘How come you’re hiding in here Sugar Jay.’

  I watch Sundance close the door and come further into our room. A smile plays around my lips as my gaze drops from Sundance to flick over the room. Both Charlie and I are leaving our mark. On the bed is one of Charlie’s teething toys and a book I was reading to him. Sundance’s once clean dresser is now cluttered with my creams and make-up. On the floor beside the bed are several pairs of shoes.

  ‘I was just putting Charlie to sleep. Then I’m working.’

  Sundance is close, and as I draw in the air, I smell him. The sandalwood and cedar scent that is his. My fingers itch to reach out and touch him. To stroke his hair, and to tease his flesh. Instead I stay where I am, gripping onto the back of the chair.

  ‘Twiggy’s here.’

  ‘Yeah – I’ve seen him.’



  His head is lowering, and the aroma of beer strokes my face. Without answering Sundance, I accept his kiss. His mouth is warm as he sucks on my lower lip, and my arms loop around his neck. I can never get enough of his touch, and I push my body against his. I’ve missed him. Missed his touch and his aroma.

  ‘Will you be staying long.’

  ‘Keep me company while I have a shower. Yvette’s volunteered to cover your shift.’

  Sundance is already stripping his tee-shirt off. His Cut flung on the bed. The smoking and drinking devil’s tattoo on his back ripples as he stretches his arms. Then his jeans are on the floor and he’s stepping into the bathroom. I glance towards Charlie; he’ll sleep for hours. The moment Sundance spoke; my body woke up. The ache in my pussy growing. The nipples of my tits prodded against the tight material of my tee-shirt. I was in no state to tell Sundance I wasn’t in the mood for sex when my body is screaming for his. To have his cock inside me. Thrusting deep. Shit I was still hot after telling Yvette about my first night with Sundance.

  The bathroom is nothing more than a cloud of hot mist and I yank off my clothes as quickly as I can. Sundance’s smile has my stomach flipping when I step into the cubicle.

  ‘Wash my back.’

  As he turns his back to me, Sundance passes me a cloth and his shower gel. But not before I see his hard erect cock, bouncing.

  ‘Will you spend the night.’

  Sundance hums as the cloth slides over his back and I reach over to kiss a shoulder blade.

  ‘Keep doing that, Sugar and I just might.’

  Sundance’s voice lowers and I giggle as I stretch over to the other shoulder blade to leave another kiss. His body shivers under my touch, and as I glide the damp cloth down his spine, my lips follow. Sundance’s hum is almost a purr when I reach his ass. The cheeks of his butt flex when my lips trail over the flesh. My teeth gently nipping at the wet soapy skin. My tongue swipes over the taut muscle and again Sundance flex’s his ass.

  ‘You’re supposed to be washing me.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘With the cloth.’

  ‘Wouldn’t you rather I use my tongue.’

  Sundance’s chuckle warms me as it glides through my body. My stomach clenches and the pulse in my clit gently pulses. Again my tongue swipes over his ass checks. Wanting to see more of Sundance, I bounce back on my heels. His body is long and lithe, but sinewy. I don’t just look at Sundance I devour him.

  My fingers reach over to his ass and I begin to knead the flesh. Another shiver passes through him when my fingers glide towards the crease, spreading his ass as I continue to flex the flesh.


  I have to bite my lips to stop my own laughter escaping at the high pitch Sundance’s voice has become.


  ‘What the fuck are you doing.’

  ‘Washing you.’

  With another giggle, I pick up the cloth and rub it over the pale flesh. Then my lips
are following. The nip I give, turns into a gentle suckle.

  ‘Fuck, Sugar.’

  ‘Soon Babe.’

  Sundance’s chuckle doesn’t stop me from moving down to his thighs or onto the back of his calves. When I reach his ankle, I lean further back on my heels. My pussy is burning and I want more than to touch Sundance. I want Sundance in me. I ache, no I crave for him to touch me. To take away the uncertainty I’m feeling. Several days without him has me feeling lost and out of control.

  ‘Turn around.’

  My voice is gruffer than I intended it to be, and I’m unable to look at Sundance now that he is facing me. Still avoiding to look at him, I grab the cloth from the shower floor and begin to wash his legs. Although my touch is gentle, I stop myself from reaching out to kiss his flesh. That is, until I reach his cock. A cock which is bouncing as the ends drip with pre-cum.

  I smile, I’ve done this to Sundance. I’m the one that has his cock throbbing angrily as the veins pulse with blood and pre-cum leaks. My tongue flickers over my lips. I’ve not touched him yet, but already I can tasty him.

  ‘Sugar are you going to look – Or are you going to do something to ease my pain.’

  ‘Are you in pain, Sundance.’

  ‘I’ve missed you, Sugar.’

  That’s all I need. He might not have said he loves me. But he has missed me. My lips are greedy as they slide up the side of his shaft leaving wet slippery kisses.

  ‘Sugar, take me in your mouth.’

  ‘Soon.’ My tongue swirls around his hard member, and my body shivers as he quivers in my hand. Sundance thrust his fingers into my hair, but I resist him as he attempts to guide my mouth to the end of his cock. I want to taste his flesh with my lips and tongue before I suck him. My smile deepens at the harshness of Sundance’s breath. My tongue is at his balls, teasing as I flick the tip over his flesh.

  ‘Sugar – I’m not going to last.’

  ‘That’s okay Sundance – After all, we have all night.’

  His chuckle vibrates along my lips and I respond with a smile as I lean back. My hands grasp his cock and I lock my gaze on to his. Sundance watches me. His gaze dazed as my fingers flex over his shaft. Sliding down, then pumping up as I twist the hot flesh. His smile brings his crinkles and dimples out to play. My legs spread as I fall to my knees giving Sundance a glimpse of my wet pussy. His hands brace the walls as his hips thrust in tune to my pumping and still I watch him as his eyes darken.


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