SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2 Page 17

by Brair Lake

  ‘For a ride.’

  ‘That was two days ago – They should be back by now.’

  Crow rolls his shoulder as he sips his coffee. ‘What can I say – Inferno wanted a look around.’

  ‘You mean at the operation.’

  ‘He’s got money invested in the business.’

  ‘Then why isn’t Sundance answering his cell.’

  After Charlie’s return a week ago, and the few days after when Sundance spent his time with us, I had begun to believe that the vendetta against the Brody’s had been dropped. After a harsh argument with Inferno, Bastion and the other River Demons left Burntwood Creek to return Noir Valley. Inferno had remained, along with the other members of Devil’s Comfort. Then two days ago, Sundance and the others had left the house and I haven’t seen or spoken to him since.

  ‘I’m just the errand boy, Sugar Jay.’


  Crow’s fingers curl in mine, and I study the light sprinkling of hair covering his wrist. ‘This is crazy.’

  ‘What is.’

  My hand waves in the air. ‘This. The club’s doing well. They don’t need anything more.’

  ‘Minty’s not a nice man, Sugar Jay. Someone has to deal with him.’

  ‘When will it be over.’

  ‘When the bastard’s dead.’ Crow’s fingers tighten and he turns his gaze away from me.

  ‘Do you blame him for Emmi’s death.’

  ‘That and more.’

  ‘Has he ever hurt you.’

  Crow’s neck becomes a hot red as he continues to avoid looking at me. He drops my hand, and his chair is shuffling back as he stands.

  ‘No more than anyone else.’


  ‘Forget it, Sugar Jay.’

  I join Crow at the sink, my hand on his arm. His body is stiff next to mine. As I stroke his back, he begins to relax. His body turns into mine. The kiss is hungry. His tongue demanding and I match him. As the kiss deepens I find myself sitting on the counter, my legs wrap around Crow, drawing him in closer. His hands slip under my tee-shirt. The touch soothing as he stokes his way to my tit. His touch is hot, and I lean into him. It’s only when his mouth moves down to my tit to take the nub in between his lips that I break free. Pushing him away as I draw in breath. Crow doesn’t release me. His breath hot in my neck.

  ‘I’m not going to apologize.’

  ‘I am Crow. I’m partially to blame for this.’ With quivering knees, and shaking hands, I jump off the counter.

  ‘No you’re not, Sugar Jay.’

  I nod. ‘You’ve been here when Sundance hasn’t. You’ve comforted me. You’re a good looking man, Crow. You’ve been good for my ego. I knew you were attracted to me, and I didn’t do anything to stop it. Shit I might have encouraged it.’

  When Crow steps closer I move away, pushing at his chest. ‘No – Stay back.’

  ‘You’re attracted to me too, Sugar Jay.’

  ‘No I’m not.’

  Crow’s lip curl as his gaze rakes over me. The blue of his eyes almost black. ‘Yes you are. And if Sundance wasn’t about, you’d have been in my bed long ago. Letting me fuck you as you fucked me.’

  ‘Don’t talk like that.’

  Crow has somehow managed to corner me. As I peer over his shoulder, I notice the kitchen door is closed. He’s stroking my arm, and a shiver runs through me. His cheeks are deeply flushed.

  ‘Why, when we both know it’s the truth.’ Crow doesn’t wait for an answer as he kisses me again. His hands running over my sides as he thrusts his lower body into my junction. His arousal evident. With a hard twist of my body, I pull free.

  ‘I thought you were my friend.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Are you – Then you’re no friend of Sundance’s or the club’s.’

  ‘I could have you Sugar Jay, and you wouldn’t protest.’

  ‘What the fuck do you think I’m doing now.’

  Crow steps closer, and his palm cups my face as the fingers of his other hand run’s through my hair.


  ‘Stop being obtuse, Crow. I’m saying no and I’m saying it’s not to happen again.’

  ‘You can’t lead me on, Sugar Jay – Not without paying.’

  ‘I didn’t lead you on.’

  ‘No – What about all those sweet looks and touches. Who was it who comforted you while Charlie was missing.’

  ‘I came to say goodbye.’


  ‘I’ve talked to Bastion – I’m going home.’

  Chapter 30

  The house in Noir Valley hasn’t changed much since I left several weeks ago, and as I walk through my old home, I realize it’s in need of decorating. Bastion has already warned me that if I returned to the house, and not the ‘Lair’, we’d be living on the top two floors. Although the house has been dried out, according to Bastion, it’s too soon to plaster and decorate.

  From upstairs I hear the low tones of a television, and I follow the sounds. Poppy’s sat on a green sofa that I don’t recognize. Her rainbow hair, pulled back in a braid, and a paler green cushion is hugged to her stomach. A scream penetrates from the television and I smile.



  Poppy turns to me and the cushion she is hugging lands at my chest, and I giggle. ‘When did you get back.’

  ‘A couple of weeks ago. – Want a coffee.’

  I shake my head as I lay Charlie on the rug. I can feel Poppy watching me as she switches the television off. ‘Want to talk about it?’

  Again I shake my head. What I want is not within my grasp. When Crow was kissing me, I had tried desperately to enjoy his touch. But it had left me cold. There had been no wild fire. No great yearning to have his body sink into mine. ‘He made his choice.’

  ‘Who did.’


  ‘He chose the club over you.’

  ‘No, he chose Emmi and her family over me.’

  ‘I’ll get one of the girl’s from the Lair to sit with Charlie while we go clubbing.’

  I smile as look at Poppy. ‘What will Day say.’

  ‘Fuck what he says. We’re single girls free to do what the fuck we want.’


  My head is buzzing and my body is throbbing. The club is heaving, and our bodies are pushed up against strangers as we make our way back to the table. A hand brushes against my ass and I turn to the douche bag. His grin is lopsided as he leans down towards me. His intentions clear. ‘Keep your fucking hands off me.’ There’s no hesitation from me as I shove him out of the way. When he loses his balance, his arms flapping in the air as his hair flops about, I giggle. Watching him fall into his friends. My giggle turns into a snicker when he lands on his ass. The room falls silent as the drunk scrambles to his feet. His body lurching towards me with his arm outstretched. My fist is curled and as I anchor myself, another hand grabs me, pulling me away.

  ‘Why the fuck did you do that.’

  ‘Because I don’t want Day or Bastion coming down. You may not have noticed – But Clyde and Clint are here.’

  I spin in the direction Poppy’s pointing to. A groan escapes me. Sure enough, there are the two latest Prospects from the River Demons. Both smirking as they raise their beers at us. Grabbing Poppy by the arm, I push us through the mob as I drag her over to their table. ‘You should leave Noir Valley, Poppy, if you want a life.’

  She turns to face the prospect. Her beer bottle rests against her lips as she looks them over and I groan. Fuck she’s going to get them boys killed. ‘Look at you, Sugar Jay – You left and came back.’

  ‘Learn from my mistakes. Go while you still can.’

  ‘I like it here. I like the view.’

  A snigger escapes me as I watch Clyde and Clint. ‘If they’re going to die. We might as well make it worthwhile.’

  ‘Do you think Day will spank me if I’m naughty.’

  I splutter as the warm liquid clogs the ba
ck of my throat. Thinking of Day spanking Poppy, reminds me of the times Sundance has spanked me, and my pussy itches.

  ‘What do you know of spanking.’

  ‘Hi ladies.’

  ‘I read.’

  ‘Lend me your reading material.’

  My smirk grows as Poppy reaches for Clint, dragging him to the dance floor, and I sit in the seat he has just vacated. Clyde and I watch the couple, smiling as Poppy teases Clint with the sway of her hips.

  ‘He has a death wish.’

  Clyde’s laughter floats over me, and I turn to look at him. His gray eyes are on me, and I smile. Time to move on from Sundance.

  ‘Maybe he thinks she’s worth it – After all she’s a pretty girl.’

  ‘What about you Clyde – Are you willing to take the risk.’

  His gaze lingers on my lips, and I wet them with my tongue. My smile deepens when his pupils dilate. Then he chuckles as he returns his gaze back to the couple on the dancefloor. He drains his beer before looking at me again. His eyes roam over my body, and I shuffle in the chair. There’s no wild beat in my body. No urge to jump his bone. I just want Sundance out of my system, and Clyde is one of us. A River Demon. I hold his gaze as I rub the edge of the bottle over my tits. Under the table, I rub his thigh, my hand crawls to his cock, and his hand slams over mine.

  The kiss is harsh. Our teeth clash and the scrapping of enamel against enamel grates through me, but I don’t break the kiss. I clutch at his cloth covered dick. My other hand tangles in his hair as he drags my body on to his. His crotch thrusts against my lower junction

  ‘Let’s get out of here.’


  The house is in darkness when we arrive, and my fingers shake as I remove the key from my purse. I’ve only ever fucked Sundance. Crow and I have teased each other. I try not to think of either men as I lead Clyde up the stairs.

  Chapter 31

  The vibration of my cell has me reaching into my inside pocket as I step out of the deserted building. Where I see several missed calls from Crow and with a grimace, I wave my hand at Trax. ‘I need to take this call.’

  Trax, who’s also scowling, waves back as he finishes his chat with Berry before coming over to me, and I hold back on making the call.

  ‘A body’s been found.’


  ‘A woman’s – Sounds like it might be Maggie’s.’

  Trax’s news has me slipping the cell back into my pocket. I don’t need to hear the same information twice. ‘Where.’

  ‘About twenty miles outside of Burntwood Creek.’

  As I rub the back of my neck, Sugar Jay’s image flashes before me. Something which is now happening on a regular occurrence, and I’m eager to return home. My smile is whimsical. I’m not sure how’s she’s done it. But she’s managed to crawl under my skin.

  ‘Are you going to check it out.’

  Trax shakes his head as he studies me. ‘We’ll listen to the local news.’


  ‘How’s Sugar Jay holding up.’

  I hold Trax’s gaze as I answer him. ‘She’s doing fine. When this mess is over – I’ll take her away for a few days. We might take a spin to Noir Valley.’



  Trax remains silent as I slip my leather gloves on, and mount the bike. It’s not until the engine purrs, he answers me.

  ‘You know what I have to do.’

  I nod ‘I only told Sugar Jay I wouldn’t hurt them. I never made any promises about anyone else finishing them off.’

  My gaze shifts towards the sky. The sun is setting and my body aches. Sam and Minty are in New Orleans. They’d left early this morning. In my pocket is the deed for the nightclub we have just left. Brody’s destruction is happening slowly. Maggie’s death doesn’t bother me. What I want is some loving, and I slap Trax on the shoulder.

  ‘Let’s go back to the club and party.’

  ‘That bitch has you under her thumb’

  ‘She can have me under any part of her body she fucking wants. I’m not going to complain.


  Before heading for the shower I need, I check Nightshades. After the turbulence of the last few days. It’s good to see business has remained unaffected, then I turn towards the club’s section of the house. When I step into the communal room, Crow drops his cue, his gaze flashing first to Apple-Pie, and then Layla, who are watching me. I wink at the women and watch Crow as he strides towards me. My gaze skims the room, and my heart sinks when there’s no sign of Sugar Jay or Charlie.


  ‘Crow.’ As I go to push past the young prospect, he grasps my arm firmly, his gaze intent as he studies me.

  ‘You didn’t return my calls.’

  ‘I already know about Maggie.’


  I glare at his hand as I shake free of his hold ‘Yeah – the bitch who kidnapped Charlie – You remember her – Well she’s dead.’

  ‘It wasn’t about Maggie.’

  ‘Then what was the call about.’

  ‘Sugar Jay.’


  I’m surrounded by silence as I stand by the window. My fingers are clammy, and my stomach twists. The ride to Noir Valley had dragged, and when I arrived at Sugar Jay’s home, it was to find it in darkness. I hadn’t waited for anyone to let me in. I’d broken one of the kitchen windows. The downstairs was bare, and the stairs had creaked as I walked up them. There’d been no answer when I shouted her name. The silence had eaten at me. What if she hadn’t returned to Noir Valley. My brain is being drowned out by what if’s, and I rub my stomach.

  It’s the sound of a bike pulling up outside the house that draws my attention back to the window, and from the shadows, I watch Sugar Jay lead a biker I don’t recognized into the house.

  ‘Let’s go to the kitchen – It’s warmer there.’

  The biker’s laugh grates along my spine as I step closer to the living room door, watching Sugar Jay and the mystery man as they disappear into the kitchen.’


  Through the crack of the kitchen door, I watch the biker stroking Sugar Jay’s arm and my fist curls as I bite back on the groan which is gnawing in me.

  ‘Let’s skip the coffee.’

  ‘Bastion will kill you, Clyde.’

  ‘A night in your bed would be worth it.’

  ‘No it wouldn’t.’

  ‘Sure it would Babe.’

  ‘You’d get nothing from me Clyde. No satisfaction, It’d be nothing more than empty sex.’

  ‘Babe I’d have you begging, and there’d be nothing empty about it.’

  ‘Yeah there would. I don’t want you Clyde. Have your coffee then go - Or go now.’

  ‘You can’t lead me on Sugar Jay. You promised me sex, and I want you.’

  ‘But I don’t want you. Forget about the coffee and go.’

  When the biker pushes his body up against Sugar Jay, trapping her against the counter. I don’t wait for an invite, I fling the door open, and drag his body away. My fist lands with a resounding crunch against his cheek bone and I smile, revealing my teeth as another punch lands on his nose.

  ‘The lady asked you to leave.’

  My hand throbs, and I give it a shake as I watch the biker stagger backwards as his gaze flashes from Sugar Jay to me. Then he’s giving a slight nod as he stumbles out of the room. Neither Sugar Jay or I move until the front door slams. My smile feral as my gaze rakes over her.

  ‘Hi Sugar.’

  ‘Sundance – I wasn’t expecting you.’

  ‘I can see that. Who was that fucker?’

  When Sugar Jay bites her lip, my cock twitches as the tip of her tongue peeks between her red lips. My smile deepens when her gaze flickers over my shoulder.

  ‘Clyde. One of River Demons prospects.’

  ‘Well Lady, if he goes near you again. He’s a dead one.’

  My body aches and chasing Sugar Jay
half way across Louisiana had not been my plan. ‘If that offer of coffee is still going – I’ll take one.’

  Sugar Jay’s unbound hair hides her face as she nods, and my fingers curl as I itch to feel the strands.

  ‘What brings you to Noir Valley.’

  ‘Let’s go somewhere comfier shall we.’

  Sugar Jay’s gaze swept over the makeshift kitchen. Then she’s collecting two coffees, handing one to me as she shuffles pass me without touching my body.

  ‘You ran Sugar.’ Sugar Jay sat herself in an overstuffed blue chair by the window, and my gaze follows the line of her stocking clad thigh revealed by the short skirt which is hunched up beneath her ass as she curls her legs beneath her. ‘Why.’

  ‘Because I don’t want Charlie to get hurt.’

  ‘I’d never hurt my son.’

  ‘You might not – But others will.’

  ‘The troubles nearly over. There’s not much left of Sam and Minty’s empire.’

  Sugar jay places her coffee cup on the bare floor beside her chair before lifting her gaze towards me. Her face hidden. The light is not at its best in the room. There was only a small desk lamp on, and there was no street light to illuminate the room.

  ‘If you win. The Brody’s will seek their own revenge; I’m telling you Sundance. We’ll go round and round in circles for years.’

  Sugar Jay’s hand is cold as I cup it in my own. ‘No they won’t. They’re broke Sugar, and I don’t mean financially. I mean their reputation. Their so called friends are deserting them. Without their backing, they are nothing.’

  ‘Do you love me, Sundance.’

  ‘I came to Noir Valley for you.’

  ‘That’s not an answer. Did you come for me, or for Charlie?’

  ‘For you both.’

  Sugar Jay pushes past me. Her hands sooth down the material of her skirt, and I mourn the loss of the sight of her thigh.

  ‘Tell me you love, Sundance.’

  ‘I don’t think love can describe what I feel for you.’

  ‘What does – lust. Desire. Want. – What do you get from me Sundance. A body to fuck and a mother for your son.’

  ‘Don’t forget the agro Sugar. Because you give me plenty of that.’


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