Handlers of Dragons

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Handlers of Dragons Page 14

by Kim Cormack

  “You are,” Lexy replied as she copied Zach’s action and hurled a stone as far as she could.

  He groaned and baited, “Must you ladies always stomp on my ego?”

  Lexy’s expression darkened as she countered, “Must Grey always stomp on mine?”

  “I see your point there,” Zach replied. “You two have stretched the boundaries of your relationship. He doesn’t remember anything and he keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Is that why you’re upset?”

  Lexy sighed as she faced him and answered honestly, “Do you know what it’s like to love someone you can never be with?”

  “I know what it’s like to want someone who has no serious interest in me if that counts?” Zach answered.

  “You mean Melody?” Lexy enquired.

  He grinned as he responded, “It would have been extremely helpful to know she was in love with the leader of Trinity. It still kind of stings that she knew I had this crazy crush on her and she just let it simmer without bothering to fill me in. Then, there’s the whole year long booty call with Grey thing that I knew nothing about. That had to suck for you.”

  Lexy glanced at him as she confessed, “It always sucks for me. It’s a cruel karmic joke, but you know those two have nothing serious going on. Grey was just her relief pitcher. Perhaps she needs a new one now?”

  “Right...It’s not like I haven’t tried. We kissed a while back. It was amazing. It was starting to feel like maybe it was going to go my way, but we met up with Trinity and whenever Thorne’s around it’s like I’m not even in the room. How am I supposed to pretend I don’t know I’m expendable?”

  “You realize you’re preaching to the choir?” Lexy teased while playfully nudging him. She added, “What about Haley? I thought I saw something happening there.”

  “I keep getting sucked back into my feelings for Mel,” he explained. “Also, I’m Kayn’s Handler, which is just as confusing because I know I’m not even the first choice for this job. I mean, she’s my friend and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her but she has Frost. It confuses my role. Maybe, if I had someone myself, it wouldn’t?”

  “Maybe,” Lexy repeated as she gave his arm a gentle reassuring squeeze. “I’ve been trying to move on from Grey for years but every time I do, his feelings for me resurface. That’s why I walked away. He’s being openly flirtatious. This is how it starts...Eventually, he’ll confess his feelings and I love him too much to turn him away. We’re inevitable but it’s torture when he wakes up and doesn’t remember. For a long time, the incredible night we spent together was worth it but now it just feels like I’m stuck on the wrong road.”

  “You deserve better,” Zach assured as their eyes met.

  Lexy took off her shoe and dumped out some pebbles as she sighed, “That’s just it. There is no one better. This isn’t his fault. I know girls say that all the time but in this situation, I know he loves me with everything he is. He’s my Handler. He forgets when his memory is wiped, but he’s been remembering his feelings for me, more often and closer together. For me, he’s everything. If there were ever a way for us to really be together, I’d be a hundred percent in, but this has been going on for so long. I’m finally ready to see my options, if that makes sense.”

  “It does...I don’t know a lot about the guy but Orin seems nice enough,” Zach remarked.

  Lexy grinned as she recalled their last encounter. She added, “Orin is amazing but I’m not Jenna and he’s not Grey. I don’t know where it could possibly go while we’re both still in love with other people. There’s other complications...Attractions to be dealt with before I can even think about it.”

  “Tiberius?” Zach enquired as he pitched another stone.

  Lexy bent down and snatched herself a pebble as she chuckled, “You don’t miss a thing, do you?”

  “Not usually,” Zach admitted.

  “It’s complicated,” Lexy confessed as she cast her stone.

  “The dark and twisty ones are always fun,” Zach sparred as he grabbed another grape sized pebble out of the sand and tossed it.

  “Stephanie or Patrick?” Lexy casually enquired.

  Zach’s expression altered. He was immediately on the defensive, “What about Patrick?”

  “Nothing, it was just a vibe I got after seeing you together,” Lexy countered with a sly smile.

  Zach’s eyes grew calm as he confessed, “While we’re being honest, I’ll admit it, there’s a strange pull there. To make it clear, I’m straight... I enjoy sex with women.”

  “I’m not disputing that. I’m just making sure you know, it’s alright to be who you are. Some people are into both,” Lexy gently revealed as a commotion by the fire made them both aware that Kayn was awake.

  “For now, I just plan to stay in one lane,” Zach clarified as he brushed the sand off his hands on his shorts.

  “The best things come from broken plans,” Lexy teased as they jogged back to the others.

  As they arrived, Grey was just sitting there watching a cross legged Kayn, gleefully molding an energy ball. Grey mouthed the words, “Get her before she blows someone up.”

  Kayn looked at Grey and disclosed, “I have no ill will with the Lycanthrope. I’m going to use it on Abaddon. They’ll be here soon. Can’t you feel it?”

  “Shit! Everyone up! Get ready to fight!” Grey stammered as he leapt to his feet. “Does anyone have salt?”

  Lexy dashed back to their barely salvageable vehicle as the Lycanthrope gathered by the fire clutching their knives, prepared to rumble.

  “Hey Grey!” Emerson called out.

  Grey turned just as the Lycanthrope tossed him a closed switchblade. He caught it and warned, “You should leave. You’ll be killed.”

  “We’ve never run from a fight before, why start now,” Emerson refuted.

  Lexy returned with a box of salt and a backpack full of weapons. She tossed the unopened box to Grey who quickly made a circle of safety and ordered, “There’s no time. I can feel it too and my radar isn’t the greatest. Get in the circle!”

  “Why?” Emerson asked as the Lycanthrope joined the Ankh in the safe area encircled by salt.

  Grey glanced at Emerson and repeated, “Why? How do you deal with Abaddon?”

  “We don’t,” Emerson replied. “We’ve heard of them but we’ve been basically left alone out here.”

  “Aren’t you in for a treat,” Zach remarked. He noticed Kayn was still purposely standing outside of the circle and summoned her, “Get in here Brighton!”

  Kayn brazenly remained outside of the circle’s protection, molding her blue hued orb, appearing to not have a care in the world. She peered over at her Handler and acknowledged his command with a sly smile as she replied, “That’s not necessary. Lexy’s in the circle.” Her stomach cramped again. They were close. She glanced at Lexy and said, “What better time for an experiment? If my way fails, I’m sure you’ve got the juice to take them out old school.” Lexy shrugged her agreement.

  Zach pleaded with Kayn, “Get in here. You’ve already ingested too much dark energy today.”

  Kayn met her Handler’s concern with logic, “And I plan to use it...Right now.” She whirled around as the cloud of smoky demonic darkness descended upon the group. It passed Kayn by without even attempting to subdue her. She was holding an orb of blue energy but she didn’t want to blow this entity up, not when she could use its strength to defeat a more dangerous foe. She clapped her hands together and the orb of indigo disappeared.

  “What was that?” An awestruck Lycanthrope exclaimed as he spun in a circle, trying to keep his eyes on the ominous vapour swirling around the group protected within the confines of the salt.

  Lexy quickly schooled the Lycanthrope, “The dark fog subdues you and then the monsters consume you.”

  “Figuratively?” Emerson enquired while making sure to remain in the circle.

  “No,” Grey responded. “It tears you apart and devours you. That’s why we said you should leave. But that
ship has sailed. You’re in the eye of the shit storm now. It’s happening.” He nervously observed the distracting black cloud.

  Zach opened the backpack, removed three blades and tossed them into the sand while saying, “Just in case Lexy can’t channel our energy with you Lycanthrope in the mix.”

  Kayn cracked her neck like a badass as she declared, “You won’t need those.” She stepped into the path of the demonic vapour, held up her hands and visibly shivered as she ingested the evil entity through her pores. The darkness coursing through her burned like poison as her veins protruded and darkened. As Kayn exhaled a slight puff of black smoke escaped from her lips. Kayn’s eyes, usually a brilliant green became dark pools as the sweet agony of the power she’d consumed snuffed out all mortal sentiment.

  Zach loudly instructed, “Stay focused Kayn! It’s coming!”

  Her Handler’s voice echoed as though it had come from the end of a tunnel but she heard it. Kayn slowly turned to face the rustling sand. There it was. A slick midnight black scaled tar covered reptilian creature was shuffling through the harsh grainy landscape towards her. Saliva dripped from it’s jagged jaws as it reared its head, attempting to assert its dominance over the one girl who stood between the beast and its smorgasbord. It was now that she needed it. Kayn pressed her palms together and released a spine chilling primal wail as she used every ounce of her will to create a new hypnotizing orb of energy between her palms. She began slowly maneuvering her fingers apart and back together. Each time, the iridescent yellow hued orb grew larger. The beast let out a screech as Kayn pitched the shimmering orb at the depravity. It exploded in a splat of meaty pieces that reddened the light-coloured pebble strewn sand.

  A Lycanthrope who appeared to be no more than a preteen excitedly exclaimed, “That was insane!” The boy stepped out of the circle assuming the danger had passed. Lexy attempted to grab him but she wasn’t fast enough as black vapour descended upon him from the side of the circle furthest from Kayn. Lexy yelled, “Get the kid!”

  Somewhat removed from the situation, Kayn serenely observed the young Lycanthrope squirming on the ground fighting for his life as the black vapour devoured the boy’s energy.

  “Do something!” a male voice yelled.

  How was this her concern?

  Knowing there was little else Kayn cared about, Zach stepped out of the protection of the circle and grabbed for the incapacitated Lycanthrope.

  The pitch of her Handler’s voice calling for help brought her back from the void. Kayn darted around the circle, yanked her Handler out of harm’s way and tossed him back into the salted area of protection.

  Zach shouted, “Grab the boy!”

  On autopilot, Kayn also yanked the Lycanthrope out of the clutches of the demonic cloud and rifled him into the protective circle of salt. The young Lycanthrope staggered into Grey’s arms.

  Lexy called out, “Behind you! There’s another one!”

  Kayn spun around in a blur of curly blonde mane and raced at the merciless abomination clawing through the sand towards the group. It occurred to her mid instinctual attack that she didn’t have a plan. Kayn dove out of the way, narrowly avoiding a well-timed swipe of the depravity’s claws. She skidded through the sand on her stomach. The tar black scaly abomination shifted direction and came at her as she scrambled away from it. A second round of incapacitating onyx fog appeared. Kayn released a primal shriek as she ingested the demonic vapour through her pores. She succumbed to the euphoria for the blink of an eye and snapped back to reality with the scaly lizard like atrocity’s claws submerged in her abdomen. She was in gloriously delicious agony as the monstrosity lifted her impaled body into the air. She could taste the sickeningly sweet taste of the blood in her mouth as her Ankh symbol began its warning strobes. While dangling precariously from the savage beast’s claws, Kayn loudly declared, “I’ve got this!” Her Healing ability was fighting the good fight, heating her from the inside out but it could do little more than keep her alive while she was still impaled like meat on a skewer. She choked and sputtered up blood while clawing at the beast’s slick impermeable scales with what little nails she had. Her vision wavered and she opened her eyes to a clear view of the blood drenched ground in front of her. This wasn’t good. It was poring out of her. Fingers crossed, she’d die before it ate her. Kayn stopped fighting as she hung there like a kabob, watching her blood saturating the ground. She was tired. She should go to sleep. Kayn’s eyes popped open as Zach called her name. No. This isn’t over. She touched the monster’s scales at the base of it’s dagger like nails as she willed an ability to surface. Unable to control which one, adrenaline released a potent wave of inhibition loosening pheromone into the air. The Lycanthrope instantly began to change within the circle. That can’t be good. Kayn gurgled as blood sputtered from between her lips.

  Zach couldn’t take it anymore. Knife in hand, he dove from the protection of the circle into the sand and the grains sprayed up, momentarily obscuring him from view. He was sprinting to Kayn’s aid before the dust settled. Her Handler courageously leapt onto the monstrosities back and hung on for dear life while being tossed around like he was bareback riding a demonic bronco. It’s easily maneuverable spiked tail that operated as a third arm swiped Zach off and he tumbled across the sand. Kayn gasped as the monstrosity impaled her with its other set of claws through the small of her back. She cried out in agony as the depraved creature tugged its claws in the opposite direction, opening her gut to an unsalvageable point. Kayn felt the fire of her healing ability fighting against her certain demise as she watched her Handler struggling to get up. There eyes met and they both knew it wasn’t about saving her. They were immortal and sacrificial lamb was in their job description. They wanted to keep their bodies so it was about killing the beast before it ingested anyone.

  Zach began rifling stones at the monster, hollering, “Drop her! Come on! Come get me! You slimy, worthless, demonic piece of shit!”

  The beast’s tail coiled around Zach like a snake. It raised him into the air and pounded him into the dirt a couple of times before catapulting him a good fifty feet. That was going to leave a mark. An unexpected surge of adrenaline raced through her system. She was seething with rage. Kayn shivered as another burst of pheromone released from her pores. The Lycanthrope had finished their transformation. They’d morphed into gigantic beastly feral looking wolves. They raced to Kayn’s aid, attacking the beast, chomping down on its limbs with their razor sharp fangs. The demonic monstrosity raised its spiked tail and swiped them off like bothersome flies. Some of the Lycanthrope whimpered while struggling to get back up, as each one shook off the shock of their injuries, they continued to rush at the beast. She’d had about enough of this! Kayn fiercely commanded, “Release me!” The demonic manifestation of evil turned her around. It gazed deeply into her eyes as she calmly repeated herself, “Release me.” It immediately freed her from its skewer like claws, dropping her in the sand. She felt her midriff and couldn’t look down, knowing her intestines were exposed. A scene from her Testing involving demons devouring her insides flashed through her mind. Suck it up. Getting up was impossible but she was a Dragon. Kayn managed to find the will to stand, with her hands clasped over her stomach. Her healing ability was working at full force to heal her game ending injury but it wasn’t going to work fast enough. Lights out time was coming. She was already dizzy but prepared to keep fighting even if she tripped over her own intestines right before she died. The beast inched closer until it was only an arms length away. Something had changed in the monster’s eyes. Kayn removed a hand from her stomach and reached out to touch it. The monster knelt before her. The commotion instantly ceased. One of the wounded, now mortal looking Lycanthrope was pulling himself through the sand, still trying to come to her aid. She needed energy to heal. The obvious choice was the mortally wounded Lycanthrope. Kayn was about to take what she needed when it kissed her foot. Even though her comprehensive sentiment skills had been dulled to almost non-existent,
she couldn’t bring herself to take from something that had given its life to protect her. Ingesting the physical manifestation of an extremely powerful demonic entity also left her feeling hesitant. Feeling was the operative word. Instinct was practically screaming its warning. She turned to the clan’s other Dragon. Lexy had dutifully remained within the confines of the circle of salt, fully aware that she would have to heal her clan. Lexy slowly turned her head from side to side signalling her disapproval of either choice. Her attention was drawn to her Handler. Zach was lying in the sand...motionless. She felt hollow as she sensed his soul’s departure to the in-between. Renewed hostility urged her to ignore precautionary measures and digest the monster’s energy. As she turned to the gigantic lizard like being, it evaporated into a black mist and disintegrated into nothing. She touched her penetrating stomach wound and although it was healing quite rapidly she knew she’d lost too much blood. Her knees buckled and she crumpled to the ground.

  In seconds, Grey was kneeling before her. He laid both hands against her bare skin and urged, “Take mine. You two have a lot of people to heal. I’ll hang out with Zach in the in-between for a while. It’s all good.”

  She wanted to but couldn’t find the will. She was too far gone. With a shuddering final breathe she slipped away and succumbed to the peaceful darkness.

  Chapter 8

  Impermeable Hearts

  KAYN GASPED AS SHE awoke in a field of buttercups with Zach by her side, watching the clouds in the sky. She glanced over at him as she commented, “Well, that was a shit show.”

  He chuckled and replied, “We had our asses kicked.”

  “Apparently,” Kayn mumbled as she watched the clouds rapid movement. She really had to figure out how her ability worked. Experimenting while in the middle of a fight had proven to be a ridiculous idea.

  “We need to figure out how to manage your energy cravings so we can keep you on an even keel,” Zach proclaimed.


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