Handlers of Dragons

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Handlers of Dragons Page 24

by Kim Cormack

  Kayn hadn’t given the mortals that covered up for them much thought before now. They’d given up everything too. She met the girl’s eyes through the plexiglass as she replied, “Perhaps, we’re not so different after all. I was just a normal girl in high school. My twin had the ability that triggered our Correction, I didn’t. One day, I had this amazing family and the next they were gone.” Kayn knew she’d hit a nerve as tears formed in her caretaker’s eyes.

  The two girls spent the following hours chatting about T.V shows and guys. Time moved quickly and soon it was time to be released from the pod like chamber she was encased in. Karen opened hers first. Then she allowed her to watch the protocol for reviving and releasing the others. Another button was pushed followed by a whoosh of clear air.

  “It’s really potent oxygen,” Karen explained. “It usually does the trick. If not, I give the heavy sleeper a dose of adrenaline.”

  The chambers were opened and all three of her clan members climbed out stretching and yawning.

  Lexy asked, “Do we need to rent a car or does the Aries Group have one waiting for us?”

  Karen smiled as she answered, “I’m sure someone is waiting for you because you’ll also need new passports and ID.” She shook Kayn’s hand as they parted and said, “I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

  Kayn said her goodbyes as she awkwardly bumped into an extremely tall man in a suit.

  “I’m your driver. I’ll take you to get everything you need,” a lanky tall man announced as they descended the stairs into a partially enclosed enormous cargo hold. They must have driven the plane right into it. Kayn inhaled the scent of the air. It smelled like it was raining. It was probably pouring outside.

  Chapter 13

  This One Time in Seattle

  THEY’D ALL HAD NAPS and were fully prepared for the duties ahead. Except for her. After a quick shopping spree for clothes, toiletries and snacks, followed by a well-deserved soak in their suites luxurious tub, Kayn felt more herself. Zach knocked on the door. Knowing she was fully concealed by bubbles, she sang, “Come in.”

  He stuck his head in and announced, “We’ve ordered dinner. I think everyone wants to stay in and binge watch Netflix. Are you in?”

  “Hell yes,” Kayn agreed from within her cozy nest of bubbles. Zach grinned as he closed the door. She didn’t have any steam left to burn off today. Room service and movies sounded beyond perfect. Her mind started to flicker through the last couple of weeks. That steamy afternoon with Frost before the banquet. She was such an idiot. She would have had more memories to reminisce about if she hadn’t tossed Kevin off a balcony for no reason. They’d punished her by separating them from the clan. Killing those shady Lampir had been followed by an epic car accident and a run in with pheromone loving Lycanthrope. They’d been kidnapped by Abaddon and she’d lit herself on fire on the word of her ex-boyfriend who now spoke to her in her thoughts. After waking up in Triad’s trunk they’d been driven to a hotel where they all had plans to spend the night. She’d had a heart to heart with Kevin about his new role in her afterlife. That was also where the repercussions of accidentally strengthening Grey’s fire-starting ability became clear. He got drunk and lit the place on fire in a jealous rage. They’d raced away from the hotel during that high-pitched sound but weren’t out of range when the Aries group blew the place up to dispose of the evidence. Zach fell off a cliff into turbulent waters. She dove in after him and they became trapped in a cave with sharks blocking one escape route and cannibals in the way of the other. She fought infectious cannibals in maze-like underground caverns and ended up trapped for a week, only to be shot with large animal tranquilizers and decontaminated by the Aries Group. She’d taken her first plane ride while inside of a pod to keep her from tampering with the equipment. Her mind was spinning. It was time to get out of the tub. There was no point in over thinking this gong show. She was going to give herself a damn headache. Kayn tugged on an enormous mid thigh length t-shirt she’d bought to use as pyjamas and wandered out of the washroom with a wild mane of damp curls. They were sharing a hotel room with two queen size beds. Lexy and Grey were sprawled out on one as Lexy flicked through the movies. There was a knock on the door. Zach leapt up, grabbed his card and answered it as Kayn snuggled under the covers. This was exactly what she wanted to do... Absolutely nothing.

  Zach plopped down on the bed and announced, “Dinner has been served,” as he handed one of the pizza boxes to Lexy and Grey.

  Lexy opened the box and said, “Brilliant idea Zach.”

  Zach opened their box. Kayn grinned as she saw that he’d loaded half of their pizza with banana peppers and jalapeños. He always had her back. She playfully shoved him and praised, “Thanks buddy.”

  He was chuckling as he dug into a separate bag. Zach tossed packages of hot sauce at both her and Lexy as he replied, “I know what you ladies need.”

  “I’ll tickle your back while we’re watching the movie,” Kayn vowed as she dumped a grotesque amount of hot sauce on one of the slices and devoured it.

  Grey scowled at Lexy and teased, “What? No back tickling for me?”

  Lexy held up her pizza, shrugged and countered, “No banana peppers. No back tickles.”

  Grey fake pouted as he ate his slice. Things were still off between Lexy and Grey, she could feel it.

  Zach leaned closer and whispered, “That’s why we’re never sleeping together.” Grey tossed an empty styrofoam cup at Zach. It landed between the beds. “Good shot,” Zach mocked.

  Grey grinned as he slowly shook his head and sparred, “Carry on...It’s not like I can’t light this whole hotel on fire.”

  “I dare you to pull that bullshit again and see what happens,” Lexy mumbled while staring at her slice of pizza.

  “Alright friends...We’re all staying in the same room tonight and I really don’t have it in me to continue watching this soap opera. I’ll turn this drama into a horror faster than you can say don’t smother me with a pillow. Pick a movie,” Kayn urged while extremely irritated.

  Zach sweetly asked, “Would you like something to drink hun?”

  “I’d love a glass of water,” Kayn answered, grateful her Handler wasn’t being a tool.

  “I guess nobody thought to get any beer?” Grey enquired as he wandered over to the mini fridge.

  “Oh, you’re not drinking anywhere around me for a long time,” Lexy muttered under her breath as she flicked through the movies.

  Grey stopped staring into the mini fridge. He turned around, looked directly at Lexy and coldly stated, “I have to drink to be around you. Our days of cuddling in bed are done. I’m sure Tiberius can clear his schedule to cater to your every need.”

  Lexy stood up, met Grey’s insolent gaze and countered, “At least he’ll remember doing it.”

  Zach jumped up, blocked Grey and exclaimed, “Let’s get out of here before one of you says something that can’t be taken back.”

  “Don’t bring him back here if he’s drunk,” Lexy remarked.

  Well, there goes movie night.

  Grey glanced back at Lexy and jousted, “Don’t you worry sweetheart, it’ll take me all of five seconds to find someone worthy of my company!”

  This wasn’t good. Grey aggressively slammed the door as he left, leaving Zach standing there in the room. Zach said, “I’ll just go and make sure he’s alright.”

  “He’ll get over it. I always do,” Lexy replied quietly as she continued her search for something to watch.

  Zach slipped out of the room. Kayn glanced over at her sister and asked, “Were you guys fighting the whole time I was gone?”

  “Worrying. Fighting...Then worrying some more. Our symbols kept going off. We were afraid you’d been swept out to sea. Jenna contacted us with your location and the warning to wait for the Aries Group to arrive before attempting to go after you because the area was shark invested and we’d only end up making a bad situation worse.”

  “What are you going to do? He’s your Handl
er,” Kayn asked.

  “I’m going to get over him and move on with somebody else. Like I should have a long time ago. This is probably a good thing. Maybe if being with him isn’t an option, I’ll be able to find something lasting longer than a night,” Lexy replied.

  “You love him,” Kayn pointed out, sensing her sister’s inner turmoil.

  While lost in her thoughts, Lexy whispered, “I always will. More than anything in this world or any other, but I can’t keep doing this to myself.”

  Kayn slipped out from under the covers and got into the bed next to her newfound sibling.

  Lexy smiled as she enquired, “How about this one? Do you like scary movies?”

  “Sounds good,” Kayn replied. They began watching an eighties slasher film, chock full of gratuitous violence. As would be expected, both Dragons fell asleep.

  They awoke to find the boys had not returned from the night before. This was rather annoying because they needed to go to high school to stalk a teenage girl today. The backpacks full of supplies they’d purchased the day before were by the door. Lexy texted the first number on her cell, alerting the Aries group of the change of plans. Kayn and Lexy were going without their Handlers. They were washed, dressed and out of the door in a few minutes. Kayn had just a touch of makeup on and her hair pulled into an inconspicuous sporty ponytail, playing the jock. Lexy was dressed as she felt most comfortable with her free-flowing crimson hair, ruby red lips, heels and jeans that accentuated her curves. The two Dragons strutted out of the room.

  “Shit!” Lexy exclaimed. “They have the car.”

  “We’ll take a cab,” Kayn announced as she observed the busy street ahead, while lugging the backpack full of school supplies intended for Grey. Lexy was going to have no problem waving down a taxi looking like that. She preferred to hide in the background. Lexy’s preference was the waving flag approach. This could be an interesting day. No Handler’s. A bonding day with her newfound sibling. What could go wrong?

  Lexy laughed as she responded to her thoughts, “Don’t even think it.”

  In minutes they were in the back of a cab on their way to school. Kayn was honestly a little bit excited to experience a few days of normalcy. They’d be walking the halls, eating in the cafeteria. It was an opportunity to just be a teenager. They got out at the school. Lexy leaned in, paid and their taxi drove away. She looked down at her cell as it buzzed. Lexy peered up and announced, “Grey’s paperwork has been replaced with yours. We are siblings from Arizona. We just moved here for our Dad’s job. We’re using the same first names. Our last name is Smith.”

  Kayn grinned. That had been Kevin’s real last name. They strolled to the front doors while listening to the animated chatter and taking in the faint auras of the swarm of students walking up ahead. She really should have stabbed herself this morning and healed so their auras would be more vibrant. Kayn nudged Lexy. The two girls paused and stepped aside, allowing the crowd to funnel past. She whispered, “I didn’t prepare for this. Their auras are quite faint.”

  Lexy casually responded, “No biggie. I stabbed myself this morning after I brushed my teeth. I’ll find her.”

  “Of course,” Kayn teased as they joined the herd of teens and marched through the wide open double doors into the hormonal jungle. They really hadn’t been given much information to run with but they knew the drill. After a rather witty conversation with a kind of awesome secretary, they had their schedules and were on the way to first class.

  They parted ways before Kayn clued in. Lexy’s, I’ve got this speech, wasn’t going to work if they were in different classes. She was going to have to wound herself carefully so she didn’t get blood on her clothes. The warning bell rang. She opted out, preferring to focus on what she could see versus being the centre of attention by being late. As Kayn entered the classroom she saw faint auras around each person. She inconspicuously slipped into an empty seat at the back of the room and opened her binder. Invisible had always been her preferred state while amongst her peers back when she was mortal. She rather enjoyed people watching. It was easy to see where each student fell in the hierarchy. There were three girls in the front of the room that mannerisms wise, screamed peacock. They were being ogled by obvious jocks, whose auras were as dull as their personalities. As she scanned the room she found one girl that was a possibility with hues of yellow. She was paying attention to the teacher or trying to, while visibly upset. Kayn observed her for the entire hour but when the bell rang signalling the end of class. The petite brunette with shoulder length hair, gathered her belongings and stood up revealing her protruding belly. The girl was easily six months pregnant. She hadn’t seen that plot twist coming. It couldn’t be her. Kayn followed the girl out into the hall. Lexy called her name and she turned around.

  “I found our girl. Her name’s Carmen,” Lexy announced as she rushed to catch up.

  Oh, thank God. “Awesome. So, she was in your last class?” Kayn asked as they compared schedules. They had a class together. They raced to the next room number on their schedule and were lucky enough to find two empty seats in the back. This time all eyes were on them. It only took her a second to realise they were looking at Lexy, not her. It was going to be difficult to remain invisible with Lexy dressing like that. In her head, she heard Lexy’s voice, ‘She’s two rows ahead of us. Can you see her?’ Kayn inconspicuously peered up from behind her book and sure enough there was another girl with a faint yellow hue around her. Something concerned her though...it was no brighter than the pregnant girl’s aura from the class before. Without words, she directed her thoughts to Lexy, can there be two? In my last class, there was another girl with an aura just the same but she was pregnant. Her stomach clenched as someone knocked on the classroom door. The teacher got up, wandered over with the clicking of her heels. She excused herself and stepped outside. Kayn glanced over at Lexy and knew instantly that she’d felt the same internal warning.

  The teacher stepped back into the classroom and announced, “Is there a Kayn and Lexy Smith in this class?”

  What in the hell was this about? They both raised their hands, stood up and strolled over to the door. The teacher motioned for them to follow her and they begrudgingly did, knowing they had to play along. As they stepped out into the hall they saw a couple of policemen with ominous swirling black auras. Maybe she was going to have an opportunity to ripen up that healing ability after all?

  “Ladies, we have a few questions. We’re going to need you to come with us,” an officer that was obviously Abaddon directed.

  Without a speck of concern for their well being the two Dragons wandered down the hall and out a side door. Kayn thought, So, I take it we have to behave until we’re out of sight?

  Lexy replied without speaking, ‘Play along. I’ll make it clear when it’s time.’

  As they stepped outside with a burst of fresh air, Kayn noticed there was a dumpster and no windows. She looked at Lexy, who slowly moved her head from side to side. They were Dragons. These guys were obviously morons. One of the fake cops opened the sliding side door of an unmarked black van and ordered them to get in. They both stood there contemplating their options. Kayn leaned closer to Lexy and whispered, “I’m not sure they know who they’re dealing with?”

  Lexy grinned as she responded, “They know exactly who they’re dealing with. We’re undercover and they have the power to blow it.”

  Stupefied, Kayn watched her sister climb into the van. Were they really going to leave with these guys? Kayn shrugged as she followed suit. You were never supposed to allow someone to take you to a second location. Her parents had made them all watch that episode of Oprah. For a second her mind traveled back to family breakfasts and warm loving embraces. Her heart ached. It felt like another life...It was. She heard Lexy’s voice in here head, ‘Change your train of thought. Emotional baggage makes you weak. This is not the time for that. It’s Dragon time.’ Her sister’s words excited her. The idea of dropping polite pretence and kicking som
e ass always made her feel a delightful surge of freedom. The two Abaddon were chatting outside as they sat there moderately amused by their captures lack of foreboding. These guys had to be new. The pretend officers got into the front and started the engine. The unmarked vehicle lurched to one side as it pulled out. They both toppled over giggling. This was an unfamiliar scenario. There were so many things she still didn’t know and on occasions such as this, it made her feel like she was flying blind. Kayn questioned, “Are you going to tell me why we’ve willingly gotten into this van without an offer of candy on the table?”

  Lexy chuckled. She removed her heels while commentating, “Always the comedian.” She winked and cracked her neck as she added, “We’ll stop and get some candy on the way home. As you know, after the Correction happens there’s a race for the survivor. These tools are probably trying to stop us from interfering with their plans. They’re obviously new and don’t know the rules. It happens. The girl must be important.” While balancing as though she were surfing on a concrete sea with her palm menacingly against the see-through barrier, Lexy called out, “Toss me one of my shoes!”


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