Blood of the Ancient Gods: The Beginning

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Blood of the Ancient Gods: The Beginning Page 5

by Johnson, Shakuita

  "What else? My father. One day I'm just going to disappear and he'll never find me."

  "What does he have you working on now?"

  "Some humans that Loki and Eris are taking an interest in. You wouldn't know why would you?

  Psyche watched the confusion cross his face and knew he had no idea what she was talking about. Damn.

  "Who knows with those two? It could just be all fun and games with them. I've not been home for a few years so I'm not sure what's what anymore."

  "Would you tell me if you did?" Psyche asked. A cute little pout on her face.

  "Of course. I have no secrets from you. Now enough talk, woman. I've missed you."

  Psyche melted in Eros's embrace and forgot about anything but him for the next few hours. She'd figure out what was going on soon enough. She had plenty of time.

  Chapter 8

  Loki walked in the dorm building like he knew exactly where he was going and in a sense he did. He would have to be careful and clever but the hardest part would be getting inside their room without raising suspicion. Hopefully Psyche wasn't home. Eris was out searching for her to ensure she didn't arrive home while he was extracting the girls. After finding the correct door he then paused to listen to see if he could feel Psyche's presence. With no tingling sensation coming from inside the door, he let himself in. It was very quiet and no lights were on anywhere. Good, they must be asleep and in the event they weren’t a little pulse of power to make sure they were wouldn't hurt.

  When he was sure they wouldn't wake up while he was moving them, he started in Lilia's room. The chamber room in Domus was already set up and all he had to do is move the girls from their beds to the glass cylinders. He did this one at a time. After he had Lilia inside her cylinder, he moved Veronica, then Tala. After they were inside, he locked the tubes so they couldn’t get out and made sure the air was getting in properly. It wouldn't do to kill the girls before they could even try to transform them. Happy with his work, he turned to find the other gods so they could get started.

  Hearing a noise behind him, he turned around. Veronica had awakened and was pounding and screaming on the glass. If she wasn’t careful, she'd break it and he didn't have time for that shit. Her screaming must have woken the other girls because before long they are all screaming and pounding on the glass. Walking over to their tubes, Loki looked inside with amusement. Recognition was instantaneous and they demanded to be let out.

  "Novo, what is going on? Let us out of these fucking tubes!" Tala yelled.

  "Oh, sorry dear, but I can't do that and I'm not Novo. My name is Loki and I'm the God of Mischief. Don't worry, everything will be explained to you in a bit. I'll be back soon and do stop beating on the glass. You wouldn't want to hurt yourselves," Loki said.

  Turning and leaving, Loki could still hear their screams coming from the chamber. They were talking to the wrong person for help or salvation. He had a job and he'd done it. The rest was out of his hands.

  "I've returned," Loki announced.

  "Excellent. I take it everything went well?" Oberon asked.

  "As well as could be expected. They are awake and screaming in their tubes. I do hope they don't break the glass and hurt themselves. I made sure to lock the chamber as well just in case they are able to get out and not die in the process. We should hurry though," Loki said.

  "Perfect. In less than a day all our prayers will have been answered and we can start amassing our armies. This is going to work. I just know it," Hecate said.

  "Let's not get too overzealous. We don't want to jinx it," Fenrir stated.

  Loki didn't care either way. He just wanted what was promised to him for his delivery, nothing else mattered to him in the slightest. He was in no trouble of fading anytime soon.

  "You didn't run into Psyche did you?" Hecate asked.

  "No, luckily she wasn't there. Eris should be returning soon," Loki said.

  "Good. I'd still like to know what they were planning with those humans but it doesn't matter now. We have them and they don't. Come, let's go meet our guests shall we," Hecate said.

  Loki followed behind Hecate, Fenrir, and Oberon to the chamber. The closer they got, the louder the screams were. Loki chuckled to himself. He'd have thought they would tire of the screaming by now but apparently he was wrong. He had much to learn about humans it seemed. Truth be told, Loki was also curious about how the girls would fair during the transformation process. They were playing around in new territory and it could go either way. Sadly there was only one way to find out if it would work or not. Time to go play gods.

  Chapter 9

  "Let us out of here, you freaks!" Veronica screeched.

  "We demand to be let out at once!" Tala shouted.

  "I just want to go home," Lilia sobbed. "Please."

  Interesting, Hecate thought to herself. They were all very different psychically and mentally it seemed. Loki did well but Hecate would never tell him that. She along with the other gods went to peer into the tubes the girls were being kept in. They seemed strong enough; but were they strong enough to survive the transformation? Nothing of its nature had been tried before and they couldn't afford to try again. They only had one shot at this.

  "Should we let them out to see what they are made of?" Hecate asked.

  "Why not? They can't get away. Loki, make sure the chamber door is secured," Fenrir said.

  After Loki ensured the lock was set, Fenrir, Hecate, and Oberon let the girls out of the tubes. The locks hissed open and once they realized they could get out, they all jumped out and backed away to a corner. There they huddled against each other with Tala in the front and Lilia and Veronica shielded behind her.

  "I see what you mean, Loki, about Tala always trying to protect them. She will be a fine leader indeed," Fenrir praised.

  "Who are you people and what do you want with us?" Tala asked.

  "We are gods and you should consider yourself lucky to be in our presence," Hecate said.

  "There is no such thing! You're delusional on top of being crazy," Tala said.

  "I assure you I'm neither. Do you need a demonstration?" Hecate asked.

  "Let us go. People will be looking for us," Tala bluffed.

  The gods laughed at her hubris. Obviously she was still confused about who and what they were. No matter, it wouldn't change her fate.

  "I see you have a listening problem. No one is looking for you. You're orphans and we are gods. Now stop this foolishness and accept your new fate," Oberon said.

  "Never. If you let us go now, we won't press charges," Tala said.

  Hecate sighed. She was starting to get annoyed.

  "I don't have time for this. Lilia come here and don't make me have to ask a second time," Hecate said.

  "No, you can't have her," Tala said.

  Hecate waved her arm and Tala went sliding across the floor away from Veronica and Lilia. Then she pointed at Lilia and willed her body to move. That small display of power had Hecate feeling dizzy but she refused to show it. She was weaker than she thought.

  "Now, Lilia dear, you have been chosen. You will lead a new species in my name. You will become a hybrid of elf and fairy. You will be known as a Nymphacris. You will pledge allegiance to me, and worship in my name. I want an army amassed. You will be in charge of creating it. In your blood will be the power to turn others like you. The prayers of this new army will sustain me for centuries. All will pay homage to me as their patron goddess!" Hecate boomed.

  Lilia stood in front of Hecate with fear laced heavily in her eyes. She had to be dreaming. It couldn't be real. She was still in her bed caught up in some sort of nightmare. There was no other explanation for it. She would wake up any moment now.

  "Speak child," Hecate said.

  "This isn't real," Lilia whispered.

  The slap came out of nowhere and it hurt.

  "I assure you I'm very real so I suggest you get your shit together, as you mortals would say," Hecate said.

  "As entertainin
g as this all is, we don't have time. I am Fenrir. Tala come here to me."

  Reluctantly, Tala went to stand beside Fenrir. She didn't want to be tossed around again.

  "Good, you my dear, will be my hybrid of vampire and werewolf. I will call you the Sucolupus and you will lead my army. All will pay homage to me as their patron god. You will create them through your blood and your prayers will sustain me and make me stronger."

  "I will never!" Tala yelled.

  "Oh, you will or I'll hurt you. Badly. This is not a game I propose. This is a matter of life and death. I will not go gently into the night. You will be my vessel and my salvation."

  "Last but certainly not least, Veronica come here to me. I am Oberon."

  Veronica stumbled over wild-eyed and fell to Oberon's feet. She looked up at him with wonder and awe.

  "You will be mine in all things. I will have you not only as a vessel but also as my bride. You will be a hybrid of witch and dragon. I will call you the Pristis-Incantatrix. You will form my army with your blood and all will pay homage to me as their patron god with prayers. What say you, child?" Oberon asked.

  "I don't think––," Veronica started to say.

  "Yes, you don't think. You do. All my commands you will follow without question. Now enough of this, we have work to do."

  Chapter 10


  "Loki, go get Eris and Phanes so that we may begin," Hecate said.

  "I'll be right back," Loki said.

  Loki reached out to Eris and immediately found her in Virginia. What the hell was she doing there?

  "Eris, what are you doing here?" Loki asked.

  "Keeping an eye on Psyche. Seems Eros has been keeping secrets. We will deal with him later. Is it time?" Eris asked.

  "Yes, let's go get Phanes and we can get started."

  Loki and Eris went back to Domus and headed straight to Phanes's bedroom. After a short knock they hear his voice on the other side.

  "Come in," Phanes said.

  "We need you in the chamber room. Hecate, Fenrir, and Oberon wish to speak with you," Loki said.

  "Of course. Lead the way," Phanes said.

  It didn't take them long to make it inside the chamber. The girls were once again huddled up against each other but they stirred at the sight of Eris.

  "You!" Tala accused. "How could you?"

  "I'm just doing the job I was given. No hard feelings," Eris smiled.

  "Bitch!" Veronica snapped.

  "Well isn't this lovely. Why are these humans here?" Phanes asked.

  "They will be our vessels. We need you to help us perform a transformation. Since you are the God of Life we thought it would have better results if you helped," Hecate explained.

  "Whatever. Hello, ladies I am Phanes."

  None of them acknowledge his introduction and Phanes just shrugged it off.

  "Sorry, this is Tala, Veronica, and Lilia," Loki said.

  He pointed to each one as he introduced them to Phanes.

  "Rude little things," Phanes muttered. "I need a needle and three vials."

  Loki got Phanes the things he needed and helped him extract three vials of his blood. Phanes took the vials and handed one to each god.

  "This will ensure the paranormal hybrid creatures you create can reproduce. It will also ensure the humans they convert won't die. Once they are converted they too will be able to reproduce and then you can have baby hybrids. They will be able to convert humans as well as give birth to pure breed beings. It may sound confusing but it really isn't," Phanes said. "However, any humans turned by Tala, Veronica, or Lilia won't be as successful in converting a human from blood exchange. They can however, reproduce with each other without a problem."

  "I see. Since they are the original carriers they are more powerful than those they convert but their actual offspring will wield the same powers they have?" Oberon asked.

  "Yes and no. As they reproduce the children will be stronger than any converted human but they still won't be as strong as the original three. To be on the safe side I would only have the leaders convert humans and the others reproduce with each other to create the strongest," Phanes said.

  "We understand. Thank you, Phanes. Will you be staying to help with the conversations?" Fenrir asked.

  "Yes, the procedure is very delicate. Now we must place them on flat platforms."

  Loki, Eris, and Phanes took the struggling, screaming girls and strapped them to the platforms. Long, clear tubes are inserted into their arms so their blood could be drained quickly and safely. They were drained to the point of almost death and infused with the blood of the supernatural creatures they were to become, the blood from their patron god or goddess, and finally the vial of blood from Phanes.

  As soon as the blood was added to their bodies, they began to go into convulsions that lasted for several minutes before they finally fell silent.

  "What now?" Loki asked.

  "Now we wait. They will either wake up changed or not at all," Phanes said.

  The gods all held vigil for hours before the girls could be heard stirring from their transformations. The screams, growls, and roars they let loose were anything but human. They were strong enough to almost break through the bindings that held them to the platforms. Their appearances were slightly altered as well. They had a more ethereal glow about them, but could still pass for human. Lilia's ears were more pointed but her hair would cover them up or a small glamour spell. Tala's fangs had descended but they should be easy enough to retract. Meanwhile, Veronica's hair was now red and her nails had turned into claws. They were beautiful and perfect.

  "Hush, beauties. Save your strength and anger for what's to come. There will be plenty of time to unleash it upon the world. We have an enemy that will require all our cunning and power," Oberon said.

  "Yes, we will have our war and you will be our star players," Hecate said.

  "You are perfect. Now rest up. War is coming," Fenrir said.

  Hearing the words of their patron god and goddess settled the girls instantly. It must be the blood they now shared. Tala, Veronica, and Lilia were still very confused about the change of events their life had taken but for now they could do nothing but wait. Their day would come and they would rain down their anger with a fiery vengeance to rival the bloodiest of wars.


  Janus woke up drenched in sweat. What the hell had he seen? It was inconceivable.

  Upon the full moon three maidens did stand. One with hair the color of a raging fire and claws as long as a dragon. One with pointed ears and translucent wings of glitter and gold. One with the eyes of a predator and teeth as long as razors. They were deadly with their beauty and the world stood at their feet. All around them the earth was in ruins. Thanatos's torn body lay bloody and unmoving. It cannot be. What are these creatures? They bring death and destruction to everything they touch. Behind them stood three gods proud and vibrant. They were going to bring death to them all.

  Janus jumped out of bed and ran straight to Thanatos. He needed to tell him of his vision at once. Without preamble, Janus barged into Thanatos's room and shook him awake.

  "What the hell is the matter with you Janus? This can't wait until morning?" Thanatos asked.

  "No, I saw your death at the hand of three unknown hybrids. Fenrir, Hecate, and Oberon were standing behind them," Janus said.

  "Don't be ridiculous! I am DEATH! I cannot die," Thanatos said.

  "You're not listening to me! We must act now. These hybrids are unlike anything ever created. They will bring about only ruin and your death with them. We must prepare at once! We have to strike them now."

  "Calm down! I will not go about half-cocked on a suicide mission. We must gather information before we strike. You need to settle down before you hurt yourself. Go into mediation and see what is to come. I will not rush to a reaction over a vision that may change. Find the furies and prepare them for an upcoming war. We need allies and supporters."

  "As you wish."
  "Come to me with all visions no matter what they are. I want to know everything you know."

  "Yes, I will come right away."

  "Good, now go and do what I've asked. I have preparations to make."

  Janus rushed back to his rooms to calm himself before he undergoes Thanatos's task. Something was coming for them all and only a select few would make it out alive.

  Thanatos didn't want to react in front of Janus but he was also spooked about the vision. Calling out he urged Psyche to him at once. She arrived several seconds later in a state of semi-undress.

  "Why are you half dressed? What have you been doing?" Thanatos demanded.

  "I have a life!" Psyche shouted. "I cannot continue to drop everything at your whims. What do you want?"

  Thanatos barely restrained himself from striking her. If he didn't need her assistance she'd have been put to death long ago.

  "We will discuss your extracurricular activities later. We have other more important matters to discuss. It's been brought to my attention that three new hybrid species have been created. What do you know about it? If nothing, then I need you to find out all you can. And bring your human roommates to me."

  "I can't just take three humans from the world. They will be missed and I have no idea about any hybrids."

  Thanatos looked at her until she started to squirm from his scrutiny. Her obedience was all that is needed. Everything else was just excuses.

  "I will do what I can, Father. That’s all I can promise. I will come back when I have information."

  Before he could say another word, Psyche vanished. Cocky little bitch. The next time Psyche stood before him she better have some fucking answers. He needed guidance.

  "Father, what am I to do?" Thanatos asked.

  In answer, the mists and shadows surround Thanatos and wrapped themselves around him like an old friend. The time for battle had come. It seemed only fitting that he answered its call.

  To be continued in Blood of the Scarified…coming 2017.


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