Home > Romance > REGINALD BONES 3 > Page 5

by Lucian Bane

  “I’ll get my tools,” he said. “Good luck,” he mumbled as Bones shut the door.

  Bones turned to find Winter and Sasha standing in the kitchen. Fucking great. “What are you doing with that on?” Bones demanded, realizing Winter wore Reginald’s clothes.

  “Oh, these ole things?” She looked down at herself. “I got them out of your top drawer, baby.” She smiled at a confused looking Sasha. “I like wearing his clothes,” Winter whispered to her.

  “Sasha, would you mind waiting outside for a moment?” he asked, looking at Winter.

  “I can come back another day.”

  “No, I need you today,” Bones shot out.

  “Yes, he needs you today,” Winter said.

  Bones let Sasha make her way to the door, biting his tongue on all the words he wanted to say. They’d only make it worse. He glanced at the girl fighting with the door knob, eying her skin-tight jeans and red heels. Her top was red and just as tight, showing off every curve and her perfect C cup breasts.

  The second the door shut, Bones looked at Winter, finding those green eyes shooting fire at him. Maybe the morning wasn’t entirely lost. He wasn’t sure where to start with his questions. “How did you get uncuffed?”

  She slowly squinted her eyes, shaking her head at him like he was an imbecile. “You uncuffed me.”


  “When you came into the room and woke me up.”

  Fuck, he didn’t remember that. “What else happened,” he demanded.

  “Well, first,” she cocked her hip. “I wondered what the hell you were doing. Then, I asked if I could use the bathroom. Then I did. Then you set up your new speakers in the office and listened to music. Then I went to bed, and you went to bed.”

  He eyed her, suspicious. He didn’t remember a single damn thing she said. “I was naked.”

  She raised her brows with a clueless look. “Guess you like sleeping nude.”

  He stared at her, looking for where she was lying and how. “What did we do?”

  “I didn’t do anything,” she assured. “You did,” she pointed at him.

  “What?” he grit.

  “What, what?”

  “What did I do?”

  “You don’t remember?” she asked, incredulous.

  “You fucking know I don’t. You think it’s right to take advantage of a sleepwalking person?”

  She put a hand on that jutted hip. “I’m sorry. You’ve reached the town whore. She didn’t finish her sleepwalk-ology classes and the only thing she knows about sleepwalking, is you’re not supposed to wake the person. So I… let you do.”

  “You let me do,” he muttered, his fury boiling.

  She slowly squinted her eyes at him until she looked pissed. She aimed her finger at him. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be raped by a sleepwalking man?”

  “Raped?!” he nearly yelled, staring at her. He shook his head, laughing a little. “You’re full of shit. You’d like to make me think that, but there is no way I’d do that. Not wide-awake, and sure as fuck not when I sleep. But I wouldn’t put it past you to do that.”

  The smug look that slowly came over her face stoked his anger as well as the heat stirring in his cock from talking about all the fucking. It was like Reginald was gone but his horny body sure the fuck wasn’t and when he was close to her, it did this.

  She gave a light shrug. “I have to admit, it was kind of nice having you so cooperative. For a moment, I thought Reggie had come back, you were so…” she made her voice sultry, “good to me.”

  Lava filled his balls right alongside his anger. “You fucking, manipulative bitch.”

  A knock sounded at the door.

  “Your paid whore is knocking.”

  Bones stepped up to her, wanting to warn her, and she bucked up to him with those bright green eyes, shattering his intentions.

  “Go answer it,” he said.

  “I’m not your fucking maid. Or your fucking servant. You take care of your own fucking whore.”

  He watched her storm out the living room as she slammed the hall door. “Coming,” he yelled to the second knock, annoyed. He hesitated at the door, wondering what the fuck he was supposed to do with Sasha now. He was tempted to leave here there and go shower.

  He yanked the door open and stood aside. “Sorry. Come in.”

  “If today—”

  “Today is fine. Just… clean the house. I need to shower.” He turned and headed for the bathroom.

  “Uh… where do you keep your supplies?”

  “Dig around in the laundry room next to the kitchen,” he called over his shoulder as he made his way to the bathroom. Something in him said check the office. Once there, he looked around, shaking his head in disbelief. What the fuck had she done in here? It was a fucking mess.

  He passed the bathroom, aiming for his bedroom door. He tapped his knuckles on it, resisting the urge to bang, bang, bang.

  “What,” she muttered.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “For what?” she whined, annoyed.

  “I’m opening the door.”

  “Go right ahead,” she said.

  He opened it and slammed it back shut. “God-fucking-damn,” he grit.

  “Oh, I’m changing,” she called sweetly.

  He clenched his eyes shut as visions of her breasts practically sucked his cock. “I’m going take a shower.”

  “Good for you,” he heard her mutter. “I’m going help Clyde get my shit ready, I’m not staying in your whorehouse another second.”

  He paused, wanting to tell her to leave Clyde alone but had no justified reason to say it. He was ready for a punishing shower. Entering the bathroom, he shut the door and climbed in the tub. Turning on the hot water, the first thing that hit him was the smell of her pussy all over his body. His eyes slowly rolled shut in agony as he adjusted the hot water to a degree that matched his angry lust. He gripped his cock, ready to rinse her off, then got lost again. The memory of him sliding in and out of her was fresh. So fucking fresh. And hot. He gasped in the steam, putting a foot on the tub as he stroked faster, gripping his balls tight. He pressed a finger at his ass, seeing that devilish pleasure in her pretty face. He grunted hard, shoving his finger inside, his hand sliding rapidly over his cock. Seconds later, he choked back the roar strangling his throat as he came like a locomotive with Winter kissing him and him kissing her back. The final fantasy ended with both of them locked in a tight embrace for hours.

  He stood trembling, trying to catch his breath with the water blistering his chest. Holy shit, was that a real memory?

  Banging and yelling reached his ears and he shut the water off. A loud boom sent him racing out the tub for his robe. He yanked it on while running out the bathroom and into the living room. A sudden scream pierced the air as he rounded the corner into the kitchen where two bodies writhed on the floor.

  “Winter!” he yelled, hurrying over. “Get off of her, what the fuck are you doing!” He yanked her off of Sasha only she had her hair clutched in both fists.

  “I’ll kill you!” Winter screamed as Bones fought to unlatch her claws.

  “Let go!” Bones ordered. He yanked her one good time and broke her hold then wrestled her to the floor where she thrashed like a slippery snake. “Get out of here Sasha,” he yelled.

  The girl let out a sob and Bones caught sight of her busted lip and nose. “I’m gonna make you pay for that,” she whimpered, hobbling to the door with one heel dragging on her shoe.

  “Come make me now, let me go,” Winter yelled to Bones. “I’m gonna scratch her fucking eyes out, that fucking bitch!”

  “Be still!” Bones grabbed her hands and held them next to her head. “The fuck is wrong with you!?”

  “Me!?” she spat, furious. “I didn’t start it, she did! And if she ever says anything like that again, I’ll cut her perfect fucking titties off!”

  Bones stared down at her, winded and dumbfounded. “Say what!?”
/>   He watched Winter’s face as she peered up at him. He’d never seen so much hate and rage.

  “Say what?” he repeated. “What could she possibly say to turn you into a fucking lunatic?”

  She turned her face away, mouth clamped shut and her breaths gushing from only her nostrils.

  “I’m not letting you up till you tell me.”

  She jerked her angry gaze back to him. “She called names.”

  “She called you a name?”

  “No, she called you a name.”

  He squinted in confusion. “She called me a name? Who the fuck cares, Winter?”

  “I do!” she grit.

  His hold slowly loosened on her wrists and he shook his head, perplexed with her. Why would she even give a shit? “What name did she call me?” he wondered, slightly amused now as he climbed off of her and stood. He held his hand out to her and she regarded it briefly. She reached up then realized she still had a clump of the girl’s hair and shook it off before putting her hand in his.

  Bones pulled her to her feet and looked at her. He reached out and smoothed her hair where it stuck up on the side of her head.

  “She called you crazy,” she finally muttered.

  At hearing that, a chuckle escaped him and she glared at him. “Don’t you dare defend her either or I’ll cut you.”

  His laughter sputtered out more, as flashes of her beating the shit out of that girl played through his mind.

  “It’s not funny. You’re not crazy.”

  “Yes I am,” he said, laughing more at how pissed she still was over that. He was having a hard time not finding it to be one of the nicest things anybody had ever done for him. Besides Reginald. “Thank you,” he mumbled finally. “For… defending my sanity.”

  “I didn’t do it for you, I did it for Reginald,” she muttered.

  He lowered his head a little and a streak of pain hit his chest at the mention of him. Bones wasn’t used to anybody having devotion for Reginald, especially not the kind they’d throw down for. He met her gaze and held out his hand. “Truce?”

  She lowered suspicious eyes to his offer before finally putting her hand out. He reached and connected their palms for a gentle shake. “I’d like to buy you a drink for that.”

  Their shake lasted for several seconds as she stared at him then pulled her hand slowly out of his. Bones focused on the soft feel of her skin as it left.

  “I don’t need a drink for that,” she said. “But I might take a ride into town to buy me some damn clothes.” She regarded her stretched out shirt. “Bitch messed Reginald’s up.”

  “I got you some things.”

  She shot a glare at him. “You mean the killer whale sized jogging pants and top? I ought to knee you in the balls for those.”

  He noticed blood oozing from several cuts on her arm and neck. He went over and lifted her arm. “She got you good,” he said softly, stroking his finger near the angry marks. He raised his eyes and found her angry green ones on him, giving a slow grin. “But not as good as you got her.”

  She relaxed a little and again slowly pulled out of his touch. She walked past him and headed out of the kitchen. With every step she took away, his body ached. “I’ll take you into town now if you want.”

  “What about Clyde?” she called from the living room.

  “He knows his way fine around home repairs. I’ll let him know what I want and we can go.”


  Winter wanted to cry as she changed into more of Bones’ clothes. Why did she say she’d done it for Reginald when she’d done it for him? Because she couldn’t bear any ridicule at that moment and the stupid remark just came out. Then she saw what it seemed to do to him. She’d stolen the one time something was just about him. Then she watched him slip back into his comfortable, dirty Bones’ skin, the one who didn’t deserve being defended, the one who always took the hit to keep others clean. He was happy to let Reginald get the good stuff because he was unworthy.

  God, he was truly a beautiful person and she wished so much she could show him that. But all wasn’t lost. There had been an obvious change in his attitude toward her. Something civil. Maybe even nice. Her stomach suddenly plummeted as she realized he was taking her out. For a drink. Oh God.

  She recalled how he drilled her about what happened while he slept. She’d been scared shitless how to answer him. But then she realized the majority of the truth worked well enough. For now. He thought he’d slept walk. Sleep walked? Slept walked? Whatever. She needed to keep him thinking that until she got more answers from X. Which she really sucked at on that first round. She’d have to do a hell of a lot better the next time. She couldn’t let him do that again, spend almost the entire time… doing that.

  She finished getting ready if you could call it that. She was so embarrassed in his clothes. Wearing them around the graveyard was one thing, but beyond that, God no! She hurried to the door in his jeans and t-shirt, both snug on her. Except his shoes, those were too big.

  “Oh,” she gasped at finding him at the door.

  “I was about to knock. You ready, before I change my mind?”

  Her heart sank. “Well… we don’t have to go. Now. Would you prefer waiting till dark?”

  He gave a dry laugh. “That won’t make anything better for me.”

  What did that mean?

  “I don’t usually do public outings without Reginald.”

  “Ohhhhhh,” she whispered. “I thought you didn’t want to be seen with the town whore.” She sucked in a breath. “I forgot, I’m supposed to be missing!”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  “Well, I do,” she cried. “You don’t need my past showing up at your door.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  What was he not getting? “I mind! The Professor has connections and I can’t risk you getting into that.”

  He locked his gaze on her and she didn’t understand the burning look in it. Was he angry? “Your problems are my problems. If it makes you feel any better you can wear a cap or something.”

  Her problems were his? That was new. She thought of something. “There’s a Dollar General not far from here. We can stop there and I can get some things to wear.”

  “But… that’s why I’m taking you to the mall.”

  “The mall?” she shrilled. “I can’t go to the mall in this.”

  He eyed her. “Then… we’ll do your idea and get you something there, then we’ll go to the mall.”

  “You sure you want to go to the mall?” she asked, positive he didn’t.

  “I never want to go to the mall. We’re going because you need clothes and I’m not qualified to pick them for you.”

  She took in consideration what he was proposing and how huge this was for him. And how much she wanted it. “Okay, fine. Let’s do this.”

  “The mall, then I’ll get you that drink. I’m sure I’ll need a few by then.”

  “You and me both.” She’d been to the mall exactly twice in her life. Once when she was a child with her Aunt, and once on an errand for one of the high-priced whores. The Dollar General was her mall. And she owned that bitch like a fucking queen.


  They pulled up at the store and she looked around for familiar faces. “Okay,” she said. “In and out.”

  He regarded her as he turned off the truck. “Why are you whispering?”

  “I don’t know. What if somebody sees me?”

  “I don’t give a shit,” he cried.

  “And I do,” she cried back.

  “In and out, like you said. There’s only two people here and one is probably the person working.”

  “Who I no doubt know.” She sighed, looking around. “You come with me, I can hide behind you if I need to and you can pay at the register. And you can bring me the clothes in the bathroom and I can change there, perfect.”

  “Is that all?” he asked, sounding incredulous as he opened his door.

  She got out of the tru
ck, waiting for him. “Bones,” she hissed, when he walked toward the store.

  He turned back. “You coming?”

  She waved him over and he sighed, returning to the truck. “Walk close to me, don’t leave my side,” she whispered.

  “God, you’re way too fucking paranoid.”

  “No, I’m not. The Professor finds out I’m with you and he’ll cause trouble. The kind with blood and death.”

  “And he’ll find himself six feet in the ground, maybe still alive.”

  She widened her eyes as they walked, having to hurry to keep up with his long strides. “Slow down!” she whispered, hooking her arm in his.

  “You walk too slow.”

  “You walk like you’re headed to an emergency.”

  “I am. And the second we get this done, the emergency will be over.”

  “Oh my God, you poor thing,” she muttered. “I would tell you how nice it is of you to do this but I know how you suck at accepting compliments, so I won’t.”

  He cast a cocky sideways glance down at her that made her tummy tickle.

  “I would also like to tell you how that look made me feel but I won’t do that either.”

  “Is that a fact,” he muttered. “I’d appreciate if you didn’t.”

  She glanced at him, catching the hint of a smile. She mocked him, only mouthing I’d appreciate if you didn’t.

  “I saw that,” he said, pulling the door of the store open. “You’re like a bad kid. That could stand a good ass…” He didn’t finish and she wondered if he too was instantly reliving how he spanked her ass that one time. God, she sure remembered. She also remembered how X spanked her and shame filled her cheeks.

  After they entered the store, she tugged him to the right, knowing where she needed to go. When the coast was clear, she began going from one clearance rack to the next, searching for the “steal deal” she always managed to find. She pulled a black jumpsuit off the rack, gasping at her luck. “What do you think about this?” she whispered, putting it against her.

  Bones barely glanced. “Yeah. Sure.”

  “You didn’t even look.”

  “Yes, I did,” he said, looking again. “Whatever you want.”

  She handed it to him. “Hold it,” she said, hurrying to the shoes next. She knew what would look good with it, but did they have it was always the golden question. Again she couldn’t believe her luck when she found the perfect black high-heeled sandals to go with it. “Yessss,” she whispered, clutching them under her arm as she raced to the accessories for some kind of scarf to hide her hair. She pulled a pair of giant sunglasses off the rack and put them on as she shopped.


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