Home > Romance > REGINALD BONES 3 > Page 9

by Lucian Bane

  “I would never look,” he all but squealed.

  “You’re a terrible liar.” She finally managed to stand on the hood and held both arms out for balance. “Shit, I forgot the music!”

  “I got you covered, hold on,” he said. “There, how’s that?”

  “The fuck is that? Country?”

  “Just a swangin,” he sang. “Take it off!” he hooted.

  “Christ.” She reached under her dress and worked her panties down to her ankles. She tried to step out of them and nearly tripped. Then she tried to kick free of them and they caught on her fucking toe. God!

  He howled in laughter and the sound had her joining him. “Dance for me!” he hooted from in the cab.

  “Fuck you!” She did Hawaiian dance moves to the country tunes, glancing back and cracking up when she found his face nearly pressed into the windshield to see. “You pervert!” she cried. “That’s it, that’s all you get! Truth or Dare,” she yelled at him.

  “Dare!” he yelled back.

  “I dare you to get your ass up here, you’re dancing with me.”

  He climbed out of the window, seeming eager to answer the challenge. He met her on the hood, nearly knocking them both off in his drunk stumble. He grabbed hold of her and pulled her into his arms until she pressed against his body enough to feel him. He stared down into her face, the hungry look in his eyes stealing her breath as he slow danced with her, even though the song wasn’t slow.

  The hood dented beneath their slow steps but all she could think about was his eyes slowly getting closer.

  “Truth or Dare,” he whispered next to her mouth, gliding soft hands over her back and butt.

  “Truth,” she gasped, barely able to think.

  “I dare you to kiss me.” Before she could correct him, his mouth covered hers and his tongue glided gently along hers.

  “You messed up,” she barely whispered right in his mouth, running her hands up in his hair.

  “Yes I did.” He stroked her face with his fingers, the tender gesture clenching her chest. “It’s my turn,” he mumbled. “Ask me.”

  “Truth or Dare,” she barely managed between his soft, silky kisses. His hands roamed all over her, matching his kiss except for the way he forced her tightly to his body now.

  “Dare,” he breathed on her.

  She barely remembered then. “You have to pick truth.”

  He smiled on her mouth. “Can I cheat?” He pulled up, staring down at her. The look on his face stole her breath. He looked so beautiful in happiness. Her heart ached so badly with the need to freeze time and keep him just like that.

  “Do you… still hate me?” she whispered.

  His eyes roamed all over her face. “Yes.” He kissed her deeply until she couldn’t breathe or think. “Truth or Dare,” he asked her, his silky touch on her throat now.


  “Do you hate me?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Never,” she gasped. “Truth or Dare.”

  “Truth,” he said, his voice and touch suddenly desperate.

  A sob clenched hard in her chest and she fought to swallow it down as he wiped the tears from her face. She realized what he was doing. He wanted to tell her something. Connect with her. “Do you… forgive me?”

  His fingers tightened on her face and his breaths shuddered. “For being too beautiful?” he asked, so sincerely. “I won’t forgive that. Not fucking ever. Truth or Dare.”

  “Truth,” she croaked.

  “Tell me again.” He gasped, searching her eyes. “Tell me he’s here, Winter. Tell me he’s not gone, that I’m hiding him, tell me I’m just hiding him,” he barely whispered.

  She grabbed his face and kissed him, desperate to make him see. “He’s here!” she cried on his mouth, kissing him over and over. “Reginald’s here, he’s part of you and you’re part of him. You lived through him and now he lives through you.”

  His breaths became erratic and he shook in her arms. “I want to live,” he barely croaked on her mouth. “I …I don’t fucking know how.” He clutched her so tight to him.

  “I’ll teach you,” she sobbed in his shoulder. “I promise, I’ll help you live, I’ll teach you.”

  “Teach me. Right now.” He held her face, kissing her faster. “I’m dying with need, I can’t breathe around you, I can’t breathe without you. I’m suffocating.”

  She realized the sun had set and they were cloaked in darkness. “In the truck,” she gasped when his hand slid between her legs for a delicate stroke over her folds.

  He broke away and jumped off the truck, reaching for her. She sat and he pulled her onto his waist where she wrapped her legs around him. He stood there with her, just breathing into her neck, his arms and fingers squeezing and feeling her, face nuzzling like he’d hungered for so long to touch her.

  The idea brought another sob and she tried to show him back, clutching him. “I missed you,” he gasped in her neck before sucking with a harsh hunger.

  He finally walked to the passenger side of the truck with her and opened the door.

  Sitting her on the seat, he pushed her legs open and hurried to her pussy, licking and devouring with a groan of agony. “I missed your taste, God, I missed your smell,” he croaked, plunging his tongue inside her and pressing his nose into her clit.

  “Bones,” she cried weakly, holding his head to her. He was suddenly at her mouth, kissing, his breaths harsh and erratic as she heard him removing his pants. “Yes,” she whispered, wanting him so bad. “Don’t stop, please don’t ever stop.”

  She fought to accommodate him on the seat when he climbed on her. He kissed her, sounding like he couldn’t catch his breath. “Not like this,” he suddenly gasped. “I want this right.”

  “Whatever you need,” she moaned as he sucked at her neck. She’d fuck him in a dumpster, it didn’t matter, just so she had him.


  Bones drove to Portland, intent on finding the most expensive hotel and getting a suite for her. He was unable to speak a word and Winter didn’t ask any questions the entire thirty-minute drive there. Did she feel what was coming? He didn’t know what it was, but it was massive and he was terrified. But it was coming. And he wasn’t going to try and stop it.

  When he finally got her rushed through the lobby and into the room, he locked the door then led her to the bed. She sat, staring up at him, her face gripped in concern. Always for him.

  “You need a drink?”

  She barely shook her head, bracing for whatever was coming.

  He needed a fucking drink.

  Feeling lost, he sat next to her, waiting for some inkling of what he was supposed to say. Reggie. Please help me.

  He stared in the air before him while the hurricane growled inside. He saw himself standing on the edge of a cliff, willing himself to jump. Just fucking jump.

  He turned on the bed, running right into the agony gripping her pretty face. To understand, to help. He opened his mouth to catch his fucking breath, putting a hand on his chest. The storm inside surged with a dense ache until his fingers closed and strangled his shirt.

  Tears filled her eyes and she nodded. “Take your time,” she whispered. “We have all the time you need.”

  He shook his head. “But I don’t,” he barely managed, his breaths shaking out in blasts. “Something’s… something’s broken in me, Winter.” He wrenched the words out, gritting his teeth with the dirty confession. “He was trying to help me. He was here to help but I just wanted to protect him, he was…” His throat shut down and he forced the words out. “he was my brother,” he strained. “I was supposed to protect him.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  Tears flooded his eyes and he shot up, wiping them away with a single slide of his hands down his face. “He was a bright kid,” he fought to say, needing her to know and understand. “Reggie was so smart, he was a little weak and he stuttered so I… I always made sure he knew he was special because…” His throat c
losed and he pushed the words out. “…he fucking was.” Bones gasped for air, fighting to think around the pain. “And then… he saved me,” he whispered, shaking with the agony boiling in his chest. “I always told him he was my hero, he was my best friend.” He turned to her and she covered her mouth as he sucked in breath after breath, fighting to finish. “I should’ve hid him better, Winter!” he grit. “He always said to me… Bonesy…” he held back the sobs. “You’ll always come for me, you’ll never leave me in the dark?” His muscles trembled and he slowly dropped to his knees. “I’ll always come for you Reggie. That’s what I told him. I’LL NEVER LEAVE YOU!” he roared slamming his fists against his chest. “I LOST MY BROTHER!”

  She hurried to him, wrapping her arms tight around his waist. Bones latched on, fighting not to fly apart. He pressed his mouth hard into her shoulder, losing the battle. Losing everything. “I lost my brother,” he wailed, his voice breaking with everything else inside him. “I’m sorry,” he gushed with a violent sob. “I’M SO FUCKING SORRY!”


  Bones’ pain gripped Winter so hard. She clutched his shoulders as he let out a wailing roar, his body doubling over and shaking with the trauma pouring out of him. He sucked in a deep breath and released another one. Again, and again, they tore out until she wailed with him, praying for God to please let her take his pain, help it end somehow.

  It was like a nightmare that never ended. A horrific tragedy that never stopped. She waited for the pound on the door from the management, or police but it never came. She rocked him over and over, cooing “shhhh, shhhh I got you” while his pain strangled her heart. And he’d gotten this beautiful room just for her, he wanted it to be special. He didn’t say it but she knew it, because he was such a sweet man, he was every bit Reginald as he was Bones.


  Winter woke in the bed, alone. She’d fallen asleep? She bolted up in panic. Shit, she didn’t want them to sleep! She looked at the window and realized it was still dark. The faint sound of water reached her ears. The shower?

  Maybe Bones hadn’t slept. God she hoped so. She climbed out the bed, glancing around for a clock, finding a huge one right on the wall before her. She sagged in relief. Only ten.

  She made her way to the water sound, looking for the bathroom. She entered a door and realized it was a small room before another door. The second one was opened a little and she peeked her head in, locating a large walk in shower on the right.

  Her stomach clenched at the sight of Bones standing behind the foggy glass. She swallowed at the perfect profile, hands braced on the wall, head hanging. Her heart clenched in worry that he was still in pain.

  Her breath froze when his head turned toward her. He slowly slid his hands down the wall and straightened, staring at her. Her legs moved toward him, her body needing to be near, to check he was okay.

  She stopped several feet away, suddenly unsure.

  He stared at her through the glass and the look on his face stole her breath. She hurried to the entrance and stared at him, taking in the breaths he took, long and deep through his tortured, beautiful body. Lost in his naked perfection, she devoured every inch of glistening muscle. When she reached his cock, thick between his perfect legs, she swallowed, gasping for air. She continued down, loving how the black hair lay so perfectly straight on his body.

  He raised his arm slowly out to her, the gesture of a lost man forever reaching for something, anything. She stepped in, not caring that she wore her dress. His lips parted as his eyes remained locked on hers in that silent prison of need.

  She reached up and slid her dress from one shoulder, then the next. Pushing it down her body, she watched his breaths thicken as he followed her hands over her hips. The dress fell to her feet and his eyes followed her hands to her bra clasp at her front. She removed it and let it fall.

  He remained unmoving except for the agony drawing his brow. She stepped forward, stopping within touching reach. But she didn’t yet. She stood still, only staring at his beauty, right there. Her heart hammered when she caught the barest tremble in his body, like buried cravings rippling in waves beneath his skin, whispering out in his erratic breaths. The man of darkness couldn’t step out with his own feet, he couldn’t reach out with his own hands.

  Winter answered him the only way she could, with her own hungers. She softly placed her hands on his chest and the catch in his breath sent a dense longing through her. She parted her lips, taking the steamy air into her lungs as she glided careful fingers over his muscles covered in dark, silent messages. Waiting to be seen. To be read. Waiting for her.

  She leaned in and placed soft, healing kisses across his chest, listening to the sound of him fighting with the chains holding him back. “Come to me, Reginald,” she whispered on his skin.

  He let out a giant gasp, like his heart had been sliced wide open. His arms shot out and braced against the wall, the shaking in his body more violent.

  Winter very carefully slid her hand around the back of his neck and rose up on her toes. She watched his eyes clench as she kissed along his face with every ounce of tenderness in her heart. She felt it. An enormous wall of need filling her up, her blood, her breaths, her mind. His need and hers. She moved with it as it rose higher, its power guiding her fingers, lips, and tongue with its hunger.

  It unleashed on her and she grabbed his face tight, pushing his perfect lips open, forcing him to know and feel her love in that second.

  His freedom burst forth with a growling blast of passion. She gave a sharp cry of triumph when her back hit the shower wall and his mouth crushed hers, hard and hot, his steel fingers biting into her legs as he shoved her up the wall.

  She wrapped his strong waist with her legs and in a single moment, he shattered her with a fierce plunge of his cock that exploded both their worlds.

  Winter’s high pitched cries came with every violent pound of his cock while his hot growls burned her all the way to her soul.

  “Winter!” he suddenly gushed on her mouth, his arms wrapping her tight.

  He was trying to tell her it was there, the terrifying moment when he lost himself, gave himself to something impossible. “I got you,” she fought to say. “I got you!”

  A roar slowly clawed its way out of his throat, long and almost terrifying. His head fell back and every muscle in his neck bulged as he fought to contain the force. Winter felt drunk as she watched, not wanting to miss a single second or detail of his first orgasm as this new man, even as her body jolted up and down the wall with his rapid massive thrusts that threatened to unhinge her.

  She finally felt him slowing until he stood shaking and heaving for more air. His forehead pressed into her chest and she wondered how on earth he was able to stand after that, much less maintain his grip on her.

  “You need a break,” she whispered.

  He answered with breath after huge breath, his chest heaving against hers, his heart hammering. “Bed,” he barely said.

  He turned with her and headed out of the shower, holding her.

  “You’re exhausted,” she said, gripping his neck and waist tight, trying to be lighter somehow.

  “I’m just getting started.”


  Bones couldn’t begin to wrap his mind around what he’d just experienced. His orgasms usually went in one direction. That wasn’t an orgasm. That was four rogue comets of light slamming into his world—left, right, top, bottom—blowing him so fucking far out of his headspace. He wasn’t sure where he’d be, who he’d be, why, when, or what the fuck he’d be, if he ever returned from where she’d taken him.

  And now he couldn’t get Winter in bed fast enough. He didn’t want to disconnect from her, he needed to do too many things, make her orgasm being at the top of that list. Stopping was dangerous, then came reflecting, thinking, and all the other things he did in that quiet, waiting darkness. And then there were the strange and sometimes wicked urges and thoughts that came anytime he had the least bit of good feelings. An
almost bloodthirst niggling at the back of his mind. Never any rhyme or reason or direction. He wouldn’t dare to hope they were gone, that maybe she’d fixed him. But he also didn’t care to hear that doom and gloom message of ‘nothing this broken can ever be fixed.’

  He wanted to just be here, with her. As long as he could. He’d take five minutes of the heaven she gave him and be the happiest man. But if it was all the same to Fate’s cruel, fickle ass, he’d reach for every fucking bit of it.

  He laid her on the bed, kissing her. It was like his hunger was never satisfied with Winter. He slid his finger inside her, moaning at the delicious fucking gasp she gave him. “Are you ready to scream?” he whispered on her mouth.

  “Yes, God yes. I missed you so much.”

  He stroked along her tongue with his, adding another finger. “Fuck, I love how you feel here. Wet silk. Always hot. Always beautiful. You’re so beautiful, I can’t stand it.”

  Her breaths strained with moans as she clutched his wrist and met his thrusts with flicks of her hips.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” he said, looking down at how she moved.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  The soft beg drew his gaze to hers, to her desperate eyes shiny with desire and need. “You want my cock?”

  “I want you,” she whispered.

  Her words stole his breath and he rolled onto her, kissing her deeply. She pulled him tight to her, legs wrapping his waist, fingers clawing his face as she kissed him back, filling his mouth with hot moans. Bones was suddenly at that new, strange edge and he had to fight the hard pull. She needed to come this time. Come as hard as he had.

  She reached between them and he suddenly slid in deep, their sharp gasps clashing with the power already taking over. He moved to the erratic pace that pulled from everywhere at once. Did he fuck her mouth with his tongue, fuck her sweet pussy, tell her the crazy shit happening inside him, hurry and get to that place, or did he go as slow as he could and memorize the way there so he’d never lose it? All of it swirled inside him, fighting for him to do each thing simultaneously.


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