[Made Men 6] The Root of All Evil

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[Made Men 6] The Root of All Evil Page 18

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I can’t get over this reaction, Giada.”

  “What? Why? You expect me to do what, cry? Are you kidding me? Do you realize how hard I worked to get that job and position? How many hours and weekends and shitty meetings with perverted assholes?” She shook her head.

  He pulled her back in front of him and cupped her cheeks. Narrowing his eyes at her, he held her gaze. “Perverted assholes?”

  “Duh! Of course perverted assholes, and other men who thought they could seal the deals better than me. I made a lot of money for that company, and they aren’t getting away with this. No way,” she stated firmly.

  “Calm down and let us handle this. Brew is already doing his thing.”

  “What thing?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry about it, Giada. You were in the right. You’ll get that job back and an apology,” Train told her.

  “Knowing Brew, she’ll get more than that,” Royce said and winked at her.

  Giuseppe held her around her waist from behind, and she leaned back against him.

  “Why not have a drink? What are you in the mood for?” Royce asked her.

  “A martini. Make it a double.”

  Giuseppe whispered into her ear. “We have to stay late. We have things going on here tonight.”

  “Well, I can stay late with you. I don’t have a job right now,” she said.

  He gave her a kiss on her temple. “It will work out. You’ll see,” he told her, but he wondered if it would and couldn’t help but feel hopeful it didn’t. She could be around them a lot more and move in with them quickly. He didn’t want her out of his sight, and working or going out with her friends did just that.

  * * * *

  “So, how is the whole leave-of-absence thing going?” Fina asked Giada as they walked around the boutique.

  They were both looking for dresses to wear to Club Magique next week. Caprice was performing, and then they were all going to enjoy a little dancing and hanging out with their men.

  “It’s actually pretty fun. I slept in late two days, and by Wednesday, I was going insane I was so bored. I never realized how much responsibility I had with my job and how all-consuming it was.”

  “So go back. You got the perfect package and deal after Brew got through with your bosses,” Fina said to her.

  Giada smiled. “Brew was awesome, and with the bonus I got, never mind the flexible schedule, of course I’m going back. Next week actually. I just haven’t told the guys yet.”

  “Why not?” Fina asked as she pulled a blue dress off the rack and looked at it.

  “Well,” Giada said and looked around them to make sure no one could hear them talking. The boutique was a little crowded. So much so that Train and Brew waited outside. “They kind of like keeping me…accessible.” She smiled.

  “Oh, isn’t that just so sexy. You doing them in their offices.”

  Giada gave Fina’s arm a slap.

  “You should just move in with them. You’re practically living in their penthouse as is.” Fina put back the blue dress.

  “I know. I was just hung up on the whole time-factor thing and thinking it was too soon, worried it could get screwed up.”

  “Well, if they’ve dealt with you the last week bored out of your mind, they’ll probably survive you living with them.”

  “Nice, Fina,” she said, and Fina laughed. “Lunch?”

  “Sure. I can’t seem to find anything here.”

  “Me either. Maybe we can hit Merlot’s after lunch.”

  “Will Brew and Train mind?”

  “I don’t think so. Something is going on at the club. They’ve been texting back and forth, and Brew keeps taking pictures of me. That means the guys are worried.”

  “Oh no. Is it something serious?”

  “I don’t think so, Fina, but I know they weren’t happy to find out that not only was Julia working for Calvarro but so was Monterro, who, by the way, lost his job once Brew got through with Davis. He had no idea what was going on or what I was put through. I kind of feel funny going back to work and dealing with the gossip, yet my new position, which I earned, should leave me with less time in the office and more time out and about or working from home.”

  “The guys will like that.”

  “They will, and I can’t wait to tell them when I let them know I’m going back to work next week.”

  “Being sneaky, huh? Using the work-from-home thing to get them to accept your early decision?”

  “You know me so well.”

  “Yes, I do,” Fina said, and they laughed.

  Thirty minutes later they were eating lunch and enjoying the day when Fina grabbed her arm.

  “Oh no.” She pointed.

  Giada looked behind her and saw Uncle Les by the side entryway. He waved at her to come over. She shook her head and turned back around.

  “Are you not talking to him still?” Fina asked.

  “He wants me to break things off with Andreas, Giuseppe, and Dominick. He’s been against them from the start and keeps telling me that they mean me harm. It’s been a few weeks since I last saw or heard from him.”

  “Well, he’s coming over.”

  Giada saw Train and Brew coming, too. “Oh no.” She stood and turned around. “Uncle Les, what are you doing here? I don’t want any trouble.”

  He stared at her. “We need to talk.”

  “There’s nothing to talk to her about. If you’re here to cause trouble, please leave,” Brew said to him.

  “I’m not leaving. She’s my niece. I’m her family. What are you to her?” he scolded them.

  Brew raised one eyebrow at Uncle Les and exhaled, unsure how to handle the older man. He looked at Giada.

  “It’s okay, Brew. Let him stay and we’ll talk, but if he causes trouble, he’s done.”

  “Are you sure, Giada? You don’t need any extra aggravation,” Train said to her as Brew pulled out his cell phone. He was more than likely calling Dominick.

  “Yes,” she said.

  Uncle Les stared at the two guards walked away.

  “What do you want to talk about?” Giada asked him.

  He looked at her and exhaled, taking the seat beside her. He looked exhausted. He took her hand and held it. “I worry about you. I don’t like this, them, and how there’s more than one of them wanting you intimately.”

  She gulped. It wasn’t easy to explain the power of a ménage, the commitment involved. “Uncle Les, Andreas, Dominick, and Giuseppe are good men, and they care about me. They love me.”

  He shook his head. “They aren’t loyal to you. Women throw themselves at them all the time. I heard they got you fired from your job, too, that Andreas cheated on you.”

  She shook her head and pulled her hand from his. “No, Uncle Les. That was a misunderstanding, a setup actually, and Andreas didn’t cheat on me.”

  He lowered his head and inched closer. “I don’t like this. I had a plan of getting this job, making really good money and talking care of you, paying you back for all you’ve done to help me.”

  She saw the emotion in his eyes and felt him shaking. Her eyes filled up with tears. “Uncle Les, you don’t need to take care of me or pay me back. Take care of yourself. Get that job, make your money, and get a better life. Maybe quit drinking and messing around in bad stuff that will only get you into trouble, beaten up, or worse. I don’t want to get another call from some bartender that you were roughed up and left for dead. I don’t.”

  “If I get this job, we’ll both be rich. We’ll both have more money than we’ll know what to do with. You don’t need to settle for this kind of relationship.”

  “Uncle Les, the money doesn’t matter. I have plenty of money. I’ve worked very hard. I love them, and I’m going to be moving in with them next week.”

  He pulled back and stared at her. “What would Jimmy say?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “He would be happy for her, knowing she had three great men who would protect her, provide for her, and love her
fully,” Fina chimed in.

  Thank God because if Giada had to speak, she was going to cry. She had a bad feeling, an empty feeling in her gut telling her that the uncle she once had would be gone after today. He wouldn’t mean anything to her anymore. His focus had always been money—making money, getting rich, becoming something he wasn’t willing to work hard for but instead get someway somehow and with no care of the consequences.

  “Money isn’t everything, Uncle Les.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “It is to me. Money gets you things you never had before. Can give you power, control, and even make dreams a reality. All I’ve ever done was try to make more money and to care for you so you weren’t alone, especially after Jimmy died. Instead, you made it on your own, and now you’re going to throw it all away?” He raised his voice.

  She shook her head. She felt sick to her stomach, but something inside of her wouldn’t just push him away and tell him she hated him and to never come near her again. He was her only family. She reached over and took his hand.

  “They can’t protect you like Jimmy did,” he said to her.

  “Uncle Les, I love them, and they love me.”

  “They say they love you because they want to own every part of you. That’s what these men do. I can’t stand to think of the pain, the heartache you’ll feel when they push you aside, treat you like some material thing instead of the beautiful, smart woman you are.”

  He gulped, and she nearly cried. “Uncle Les, I want you in my life. I do. You’re my only family, but if you can’t accept my men, then I can’t let you remain part of my life. I can’t.”

  He stared at her and exhaled. He didn’t say a word for a few moments, and it was unnerving. He glanced toward Brew and Train, who remained close by watching ready to do whatever was needed to protect her.

  Then he looked at her. “We’re all the family we got, Giada. I guess you give me no choice.”

  She squinted ta him, not certain what that meant.

  “I don’t want you to hate me because I disagree with this relationship. It will take time to get used to this. I’ll fear them hurting you, and I can’t help that, you know?” He gave her a small smile.

  She nodded. “It’s a beginning, Uncle Les. You’ll see how much they care and love me. You’ll see.”

  He nodded, and then she called over the waiter to bring Uncle Les something to drink and made him order some lunch. He looked tired and weak. She glanced at Fina, who gave her a reassuring smile, and then asked Uncle Les about Queens and whether that small little bakery was still up and running and making those jelly-filled pastries she adored.

  Giada couldn’t help but smile. This could work out. She could have her only family—her uncle—in her life, three great men who loved her and adored her, and surround herself with her friends and those people who cared about her and supported her in this ménage relationship. Suddenly she was feeling pretty optimistic.

  * * * *

  Dominick walked into the bathroom in the penthouse and saw Giada in the shower. He’d worried about her all day and how her uncle had come to see her and cause some shit. He understood that her uncle would accept them as her lovers, her men, because he didn’t want to lose his only relative. Giada needed that, too, to hold on to the past, a family connection, and especially after losing Jimmy.

  He swallowed hard. He didn’t like feeling a little jealous of a dead man. He understood the connection, the bond she had with the man she’d loved and thought she would marry and have children with. It just seemed to bother him more, not less. He glanced at his watch. They would be late to the dinner party. There would be no way to avoid it, not as he undressed and took in the sight of her curves, the way her long onyx locks clung to her hips, right above her ass.

  His dick hardened as he slowly joined her, prepared to reprimand her for not hearing him enter or see him watching her luscious body. As he slid in behind her and ran his palms up her hips and under her arms to her breasts, she hadn’t jerked or acted surprised.

  “I was wondering when you would join me, Dominick.”

  He kissed her neck. “You knew I was there?”

  She moaned softly as he sucked a little harder on her neck. “I always know when one of you are near. I feel it. Everywhere,” she whispered.

  He slid his palm along her belly, over the belly ring and taut muscles then down to her pussy. “Everywhere?” he asked, easing his digit into her cunt.

  She parted her thighs and bent so obediently and with need. “Everywhere.”

  He eased back, sliding his other hand along her neck and spine, pressing her down. “I need in—now.” He removed his fingers, bent slightly, and eased his hard, thick shaft into her cunt from behind. Her palms were pressed against the wall, her shoulder and back muscles so sexy and feminine. He couldn’t help but ease out and then slowly push into her as he massaged her body everywhere he could reach.

  “Fuck, I missed you today. I can’t stand being apart from you.”

  “I know, Dominick. I feel that way, too.”

  He stroked a little faster. “I can’t go on like this, Giada. I need to know where you are at all times and that you’re living here in the penthouse and not in your apartment. I can’t take it, baby.” He thrust faster, gripped her hips, and stroked into her with vigor and need.

  “Oh, Dominick. Oh God, this is amazing. I love you so much. I can’t live without with you, Andreas, and Giuseppe.”

  “Hot damn, we feel the same way,” Giuseppe chimed in.

  He and Andreas were there undressing. Dominick looked at them as he thrust into her pussy. They looked just as needy as he felt.

  “She’s ours,” he said and then slid his hands along her back to her shoulders, using them as leverage to thrust into her deeply. She moaned and tightened up. He felt her pussy muscles grip his cock, and he could hardly keep up the deep, hard strokes when she came and he followed.

  “Oh, Giada. Damn.” He slid from her pussy, turned her around, lifted her into his arms, and kissed her. He felt dizzy as he pressed her back against the wall and then moved his lips to her neck and just breathed in her scent and felt her wet skin as the water cascaded over it.

  * * * *

  Andreas sat on the seat in the shower and pulled her into his arms. He couldn’t believe how much he’d missed her today and worried about her, especially after her uncle showed up and made her emotional. Brew and Train had kept them abreast of the situation, but it only made them more desperate to have her in their sights and in their arms where she was safest. He stroked her cheek as she straddled his waist and kissed him. She moaned a second later as Giuseppe moved in behind her and began to press lube to her ass. Dominick looked on after passing Giuseppe the tube.

  “Take me inside of you, woman. We need you together.”

  Her lips parted as she held on to his shoulders. He stared at her and felt her grip his cock and slide her hot, wet cunt down it. He closed his eyes a moment, feeling how good it felt to have her, to be buried deep inside of her. It was exceptional and made life seem perfect and like nothing else mattered. He slid his hands up to her breasts and cupped them. She gripped his shoulders and began to lift up and down on his shaft then gasped.

  “So fucking tight. I thought about this ass a lot today and fucking it.” Giuseppe slowly pushed into her ass from behind.

  It was a little tight in the shower, but because of her petite size and their large sizes, one of them sitting on the bench and one standing seemed to work out perfectly. Another indicator of how perfect this relationship and combination was.

  “Oh God, Giada, you kill me. I can’t even move. I feel like coming already, watching my cock disappearing into this sexy, tight ass. Fuck.” Giuseppe smacked her ass.

  “Giuseppe.” She looked over her shoulder, only for Giuseppe to kiss her hard on the mouth and grip her hair.

  It sent Andreas over the edge, too, and he gripped her hips and thrust upward as Giuseppe thrust into her ass in sync to his thrusts. Th
e water fell over them, landing on her perfect skin, her lush breasts, and as her lips parted, her eyes widened, showing him those gorgeous blue eyes he adored, and she came, gasping for breath.

  “Fuck,” Giuseppe shouted and thrust fast, really fast, into her ass, and then he came.

  He pulled out and gripped the stone-tiled walls as Andreas stood, cupped her ass, turned her against the wall, and thrust into her fully. He kissed her mouth, ravaged it as he continued to sink his cock deeper and faster into his woman’s pussy. He was feeling so out of control, and when their lips parted, Giada screamed out, gripped his hair, and grunted, coming again. He thrust and stroked and then roared, shoving hard against her as he came. He apologized for being so rough as he kissed her neck, her chin, and her lips.

  “No apologies, Andreas. I loved it. I love how possessive each of you is and how you make my body somehow want more and more. I love it,” she said, out of breath.

  He squeezed her tight and held her there a little longer.

  “We are going to be so fucking late it isn’t even funny,” Dominick stated, walking into the bathroom buttoning his shirt cuffs and adding cuff links.

  Andreas set her down and turned off the water. He kept a hand on her hip as Giuseppe opened up a big towel and then pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.

  “Do we have to go, Dominick? Can’t we just stay here and…snuggle?” she asked.

  Andreas chuckled as Dominick looked at her with a firm expression.

  “Snuggle?” he asked, straight-faced.

  She used the towel to dry her hair, showing off her sexy curves and bare breasts as she did it. “Oh, don’t go saying it like it’s so terrible and you hate it. I know the truth, Dominick Coglonie, and you love to snuggle with me.”

  She gave Dominick a sassy look as she walked by him. Dominick gave her ass a hard smack.


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