
Home > Other > Cowgirl > Page 20
Cowgirl Page 20

by Nance Sparks

  “At the bottom of my bag there’s a bag of saline wrapped in a hand towel,” Aren said to Carol, trying to hide the fear she felt.

  Carol handed her the bag of saline.

  “Can you help me roll him onto his back again? I need to start an IV.”

  Aren and Carol worked together to get the man on his back again.

  “Carol, could you hold this while I get the line started? His pulse isn’t good.” Aren rubbed her eye and tried to focus on his arm in the dim lighting. She struggled to locate a vein even with the pressure band. She closed her eyes, adjusting to total darkness and then opened them hoping to see something. Found one! She inserted a needle into the man’s arm and affixed the tubing to the plastic on the back of the needle after it was taped into place. She broke the seal in the tubing allowing the saline to flow and then adjusted the drip to an appropriate volume.

  “Can anyone check to see if help is arriving? This man needs more than I can do for him.” Aren looked down at the officer. His pulse was becoming stronger.

  “What’s your name, Officer?” Aren asked.

  “Murph, Thomas Murphy,” the officer mumbled.

  “You hang in there, Murph. Stay with me until help arrives, okay?” Aren brushed back his sweat soaked hair.

  “Emergency services are coming! I see the lights,” someone called out.

  “Hang on, Murph. Help is coming, okay?” Aren held his hand.

  Aren reached for Carol with her free hand and was grateful when Carol squeezed back and sat at her side. It had been a long evening. Her medical training had kicked in, and she was grateful for that, but she couldn’t deny the relief she felt when the professionals arrived.

  Chapter Forty-two

  The rain finally began to let up well into the night. More of the town’s population gathered in the makeshift medical center. Most wanted nothing more than to be with people they knew. A few barrels were brought out into the street and filled with wood for warmth and light. Children of all ages were out there with sticks from the trees roasting marshmallows and talking about what they were doing when the tornado hit.

  Aren and Carol continued to work through the night, helping where they could. Once everyone’s wounds were tended to, they checked on their pain and inspected the wounds for any sign of infection. At some point in the night, a woman approach Aren and Carol offering them something to eat. Hunger hadn’t crossed Carol’s mind until she smelled the hot soup and biscuits. They graciously accepted, sitting down on the concrete to enjoy the snack.

  Many of the uninjured in town began to scour up cans of soup, stew, and chili. Pretty soon everyone was snacking heartily on food in a surreal community picnic. Some of the kids brought out Bluetooth speakers, streaming music and then entertained everyone for some time with dancing and goofing around.

  Carol accepted a cup of coffee from a lady she recognized from the library. She found a quiet spot on a sidewalk bench that somehow survived the storm and watched the flames dance in the barrels. The adrenaline from the evening was wearing off, leaving her tired and sore. She looked around to see that everyone had come together to help one another, all differences set aside, even Aren, especially Aren, but then, that was who she was. Carol knew that about her now.

  “Mind if I join you?” Maggie’s voice pulled Carol from her thoughts.

  “Please.” Carol skootched over and patted the bench seat.

  “I wanted to thank you. You two sure saved my bacon tonight.”

  “It was all Aren. I have yet to find something she can’t excel at. She’s amazing.” Carol watched Aren talking to the medical team.

  “Oh, you have a lot more to do with it than you give yourself credit for. She has her weaknesses, you know it as well as I do. She’d long ago given up, shut down. I saw it happening and could do nothing to stop it. She needed you in her life. You brought her back.”

  “I needed her too, Maggie. I was so lost when I came out here to visit. My life was turned completely upside down after that storm and she was right there, in every sense of the word, she was there.” Carol sipped her coffee.

  “Are you still just visiting or are you here to stay?” Maggie asked.

  “This is home. I can’t imagine my life without her.” Carol smiled when she saw Aren headed in their direction.

  “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.” Maggie squeezed Carol’s hand.

  “Oh, where’d you find coffee?” Aren asked, standing in front of the bench.

  “Don’t worry, I managed to snag one for you too, minus the cream and sugar.” Carol held up a small insulated cup. “It might be cold.”

  “You spoil me.” Aren accepted the cup and tipped it back, downing the contents in one gulp.

  “Aren, here, take my seat.” Maggie stood and pulled Aren into a tight hug. “Thank you for checking on me and pulling me out. I love you, kiddo.”

  “I love you too, Maggie. Would you like to stay out at the farm while the store’s rebuilt?” Aren asked.

  “Thank you for the offer, but Deb beat you to it.” Maggie stepped back looking from Carol to Aren. “We’ve been spending a little time together lately. I will take you gals up on that dinner that you promised me though. I’m excited to see the changes you’ve made to the house.”

  “Deb, huh? Is she—” Aren raised her eyebrows.

  “Who knows? We shall see.” Maggie smiled.

  The sun was peeking above the tree line in the eastern sky. Carol looked around. “Where’s Wyatt and Doc? They didn’t bolt, did they?”

  “No, no, not a bit. I used your rope and made them a small corral in the park over there. They have grass to munch on and a big ol’ bucket of water. Their tack is on a picnic table next to their new pen, covered with some plastic I found.” Maggie smiled.

  “Well, we should get going. I swear I hear the cows bellowing from here.” Aren hoisted her pack up.

  “I’ll walk you two over,” Maggie said.

  Wyatt and Doc were lying quietly in the moist morning grass. Wyatt stood when he noticed them approaching. His ears perked up and he nickered loudly, walking to the rope closest to Aren.

  “Hey, big fella, you did a good job last night,” Aren said, hugging the massive horse.

  “Girls! Girls!”

  Carol turned, looking for the source of the voice.

  The man with the John Deere cap made his way across the grass. “I’m glad you gals are still here, I wanted to say thank you for all your help last night. I swear you were sent by the angels!”

  “That’s nice of you to say,” Aren said. “My name is Aren Jacobs and this is Carol Matthews, what’s yours? I’d hate to keep calling you ‘the guy with the John Deere cap.’”

  The man laughed before sticking his hand out toward Aren. “Doug McMichael, I’m the mayor of our little town.”

  “Mayor? I thought Kirk—”

  “He retired, moved to Florida a few years ago. I was elected his replacement.” Doug smiled.

  “Well, congratulations. I’m sorry, I don’t get off the farm much,” Aren said.

  “We’re all sure glad you came in last night. Thanks again for all your help. I don’t think ol’ Murph would have made it without you two. From what I hear, he should make a full recovery. They have him at the hospital working on that leg.”

  Doug looked at Carol. “It was your aunt and uncle who died in that last storm, wasn’t it? Damn shame, they were good folks. I see it runs in the family. You no sooner heal from that and then chase this storm in to help us. Glad to hear you accepted the job over at the library.”

  “Thank you. It’s kind of you to say,” Carol said.

  Doug turned to Aren. “Thank you for helping out the community. I know you’ve had a tough go if it over the years. I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate you helping out.” Doug turned and looked at the sun, then looked back at Aren, “Don’t know that I’ve ever seen you without your sunglasses on. Bet that sun’s bright in your good eye.” He reached into his s
hirt pocket and pulled out a pair of aviator sunglasses, handing them to Aren. “You can use these if you’d like.”

  Aren slid the sunglasses on. “Thanks, that helps more than you know.”

  “Happy to do something to show our appreciation.” Doug smiled sweetly. “Well, anyway, thank you both. Have a safe ride home.”

  Maggie turned to face Carol and Aren. “Look at you two, schmoozing with the mayor. Cowgirl, your image is blown,” she said, wrapping her arms around their shoulders.

  “Keep it up, old woman.” Aren pulled the plastic off the tack and reached for the halters.

  Carol took a second to look around. Aren and Maggie laughing, people still milling around, arm in arm. This was home. She was part of a community.

  Chapter Forty-three

  Carol rode home in silence, completely exhausted. She wasn’t entirely sure she hadn’t fallen asleep for a bit on Doc’s back. They turned the horses out to pasture and made quick work of the morning chores, eager to get out of their sweaty and mud-soaked clothes. Carol took Aren’s hand and led her up to the loft. There was something she had to do first, before a shower and before sleep. There was so much she wanted to say, so much she was ready to say.

  “Aren, did you want to try to get a few hours of sleep?” Carol asked.

  “I’d love to, but if I do, I’ll never sleep tonight, and besides, I’m too keyed up. I’m thinking coffee and a shower.” Aren picked up the coffee pot.

  “Could we talk for a minute first?” Carol asked, taking the coffee pot out of Aren’s hands and setting it back on the counter. She tugged at Aren’s hand. “Come sit with me.”

  Carol pulled Aren over to the Adirondack loveseat. Aren sat down and looked up at Carol, her eyes full of concern.

  “Are you leaving? Is it all too much?” Aren’s voice barely a whisper.

  Carol knelt in front of Aren and touched her cheek. “God, you’re adorable, even with mud all over your face and chunks stuck in your hair, you’re sexy as hell.” Carol reached for Aren’s hands.

  “You didn’t answer the question. Are you leaving, Carol? Please, just tell me.” Aren’s voice cracked with emotion.

  “No, I’m not leaving. It’s not too much, but it’s not enough, either.”

  “I don’t understand. What do you mean?” Aren sat forward.

  “Down at the pool, you asked me to tell you when I’ve decided what I want, where I want to call home. We’ve taken the time and have gotten to know each other, and the more I learn about you the more I know exactly what I want.” She brushed hair away from Aren’s eyes. “What I want is you, Aren. You’re home. The storm last night brought everything into focus for me. I trust you. I worry about you, your safety, every emotion you have. I care about you, but more than that, I love you. I have fallen completely head over heels in love with you. I don’t care where we live, the loft, the house or somewhere entirely different. I just want to be with you. I’m hoping it’s something you want too.” A tear trickled down Aren’s cheek and Carol reached up and brushed it away with her thumb. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  “You love me? I’m home? You choose me? I’ve never wanted to hear something as much as I’ve wanted to hear those words from your lips. I’ve been so scared that our time was almost up, that they’d finish your house and you’d move on. Oh, Carol, I love you too. I want a life with you. I’m so completely in love with you. I catch myself daydreaming about the future, about what comes next, and you’re right there, such a part of everything I imagine. I love who you are, absolutely everything about who you are. I love your sense of humor and the way you look at life. I love how you want to know everything about everything. I love how you can say so much with just a look, just an expression. I can’t remember ever feeling so happy, so excited.”

  Carol leaned forward, gently touching Aren’s lips with her own. She wrapped her arms around Aren’s shoulders and pulled her in close. Their lips parted, and when their tongues touched, Carol wasn’t sure which one of them moaned, maybe they both had. Either way, their kiss instantly intensified. Aren stood and suddenly Carol was cradled in her arms, and their lips never lost contact. Carol heard a door close and she pulled away from the kiss. They were in the bathroom. She blinked as if coming out of a spell and looked at Aren.

  “I want to take you to bed, but we need a shower first.” Aren lowered Carol to her feet.

  She knelt down, unlaced Carol’s boots, and slipped them off one at a time and then her socks. Carol closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Aren’s hands unbuttoning her jeans and lowering the zipper. Her breath was hot on Carol’s skin and then her lips were even hotter, kissing her just above the panty line. Aren traced a path of kisses across her stomach all the while her hands worked on sliding Carol’s jeans and panties to the floor and then her lips were on Carol’s inner thigh.

  “Shower.” Carol’s voice caught. Aren’s tongue barely touched her clit. “Before I can’t stop.” Carol’s legs were becoming weak.

  Aren stood and their eyes met briefly before her shirt was lifted up between them. Carol had heard of smoldering eyes though she never experienced anything like what she just saw in Aren’s eyes. The desire in her gaze sent shivers throughout Carol’s body. Yes, she felt it too, that same insatiable need. There were still far too many clothes between them. She reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, allowing it to fall to the floor.

  Standing in front of Aren completely naked, Carol reached for the button of her jeans and pulled it free. She put her hands on Aren’s hips and slowly ran her fingers up the sides of Aren’s stomach before lifting her shirt over her head. She lifted the sports bra over Aren’s breasts and up her extended arms. She left it at her elbows, bending down to take Aren’s nipple into her mouth. Aren moaned and the bra flew somewhere in the bathroom before her fingers dug into Carol’s hair. Carol put her hands on Aren’s hips again and slid the jeans and underwear down as far as she could while still paying attention to Aren’s nipple with her tongue. She worked her way down Aren’s stomach pushing the jeans farther down as she explored and then reached for one of Aren’s boots, but ran her hands up the inside of Aren’s legs instead. She knew how wet Aren would be and she wanted to feel her with her tongue. She slid her fingers between Aren’s thighs, and the moment Aren spread her legs apart slightly, Carol teased her with the tip of her tongue.

  “Boots off…shower.” Aren’s words weren’t much more than gulps of air.

  Carol had to force herself to stop. She wanted to bring Aren to the edge right there against the wall with her legs tangled up in a pair of jeans. She pulled Aren’s boots off and helped her out of her socks before following Aren into the shower.

  The water was hot and their kiss was hotter. They lathered each other up, all the while kissing. Carol let Aren pivot her around beneath the running water. She leaned her head back beneath the spray and closed her eyes, letting the soap and water wash away the previous day. She felt Aren’s hand in her hair and then felt Aren’s lips on her neck, teasing her with kisses and nibbles. It all felt so good. Aren’s touch moved lower, her hands cupping Carol’s breasts, her thumbs teasing Carol’s nipples, and then she pulled away.

  Aren turned Carol around again, the water spraying her neck, her breasts. She kissed the back of her neck and down her spine. Aren crouched down behind Carol and pulled on Carol’s hips until she was sitting on Aren’s thighs. She felt Aren’s lips on her neck, her hands exploring her sides, exploring her breasts, and then both hands wrapping around her and dropping down between her legs. Carol leaned back into Aren and spread her legs open wide. She craved Aren’s touch and needed to feel Aren inside her. Carol leaned her head back and closed her eyes. The hot water spraying all over her body along with Aren’s touch created a sensory overload where everything tingled. She could feel Aren’s breath in her ear and felt her fingers explore between her legs. Carol pushed her hips into Aren’s fingers and moaned loudly when Aren held her hand firm and pushed her fingers d
eep inside. It was exactly what she craved. She felt Aren’s teeth graze her shoulder and then her breath was hot on Carol’s neck. Carol’s pace picked up, as her need became almost unbearable. Fireworks built up inside, the kind of orgasm that leaves you with no dignity. Carol rocked and thrust herself into Aren’s hands, and she moaned and cried out as an orgasm consumed her. She clamped her legs shut, trapping Aren’s fingers in place. She convulsed and quivered with the aftershocks, her hand tightly gripping Aren’s thighs.

  “Holy fuck,” Carol whispered, releasing her hold on Aren’s hands with her legs.

  Aren wrapped her arms around Carol and just held her in her lap for a moment.

  “Ah, shit. The water’s getting cold.” Carol stood up quickly and helped pull Aren to her feet.

  “Go, grab a towel, warm up. I have to rinse really quick.” Aren stepped into the cold spray. “Whoa, that’s freezing!”

  Carol stood on the bathmat, an oversized bath towel wrapped around her. She opened her arms and invited Aren to share her warmth when she stepped out of the shower.

  “Oh, that’s more like it.” Aren wrapped her arms around Carol inside the towel.

  “Bed. I’m not done with you yet.” Carol backed out of the bathroom, holding Aren tightly in her arms. She walked Aren backward toward the bed.

  She playfully pushed Aren down onto the bed and then threw the towel to the side before climbing on top of her. She worked her way down the bed until Aren was lying naked before her. She bent over and kissed Aren’s shins, her knees, urging her legs apart. Carol moved up her body, kissing her inner thigh, her hips, and then her stomach. She crawled up Aren’s body, pushing her hips between Aren’s legs. She moved her hips in tiny circles until Aren moaned and dug her fingernails into Carol’s ass, pulling her tightly against her.


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