Warren, Earl, 136
White, Byron, 155
Variety of Men (Snow), 5
Verdi, Giuseppe, 112, 194
Verrilli, Donald, 175–76
Vogue, 78
Wa, Wong Kam, 195
Walinski, Dick, 96
Walinski, Shelley, 96
Wallace, Chris, 187
Wallace, David Foster, x, xi, xv, 2n, 11–12, 18, 22, 25, 32, 52, 53–54, 104–5, 125, 331, 341, 342, 347
Wallace, Karen, 54
Wallraff, Barbara, 141
Wall Street Journal, 54, 132, 192
Warren, Earl, 136
Washington, George, 34, 148
Washington Post, 160
Webster’s Second New International Dictionary, 14, 15, 24, 37, 38–39, 65, 122, 142, 153, 178, 325, 326
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (Gove ed.), 14, 15, 38–39, 69
West Publishing, 100
White, Byron, 155
White, E. B., 346
Wierzbicki, John, 100
Wilkinson, J. Harvie, 135
Williams, Pete, 188
Williams, Serena, 286, 298, 336
Williams, Venus, 298
Wings (band), 323
Winning Brief, The (Garner), 13, 29, 35, 67, 158
Winning Oral Argument, The (Garner), 176
Wisdom, John Minor, 21
Wong Tai Sin Temple, 321
Woo, Stephen, 328
Wood, Diane P., 223n
words, phrases, and usage issues:
ain’t, 38
And as a sentence-starter, 20
appellee vs. appellant, 122
But as a sentence-starter, 20, 121
castaway, 311
Changing Constitution, 202
contra proferentem, 276–77
damage vs. damages, 156
de minimis, 172
epithalamion vs. epithalamium, 153
flutist vs. flautist, 219n48
forums and fora, 36, 39
Gallicism, 178
gravamen, 122
hanged vs. hung, 276
hangry, 244
hapax legomenon, 7, 36–37, 39, 179, 342
haruspicy, 326
historicism, 163
historic vs. historical, 309
honorificabilitudinitatibus, 179
However as a sentence starter, 121
impedimenta, 87
imply vs. infer, 13, 14, 38, 125
infra dig, 65, 187
Jacobin, 13, 22, 65–66
just deserts vs. just desserts, 162–63
legalese, 25
legislative history, 147, 193
Living Constitution, 167, 188, 201–2, 344
macaroni, 56
-mancy words, 324–26
melioration, 178
nuclear, 125
nuncle, 321
nunnery, convent, abbey, 321
originalism, 162–65
pejoration, 178
petard, hoist by or hoist with, 302, 303–4
redoubtable, 177–78
Scalianism, 2n
self-deprecation vs. self-depreciation, 15
shall, 9, 10, 13, 18–19, 22, 32, 69, 70
shan’t, 70–71
snoot, xi, 18, 25, 125
sortilege, 326
such that for so that, 19
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, 179
susceptible of vs. susceptible to, 19
thusly, 23, 168
tipstaff, 35
yabber, 2, 283
Wright, Charles Alan, 168
wrinkles in suits, 264, 280–83, 284
“Writing with Antonin Scalia, Grammar Nerd” (Carp), 18n11, 130
yabbers, 2, 283, 318
Yale Book of Quotations, The (Shapiro), 301n57
Yale University, 14, 20, 42
Yankee from Olympus (Bowen), 4
yin and yang, 291
Yip, Louis, 140
“You Call Everybody Darling” (Andrews Sisters), 2, 324
Yuen’s Tailors (Hong Kong), 284, 327–28
Threshold Editions
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Copyright © 2018 by Bryan A. Garner
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Jacket photograph by Karolyne H.C. Garner
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Garner, Bryan A., author.
Title: Nino and me : my unusual friendship with Justice antonin scalia /Bryan Garner.
Description: New York : Threshold Editions, 2018. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017037066 (print) | LCCN 2017037925 (ebook) | ISBN 9781501181504 (ebook) | ISBN 9781501181498 (hardback) | ISBN 9781501181511 (paperback)
Subjects: LCSH: Scalia, Antonin—Friends and associates. | Garner, Bryan A.—Friends and associates. | BISAC: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Lawyers & Judges. | BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs. | BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Political.
Classification: LCC KF8745.S33 (ebook) | LCC KF8745.S33 G37 2018 (print) |
DDC 347.73/2634—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017037066
ISBN 978-1-5011-8149-8
ISBN 978-1-5011-8151-1 (pbk)
ISBN 978-1-5011-8150-4 (ebook)
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