No More Mr. Nice Guy

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No More Mr. Nice Guy Page 9

by Amy Andrews

  He grinned at the warning note in her voice and shrugged. “I like to watch.”

  She shook her head. “You’re incorrigible.”

  But she lay on it anyway, and, if he wasn’t very much mistaken, she deliberately positioned herself spread-eagle, not to check how roomy it was but just to taunt him.

  She was damn lucky they’d already ticked public fornication off her list.

  “Now, I definitely want it,” he said, following the inner leg seam of her jeans right up to where he’d spent a good portion of last night.

  “It’s pretty comfy,” Josie conceded as she bounced on the mattress and her T-shirt rode up a little.

  Mack turned to the assistant. “I’ll take it. How soon can it be delivered?”

  “We have it in stock, and we have a next day delivery policy.”


  She smiled. “Follow me.”

  He turned to follow her and then glanced over his shoulder at a still spread-eagled Josie. “Just so you know, that’s exactly how you’re going to be when I tie you to this bed tomorrow night.”

  Mack could have sworn he heard a tiny whimper as he walked away grinning.


  “Come on,” Mack said as they walked out of the store exactly eight minutes after they’d walked in. He grabbed Josie’s hand as she started off in the direction of the truck and tugged her in the opposite direction. “This way.”

  She frowned. “Where are we going?”

  Mack pulled up in front of The Pleasure Palace. The least palace-like building he’d ever seen. “In here.”

  She squinted at the blacked-out window with the garish red neon sign proclaiming Toys Books Videos. “A sex shop?” She looked around as if she expected to see some ancient great aunt hobbling down the street, and then glanced at him, chewing her lip.

  “Number eight,” he reminded her. “Get a vibrator.”

  “Shh,” she hissed, looking around again. “Couldn’t we just”—she leaned in closer to him and dropped her voice—“order it on line?”

  “Nah. This way you can try before you buy.”

  “Try?” she squeaked.

  “Well not, you know try try. But you can pick ’em up, turn ’em on, have a bit of a play. Get some expert advice.”

  “I’ve never been in a sex shop before.”

  Mack grinned. “No kidding.” He opened the door and tugged on her hand. “Come on, let’s get you a toyfriend.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Josie let Mack drag her in, trying not to look too closely at the multitude of mind-boggling objects she passed. Blow up dolls, costumes, whips. Masks, collars…and were those nipple-clamps?

  Talk about debauched.

  They should really sell beds as well.

  It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for, and before she knew it, she was standing in front of a large glass cabinet boasting a dazzling array of different toys.

  She gaped at the display. “Holy fuck,” she whispered.

  “That’s for later.” Mack chuckled. “What takes your fancy?”

  She looked at him. “I have no idea where to even begin.”

  There was every kind of variety she imagined existed in the whole world. Big ones, bigger ones, and elephantine ones. From a basic hard plastic cylindrical device to startling realistic replicas, complete with a correctly positioned vein.

  Ones that cork-screwed. Others that angled. Others, still, with weird protrusions. Some advertised different speed settings, dual motors, and a range of vibrations and pulsation patterns.

  And the colors. Good grief! Everything from flesh-colored, to the brightest pink, to gleaming ebony.

  “Something for everyone,” he teased.

  She looked at him again feeling gauche and inexperienced next to his undaunted easiness. “Why don’t they teach you about these in sex-ed?”

  “I think that’s just for the basics.”

  Josie suddenly realized that’s what she’d been having—the basics—while there’d been a whole other world out there, and she didn’t feel so embarrassed anymore.

  “Well?” he prompted.

  She took a deep breath and looked again—with a different view. “They look like you need a degree in aeronautical engineering to figure out how to use them.”

  “Nah. Just insert and turn on.”

  “Some of these look kind of lethal,” Josie mused. “I’d hate to have to wind up at a hospital, requiring a surgical retrieval if you know what I mean.”

  He laughed. “I promise you’ll be safe with me.”

  Yeah, but that wasn’t going to help her when she was living on the other side of the world, was it? The thought was instantly sobering. She was having so much fun with Mack already. She had a feeling he was going to ruin her for all other men.

  “Just get a basic model,” he suggested.

  No. Nothing basic for her. Not anymore. “If I’m going to get one, I might as well go all out, right?”


  Josie pointed to a large pink one with an interesting bulbous protrusion claiming to be a clitoral massager that had its own motor for independent control.

  “Can I look at that one?” she said to the assistant, who was almost a clone of the woman in the bed shop—blonde, young, perky.

  The assistant took it out of the display cabinet and stood it on the top. Josie’s eyes widened at the impressive length of the pink phallus. “It’s a little terrifying standing up like that, don’t you think?” she said to Mack.

  Mack shrugged. “I guess that’s why it’s called the Orgasmatron.”

  Josie looked at him. “Not intimidated then?”

  “Nothing it can do that I can’t.”

  “Wanna bet?” the assistant murmured as she switched it on at the bottom.

  Both the bulbous heads rotated in opposite directions to each other as the whole device shimmied before them.

  “Okay. I can’t do that,” he admitted. He leaned across and shut it off. “We’ll take it.” He pulled out his wallet and put money on the counter. “I’m buying.”

  She frowned as the assistant went to find a boxed one. “I can’t let you buy me a vibrator, Mack.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know… It doesn’t seem very liberated of me.”

  “I think, as I’m the one planning to do unspeakable things to you with it, it seems only fair and chivalrous that I pay for it.”

  Unspeakable things.

  Josie felt the sexual jolt right down to her toes and leaned into the cabinet a little. “My hero,” she murmured, her voice much higher than she would have liked.

  He pressed his lips to her ear. “Wait here,” he whispered. “I need something else.”

  Her pulse accelerated. Something else? His promise of unspeakable things fueled her imagination. But then the assistant was back, ringing up the sale, distracting her until he strolled back with two sets of very sturdy looking handcuffs.


  And not the pink fluffy kind.

  “We’ll take these also,” he said, his gaze firmly fixed on her.

  Josie’s pelvic floor spasmed in anticipation.


  They accomplished the drive home in silence. The brown packet on her lap seemed to burn a hole right through Josie’s jeans. Images of what they could do with the Orgasmatron, with the handcuffs, cavorted like sirens through her gray matter, building the anticipation even more. Every bump in the road jolted through areas already highly sexually charged.

  One good pothole and she was going to seriously embarrass herself.

  Josie was relieved when they arrived back the apartment and she hadn’t gone into spontaneous orgasm.

  She glanced at Mack sideways. “How much longer do you have on your break?” she asked him, aware of the breathiness of her voice.

  “Ten minutes.”

  That’s all she needed. “I’m going to try this out now. Care to join me?”

  Mack unb
uckled his seatbelt and leaned in. “You want me to watch or participate?”

  Josie blushed at the intensity of his expression, the heat in his eyes, but his bold request brought out the brazen in her. “I want you to watch.”

  “Good answer. Let’s go.”

  They were out of the truck and hustling through the front door in thirty seconds. Josie, who hadn’t brought a purse with her, tucked the plain brown packet under her arm. It was a fairly innocuous wrapping for such an incendiary device, and she was excruciatingly conscious of it as they hurried past the waiting room to the left, filled with an assortment of cats, dogs, birds and other domesticated animals, and headed for the stairs to the apartment above.

  Josie had her foot on the first step, Mack hot on her heels, when Sal, a cage containing a cockatoo in hand, spotted them and bustled over. “Well, did you get it?” she asked them, putting the cage on the floor.

  Josie faltered, startled by the question, the object under her arm suddenly feeling as conspicuous as a missile.

  Which wasn’t too far from the truth.

  “Get it, get it,” the cockatoo repeated in a scratchy bird voice and bobbed up and down on its perch a couple of times.

  Josie startled again, staring at the bird that was looking at her with its beady birdy eyes as if it knew all about the contraband she was carrying.

  Did birds have some kind of x-ray vision?

  She pictured it screeching, “Orgasmatron, Orgasmatron,” alerting the entire waiting room of Josie’s sudden descent into sin.

  “Well?” Sal demanded.

  Josie dragged her careening thoughts off being outed by a bird with a flashy yellow crest. “Wh-what?”

  “The bed?”

  “Bed, bed,” the bird repeated.

  “Shh, Shakespeare,” Sal said, glaring at the cockatoo. Shakespeare stopped bobbing and somehow managed to look sheepish.

  “Yep,” Mack said, apparently now also regaining his voice. “Delivered tomorrow.”

  Sal looked at Josie. “Please tell me it’s not ugly.”

  “Well, it’s very…black. But it’s also very comfortable.”

  Sal sighed. “That’s something I guess.” She looked at her brother. “You got a sec? I need an opinion on a lesion in exam one.”

  Josie held her breath. “Sure,” Mack agreed, but Josie could hear the strain in his voice. Maybe because she could feel an answering strain in her body.

  “Thanks,” Sal said. She turned to the bird. “Come along, Shakespeare. Let’s get that beak trimmed.” She smiled at Josie. “See you later.”

  “I’ll be with you in five,” Mack said, his voice low in her ear as they watched Sal walk away. “Be naked.”

  Josie’s heart thudded loud in her chest as the sexy request undulated through muscles deep inside her. She turned her head slightly, feeling bold now, conscious of him just behind her and the vibrator under her arm. “I’m starting without you.”

  She smiled at the sudden harshness of his indrawn breath. “I’ll be there in two.”


  Josie was up the stairs, naked, and on Mack’s bed in under a minute. Her fingers shook as she removed her new pink toyfriend from its packaging and turned it on at the bottom, grateful that it came with batteries because it hadn’t occurred to her to check.

  It whirred and rotated and everything tightened inside her.

  She contemplated waiting for Mack, but she was so aroused even the air currents caressing her body were a source of almost painful stimulus. Her nipples were hard, stiff points, and the ache between her legs roared to an unbearable intensity.

  And she was wet. Very, very wet.

  Her brain was full of images of Mack watching her get off, and they only added to her stimulation, cranking the roar even further. The anticipation was killing her. She was going to die here on this bed of sexual denial while she waited for him to check out a lesion.

  Screw it. He was a horny adult male—he’d catch up pretty damn quick.

  Josie switched the vibrator off. Her hands shook as she reached down to insert it, hoping she didn’t have some weird silicone allergy and wind up in the emergency room with a bloated anaphylactic body and the Orgasmatron lost somewhere in the swelling. Requiring that surgical extraction that had worried her back at the shop.

  She took some deep, slow breaths as the toyfriend filled her—no artificial lubrication required—and anaphylaxis was the last thing on her mind as it slid on in. Josie sucked in a breath as it seated high and hard inside her. Familiar but different. She adjusted it and bit down against a whimper, everything clenching inside as the clitoral stimulator found its mark.

  Her breath hissed out, and she took a moment to settle her rampaging heartbeat before fiddling with the base and turning it on.

  This time, there was no suppressing her moan or the way her body bucked at the sudden surge of vibrations working in electrifying discordant tandem. She cried out, her eyes clamping shut, her hands fisting in the sheets as she tensed around the strange buzzing sensations.

  Her brain tried to reconcile the two—the erotic and mechanical—and failed. She realized she was too tense to even breathe, let alone achieve an orgasm, and took some deep slow breaths, concentrating on relaxing every muscle one by one.

  She sighed as things slowly unlocked, and the sensations started to take over. Her imagination flowed again, and images of Mack filled her head.

  Mack screwing her in an alley.

  Mack talking dirty.

  Mack with his head between her legs.

  She panted as a ripple shuddered through her belly. She pushed it away mentally, not ready to fly with it yet. Not without Mack. Happy to drift along in a heightened reality where the ultimate pleasure hovered just out of reach.

  Locked in her bubble, Josie didn’t hear the door open but a sudden hoarse, “Fuck,” had her eyes fluttering open.

  Mack, fully dressed, stood looking down at her, his gaze traveling over every inch of her naked body. Every inch of her responded, burgeoned as if he was trailing his fingertips across her.

  Her heart thumped as his complete captivation pushed her a step closer to glory. “Mack,” she panted.

  “You look amazing,” he muttered as he walked closer, his stare frankly sexual. Josie shut her eyes as his scrutiny washed over her body like a caress.

  “You like me watching you, don’t you?” he asked.

  Josie opened her eyes. She doubted she’d ever been more turned on in her life. “Yes.” Her throat was parched, and the word came out as a cracked whisper.

  “It excites you.”

  “Yes,” she panted, a little louder this time.

  “Do you like to watch, too?”

  Josie’s eyes widened. Did he mean…? Her brain was mushy, unable to process anything requiring much more thought than breathing.

  He placed his hand on his belt. “Well?”

  Her gaze dropped to his fingers, toying with the buckle, and her breath hitched. She licked her lips, daring herself to follow his lead. “Yes.”

  Mack didn’t take his eyes off her as he eased the belt though the buckle. Everything clamped down inside her, and she gave a little gasp as it increased the effects of the mechanical stimulus. She watched him as he unbuttoned, unzipped, and reached inside his briefs, pulling out his rock hard erection.

  Josie moaned; she couldn’t help herself.

  “You like this, too, yes?”

  She nodded. She’d never seen a more beautiful example of male anatomy. Surging thick and strong and proud from his groin, jutting out like a lethal weapon, ready to unleash its devastating power.

  “You want to watch me come, too?”

  A jolt of longing spiked through her so hard that Josie felt lightheaded. “Yes.”

  “Say it,” he urged. “I want to hear you say it.”

  Her nipples tightened unbearably at the rough command, and she fought against the urge to arch her back wantonly. The clitoral stimulus cranked up another notch, and
she briefly shut her eyes to pull herself back from the edge.

  She opened her eyes and looked directly at him. “I want to watch you come.”

  “Like this?” he asked, and Josie watched as he wrapped his fingers around his erection and slid them from root to tip.

  “Yes,” she gasped.


  “God, yes,” she said, louder, firmer. And then, “More.”

  He gave her more, repeating the move again. And again. And Josie couldn’t take her eyes off it. Off him, fully clothed, touching himself. In fact, she could get pretty damn used to this pretty damn quick. Was two weeks ever going to be enough? Did she really want to pass this up? Mack looking at her like he wanted to devour her? Talking dirty to her, going down on her, touching himself? Taking all her sexual fantasies and making them come true?

  Did she really want to pass up something this good? Maybe…she could stay?

  “God, you’re magnificent,” she groaned as the Orgasmatron stroked her from the inside and the action of his fist-pumping stroked her from the outside, both propelling her closer and closer to the edge.

  Just when she didn’t think she could be any more aroused, his next request, rough and needy, dragged her deeper into thrall.

  “Touch your breasts.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Mack watched as, without hesitation, Josie uncurled her fists from the sheets, slid her hands up her belly, and bought them to rest on the swell of her breasts.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as she kneaded them.

  She was magnificent. Completely naked, her legs parted, the Orgasmatron rammed to the hilt, the pink clitoral massager rotating and hitting the right spot, if the restless shift of her hips was any indication. She was panting and nibbling her bottom lip with her eyes shut, her head thrown back, her hair loose around it, forming a golden-red crown.

  She used a pincer grip with her fingers and drew her nipples up into taut peaks, and when she twisted them, her mouth fell open and a low moan escaped.

  His knees practically buckled, and he eased off on the pumping, so damn close to losing it he was going to disgrace himself if he didn’t.

  She opened her eyes again and looked at his erection and the way his fist was moving over it. It was so sexy, so arousing. Her watching him. Watching him touch himself. Watching him standing over, wanking right in front of her.


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