Anna's Way (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 2)

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Anna's Way (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 2) Page 7

by D. F. Jones

  As the dance ended, Jerry held onto her a little longer and squeezed her just a little tighter. In a throaty rasp, he said, “You ready to go, pretty girl?”

  Anna nodded. “I am so ready to go.”

  * * *

  After the party, Anna rode in silence, snuggled next to Jerry in the cozy truck cab. Jerry drove them to Windrow Hill with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other arm draped around her shoulders. Anna drifted off to sleep.

  Twenty minutes later, Jerry nudged her awake, and she looked out the windshield. He said, “We’re almost here.” He turned the truck into the narrow driveway and began spiraling upward to the top of the hill.

  Anna rubbed her eyes and said groggily, “This driveway is kinda spooky.”

  “Wait for it… Look, you can see their house just over there.” Jerry pointed to Anna’s right as they crested the top of the driveway. On top of the hill sat the prettiest little white farmhouse she’d ever seen, and she could see for miles and miles over the rolling hills.

  “It’s beautiful. So that’s Murfreesboro?” Anna pointed to a line of city lights on the horizon.

  “Yup, it’s the ’Boro, all right. I love it up here. My aunt and uncle are so lucky to have this place. I told them if they ever wanted to sell it to give me first dibs. I’d love to live here.” He turned the ignition off. Anna hopped out and met him at the back of the truck.

  Jerry pulled down his tailgate. He reached over to his cooler and dragged it over to the edge. “I have colas or beers iced down. Whatcha want?”

  Jerry gave her a sweet smile, and she melted into a puddle of sappy emotion. Anna said, “Coke sounds good.” Jerry opened the Coke and handed it to her.

  He leaned his arm on the rail of the truck. “I have a big sleeping bag I could lay on the ground or in the back of the truck, to watch the stars come out. Your choice?”

  “Do you think there are any snakes out here?” She shivered, thinking about the rattlesnake at the party.

  “If you’ll feel safer, I can spread the sleeping bag out in the truck bed.”

  “Nah, it’s all right. You can spread it on the ground.” Anna glanced around the property and noticed the moonlight casting long shadows across the yard.

  Jerry opened his toolbox and pulled out the rolled-up sleeping bag. He shook it out and spread it on the ground. “I just washed this today so don’t wrinkle your nose up at me.”

  It was cool that Jerry could sometimes read her mind. “Awesome.”

  Jerry sat down and patted the place beside him. Anna joined him on the ground, stretched her legs out, and crossed her feet at her ankles. Jerry narrated as if he worked for the planetarium. “We have a pretty spectacular view of the full moon tonight, and if you look at the two objects right there in the star configurations, they aren’t stars at all, but they’re planets.” He pointed up to the sky. “See Venus, and over there is Jupiter. You see them first because they’re the brightest in the sky.”

  Anna grabbed his finger and nodded, then pointed to the stars. “Yeah, I knew Venus was the first evening star to the west, and the one to the east was Jupiter. But if you look north from Venus, you’ll see the North Star.”

  Jerry rustled the hair on the top of her head. “Very good, Anna. You get a gold star tonight.” He started laughing, which made her laugh, too.

  Anna lay back on the sleeping bag. She loved looking up at the stars with wonder and recited a line from one of her favorite poems: “O Stars, and Dreams, and Gentle Night; O Night and Stars return. And hide me from the hostile light, that does not warm, but burn.”

  Jerry rolled onto his side and propped his upper body with his elbow. “That’s beautiful. Who wrote it?”

  A gentle, warm breeze rustled through the fall leaves in the trees. Acrid chimney smoke filtered through the air from a neighboring house and Anna inhaled, catching a whiff of the hay bales from the barn. “Emily Bronte,” Anna said dreamily. The stars seemed so close she could almost reach out and touch them.

  Jerry held her hand as they lay in silence. He rubbed his thumb gently back and forth over her skin. In the quiet still of the night, her heart began to beat faster with the promise of what would come next.

  “Anna?” Jerry asked quietly, almost a whisper.

  “Yes, Jerry?” Her heart beat crazy fast.

  “Do you love me?”

  Anna flipped onto her side and accidentally knocked her Coke over and soaked his shirt. “Oh, I’m so sorry I ruined your shirt. I can take it inside and wash it real quick.”

  “Don’t worry about it, honey. I have a sweatshirt in the truck.” Jerry stood up and took off his shirt. He shook it out and draped the shirt over the rail of his truck bed to dry. Anna couldn’t take her eyes off his glorious, naked chest. She trembled with desire as she walked over to him and reached out to trace her fingers gingerly down his pectorals. She could feel him tremble, too.

  Every honed muscle of Jerry’s glistened in the moonlight. His beautiful physique made her mouth water. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him as her fingers trailed down to the line of hair that disappeared into his jeans.

  Jerry moaned and dropped his head back slightly the moment she opened his belt buckle. He stopped her and held her wrists and searched her eyes. “Marry me?”

  Anna snapped out of her daze. “Whaaat?”

  Anna could feel Jerry’s thigh muscles straining and quivering against hers. His eyes lingered on her face and moved down her neck as he placed his hands on the curve of her hips. She reached up as he leaned down and their lips pressed together, igniting a firestorm of passion. Anna wrapped her arms around his neck and her breasts crushed against his bare chest.

  Jerry lifted her off the ground, carried her over to the sleeping bag, and gently laid her down. “Marry me, Anna.”

  She hesitated at first but nodded. “Um, uh. Okay, Jerry. I’ll marry you.”

  One of his hands rested on her bum, and the other caressed the curve of her face. Jerry’s tongue brushed lightly across her lips and pushed inside her mouth. Every gentle stroke of his tongue sent her reeling with pleasure. Warm tingles shot up her spine as she clung onto his biceps. She lay back on the sleeping bag and opened her arms to him.

  Jerry brushed his fingers slowly over her throat, down her chest, and caressed her breast. She parted her lips, and he kissed her. Anna gripped his biceps hard and slowly slid her hands up to his shoulders and then her fingers twisted in his hair. Jerry braced himself above her with the palm of his hands pressed onto the ground on either side of her.

  Jerry shifted his position slightly, so he fit snugly in the V of her jeans, and he began to move in an upward motion. The friction of him pressing against her jeans made her squirm for more. His delicious lips brushed lightly against hers, and he pushed his tongue back inside her mouth, their tongues beginning a slow and sensual dance.

  Nothing in the world mattered to her right now but Jerry. The fluttering in her abdomen danced wildly. “I want to make love to you, Jerry.”

  Anna gently pushed him off of her and stood up. She began to undress slowly for him. Jerry watched, transfixed, as she pulled her sweater over her head and reached around her back to unfasten her bra, then let them fall to the ground. With every piece of clothing she removed, her heart pounded faster, beating a mile a minute, and the blue of his eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Finally, she stood before him completely naked.

  Breathing hard and nostrils flaring, Jerry reached up and slid his fingers between her thighs and pulled her down to the ground. He began kissing her neck and came back to her mouth, running his tongue over her top and bottom lips, sucking them into his mouth. His fingers skimmed over her breasts, down her stomach and along the curve of her hips.

  Jerry drew a ragged breath and whispered in her ear, “Darling, you’re so out of my league.” He kissed her as if to savor every sensation and every taste. He cupped her breast in his hand, gently squeezing. The roughness of his fingers against her nipples turned them into tight l
ittle beads. Jerry bent down and circled her nipple with his tongue and began to suckle her.

  Anna cried out his name, and he rose up to her lips and kissed her again. He held her face with both hands. Jerry brushed his lips against her cheek and in a deep throaty voice said, “I love you.”

  Anna pulled away slightly and gazed up into the deep blue pools of his eyes. “I love you more.”

  With the moonlight behind him, he said, “Are you sure you want this?” She nodded yes.

  Jerry held the side of her face with his hand and kissed her again. He murmured against her lips, “I will always love you, Anna.”

  * * *

  Jerry couldn’t believe Anna was giving herself to him. Okay, it was a bit of a bummer when Anna had frozen at his marriage proposal. But she had said yes. The love he had for her swelled inside him and left him nearly breathless. He drank in her beauty as his hand went through her hair and cradled her head in his palm. He could feel her burning passion radiating against his skin. Anna arched her body against him, with breathy moans escaping between their kisses. Jerry knew she was ready for more, but he didn’t want to rush her. He wanted this moment to last.

  Jerry lifted his head, stared into her eyes, and smiled. The love that shone in her eyes told him everything he wanted to hear without Anna uttering a single word. “I’m going to try real hard to take this slow. But you’re driving me crazy, and I want inside you.”

  Sexual heat rushed over him when she dug her fingernails into his back, and he released a moan of his own. He tried to keep himself in control, which was a contradiction because he had no control over what was happening to his body. He didn’t want to hurt her, even though his carnal side wanted to take her hard and fast, but from what she’d told him in the summer, this was her first time having sex—and his.

  Jerry’s hand ran gently down her throat, over her shoulder, and down her arm. He entwined their fingers and brought her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss against the back of her hand. He let go of her hand and allowed his fingers to stretch across her flat abdominals. He traced the line down her abdomen and over her thatch of short soft blonde curls. Jerry scanned her face as his fingers ran between her thighs and slid over her soft skin, slippery with desire.

  Anna’s body responded so generously to his touch. It was all he could do to pace himself. He slowed down his thoughts to make this good for her. He focused only on her pleasure. He never took his eyes off her, and her eyes never wavered from him.

  Anna’s arousal made him crazy with want, and he bent his head between her thighs. Jerry felt her release the moment his mouth made contact with her soft skin. She twisted her fingers in his hair, and he gripped her thighs. She rocked back and forth against him, and he knew she was getting close again by her short and choppy breaths. Then Anna broke apart, throbbing and pulsating around him until he nearly lost it.

  Anna looked at him with half-lidded eyes so full of desire and her lips parted. “Oh, Jerry, please, please, I want you.”

  Quickly, Jerry kicked off his boots and unzipped his jeans, and they dropped to the ground. He stretched over the top of her and nuzzled into her neck. “I love you, my beautiful and sweet Anna.”

  Jerry braced his arms on either side of her while Anna thrust her breasts against his chest. He could not stave off his ferocious hunger any longer. When she shifted her legs apart, he slid inside her silky, soft skin until he met resistance. He stopped. Anna lifted her hips off the ground, grabbed onto his hips, and pushed him past the point of no return. Anna blossomed underneath him, her legs wrapped around his hips, and she began to move in an incredible, undulating, perfect rhythm. It took all of his control to pull away, but Anna stopped him.

  Anna said, “Don’t, Jerry, I want you.”

  Wild tension began to knot in the base of his spine, building until he reached a crescendo, and he let out a yell that echoed throughout the hollow. Jerry had died and gone to heaven.

  * * *

  Anna woke up freezing to death still naked as the day she was born, but a smile crept across her lips. Anna laid in Jerry’s strong arms under the stars, and he was snoring. She giggled and tried to wrap the sleeping bag around her for some added warmth. Before Anna covered Jerry, her eyes scanned his magnificent body, ripped with muscles. Her eyes widened at Jerry’s prominent arousal, and Anna couldn’t help it; she couldn’t stop laughing.

  Jerry jumped up and turned left and right. “What? What is it?”

  Anna rolled on the ground with laughter. “Jerry, are you awake?”

  He stared at her in a daze as if he trying to determine if this was part of a dream. “Anna?” He shook his head and said, “It’s colder than the hair on a polar bear’s ass. Come on, sweet cheeks. Let’s go inside.”

  Anna bent down and began to grab her clothes when Jerry came behind her and picked her up. “Not so fast, honey. Don’t put your clothes back on.” He kissed her neck, and sexual fire licked between her thighs.

  “Jerry, it’s freezing. I won’t put them on, but let’s get inside before I turn into an icicle.”

  “All right, honey. Take off. I’ll be right behind you.” Jerry grabbed his pants, opened his truck door, and pulled out a sweatshirt.

  Inside the little farmhouse, Jerry draped a quilt around Anna’s shoulders. He started a fire in the rock fireplace. Her teeth were chattering, so she hugged the quilt around her shoulders while she attempted to spread the sleeping bag on the floor. In no time flat, a cozy little fire blazed and Anna stretched her hands out toward the blaze to get warm.

  Jerry sat down beside Anna and hugged her tight. He rubbed her arms and hands to warm her. “I can’t believe we fell asleep out there. How do you feel? I could draw you a hot bath.”

  Anna’s head fell against his shoulder. “I’m okay. I would like to go to the bathroom. Where is it?”

  Jerry pointed to the hall and said, “Second door on the right.”

  Anna ran down the hall still bundled in the quilt, her footfalls softly padding on the hardwood floor. Inside the bathroom, she noticed blood between her legs. She looked in the little linen closet for a cloth and turned the water on hot.

  After she had cleaned up, she picked up a comb lying on the counter and ran it swiftly through her hair. She didn’t feel bad, just different. Anna looked in the mirror. “Ah, you’re a real woman now.”

  Jerry stood with his muscular arms pressed against the doorjamb. “I’ll attest to that.” Anna turned and the look he gave her had the air constricting in her lungs. He glanced at the cloth with blood, winced, and rushed to her side, pulling her into his arms. “Did I hurt you, honey?”

  Anna tilted the angle of her head to look at him and ran her hand down his arm. “I’m fine, really. It was just my first time. That happens. But don’t worry, I’ve been on the pill since we started dating.” She grinned and touched the side of his face.

  “Ah, well, I guess I should have asked you that before we did anything. I’m glad you’re on the pill. But no worries, it’s my first time, too. No STDs, I promise.” Jerry crossed his finger over his heart.

  Anna threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “It’s your first time, too? How cool is that? I love you, Jerry McDaniel.”

  Jerry scooped her up into his arms and made their way back to the warm fire and sleeping bag. He knelt down and laid her on the cover. “So, ahh, are you too sore to do it again?”

  The buttery glow of the fire filled the room with warmth. Anna giggled and blushed. “I’m fine. I want to do it again.”

  Jerry stretched out beside her and traced the curve of her face with his forefinger. “I’m glad. I don’t think I could keep my hands off of you if I tried.”

  Making love to Jerry connected her to him in more than a sexual way. Their hearts entwining, their souls mating seemed like destiny to her. She arched her back in response to his languid strokes. Jerry’s skin gleamed with sweat in the firelight and scorched her with a passion she had never known. Her eyes were open this go-aro
und because she didn’t want to miss a thing. Anna held his gaze that reflected back so much love that she had to fight back her tears.

  He said, “I love you, I love you so damn much.” Jerry’s tender touch rocked her to the core of her existence, and she knew there would never be another man who could take his place.

  * * *

  Anna opened her eyes and noticed the night sky began to turn pale pink. She carefully removed Jerry’s arm to run to the bathroom again. She took care of business and started to open the door when Ralph appeared in front of her. She said quietly but emphatically, “You have gotta stop doing that.”

  Ralph threw her a pink terrycloth housecoat hanging on the back of the bathroom door. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. We can’t seem to sync our schedules. Jerry will be asleep for a while.” Ralph chuckled.

  “I didn’t think you watched.” She frowned and put on the robe, tying it at the waist.

  Ralph pretended to vomit. “Seriously? No way, I didn’t watch, but your pheromones are off the charts, Anna. Sit.” Anna pulled the lid down and sat on the toilet seat.

  Anna brushed her hair away from her face and threw her palms up. “Well, I’m waiting here.”

  Ralph took a deep breath and exhaled. “Give me a second. I’m trying to tell you something important without overwhelming you. I believe the man in the cave and more recently in the library is Luc. Six thousand years ago, he was in charge of a third of Heaven’s angels, known as the worship angels. His real name is Lucifer, although it is forbidden to say his name in Heaven. The Creator found out Luc intended to lead those angels in rebellion. Michael, at the bequest of The Creator, took his army and escorted Luc and his followers to Earth. This planet is where Luc and his demon angels made their home.”

  Ralph walked over to Anna and held her hands. “Once Luc found out The Creator gave certain humans like you, His wards, the power of the angels, Luc began to recruit them. He tortures the wards who do not convert, and eventually that torture leads to their death. He absorbs their supernatural power through the spirit of their soul which links him to The Creator’s power. Their power is making Luc stronger.” Ralph took another deep breath as he looked into Anna’s eyes. “I believe Luc is targeting the Campbell Ridge wards. My team is conducting an investigation, but we believe Luc uses the wards’ powers as a way to enter the heavenly realm.”


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