No Rulebook for Flirting

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No Rulebook for Flirting Page 3

by Laura Bailo

  “The other three players had fun, though. I think I heard them say they would try a different game tonight. I just hope they don’t have to sit through another one with Raúl.”

  “I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone.” Aitor shivered. “And I love when new people get interested in games. This community needs fresh blood.”

  Gabriel couldn’t agree more. He loved seeing how the people at these conventions got younger each year, with some of them already knowing the games while others came to learn. The first time a DM had been younger than him had been a shock, but he’d learned to live with that. Besides, a lot of them were better players than some of the dinosaurs, and some of them were more open to widening their gaming circle. “Yeah. It does make me feel old, though.”

  “I mean, you are old, kind of.”

  Gabriel used the most affronted expression he could manage. “How dare you?” He struggled not to burst out laughing.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger!” Aitor smiled too wide for Gabriel to be mad at him, and he wouldn’t have been even if Aitor hadn’t been joking.

  “At least I don’t get asked for ID when I order a drink.”

  Aitor gasped. “That’s it, I’m kicking your ass in any game we play today. I will have no mercy.”

  “Is that so?” The thought of spending another afternoon gaming with Aitor thrilled Gabriel. “Bring it on, then.”

  “Do you want to make it more interesting?”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Many things, some of which I cannot speak about in public,” he said cheekily. “But about the games, how about we make a little bet out of it? Loser drives and pays for dinner?”

  “Deal. Choose your weapon. I’ll go find a table.” Gabriel left, his body deliberately connecting with Aitor’s. If he couldn’t kiss him in public, a bit of casual contact wouldn’t hurt. When he looked back, Aitor still hadn’t moved and was gaping at him, until a determined expression took over his face and he sauntered towards the games post.

  * * * *

  Gabriel found a table for two separated from the main ones and settled in to wait for Aitor. Even though it was still early, there were a lot of people already playing all kind of games, and the event would probably fill up later to the point where some people would have trouble finding a spot to play. Gabriel watched a group of teenagers playing Dixit, having a lot of fun by the look and sound of it, until Aitor sat in front of him.

  “Everything alright? You’ve got a weird look on your face.”

  “I’m fine.” Gabriel tilted his head towards the group. “I was just wondering if I was ever that young.”

  “Aren’t we maudlin today?”

  “Never mind,” he said, determined to shake off those thoughts. “What did you bring?”

  Aitor held up a small box Gabriel hadn’t seen before. “It was the only game they had suitable for two players. Unless you wanted to play Carcassonne again.”

  “Carcassonne is not really that much fun with just two people.” He looked at the box. It was a game called Dark Tales and he had never heard of it. Judging by the figure on the cover, it looked like some kind of fantasy game. “Let me see?”

  Aitor handed it over to him and Gabriel took out the instructions. This was the part he liked the least about learning how to play a new game, reading all the rules and how to proceed. This one thankfully didn’t seem too complicated. It was a card game, and Gabriel had found that the best way to learn how to play those was by actually playing.

  “Should we do a practice game while reading these?” He held out the instructions paper.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Gabriel set out the cards and tokens, then they played a round. It was easy enough, one of those games where you have to use your cards to both gain points and prevent your opponent from gaining them. They didn’t count the points that first game, and after another trial round, they began playing in earnest.

  By the third round, they didn’t have to consult the instructions anymore and they tied in points. The following rounds were short and the game fun, and Gabriel enjoyed himself too much to notice the running young boy that crashed into their table, sending cards and tokens flying.

  “Shit, sorry. I…” He held up a rubber egg as a way of apology.

  Gabriel waved him away. He couldn’t be mad at a kid, not when the egg from the game he was playing making it as far as their table had clearly been an accident.

  “I’m surprised that doesn’t happen more often,” Aitor said, making neat piles with the tokens he’d picked up.

  “Yeah, me, too.” He finished recovering the cards and counting them to make sure they had everything. “This game is fun. I may get it for Judith for Christmas.”

  “Who’s Judith?”

  “My niece. She likes games, but so far, her favorite is Settlers of Catan and I haven’t been able to convince her to pick another one when we play. I’ve come to hate that game.”

  Aitor laughed. “Well, Settlers is a great gateway game for those who aren’t experienced with board games. It’s popular for a reason, you know?”

  “I know. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “You’re adorable when you pout.” He ignored Gabriel gaping at him. “Did you know they’re making a Settlers of Catan movie?”

  “Please tell me you’re joking.” He dropped his head to the table. “Judith will want to see that, and her parents will make me take her to the cinema.” He glared at Aitor when he started laughing again. “Well, at least it’ll be better than all the Disney princesses she makes me watch.”

  “I’m sure you love the Disney movies. You know all the songs, don’t you?”

  “I do not!” he said, as indignantly as he could manage. But when Aitor kept looking at him, he caved. “They’re catchy, okay? Fucking ‘Let it Go’ was stuck in my head for weeks after watching the movie!”

  “Oh, my God, you’re adorable!”

  Gabriel felt the heat in his cheeks. “Shut up, I am not!”

  “Oh, you are. But don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

  Gabriel’s head met the table’s surface once more. “Can we change the subject, please?”

  “Yes. How about this? You owe me dinner.”

  Gabriel checked his watch, surprised at the time. How long had they been playing? “Wait, I owe you? What about the bet?”

  “Did you keep track of the last points? Because I didn’t.”

  Gabriel shook his head.

  “Look, the way I see it, you stole my parking spot yesterday, then you kissed me in the bathroom. You owe me a date, which means you’re paying.”

  Gabriel didn’t want to argue with that logic, especially if it meant they were going out on an actual date. He finished boxing the game and handed it to Aitor. “Go give this back, and I’ll wait for you in the parking lot. You’re driving.”

  Chapter 6


  They never made it to the restaurant. Before Aitor had even settled behind the wheel in his car, Gabriel enthusiastically grabbed and kissed him. Aitor moaned at the sudden onslaught, thrilled he’d gotten so far under Gabriel’s skin that he would attack him at the first opportunity. Their lips played with each other, but Gabriel broke the kiss before their tongues could join the game, gasping.

  “I’ve been thinking about doing that all day. Almost kissed you when I saw you this afternoon.”

  Aitor adjusted himself in his seat so the gear stick would stop digging into his thigh. “For the record, I’m not against public displays. Maybe not like that last one, though? A peck would have been nice.”

  “I’ll make a note for next time. Now, to yesterday’s place?” He took a deep breath and looked suddenly nervous. “Or we could…You know, my place is not far, and seeing as how it’s Saturday, and neither of us has to work tomorrow…”

  Wow, Aitor hadn’t been expecting that. He launched himself at Gabriel, gear stick be damned, and kissed him until they were both breathless with desir
e. “Tell me how to get there.”

  * * * *

  When they got to Gabriel’s place, Aitor was nervous. There was no reason for it; they’d been close to undressing each other in his car, not to mention the kiss in the bathroom the day before. But now that they were almost inside Gabriel’s home, he hugged himself, feeling anxious. What if Gabriel didn’t like what he saw?

  He entered the flat to find Gabriel smiling at him, the heat in his eyes that had been there all day still present and flaring hotter, vanishing all his doubts. They fell into each other, kissing. Aitor barely registered the sound of the door closing, or Gabriel moving them to another room until the back of his knees hit something. He fell onto a mattress, his breath rushing out of him as he bounced.

  Gabriel climbed into bed more slowly, advancing until he lay atop Aitor, his arms and legs engulfing him, until he completely surrounded Aitor. He kissed Gabriel, coaxing his lips to open so their tongues could meet again. He wrapped his arms around Gabriel, one hand tangling in his hair, the other mapping his backside. Aitor could have kissed him forever, but Gabriel apparently had other ideas. His hands roamed, going from Aitor’s chest to his waist, then pulling off his T-shirt.

  The kisses stopped, allowing Aitor to get more air into his lungs, but his breath caught again when Gabriel’s mouth met his, his hands still exploring. He liked the sensation of the caresses, and the fact that the hands didn’t falter when it came to his scars, but he put his hand on top of Gabriel’s when he pinched his nipple.

  Gabriel looked down at him.

  “It hurts.”

  “Sorry.” He kissed him again, one of those deep kisses Aitor enjoyed so much, and kept caressing him, his hand travelling to the waistband of his trousers. “Can I?”

  Aitor nodded, lifting his hips to make it easier. Gabriel took off Aitor’s trousers and boxers at the same time, then lay over him, their legs tangling. Then Gabriel went back to kissing him. Aitor felt Gabriel’s erection, but he couldn’t say he liked the sensation of the denim fabric rubbing against his skin. He delivered a final kiss to Gabriel’s mouth, then grabbed the hand exploring his chest again.

  “You’re overdressed.”

  Gabriel’s gaze travelled downward. “It appears I am.” He sat on Aitor’s lap, taking off his shirt, then going for the button of his jeans. “Want to help?”

  Aitor lay back and pillowed his head on his hands, shaking his head. “Nope. I want to watch.”

  Gabriel got up and removed his jeans, taking his underwear along. He stood for a second, letting Aitor get a good look. He liked what he saw, the muscular arms he’d felt the day before, the slight belly, and Aitor couldn’t wait to get his hands on that hairy chest. Gabriel’s cock pointed upwards, and Aitor wanted to touch the nest of dark curls at the base to see if they were silky or rough. Gabriel was gorgeous.

  Aitor opened his arms. “Come here.”

  Gabriel settled over him, and Aitor delighted in the sensation of skin against skin. They fell into a rhythm, kissing and caressing each other. Gabriel went back to licking and sucking Aitor’s neck, and he moaned when Gabriel used a bit of teeth. He’d have a bruise tomorrow, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Gabriel kept traveling downward, depositing kisses on Aitor’s skin every step of the way, sucking his belly button, then doing it again when Aitor moaned once more.

  He avoided the place Aitor needed him most to kiss, and instead focused on his feet, kissing each of his toes, then his ankles. Aitor had never been worshipped like that. By the time Gabriel made it to his thighs, Aitor thrashed, sure Gabriel could feel the heat coming from him.

  Gabriel kissed just above his crotch and looked into his face, his pupils blown wide and his breath coming in gasps. “Can I?”

  Aitor groaned. “Fucking hell, yes!”

  That made Gabriel smile. “You’ve got a mouth on you.”

  “Yeah, and guess what? You’re not going to feel it anywhere on you unless you get on with it, already!”

  If possible, Gabriel’s eyes got even darker, and the next thing Aitor knew, the man used his tongue in a way that made sparks travel from Aitor’s clit to his brain, until he could see them beneath his closed eyelids. He’d been so worked out from the kissing, it didn’t take him long to come, and he did so with a yell, with Gabriel’s head still buried between his legs, kissing and stroking him through his orgasm. Aitor collapsed, patting Gabriel’s arms to make him come up the bed until he could face him and kiss him, tasting himself on Gabriel’s tongue.

  “That was amazing,” he said between gasps.

  “I live to serve.” Gabriel kissed Aitor’s neck again, and before Aitor could tell him to go lower if he wanted to leave him another calling card, he became aware of a weight on his leg. He pushed Gabriel until he lay prone.

  Aitor kissed him now, reveling in his upper position, and took Gabriel’s cock in his hand, stroking it leisurely. Gabriel trembled below him.

  “There’s no need to—” A moan cut off Gabriel’s words when Aitor squeezed and dropped his other hand to play with his balls.

  “Shhh. I may not have the energy to make good on my promise of putting my mouth on you, but I can get you off like this.” Aitor keep stroking while he talked. “I want to get you off like this.”

  “Trust me, it won’t take long.”

  Aitor kissed him hard and increased the rhythm of his strokes, until Gabriel groaned into Aitor’s mouth and came, Aitor guiding him through his orgasm like Gabriel had done for him. They both panted when they separated.

  “That was…”

  Aitor found Gabriel’s discarded boxers on the floor and wiped his hand. “It was.”

  He kissed Gabriel again, softly, then rested his head on a big shoulder, asking without words for a cuddle, given to him without reservation.

  * * * *

  Aitor woke up the next morning to a moving and talking pillow. It took him a few seconds to realize he rested with his head on Gabriel’s chest. It felt weird hearing Gabriel talk while also feeling the reverberations through the ear pressed to his body. He caressed Gabriel’s belly, letting him now he was awake, and the man rewarded him with a hand traveling all the way down his back, making him shiver.

  “Yes, bring her over. We’ll go to—What do you mean my car’s not outside?”

  Aitor felt Gabriel’s heart rate elevate. Then Gabriel sat up so quickly, he didn’t give Aitor time to adjust, and his head bounced against the mattress.

  Gabriel covered his phone, grimacing and mouthing “sorry.” “Are you already here?” He took a deep breath and pinched his nose. “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” He looked over at Aitor. “You need to get dressed.”

  He started to do that himself.

  “What’s going on?” Aitor asked, gathering his clothes from the bedroom floor with every possible thought going through his head, from a girlfriend to a serial killer.

  “That was my sister-in-law Clara. Something came up and they need me to take care of Judith.”

  With one leg inside his jeans, Aitor bounced in place, cursing his decision to wear his tightest ones the day before. “And they couldn’t give you more notice?”

  Gabriel blushed, which clashed a bit with the whole situation. “I’m usually not tied up.”

  Aitor refused to feel aroused by that image. “Save that thought for later.”

  Gabriel blushed even darker.

  “Okay, am I decent?”

  “I’m beginning to guess you never are.” The fact that Gabriel could joke and flirt made Aitor feel better.

  The doorbell sounded.

  “But you look as good as you’re going to get in so little time,” Gabriel said on his way to answer. “Now, are you ready to face the music?”

  “Do I have any other option?”

  “I’m afraid you don’t”

  “Then bring it on.”

  Chapter 7


  Damn Clara and her habit of not calling ahead! When she and Judith came in, he introduc
ed Aitor, then offered them all some coffee—cocoa for his niece.

  They eventually sat in the living room, sipping their beverages and studiously not looking at each other.

  “Are you my uncle’s boyfriend?”

  Clara choked on her drink, and Gabriel felt a small spike of pleasure. “Judith!”

  She looked to her mum. “What? Uncle Gabri’s car is not outside and they look like they got dressed in the dark.” She pointed at Aitor. “His shirt is buttoned all wrong.”

  Aitor blushed and worked on fixing that, while Gabriel mentally cursed his precocious niece.


  He didn’t know what to tell her. He couldn’t announce he had a boyfriend; they’d known each other for only two days, for God’s sake! And as much as he would like to keep dating Aitor and see where this lead them, he needed to talk to him first, not to a smart thirteen-year-old.

  It looked as if Aitor had read his thoughts. “We need to figure that out, I think.”

  Judith nodded, “Oh, okay.” She went back to drinking her cocoa and playing with her phone.

  Aitor got up from the sofa. “I think I’ll get going. It was a pleasure to meet you, Clara, Judith.” He nodded at each of them, then looked at Gabriel. “Your car is still at the place, isn’t it? Want me to pick you up later, then we can take advantage of the convention games for one more afternoon?”

  “That sounds amazing. But Judith is grounded and she’s giving the convention a miss this year.”

  Clara cleared her throat. “You know what? If Aitor doesn’t mind Judith sticking around, you can go. I would feel like I was grounding you otherwise, Gabriel, and you’re too old for that.”

  Aitor looked at Judith. “What do you say, my lady? Mind if I play a few games with you and your uncle later this afternoon?”

  She shrugged, not looking up. “That’ll be fine. There are more games for three people than for two.”

  Gabriel got up and put his hand in the small of Aitor’s back. “I’ll walk you out.”


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