Her Captor

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Her Captor Page 8

by Lindsey Hart

  The room went dead silent. Sarah’s shuddery breaths and his own shallow ones punctuated the silence. Finally, Cam sighed. He couldn’t just sit there, his heart pounding out of his chest and let himself hope. He knew how dangerous hope was. Only a fool let it guide him.

  “So, you’re here why, Sarah? To tell me that you fell in love with me? To say thank you? To what?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. “That’s the truth. I don’t know anything at all. I know that just looking at you makes my heart pound. It always does and always has. Ever since the first time I saw you. Being near you sets my body on fire. When I gave myself to you, it was like finding the purest bliss. That night on the beach, when I was trying to bring you back, I knew that if something happened to you I would lose a part of myself. I realized that you’re in my heart, whether I want you there or not.”

  Cam forced himself to sound scornful. “So that’s your truth? That you don’t know anything. That sounds more like you know a whole hell of a lot.” She was more honest with her feelings than he’d ever allowed himself to be. He’d allowed himself to trust her for a second. That second led to a landslide of physical connection which led to… what? Did he love her? His pounding heart told him that it was true, yet he didn’t trust her. He was as wary of her as he’d always been.

  “I don’t know what I feel. Maybe it’s the start of something amazing. On that island, neither of us had a reason to trust each other and yet, for a minute, even just a minute, we did. I felt something. If you can tell me honestly that you didn’t, then I’ll go. I promise I’ll stay out of your life.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “What? That you could ever have felt something?” Her voice held the raw edge of heartbreak.

  Cam slowly shook his head. He was an idiot. He felt like admitting the truth was the worst thing he could ever do, but he couldn’t stop himself. He might very well pay for it but couldn’t let Sarah walk out that door and out of his life a second time. “My life has been like hell since that chopper came and picked you up off my island. I haven’t been able to sleep or eat or function. I’m drowning in work because I just sit here all day and stare at the wall. All I see is your face. You’ve haunted me since the moment I set eyes on you. I’ve never felt this way about another person. When I was with you, when we were honestly one, I felt… alive. I knew what it was like to live for the first time. That’s all I know. Is that love? Obsession? Idiocy? Folly? I don’t know. Maybe all of them combined.”

  As though his words were an invitation, Sarah shot out of her chair. She charged around the desk. He stood and met her half way. She launched herself against him. He wrapped his arms around her trembling form. He lowered his head to the crown of her hair and breathed in her fresh, clean scent.

  “Cam,” she whispered. She pulled away just enough to look up at him. Her arm broke free and she reached up and gently traced the outline of his lips. “I don’t know what we’re doing. I don’t know what we are but if you’re with me I think I could be happy. The strangest thing is, I think I could make you happy as well. At least I would like to.”

  His body ached when Sarah melted against him. Her touch detonated a painful hope inside his chest. “Did you end up losing your job because of me?”

  Sarah blinked in confusion. “Yes, of course. I up and vanished and no one knew why. I have another position lined up. You don’t have to worry.”

  “So you haven’t told anyone who really took you or what happened? You could press charges you know. You have more than enough evidence against me.”

  “I would never do that. Not when my brother and I were at fault to start.”

  “So I caused you to lose your job. I’m already ruining your life.”

  She shook her head, a slow smile spreading over her face. “Not a chance. The job I have lined up is at a clinic working with addicts. Drugs. Alcohol. I think it was where I was supposed to end up all along.” Her hand fell to his chest and she rested it overtop his heat. “This is where I belong.”

  “How can you be so sure? Maybe we’ll end up a disaster like everyone else.”

  “No. No we won’t. You’re not like everyone else. You are Cameron Spade. The black, heartless devil who isn’t black or a devil. You’re certainly not heartless. In fact, you have one of the kindest, most forgiving hearts I know.”

  Her words were a heady balm to a soul that he hadn’t realized was so wounded. He hadn’t realized the depth of his utter loneliness until she’d walked into his life and turned everything upside down.

  “Then you don’t know many hearts, I’m afraid.” Cam retorted. He couldn’t smother a grin.

  Sarah leaned into him. She reached up and drew his face to hers. “I don’t need to. I have the only one I ever wanted right here. Say it’s mine Cam. Say it’s mine and I am yours.”

  He smiled gently. He might be making a huge mistake but he doubted it. He finally realized that feelings weren’t a weakness. Blocking them out and walling yourself up, was. “I’m yours Sarah. And you’re mine. Just don’t try escaping again.”

  “I won’t! I don’t need to.” Her eyes shone as her lips parted, eager to receive his kiss.

  His lips slanted over hers and he kissed her like they wouldn’t have another chance. He kissed away the pain and uncertainty, the anger and frustration he’d felt over the past weeks. He kissed away her fears and his. He kissed her until nothing was left between them but the passion that they’d always known. He certainly had no idea what a future with Sarah by his side meant, but he was humbled, grateful and above all, excited to discover it with her.

  The Ending to another Sweet Beginning

  PREVIEW: Hijacked by Her Greek Boss

  Download the book for free! Link below after the preview.

  “Yes, I should hire someone … Like my personal assistant.”

  When she suggested the idea, Kate never thought she would actually be the one ending up having to play the fake fiancé to her boss. But here she was, flying back to Greece on the arms of her hot steamy Greek boss, Nikos Callis.

  Between juggling her new role as Nick’s fiancé and fighting to keep her true feelings under wrapped, would her boss actually end up viewing her as more than his very efficient PA?

  Preview below

  Chapter 1

  Buzz... Buzz...

  “Damn it,” Kate cursed, digging in her black Chanel purse for the cell phone. She knew who it was – Nick, calling again with some new demand she was probably going to be expected to meet in about three point five seconds.

  Her boss was great, for the most part – actually, he was more than great. He was the most amazing man Kate had ever met (not that she would ever admit that to anyone). But boy, was the guy a perfectionist. He liked things done a certain way, and he liked them done right away. Kate had been his personal assistant for almost three years now, and had gotten pretty good at recognizing his demands and meeting them – which was saying something, since he was always throwing new ones out there.

  But knowing what he wanted was part of what had made Nickos Callis so successful at the young age of thirty. Sure, the fact that he had been born into the family business of art dealing was a part of his success, but Nick also understood the value of working hard towards a specifically crafted dream.

  That's what Kate reminded herself on days like this one, anyway – a day when she was out scouring half of Manhattan for a specific kind of rose that Nick just had to have for his business meeting later that afternoon. For some reason little things like that were important to him. Hey, whatever – she was just the assistant, so who was she to question things?

  “He needs to go ahead and hire a second assistant,” she said to the old florist standing in front of her. “Because this shit is too much for one person to handle.”

  The Asian man stared solemnly at her. Kate wondered if he even spoke English. Finally, she found the phone, buried deep at the bottom of her purse.


nbsp; “Did you find the Double Delights?” Nick's thick Greek accent slid through the line, sending warm chills down Kate's back.

  She sighed. “No, but I'll keep looking.”

  “Right. The clients will be here in two hours.”

  Click. Not even a goodbye.

  Why did she put up with him? Oh yeah, that's right – because she was in love with him. She had been since the first moment she'd laid eyes on him. And even though she had never admitted her feelings, and he had never shown signs of reciprocating them, she just couldn't pull herself away from the man.

  “Do you have Double Delight roses?” she asked the florist, who was still standing in the middle of the tiny, heat-drenched shop staring at her. The man's face lit up with a smile and he nodded his head vigorously.

  “Yes, yes. Double Delight. Right way, here.”

  “Yesss!” Kate punched her fist into the air in celebration. She had done it. She was going to met yet another ridiculous demand from her ridiculous boss.

  She knew that what she put up with was more than most personal assistants would take – what with the late night runs to corner delis to get non-dairy butter (not easy to find at all) and the sometimes sixteen-hour days she put in working with Nick at the office. But Kate got satisfaction from it all. Maybe it wasn't a healthy satisfaction, true, but in Kate's kind of life – one where you'd barely even touched a man in almost two years – pleasing the boss had a funny way of meaning everything.

  “Those are beautiful,” Nick said, watching Kate place the vase of pink and white roses on the boardroom table. “Where did you find them?”

  “This little place in Chinatown.” She finished arranging the roses. “Would you like anything else?”

  “Yes, actually - ”

  He was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Glancing down at the screen, he frowned.

  “Geia Sas,” he said, answering the phone. Kate felt her cheeks heat up. She'd only heard him speak in Greek a few times, and damn did she like it.

  He continued talking, turning his back to Kate and walking to the floor length windows that overlooked East Central Park. Kate had no idea what he was saying or who he was talking with, but he had been about to ask her to do something else before the phone rang, so she figured she'd better stay put.

  She glanced at her reflection in the nearest window. Her blonde bangs had gotten a little wind-swept while she'd been running around looking for the roses. She smoothed them down, then noticed her pink and slightly chipped nails. She could use another manicure. She needed a new place to go to, though. She hadn't liked the one on ninth that she'd gone to the last time. The wait had been too long, even though the place was slow, and their water not warm enough.

  “This is not good.”

  Kate started, looking up from her hands. Was he talking to her now?

  “Sorry?” she asked.

  Nick rubbed a palm across his square jaw, brushing against the stubble there. The five o'clock shadow he sported twenty-four seven was Kate's favorite physical attribute of his – well, that and his olive toned skin... and his black, wavy hair... and his broad shoulders... and his dark, chocolate eyes... and a hundred other things about him.

  He sighed, looking at her. Silence.

  Slowly, he went and sat down at the head of the long, mahogany board table. He looked up at her, a sad-looking smile on his face. “You fix so much for me, Kate. I wish you could fix this.”

  Kate gulped. She couldn't let him know how good that tiny compliment had made her feel. “Maybe I can help,” she said. “What's happened?”

  “My parents have found me a bride.”

  Kate's heart froze. She'd never actually thought she and Nick would end up together, but she'd never even imagined him with anyone else. Nick was married to his work. And Kate was devoted to him, and so, therefore, to the art world as well. Countless nights they had spent together in the office, working until three or four a.m. In a sense, Kate liked to think, they were married to each other.

  It was just a marriage that didn't come with any actual benefits.

  “So,” Kate said slowly. “You're getting married?”

  “Absolutely not.”

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  I had the perfect job. Life was headed in just the right direction, but then I found out that my boss was retiring. He was handing over the company to his son, and once I met Jake Manon, I knew that things would never be the same.




  Those were the words I would use to describe Jake. It was hate at first sight. Or was it really?


  Jen was beautiful, and I admired her dedication to her job.

  But I hated that I was attracted to her.

  I hated even more that she ignored me without even realizing the sizzling attraction between us.

  I knew I was not good enough for a woman like her. I knew I should stay well clear of this feisty little red head.

  But then I kissed her …




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