Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated)

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Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated) Page 777

by Rudyard Kipling

  Because we loved him with the love

  That knows but cannot understand.

  And when the roaring hillside broke,

  And all our world fell down in rain,

  We saved him, we the Little Folk;

  But lo! he does not come again!

  Mourn now, we saved him for the sake

  Of such poor love as wild ones may.

  Mourn ye! Our brother will not wake,

  And his own kind drive us away!

  The Miracle of Purun Bhagat.

  The Junk and the Dhow

  “An Unqualified Pilot”

  Once a pair of savages found a stranded tree.

  (One-piecee stick -pidgin — two piecee man.

  Straddle-um-paddle-um-push -um off to sea.

  That way Foleign Debbil-boat began.)

  But before, and before, and ever so long before

  Any shape of sailing-craft was known,

  The Junk and Dhow had a stern and a bow,

  And a mast and a sail of their own — ahoy! alone!

  As they crashed across the Oceans on their own!

  Once there was a pirate-ship, being blown ashore —

  (Plitty soon pilum up, s’posee no can tack..

  Seven-piecee stlong man pullum sta’boa’d oar.

  That way bling her head alound and sail-o back.)

  But before, and before, an ever so long before

  Grand Commander Noah took the wheel,

  The Junk and the Dhow, though they look like anyhow,

  Had rudders reaching deep below their keel — ahoy! akeel!

  As they laid the Eastern Seas beneath their keel!

  Once there was galliot yawing in a tide.

  (Too much foolee side-slip. How can stop?

  Man catchee tea box lid — lasha longaside.

  That way make her plenty glip and sail first-chop.)

  But before and before, and ever so long before

  And such contrivances were used,

  The whole Confucian sea-board had standardized the lee-board.

  And hauled it up or dropped it as they choosed — or chose — or


  According to the weather, when they cruised!

  Once there was a caravel in a beam-sea roll —

  (Ca’qo shiftee — alla dliftee-no can livee long.

  S’posum’ nail-o boa’d acloss — makee ploper hol’?

  That way ca’qo sittum still, an’ ship mo’ stlong.)

  But before, and before, and ever so long before

  Any square-rigged vessel hove in sight,

  The Canton deep-sea craft carried bulkheads fore and aft,

  And took good care to keep ‘em water-tight-atite-atite!

  From Amboyna to the Great Australian Bight!

  Once there was a sailor-man singing just this way —

  (Too muchee yowl-o, sickum best flend!

  Singee all-same pullee lope — haul and belay!

  Hully up and coilum down an’ — bite off end!)

  But before, and before, and ever so long before

  Any sort of chanty crossed our lips,

  The Junk and the Dhow, though they look like anyhow,

  Were the Mother and the Father of all Ships — ahoy! — a’ships

  And of half the new inventions in our Ships!

  From Tarifa to Formosa in our Ships!

  From Socotra to Selankhor of the windlass and the anchor,

  And the Navigators Compass in our Ships — ahoy! — our Ships!

  (O, hully up and coilum down and — bite — off — end!)


  October, 1918

  Across a world where all men grieve

  And grieving strive the more,

  The great days range like tides and leave

  Our dead on every shore.

  Heavy the load we undergo,

  And our own hands prepare,

  If we have parley with the foe,

  The load our sons must bear.

  Before we loose the word

  That bids new worlds to birth,

  Needs must we loosen first the sword

  Of Justice upon earth;

  Or else all else is vain

  Since life on earth began,

  And the spent world sinks back again

  Hopeless of God and Man.

  A People and their King

  Through ancient sin grown strong,

  Because they feared no reckoning

  Would set no bound to wrong;

  But now their hour is past,

  And we who bore it find

  Evil Incarnate hell at last

  To answer to mankind.

  For agony and spoil

  Of nations beat to dust,

  For poisoned air and tortured soil

  And cold, commanded lust,

  And every secret woe

  The shuddering waters saw.

  Willed and fulfilled by high and low.

  Let them relearn the Low.

  That when the dooms are read,

  Not high nor low shall say:--

  " My haughty or my humble head

  Was saved me in this day."

  That, till the end of time,

  Their remnant shall recall

  Their fathers old, confederate crime

  Availed them not at all.

  That neither schools nor priests,

  Nor Kings may build again

  A people with the heart of beasts

  Made wise concerning men.

  Whereby our dead shall sleep

  In honour, unbetrayed,

  And we in faith and honour keep

  That peace for which they paid.

  The Justice’s Tale


  — The Muse Among the Motors (1900-1930)

  With them there rode a lustie Engineere

  Wel skilled to handel everich waie her geere,

  Hee was soe wise ne man colde showe him naught

  And out of Paris was hys learnynge brought.

  Frontlings mid brazen wheeles and wandes he sat,

  And on hys heade he bare an leathern hat.

  Hee was soe certaine of his governance,

  That, by the Road, he tooke everie chaunce.

  For simple people and for lordlings eke

  Hee wolde not bate a del but onlie squeeke

  Behinde their backes on an horne hie

  Until they crope into a piggestie.

  He was more wood than bull in china-shoppe,

  And yet for cowes and dogges wolde hee stop,

  Not our of Marcie but for Preudence-sake —

  Than hys dependaunce ever was hys brake.

  Just So Stories

  When the cabin port-holes are dark and green

  Because of the seas outside;

  When the ship goes wop (with a wiggle between)

  And the steward falls into the soup-tureen,

  And trunks begin to slide;

  When Nursey lies on the floor in a heap,

  And Mummy tells you to let her sleep,

  And you aren’t waked or washed or dressed,

  Why, then you will know (if you haven’t guessed)

  You’re “Fifty North and Forty West!”

  How the Whale Got His Throat

  The Camel’s hump is an ugly lump

  Which well you may see at the Zoo;

  But uglier yet is the hump we get

  From having too little to do.

  Kiddies and grown-ups too-oo-oo,

  If we haven’t enough to do-oo-oo,

  We get the hump —

  Cameelious hump —

  The hump that is black and blue!

  We climb out of bed with a frouzly head,

  And a snarly-yarly voice.

  We shiver and scowl and we grunt and we growl

  At our bath and our boots and our toys;

  And there ought to be a corner for me

  (And I know’ there is one for you)

  When we get the hump —

  Cameelious hump —

  The hump that is black and blue!

  The cure for this ill is not to sit still,

  Or frowst with a book by the fire;

  But to take a large hoe and a shovel also,

  And dig till you gently perspire;

  And then you will find that the sun and the wind,

  And the Djinn of the Garden too,

  Have lifted the hump —

  The horrible hump —

  The hump that is black and blue!

  I get it as well as you-oo-oo —

  If I haven’t enough to do-oo-oo!

  We all get hump —

  Cameelious hump —

  Kiddies and grown-ups too!

  How the Camel Got His Hump

  I am the Most Wise Baviaan, saying in most wice tones,

  “Let us melt into the landscape — just us two by our lones.”

  People have come — in a carriage — calling. But Mummy is there....

  Yes, I can go if you take me — Nurse says she don’t care.

  Let’s go up to the pig-styes and sit on the farmyard rails!

  Let’s say things to the bunnies, and watch ‘em skitter their tails!

  Let’s’-oh, anything, daddy, so long as it’s you and me,

  And going truly exploring, and not being in till tea!

  Here’s your boots (I’ve brought ‘em), and here’s your cap and stick,

  And here’s your pipe and tobacco. Oh, come along out of it — quick!

  How the Leopard Got His Spots.

  I keep six honest serving-men

  (They taught me all I knew);

  Their names are What and Why and When

  And How and Where and Who.

  I send them over land and sea,

  I send them east and west;

  But after they have worked for me,

  I give them all a rest.

  I let them rest from nine till five,

  For I am busy then,

  As well as breakfast, lunch and tea,

  For they are hungry men.

  But different folk have different views.

  I know a person small —

  She keeps ten million serving-men,

  Who get no rest at all!

  She sends ‘em abroad on her own affairs,

  From the second she opens her eyes —

  One million Hows, two million Wheres,

  And seven million Whys!

  The Elephant’s Child.

  This is the mouth-filling song of the race that was run by a Boomer.

  Run in a single burst — only event of its kind —

  Started by Big God Nqong from Warrigaborrigarooma,

  Old Man Kangaroo first, Yellow-Dog Dingo behind.

  Kangaroo bounded away, his back-legs working like pistons —

  Bounded from morning till dark, twenty-five feet at a bound.

  Yellow-Dog Dingo lay like a yellow cloud in the distance —

  Much too busy to bark. My! but they covered the ground!

  Nobody knows where they went, or followed the track that they flew in,

  For that Continent hadn’t been given a name.

  They ran thirty degrees from Torres Straits to Leeuwin

  (Look at the Atlas), please then they ran back as they came.

  S’posing you could trot from Adelaide to the Pacific

  For an afternoon’s run — half what these gentlemen did —

  You would feel rather hot, but your legs would develop terrific —

  Yes, my importunate son, you’d be a Marvellous Kid!

  The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo

  I’ve never sailed the Amazon,

  I’ve never reached Brazil;

  But the Don and Magdalena,

  They can go there when they will!

  Yes, weekly from Southampton

  Great steamers, white and gold,

  Go rolling down to Rio

  (Roll down — roll down to Rio! ).

  And I’d like to roll to Rio

  Some day before I’m old!

  I’ve never seen a Jaguar,

  Nor yet an Armadill —

  He’s dilloing in his armour,

  And I s’pose I never will,

  Unless I go to Rio

  These wonders to behold —

  Roll down — roll down to Rio —

  Roll really down to Rio!

  Oh, I’d love to roll to Rio

  Some day before I’m old!

  The Beginning of the Armadilloes.

  China-going P. & 0.’s

  Pass Pau Amma’s playground close,

  And his Pusat Tasek lies

  Near the track of most B.I.’s.

  N.Y.K. and N.D.L.

  Know Pau Amma’s home as well

  As the Fisher of the Sea knows

  “Bens,” M.M.’s and Rubattinos.

  But (and this is rather queer)

  A.T.L.’s can not come here;

  0. and 0. and D.0.A.

  Must go round another way.

  Orient, Anchor, Bibby, Hall,

  Never go that way at all.

  U.C.S. would have a fit

  If it found itself on it.

  And if “Beavers” took their cargoes

  To Penang instead of Lagos,

  Or a fat Shaw-Savill bore

  Passengers to Singapore,

  Or a White Star were to try a

  Little trip to Sourabaya,

  Or a B.S.A. went on

  Past Natal to Cheribon,

  The great Mr. Lloyds would come

  With a wire and drag them home!

  . . . . .

  You will know what my riddle means

  When you’ve eaten mangosteens.

  The Crab That Played with the Sea

  Pussy can sit by the fire and sing,

  Pussy can climb a tree,

  Or play with a silly old cork and string

  To ‘muse herself, not me.

  But I like Binkie my dog, because

  He knows how to behave;

  So, Binkie’s the same as the First Friend was,

  And I am the Man in the Cave!

  Pussy will play Man-Friday till

  It’s time to wet her paw

  And make her walk on the window-sill

  (For the footprint Crusoe saw);

  Then she fluffles her tail and mews,

  And scratches and won’t attend.

  But Binkie will play whatever I choose,

  And he is my true First Friend!

  Pussy will rub my knees with her head

  Pretending she loves me hard;

  But the very minute I go to my bed

  Pussy runs out in the yard,

  And there she stays till the morning-light;

  So I know it is only pretend;

  But Binkie, he snores at my feet all night,

  And he is my Firstest Friend!

  The Cat That Walked by Himself

  This Uninhabited Island

  Is near Cape Gardafui;

  But it’s hot — too hot — off Suez

  For the likes of you and me

  Ever to go in a P. & 0.

  To call on the Cake Parsee.

  How the Rhinoceros got His Skin

  There was never a Queen like Balkis,

  From here to the wide world’s end;

  But Balkis talked to a butterfly

  As you would talk to a friend.

  There was never a King like Solomon,

  Not since the world began;

  But Solomon talked to a butterfly

  As a man would talk to a man.

  She was Queen of Sabea —

  And he was Asia’s Lord —

  But they both of ‘em talked to butterflies

  When they took their walks abroad!

  The Butterfly That Stamped.


  Unto whose use the pregnant suns are poised,

  With idiot
moons and stars retracting stars?

  Creep thou between — thy coming’s all unnoised.

  Heaven hath her high, as Earth her baser, wars.

  Heir to these tumults, this affright, that fray

  (By Adam’s, fathers’, own, sin bound alway);

  Peer up, draw out thy horoscope and say

  Which planet mends thy threadbare fate, or mars.

  The King

  “Farewell, Romance!” the Cave-men said;

  “With bone well carved He went away,

  Flint arms the ignoble arrowhead,

  And jasper tips the spear to-day.

  Changed are the Gods of Hunt and Dance,

  And He with these. Farewell, Romance!”

  “Farewell, Romance!” the Lake-folk sighed;

  “We lift the weight of flatling years;

  The caverns of the mountain-side

  Hold him who scorns our hutted piers.

  Lost hills whereby we dare not dwell,

  Guard ye his rest. Romance, farewell!”

  “Farewell, Romance!” the Soldier spoke;

  “By sleight of sword we may not win,

  But scuffle ‘mid uncleanly smoke

  Of arquebus and culverin.

  Honour is lost, and none may tell

  Who paid good blows. Romance, farewell!”

  “Farewell, Romance!” the Traders cried;

  “Our keels have lain with every sea;

  The dull-returning wind and tide

  Heave up the wharf where we would be;

  The known and noted breezes swell

  Our trudging sails. Romance, farewell!”

  “Good-bye, Romance!” the Skipper said;

  “He vanished with the coal we burn.

  Our dial marks full-steam ahead,

  Our speed is timed to half a turn.

  Sure as the ferried barge we ply

  ‘Twixt port and port. Romance, good-bye!”

  “Romance!” the season-tickets mourn,

  “He never ran to catch His train,

  But passed with coach and guard and horn —

  And left the local — late again!”


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