by Sharon Gibbs
‘Where do you think Kovak is taking Elle?’
‘My guess, Peter, would be he’s headed for the Keep where Arnak’s army is gathered. He probably thinks it’s safe for him there,’ Henry said.
Christopher threw a stick into the fire and the flames lapped at the small piece of wood. The rain had stopped some time ago but the wind blew cold as the temperature continued to fall. They’d been lucky enough to find some wood sheltered within a small thicket and while the wood had been quite wet, Clarence and Henry had used their magic to dry it. As they sat around the small flames Henry retrieved the book Frank had given him. He passed it to Christopher and then retold the story that Frank had shared with him.
The book was small and Christopher held it in one hand. As he turned the pages he scanned the words that lay beneath his fingers. He felt uneasy as he read the text as the words struck doubt within him and a shiver ran up his spine. He flicked through the book and Henry stopped him at the page Frank had recited.
‘Christopher, read this passage,’ Henry said as he pointed to the section he wanted Christopher to recite. Henry ignited his Wizard’s magic and held an orb of light so Christopher could see the words clearly.
‘For when the Wizard comes forth to save his brother, they’ll cause events unlike another.’ As Christopher read, a strange light glowed under his fingers as he moved them in rhythm with his words. He stopped and looked up at Henry. ‘What’s this?’ he said as he lifted his fingers from the page. The light still touched their tips until he lifted them further away and the glow vanished.
‘The book has connected with you. I’m not sure why,’ Henry said. He’d never seen this kind of affirmation before, but he had read of similar occurrences when he’d studied the books from the Old Time.
‘I’ve seen this before,’ Clarence said. ‘It has to do with magic from the Old Time. A time when magic was used freely, with less regard for the consequences. It’s directly related to the Sorceress’ magic. She draws her strength from the Lord in the Underlands, and his magic is born from an ancient sect.’
Christopher continued to read the passage but he didn’t touch the page this time. ‘While all that’s good is there to save, the snake they fight for, he will enslave. The beast will rise and with his power, suck the life from every flower. This book they’ll find is the key, to force back evil it’s up to thee.’
‘We don’t choose to enslave anyone. We seek to rid ourselves of this enemy that’s enforced this life upon us,’ Peter said as he dismissed the passage. ‘I don’t see what this book has to do with us. We need to prepare now for what lies ahead. How long before Frank and Jimmy arrive with the fold from Corn Fallow, Henry?’
‘With any luck they should be here by early morning,’ he said.
Christopher tucked the book in his saddlebag and unrolled his bed. They’d need as much rest as they could get.
Frank and Jimmy led the fold from Corn Fallow north to join with Christopher. As they crossed the land they met other groups who’d joined together. United they travelled as one and followed the muddy path that led towards Canistar, the Keep and Freedom.
At the head of the soldiers, Brice rode with Arnak and Athena towards the village of Corn Fallow. Arnak and Athena led their army determined to recapture not only the prisoner but also a second Wizard.
None would rise up against Arnak’s rule. His sister would see to it. They’d make examples of these fools and string them up for all to see.
Meanwhile Kovak had ridden his mount hard and had stopped only twice, once when he transferred Elle to the back of his horse, where he bound her hands and feet and once to release her, when she’d finally woken. Elle had badgered Kovak to let her off the back of his horse, and he had finally given in. When he cut her free, she fell to the ground in a heap. Her hands and feet had lost their circulation and as the blood rushed back into them, they pricked and tingled and Elle was unable to stand.
She lay where she’d fallen until Kovak made one of his soldiers dismount and lift her on to his horse. After he bound her hands to the pommel and her feet to the stirrups, the soldier handed Kovak the reins to his horse. The soldier was left to hitch a ride upon another’s mount as Kovak led her horse along.
As soon as the morning sky began to lighten Christopher’s small group prepared to resume the hunt for Kovak and Elle. As they mounted their horses, noise could be heard behind them in the distance.
‘What’s that? Surely the army hasn’t surrounded us? It cannot be,’ Clarence said.
‘James, ride back and see what comes this way, but be careful,’ Peter warned his brother. James set off. He didn’t have to travel far before he came upon the army, but it was the army of Solencia, led by Jimmy and Frank, that marched towards them. Clarence heard the sound of horses approach, and he prepared himself to do battle. He turned to face the onslaught but was relieved to find the group of men they’d been expecting, but now the group was larger than it had been when they’d left Corn Fallow.
‘Henry, look!’
As Henry and the others looked to where Clarence pointed, their spirits rose. The handful of men they’d expected had joined with others along the way, and united in the same quest, they too had formed their own army. Now thousands marched towards them.
Christopher walked up to greet the united army of Solencia. He welcomed Frank and Jimmy and then he addressed the army.
‘It warms my heart to see you here, brothers of Solencia. You’ve chosen this day, of all days not to back down. To stand for what you believe in. The way before us won’t be easy. Look towards the horizon, there your enemy gathers and stalks this way. Their numbers are great but you’ve all planned for this day. For years you’ve trained and hidden in the shadows. The day to claim back our freedom is upon us. Each man shall watch his brother. Stay together and form groups. Fight united and we shall defeat them.’
Solencia’s men looked towards the far horizon, the way was clear but beyond, Arnak’s army moved in their direction. Thousands upon thousands of men blurred together to blanket the land in a sea of darkness.
Christopher wanted to boost these men so no doubt could rise up into their hearts. He drew his sword from its sheath and held it aloft. ‘You do not fight alone. You all know of the Wizards from Canistar, here are two.’ Christopher moved his sword in their direction to bring the men’s eyes to rest upon Henry and Clarence.
Henry stepped forward and with his hands he conjured lightning. It sparked from his hands to shoot out for all to see. Henry knew he had to demonstrate his magic. Words could only do so much when these men faced a foe that out numbered them ten to one. Henry’s magic helped to hold their choice within their hearts. They knew they weren’t just men fighting a battle on their own. They also had Wizards on their side.
Henry spoke to the thousands gathered. ‘Many years ago, my Brother here and I took a small boy into the Wizard’s enclave. We bound his powers so this evil before us couldn’t find him. We gave him time to grow into the man you see before you today.’ Henry waved his arm towards Christopher. ‘Along with your strength and will, he will lead us. With your help he’s the One who can bring peace back to our lands. He is the Wizard born of need, as written in prophecy, to lead us in this battle.’
The army of Solencia looked towards Christopher for affirmation. Christopher raised his sword into the air for all before him to see and then he centred himself. He reached deep down inside and drew forth his essence. A bright green glow surrounded him and spread out to cover the army. They could feel the gentle pulse of his essence as it travelled amongst them. Christopher’s aura touched all before him and every man felt his magic and saw a shimmer of light glow from his eyes.
‘There’s a price for freedom. If there weren’t, it wouldn’t be so valued. I stand before you and ask you, is freedom what you desire?’
The men before him sent up a united roar.
‘Are you ready to fight for it?’
The roar erupted again.
bsp; Chapter Forty
Kovak’s stallion began to slow. All the horses heaved as they drew breath. The sweat that had formed along their sides, necks and mouths had congealed and was crystallised into thick runnels of salt. These horses had given their all, and their energy was spent. No water had passed their lips since they’d left Corn Fallow, and the fast pace they’d kept took its toll. The horses staggered; they were dehydrated to the point of exhaustion. Kovak’s race north had come to a halt.
Kovak cut Elle free from her horse and had no care for her as he pulled her along by her bound wrists. He could hear the drums of the army as they pounded in the distance and knew they were close. Elle fought Kovak with every step he took. She didn’t make it easy for him and she would never bow down to his tyranny.
Peter and James followed Kovak’s trail and saw the signs of fatigue in their tracks. The impressions left in the mud were staggered as the horses Kovak and his men rode began to stumble. As they looked to the horizon, a darkness enveloped the land as Arnak’s massive force spread.
The cool breezes of evening carried the sound of the drums and Arnak’s army tramped the earth to their constant beat, as they marched through the evening twilight.
Soon the army would stop and a makeshift camp would be erected. Small campfires sprang to life as Arnak’s army settled for the night. Kovak smiled when he saw them and pulled on the rope that bound Elle’s hands to urge her forward. Elle resisted as much as she dared, but she’d no choice except to go where Kovak led her.
Through the darkness they continued, until they were safe within the ranks of the horde.
The army welcomed Kovak as he strode into the camp with his prisoner in tow, and Kovak stopped and spoke with a soldier as he rested by the fire.
‘Where’s the Lord’s tent?’ The soldier pointed towards the middle of the camp, where Arnak’s tent had been erected.
‘Leave us. Find somewhere to eat and rest. I’ll find you when I need you,’ he said to his men and then he made his way to see his Lord.
As he approached Arnak’s tent he knew the Sorceress would be with him. Guards surrounded the tent’s entrance and Kovak slowed his pace so as not to alarm them.
‘Halt! State your business,’ the guard said as Kovak neared.
Kovak sneered at the guard. ‘I’m Captain Kovak Turr, and I wish to speak with our Lord. I bring news of the traitors.’
‘They’re not traitors…’ Kovak turned and struck Elle across the face. She hadn’t expected him to lash out and the force of his blow knocked her off her feet.
‘You’ll only speak when spoken to,’ Kovak growled at her as she lay on the ground. The guard looked at Elle, her clothes were tattered and filthy. Blood stained her shirt and mud plastered her hands and face.
‘Wait here,’ the guard said and he entered the tent.
Arnak and Athena relaxed around the table as they ate their evening meal. The night was cold and they both wore thick fur cloaks to ward off the chill. Arnak looked up as the guard entered.
‘My Lord, Captain Kovak Turr is here and wishes to speak with you. He says he brings news of the traitors.’
‘Let him enter,’ Arnak said and continued on with his meal.
‘Well, what news would you like to hear, dear brother?’
Arnak grunted at Athena and took another sip of his wine.
Still bound by the wrists, Elle was led into the tent. ‘Sit!’ Kovak said as he yanked on the rope. Elle obeyed his order not wanting to provoke his anger again.
‘So, Kovak, what news do you bring?’ Arnak asked as he looked up at the man. Kovak moved to the side so Arnak and Athena could see his prisoner. They saw Elle and then returned their gaze to Kovak and waited for an explanation.
‘This girl fled with the traitors after she helped the Wizard escape. After I sent word to you from Corn Fallow, I managed to capture her when the others in her group attacked our soldiers in the village. I assume the girl’s cohorts have followed us.’ Kovak smiled, He thought he’d redeemed himself.
‘Well it’s not what you promised,’ Athena yelled and then called for her guard.
Cyrus entered the tent and stood before his mistress.
‘Take the girl and kill her. Hang her body from a pike so that all can see how we deal with traitors.’
‘No!’ Kovak yelled and then changed his tactic. ‘My Lord, I wish to keep the girl. She may prove useful in the future. I was to take her for my wife when I left Canameer, but now I have other plans.’
Athena looked at Elle. She reminded her of the filthy women who worked in the fields. Elle glared back and Athena looked away in disgust. She flicked her hand and spoke to Arnak. ‘She’s a traitor, but do as you will. I care not for such trivial matters. Those who lay with dogs tend to wake up with fleas.’
Elle swallowed hard as she digested Athena’s insult and wished she hadn’t heard it.
‘Cyrus, take the Captain. Find him a tent and some food,’ Arnak said as he dismissed Kovak.
‘Yes, my Lord.’ Cyrus turned to exit the tent. ‘This way, Captain,’ he said as he held the flap of canvas open.
Kovak bowed to his Lord. He pulled on the rope to summon Elle and when she stood, they left with the guard.
Along the perimeter of the camp Cyrus found Kovak a tent he could use. Inside were two small rooms. As they entered the tent the first room was simply furnished. A small table with two chairs had been placed in the middle of the room and beyond that a pallet lay by the canvas wall. Kovak led Elle over to the pallet.
‘Sit down,’ he said.
Elle sat upon the straw filled mattress. Kovak made sure the rope was securely tied around her wrists before he used the rest of the rope to bind her feet together. Elle still had enough free rope to move her arms upwards, as long as she brought her knees up towards her chest.
Kovak then entered the second room. There he found a bed, which looked a lot more comfortable than the pallet on the floor where he’d left the girl. A pitcher and basin stood on a table in the corner and on a nearby chair, linen had been left and Kovak tested the water. It was cold, but in need of a wash he poured the water into the basin and he spared no mind for Elle as he freshened himself.
As Elle lay upon the straw pallet a woman entered the tent with a tray of food. She placed it on the table and then glared at Elle. Shaking her head with disapproval she left.
When Kovak checked on Elle, he saw the succulent tray of meats upon the table. He pulled out a chair and faced it towards her. As he sat he extended his legs and crossed his ankles. Kovak picked up a slice of meat and the woman returned with bread and a bottle of wine.
‘Sir, I hope the meal is to your satisfaction,’ she said as she placed the bread and wine in front of Kovak.
‘Yes,’ Kovak said and continued to eat. The woman retreated from the interior of the tent and returned to the portable kitchen.
Kovak opened the wine, no glass had been left and so he drank from the bottle and continued to eat. All the while he watched Elle. She felt the distain he projected her way but she lay still and said nothing.
‘Eat,’ Kovak said as he threw her a piece of meat. It fell short of its target and dropped upon the ground. Even if she’d wanted to take the meat, it was too far away for her to reach with her hands tied.
‘Don’t waste your food on me, Kovak. I’d take nothing you offered,’ she said.
‘You’d take nothing from me, but you would lie with that scum you’re so eager to follow.’
Elle didn’t refute his words. She didn’t care what Kovak thought.
‘I’d rather spend one day with Christopher than spend a lifetime with you.’ As soon as the words left Elle’s mouth she wished she could call them back. Kovak flew from his chair.
‘You filthy whore,’ he said as he kicked her repeatedly then he pulled her up from the pallet and screamed in her face.
‘When he comes for you, I’ll make you watch as I slowly torture him and then, slut, I�
��ll let my soldiers have their way with you while he watches.’ Kovak dropped her. She fell back onto the pallet and then he left the tent.
Elle lay curled up on the straw pallet. Kovak had kicked her several times and her insides hurt. His boot had connected with her abdomen and hip. Her arm had already begun to swell where it had taken the full impact of his boot before it had careened on into the side of her head. She lay there and wept and tried not to think of what lay ahead.
Chapter Forty-one
The army of Solencia had also stopped for the night. Jack couldn’t believe how vast the enemy’s camp was. The light from their fires seemed to dot the entire horizon. As Arnak’s monstrous army hovered in the distance Jack’s thoughts of rescue vanished. He knew she’d be swallowed up within the mass ahead. James stood near Jack and watched as the lights from the campfires appeared. ‘We’ll get her back, Jack.’ He didn’t know what else to say to ease this man’s worry for his sister. ‘Come eat, the food’s ready.’
Jack was reluctant but he returned to the fire with James. As Jack looked around, their camp too was dotted with small fires, as their army kept warm and prepared food. ‘If we can see the enemy’s camp they’ll be able to see ours,’ Jack said. ‘We need to patrol our perimeter in case Arnak sends scouts this way.’
‘Have it done, Jack. Use as many men as you need,’ Christopher said. ‘And when you return, there’s much we need to discuss.’
Christopher had gathered his friends around the fire and they waited for Frank to bring back the leaders of the fold. They needed to discuss their plans for the attack, which would happen at first light. Frank returned with twelve men. These men had been pivotal in the rebellion to reclaim the towns and villages. Christopher welcomed them all and introductions were made. The group discussed plans and the decision was made to split their army into three sects and have a Wizard accompany each group. They’d attack Arnak’s army, in an arc from the front.