
Home > Romance > Exposed > Page 5
Exposed Page 5

by Samantha Keith

  She couldn’t keep this up much longer. Ever since Nate had found the GPS tracking device in her purse, her confidence had faltered. Tony’s encounter hadn’t helped.

  She moved her shoulders around until the tension eased, and slid her shoes off. Her fingers still hung in tight fists at her sides. She wouldn’t be able to relax until she’d checked out the entire unit. She moved quickly through the small space, checking every nook and closet.

  Nothing. Thank god. She didn’t have another fight in her. She weaved her way to the small kitchen and opened the fridge. Her stomach grumbled at the salad and eggs that stared back at her. That wouldn’t cut it. But ordering take out would take too long. She went to the cupboard, pulled out a bag of popcorn, and popped it in the microwave. The machine hummed as she poured herself a glass of water. She’d eat first, then shower and crash.

  Bring, bring! Bring, bring!

  She frowned and pulled her cellphone from her purse on the kitchen counter. Who the hell would be calling her at nearly two a.m.? She read the caller I.D.


  Her senses prickled to life. Had Tony called him? She swallowed and swiped her finger across the screen.

  “Hi, honey.” She sang into the phone. Her voice pitched and she cleared her throat to strengthen it.

  “Where are you?” It wasn’t a demand, but his voice rang with question. Carlos was a very possessive man.

  She bit her tongue to prevent saying anything she’d regret later. She needed to play the part and do as he expected of her until this was over. A soft pop started in the microwave, followed by dozens more and the bag quickly inflated.

  “I just got home from work a few minutes ago. You’re calling late.” Her pulse tapped against her throat. Being at ease with Carlos was like doing your nails in the lion’s den. The microwave dinged and she opened the door and pulled out the bag.

  The soft clink of a glass sounded over the phone. “It’s eleven here, and I miss you like crazy.” His rough voice dropped lower. “I’m still mad about what happened on the yacht.”

  Her skin crawled. By some stroke of luck, Carlos had come down with a sudden stomach bug on Saturday. She’d been prepared to sleep with him and make the sacrifice to get closer… and then he’d run to the bathroom puking. Thankfully, he’d been too sick to notice her relief.

  “I was so disappointed, but only a couple more days until you’re home.”

  He groaned in her ear. “Sorry, honey. Something came up and I won’t be home until Monday.”

  Her heart dropped to her stomach. No. He couldn’t change plans. Not now… not when Nate had his team lined up and stationed on the ship. Had Tony called him? Was he suspicious of her and calling off the exchange?

  “We’re not going on the cruise?”

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” His tone was placating and gentle. If he weren’t such a scumbag, she’d almost be fooled by his charm. “I’m going straight to the boat as soon as my plane lands, so I’ll have to meet you aboard. Hector will pick you up at nine a.m. and take you there. He and Ricardo will be staying a few doors down from us.”

  Maddie squeezed her eyes tight and pinched the bridge of her nose. God, she hadn’t even thought to find out if they were coming. But of course, they would be there. Carlos didn’t go anywhere without those bozos.

  “Oh, I thought it would just be the two of us.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of alone time… I’ll make sure of it. But I have business to do in San Juan, so I need them around.”

  She sighed. “All right. I guess I’ll catch some sun while you work,” she laughed, the sound brittle to her ears. “I can’t wait to see you,” she purred. She tore open the bag of popcorn and dumped it into the bowl, and then sprinkled some pink salt over it.

  “Me too, honey. Have a good sleep and I’ll see you in a few days.”

  “Good night.” She made a kiss noise into the phone, hung up, and dropped it to the counter. Any change in plans was a bad sign at this stage of the game. He could very well be telling the truth, after all, and it wasn’t as if he’d cancelled the whole trip. That would be a big red flag.

  Dammit. Now she had to call Nate and let him know Carlos had changed the plans. She pulled the encrypted phone from her cleavage and her fingers moved quickly over the screen.

  Change of plans. I’ll be picked up and taken to the ship on Monday morning. He will meet me there before departure.

  She scooped up the bowl, crossed the kitchen to the living room, and dropped on the couch. Her phone dinged.

  Christ. Did anything happen? Why would he change?

  Her teeth bit down on a handful of popcorn. Shit. If she told him about Tony’s advance on her, he’d lose his shit. But she couldn’t keep that from him. If Tony was on to her, it was for everyone’s safety that he knew about it.

  Kinda. Nothing serious. Hector and Ricardo will be checking in at the same time I will be, so I think all is well.

  She set the phone down. Several minutes passed and her phone didn’t ding. She flicked through a few channels until she’d polished off the popcorn, and then got to her feet. She checked the phone again, and still no message from Nate. Maybe he’d fallen asleep. Fatigue weighed her body down. A hot shower and bed was exactly what she needed.

  She stripped her clothes off on the way down the hall, yanked the tap to scorching hot, and got under the spray. Her head tilted back and water ran over her face. She closed her eyes and steam swarmed around her, melting her achy muscles.

  Nate’s face filled her mind’s eye and her body pulsed in need. The memory of his hot, urgent lips pressed to hers made her skin burn. She lathered her hands in soap and let her fingers coast over her body.

  The bathroom door squeaked and her eyes flew open. Her hands stilled on the small of her stomach, the pulsing desire still ebbed through her nerves.

  “Jesus, what the hell are you doing in there? Hurry up, we need to talk.”

  She shrieked and tore the curtain open. Nate leaned in the doorway, his tall, broad shoulders filling the doorframe. Her heart skidded to a stop and her blood churned.

  “You scared the life out of me!” she cried. Her heart beat wildly in her chest and she closed the curtain. “And get the hell out,” she hissed.

  “You have five minutes or I’m coming in to get you.” The door closed softly behind him and irritation gnawed at her. She rested her fingertips against her temples and took a deep breath.

  Nate had nearly caught her about to get off at the memory of him.

  And the bastard had interrupted her.

  Chapter 5

  Dammit, he hadn’t wanted to see her again. At least not until they were on the ship and surrounded by thousands of people. In a normal situation, he would have called her, so they could talk. But the safest situation was in person. He’d knocked on the door, but she hadn’t answered and that had sent his blood pressure through the roof. With his pulse racing and his heart in his throat, he’d jimmied the lock and the sound of the shower running had reached his ears the second he stormed in.

  She hadn’t even heard him. Her lack of self-preservation was fucking terrifying. He’d done a quick sweep as soon as he’d made it inside, and had come up empty-handed. Thank god, otherwise he really would’ve had to jump her in the bathroom and made sure she kept quiet.

  He leaned against the kitchen counter and took in the untidy kitchen. An empty bowl with popcorn kernels sat in the sink, the bag still sat on the countertop, and butter and salt filled the air. He massaged his closed eyelids with his thumb and forefinger. It was too damn late for this. He’d been on the brink of sleep, warm and naked in his bed, when his phone had vibrated. He had almost ignored it. But of course, the first thing that had come to mind was Maddie.

  The bathroom door swung open and Maddie stomped toward him. A white towel wrapped a
round her slim frame, the end tucked between her moist cleavage.

  His head pounded. He didn’t move from his spot, and there was no way in hell he was going to get close to her. If he did, he’d regret it later.

  Her eyebrows snapped low over her eyes in a deep scowl. She folded her arms across her chest. “What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk.”

  One perfectly shaped eyebrow bounced skeptically. “You could have called.”

  He exhaled deeply through his nose and dug his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. Her wet hair hung loosely over her shoulder, and her ivory skin was free of makeup. His gaze dropped down to her bare legs, drops of water rolled to collect at her feet. His teeth bit into the inside of his cheek.

  “I told you not to talk to anyone in this apartment.”

  She snorted and her arms swept around her. “Hello, look where we are.”

  He closed his eyes and opened them. She was always so damn difficult. “I just finished sweeping the place, it’s clean.”

  Her lips twisted. She shifted her weight to the side and tapped her foot. “So then, talk.”

  “Go get dressed, and then we’ll talk.”

  Her eyes flashed. “I’m not getting dressed. I’m going to bed the minute you leave.” Her arms fell to hang at her sides and she stepped farther into the kitchen. The small of her back rested against the island adjacent to him and her hands reached behind her to rest on the edge of the counter. The towel barely reached the tops of her thighs, and this close, her warm fruity fragrance invaded his senses.

  His chest constricted and his blood pressure dropped. God, he wanted her. Her soft, heart-shaped mouth relaxed and the denim of her blue eyes turned dark. His fingers tingled with the need to touch her, to tear away the towel and lift her onto the counter. His hands curled into fists in his pockets.

  He cleared his throat. “Then get your pajamas on, or something. I can’t talk to you when you’re half naked.” His tone sharpened more than he’d intended. Her chin lifted. She brushed her hair to fall behind her, exposing the slim line of her shoulder. A spark of fire lit her eyes. Ah, hell. Here comes the attitude.

  “I sleep naked, Nate. So like it or not,” she said, her fingers plucked at the towel around her waist. “This is how I’m staying until I crawl into bed.” She lifted her chin and smiled.

  Annoyance layered with desire simmered inside him. The muscles in his neck tensed and he worked his jaw. An image of Maddie curled in bed, naked and still damp from a shower, flashed through his mind. And that wouldn’t be the only place she’d be wet. All it would take was one touch, one step in the direction of her room, and she would come.

  Over and over.

  “Look, if you’re going to stand there and stare at me, I’m going to bed. Lock the door when you leave the same way you managed to unlock it.” She pushed away from the counter. “See ya.”

  He brought his hand out and caught her wrist. Her silky smooth skin burned through him. Heat spread through his body and a deep, desperate pulse surged inside him. He needed her more than he’d ever needed anyone in his life. She swiveled to face him, her gaze fell to his hand on her arm, but she didn’t pull away. She stepped closer, her body pulled him like an intense magnetic field. Her eyes locked with his, every instinct told him to turn away, to run… If he had her once, he’d want her forever.

  His fingers snapped open, dropping her wrist. Her small white teeth caught her bottom lip and her gaze fell to his jaw. A muscle in his neck twitched. He moved his jaw, and forced his brain to make a sentence.

  “What happened for him to change the plans?” His tone was low and rough. If he didn’t get out of here soon, he’d lose all of his resolve.

  Her lips jerked into a mocking grin, but she didn’t move away. “Tony attacked me in the parking lot when I left work,” she said flatly. “I had no choice but to handle it.”

  Nate’s heart slammed against his ribcage. He clenched his hands into fists at his sides. If the bastard had hurt her… “What happened?” he ground out.

  She lifted her eyes to the ceiling and dropped them back down. “He came on to me and threatened to tell Carlos that I had hit on him if I didn’t sleep with him. He got a little grabby and I used some self-defense moves.”

  His eyes dropped to her neck, a faint reddish-purple mark stained her skin. He cursed and brought his fingers to brush the spot. Her skin was warm from the shower, faint drops of water scattered across her chest.

  “He choked you?”

  Her shoulders trembled beneath his touch. Her lashes lifted and the intensity in her eyes hit him like a punch to the solar plexus. Her fingers curled around his forearm and she pulled his hand away and stepped out of his reach.

  “I’m fine. You should know I wouldn’t let him get away with anything. I don’t think he said anything to Carlos. He was drunk. And aside from that, he’d look like a wuss for getting his ass kicked by me.”

  She was right. If Tony had been drunk, he’d have been careless. Security cameras littered the interior and exterior of the club. If Carlos found out he’d assaulted one of his women, he’d kill him.

  “Now Tony knows you’re skilled. That’s a problem. Even if he won’t chance saying anything to Carlos, it means you’re on his radar.”

  Maddie’s forehead crinkled. “What was I supposed to do? Screw him to keep him quiet?”

  Irritation flared through him. “Of course not, dammit.”

  “Then why are you insinuating I did something wrong by protecting myself?”

  His patience waned. He dragged his fingers through his hair. “That’s not what I said.”

  “What did you say?”

  He snorted. “I don’t need to explain myself. You’re itching for a fight.” He waved his hand in the air, sidled past her and headed toward the door.

  “You’re the one who can’t even look at me without running away.”

  His footsteps faltered. Had it not been for the shake in her voice, he would have kept walking. Christ, did she think he couldn’t stand the sight of her? Had he given her that impression? He turned on his heel, and opened and closed his hands at his sides. Her fists balanced on her hips, her hair scattered around her shoulders. She scowled, making her lips pucker. That damn, full bottom lip of hers made his pulse quicken. He closed the distance between them, and stopped in front of her. Desire surged through him with the force of an electrical current. His hand swooped into her wet strands and cupped the back of her head. Her eyes widened and her fingers curled into his shirt. He sealed his mouth over hers and licked his tongue between her teeth.

  Her body melted against him and her head fell back to allow him deeper access. Her warm wetness filled his mouth, and his pulse beat against his eardrums. The slick caress of her tongue over his brought a deep, guttural groan from his throat.

  Her waist inched closer to his dick, hard and straining against the confinement of denim. She squirmed in his arms and he pulled away from her. The fiery blue in her eyes searched his. Her lips were pink and swollen from his kiss and a deep stain darkened her cheeks.

  “You should go,” she said softly. Her breath came out in shallow gasps. Her hands fell away from his shirt and she backed away. “Goodnight, Nate.” Her hand rose to tangle in the hair at her temple as she scurried down the hall and shut the bedroom door.

  Pain exploded in his chest.

  Jesus Christ. He couldn’t trust himself around her. Not anymore.

  * * * *

  “Holy shit, that thing is massive.” Dylan leaned closer to the town car’s window, his neck craned back as they approached the soaring ship. Nate pulled his phone from his linen pants and checked the screen. Still no word from Maddie. She should have arrived an hour ago.

  “Aren’t you afraid of boats?” Ashley smiled and her brown eyes sparked mischievously. She wore her curly dark hair secur
ed in a bun at the top of her head.

  He turned his attention to her and reined in his annoyance. “No, I’m not afraid of boats. It’s being hundreds of miles from shore in the middle of the damn ocean that I don’t like.”

  Dylan crossed his arms and chuckled. His green eyes crinkled with amusement.

  Nate narrowed his gaze at him. He wasn’t in the mood to be hassled by his team. But Ashley and Dylan were two of the best agents he had. With their help, he’d been able to secure one of the penthouse suites–which alone had been an enormous hurdle. But with the order from the FBI and a high priority investigation, they’d managed. He and Ashley would stay in the penthouse across from Maddie and Carlos. Dylan had a deluxe room on the floor directly below them.

  “Something funny?”

  Dylan’s lips dipped and he shook his head. “Not at all. Just don’t go swimming and you’ll be all right, boss.”

  “Ha ha, very funny. Keep it up and you’ll be the one swimming.”

  Ashley whistled and turned her head to look out the window.

  The driver pulled up to the arrival area and Nate stepped out of the car. He craned his neck back and took in the enormous vessel. Nausea bubbled in his stomach. Goddamn it to hell.

  To be stranded in the middle of the ocean with Maddie was the last thing he wanted. He needed distance from her. The only good thing was that they had to be cautious of Carlos. They couldn’t take any chances. Something as little as too much eye contact could put them in the crossfire.

  Nate’s mouth twisted at the long line to board the ship and he accepted their bags from the driver. This would take all fucking day. Ashley linked her arm in his.

  “We’re VIP, darling. Over to this line.” She tugged him through the crowd, and a small freestanding sign read: VIP boarding.

  Thank god.

  Dylan’s bag dropped to the ground and his mouth hung open. “Are you kidding me?”

  Nate chuckled and saluted him as they stepped in their much shorter line. They were on the ship and checked-in twenty minutes later. Nate took in the opulent crystal chandeliers and Persian rugs as Ashley led the way to the elevator banks.


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