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Exposed Page 14

by Samantha Keith

  He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. If he didn’t get some pussy now and relieve this tension, he was going to go ape shit on this damn ship.

  A beat passed and Carlos counted to three, his thumb ready to disconnect.

  “It’s about Maddie… she’s not who you think she is.”

  The air in his lungs trickled through his nose, and a wall of fire tore through his chest. No. He wasn’t wrong about things like this. He’d checked Maddie out, knew she came from a wealthy family, but that was the deepest dirt he’d found. He moved his tongue against the inside of his cheek. If he was wrong, he’d lose face with his men. He couldn’t have that. He’d humor Hector, see what the hell he was blabbering about, and then get his fill from the curvy woman tapping her foot at the bar.

  “I’ll be right up. But you’d better make it quick.” He pocketed his phone and approached the redhead to get her room number.

  His hand curled into a fist against his side. He’d better not be wrong about Maddie.

  * * * *

  Nate pinched the bridge of his nose. A dull throb started behind his eyes. He needed to eat, and hell, he needed a drink. Neither was very productive right now. Tomorrow, they’d be stopping in St. Thomas and the next day, they’d be in San Juan. They were running out of time. If they didn’t get a step ahead of Carlos, they’d be fucked.

  He sat back in the chair and a long, low creak sounded beneath the leather. After he’d made love to Maddie, they’d pored through Carlos’s computer for the rest of the afternoon. Just when he’d started to lose hope, they’d found something. Carlos was a smart man, but thankfully, Nate was smarter.

  He’d searched for hidden files and found one long list—a black book. In it were the names, addresses and phone numbers all of his illegal business partners. A few names of criminals wanted for drug trafficking charges jumped out at him. Carlos was too cautious to keep a regular contact list in his phone, or at least to include these scumbags. Now, all Nate had to do was figure out who was involved in the San Juan deal. God, he wished he could pull Ethan in on this case. He was much better at the investigating end of things.

  His gaze drifted to his phone. No. He couldn’t. He’d have to explain why he was going to San Juan when he’d told Ethan he was in Arizona. Add in that Maddie had already told Ethan she was on a cruise, and he was asking for trouble. He would tell Ethan about him and Maddie, but not a moment sooner than he had to.

  The room service menu sat on the edge of the desk and he sighed. Maybe if he ordered something to eat he could focus. He skimmed through the menu, and then picked up the phone and ordered a burger and fries. A drink would have to wait.

  He sat back in his chair, stared at the black and white page, and the letters morphed into one. He rubbed his forehead and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the smooth wood desk. It was a damn replica of the desk in Maddie’s room that they’d just made love on. He closed his eyes, took a breath through his nose, and opened them back onto the screen.

  Diego Sanchez. He bolted forward in his chair. Maddie had mentioned Carlos had been talking to someone named Diego. This had to be him. He logged into the FBI portal and searched Diego. His rap sheet was as long as Carlos’s for drug trafficking and murder. Two others on the list were well-known criminals, but neither were believed to be in San Juan. His gaze dragged back up to Diego. He picked up his encrypted phone and typed a message to his colleague, Josh, in Seattle. He’d be able to pull everything on Diego much faster than Nate could from the ship. Josh replied almost immediately, telling him he’d get back to him by tomorrow.

  Nate stood from the office chair and stretched. Good. He’d take a much needed shower and would stare mindlessly at the TV for an hour or so. His stomach rumbled, demanding that he eat first. The jeans he wore weighed his legs down; he longed for the comfort of sweatpants.

  He strode down the long hall of his suite to his bedroom, stripping his shirt on the way. Fresh flowers adorned a table near the entryway. The fragrant scent of lilies wafted to his nostrils as he breezed by. What did they do, change the flowers every damn day? Three thousand dollars a fucking night this suite had cost the Bureau. He’d never hear the end of it.

  A smile tugged at his lips. He shucked his jeans off and pulled on a pair of cotton jogging pants and a fresh T-shirt. The moon shone in through the balcony door, beckoning him to look out. His muscles tensed. After last night’s swim, he’d never get on a boat again, let alone stand on the balcony. Nope. He’d admire from afar, but had no desire to look outside. His feet ached for the reassuring stability of the ground, not the gentle sway of the boat that he was likely imagining.

  He brought his thoughts back to Maddie. When he was with her, the anxiety of last night had ebbed away. She was good for him in so many ways. He stepped into the marble lined bathroom and set a towel and washcloth on the white quartz counter. The second he finished eating, he was going to have a steaming shower.

  His gaze lingered on the massive glassed-in shower. He hadn’t gotten to make love to her in the shower yet. Delight surged through him. That would be next.

  A stab of uncertainty cut through his stomach. Maddie could easily afford this suite. Ethan had told him that their parents had given each of them a healthy trust fund when they’d turned twenty-five. More would come in ten years.

  Nate had a nice condo and a decent car, but he’d never had the disposable income Ethan and Maddie had. Damn, it ate away at him that he wouldn’t be able to provide Maddie with the life she was accustomed to living. Hell, an engagement ring would eat up the bulk of his savings, and it still would pale in comparison to those of the women who ran in her circle.

  Tension expanded in his chest and he dropped down on the edge of the bed. He was being stupid and insecure.

  Get a hold of yourself, dude.

  Bring, bring, bring!

  The sharp ring of his cellphone pierced the air and he jogged to the office and snagged it off the desk. His eye caught Dylan’s encrypted number and disappointment sank in his stomach like a stone.

  “What’s up, bro?”

  “Carlos is up to something.”

  Nate settled back in the office chair. It had been a relief having Dylan on the excursion with Carlos and Hector, because he’d gotten a heads up as soon as they’d headed back for the ship. But he and Maddie had been long gone by then.

  “That much we know, but what did you find out?”

  “I didn’t get the chance to call you sooner. Carlos walked by me on the beach when we were snorkeling at the island. I overhead him on the phone, he said the drop off would be in Old San Juan. I didn’t catch the damn exact location though.”

  Nate’s spine straightened. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. He was using an encrypted phone. He’s a cautious bastard, that’s for sure.”

  Nate rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. They hadn’t gotten a shred of information through the phone taps and the encrypted phone explained it.

  “Did he say when?”

  Dylan blew out a puff of air. “Nah, that’s all I picked up. I was lying on the beach and he walked by.”

  “I came across something while we were searching his computer. It’s a blacklist of contacts. There’s a few known criminals on here, Diego Sanchez being one of them. Maddie is sure she’s heard Carlos mention him. Josh is looking into him. I’ll email you the list so you can have a look too.”

  Nate jabbed the thumb drive into the side of his laptop and punched in Dylan’s email. “Another thing I forgot to tell you about, Hector cornered me last night. He was pretty nosey.”

  “What?” Dylan breathed.

  “Asked where he knew me from. I just played off it, acted casual. And then he asked why I had left in the middle of dinner last night and if I’d seen Tony.”

  “Jesus Christ. Do you think he’s on to you?”

  Nate sent t
he email off and rocked back in the chair. “I don’t see why he would be. I think he’s paranoid and on high alert. We all need to tread carefully though.”

  “Man, we’ve got almost a week left before we’re back in Miami. It’s next to impossible to stay off their radar.”

  “We just have to play it cool. There’s no other choice.” The doorbell rang and Nate stood. “Have a look at what I just sent you. My food just got here.” He disconnected, slid his phone into his pocket as he exited the office, and answered the door.

  A waiter bearing a big tray piled with silver-lidded plates smiled at him. “Here you go, Sir. Please enjoy.”

  Nate dug out a tip, thanked him, and shut the door. He walked over to the kitchen table and images of Maddie flooded his head. He closed his eyes and headed for the living room. There was no way in hell he’d be able to sit there without getting a hard-on.

  The TV and lights went off and darkness cloaked over him. Ice shot through his veins and he got to his feet, drawing his gun from the small of his back.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  The power was out. A glitch? He braced his feet apart and stared into the blackness around him waiting for it to flicker back on.

  Nothing happened.

  Fear knocked at his ribcage. He swallowed and moved toward the door. He sure as shit wasn’t staying in here.

  Bring, bring, bring.

  He dug his phone out of his pocket, keeping the weapon trained ahead of him. Please God, let it be Maddie. He glanced at the illuminated screen.


  “Your power out?” he answered.

  “Yeah, what the fuck?” Dylan hissed.

  Nate tucked the gun back in its spot and went to the front door. “Something’s not right. I have to find Maddie.”

  “Dude, sit tight. Ashley had an eye on her at the casino and she was with another woman. They appeared to be good friends. I’m sure she’s fine.”

  “My gut is telling me otherwise. I don’t have my earpiece and I won’t be able to find it in the dark. Get ahold of Ashley and let her know we need to locate Maddie. Call my phone when you find her.” He disconnected and tucked the phone back in his pocket.

  Terror crept up the back of his throat, but he forced it down. He couldn’t lose it. If she was with someone, she’d be relatively safe. But he needed to be near her until this passed. White noise echoed through his head.

  He had to find her.

  Chapter 16

  “You’re so full of shit!” Brittany squealed as she stomped her foot next to the craps table. Maddie laughed and shook her head, and then collected her winnings from the dealer.

  “I swear, I’ve never played. Are you going to have a turn?”

  Brittany snorted and adjusted the plunging neckline of her blush-colored cocktail dress. “No, I’m sick of losing tonight. I’m going to quit while I’m behind. Want to get a drink?”


  “Good. You’re buying.”

  She laughed and followed Brittany to the bar, her gaze automatically in search of whoever would be watching her. She hadn’t seen Dylan’s face yet, so she had no idea what he looked like. Nate had told her he’d be locked in his suite all night trying to find a lead with Carlos’s blacklist. Would Ashley be out without him? She hadn’t seen her yet tonight either.

  Then again, it was hard to pick any familiar face out of the throngs of people in the casino. Men in thousand-dollar suits crowded around the blackjack tables, with women drinking from tall glasses of champagne. She chewed the inside of her cheek and her mind roamed back to the many balls and dinners she’d attended over the years. Too many. By the end of the evening, her cheeks had hurt from forcing a smile and making uncomfortable small talk.

  She had nothing against the rich and successful. She’d had a hell of a time growing up and trying to prove herself because of her family name. Everyone had always assumed she’d been given a golden key to life and opportunity, and she’d never had to work for anything. When the truth was, she’d had to work harder.

  She didn’t belong here. She could fit in, she could parade around with her spine straight, and her chin lifted. She could dress in a slinky gown, drink champagne, and eat a seven-course meal without yawning.

  But standing in the center of utter opulence and arrogance made her crave Nate more than she ever had before. With him, she could be herself. She didn’t need to be Maddison Worth, she was just Maddie. He didn’t treat her differently, he didn’t mince words or tread carefully. He never held back… with anything. Her skin warmed at the memory of his hot yet gentle touch. As much as she wanted this week to be over, had she not coerced Nate into helping her with this case, he never would have touched her. They would have continued to share an electrically charged energy so strong and intense, but outwardly remained cold and indifferent toward each other. He’d been frustrated with himself, and she’d resented his unrelenting loyalty to her brother.

  Her chest expanded as she took the barstool next to Brittany. But Nate had finally broken through the chains that had been holding him back. She didn’t expect a proposal, for God’s sake, but fighting the attraction between them over the years had been exhausting and frustrating.

  “So what was that guy’s deal?”

  Maddie shook her head of Nate and frowned at Brittany. “What guy?” She caught the eye of the bartender and raised her finger. He nodded in acknowledgement, handed a martini to a woman in a floor-length black gown, and then sailed in their direction.

  “Carlos. He wasn’t too happy when I came up and dragged you away.”

  Maddie pressed her tongue to the back of her bottom teeth. Yeah, Carlos had exuded annoyance when Brittany had come screeching across the room. Maddie had given her a stern look and Brittany had calmed down and gently explained that she was a new fried and would love to steal Maddie away.

  Carlos had pulled himself together and kissed her cheek before she let Brittany tow her off. His annoyed glare had burned her back all the way to the casino despite the walls that separated them.

  “What can I get you ladies?” The dark-haired bartender rested his hands on the counter. Brittany turned to face him, her chest thrust forward and her eyes sparked playfully.

  “Double martini for me, please.”

  “Chardonnay for me.”

  His gaze swept over Maddie and his eyes met hers. A tickle of curiosity gnawed at her. Could he be one of Nate’s agents? He hadn’t given any indication… but would he tip her off if he were? He nodded and smiled at Brittany. “Coming right up.”

  “He was a little disappointed I think. This trip was supposed to be for us to spend some time alone together and we’ve been apart more than anything.”

  Brittany pushed her full lips into a pout. “Well now I feel bad.”

  She waved her off. “Don’t be silly. I’m glad we’ve gotten to catch up.”

  “He kind of gives me the creeps.” Brittany’s forehead wrinkled and Maddie’s jaw dropped in mock indignation. “In a sexy way.” She explained, her palm turned out as if offering a suggestion. Brittany never had been a good liar. “He seems so… possessive.”

  Maddie bobbed her eyebrows. “That’s what I like about him.” Disgust curdled in her stomach. There was nothing to like about Carlos. She got to her feet and tucked her purse under her arm. “I need to go to the washroom, save my seat.”

  “Course.” Brittany winked and then called something to the bartender.

  She sauntered across the floor, the bells and whistles of a slot machine pierced the air, and a woman jumped up and down. A few men sent her appreciative glances, but Maddie resisted the urge to shake her head and laugh. Nate was the only man on her mind. Too bad he was holed up in his suite and wouldn’t see her in the nearly non-existent short black dress that just skimmed her thighs. She entered the empty bathroom and locked the stall door.

  When she finished, she straightened in the stall and adjusted her dress. Fatigue weighed her eyelids down and her shoulders ached. All she wanted to do was retire to her room and go to sleep. But the last thing she wanted to do was lure Carlos upstairs. If he knew she was in early, he might try something.

  She reached for the handle on the toilet—


  The constant buzz of power ceased. A scream caught in her throat and her back slammed against the side of the stall. Darkness closed in around her, suffocating her. A soft click sounded outside the stall and the low glow of an emergency light kicked on.

  She swallowed and pressed her palm to her galloping heart. The power had gone out. It was probably nothing more than a brief outage and would come back on any minute. She sucked in a breath and pushed away from the wall. Her nerves were getting out of hand.

  The bathroom door slowly squeaked open.

  She froze.

  Who would enter the bathroom when the power was out? The lock clicked in place, echoing throughout the marble room. Her fingers flexed on the clasp of her purse and raw panic clawed at the back of her throat. Soft-soled shoes moved across the floor.

  Men’s shoes.

  She backed away from the closed stall door until her leg brushed against the toilet. There was no way out. Her fingers itched to take her phone out and call Nate. But if she pulled out her phone, the bright glow would give her away.

  She had to get out of this on her own.

  She sure as hell wasn’t going to do it hiding in a stall. She pushed her shoulders back, opened the stall door, and stormed out. One lone emergency light above the sinks cast the bathroom in a dull glow, providing not nearly enough light.

  Her eyes landed on Hector’s big hulking form and she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You’re in the wrong restroom,” she said. Her voice rang with ice, warning him that she knew what he was up to.

  A chilling smile slashed his face. His arms hung at his sides, and the light caught something shiny in his hand. Her breath sucked in.


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