Doctors in the Wedding

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Doctors in the Wedding Page 19

by Gina Wilkins

  Her mind spinning dizzyingly, Madison had to make an effort to keep her jaw from dropping. Jason was in love with her? He couldn’t possibly be! There hadn’t been enough time for that.

  But hadn’t she fallen in love with him in that same ridiculously short time?

  His mouth twisted wryly as he studied her face. “I didn’t mean to blurt it out that way. I understand why you look stunned. You don’t know my family history. Haven’t heard the stories about how many of my relatives fell in love at first sight, and then turned that first infatuation into a lifelong commitment. I never expected it to happen to me—but then I met you. And there it is.”


  “Now I’ve really scared you off, haven’t I?” He shook his head in self recrimination. “I can’t seem to do anything right where you’re concerned. I’m sorry, this is all new for me.”

  “It’s new for me, too,” she murmured. “You have no idea.”

  Something in her tone seemed to give him renewed hope. “Are you saying you have feelings for me, too?”

  She sighed. She simply couldn’t lie when asked a direct question.

  “I’m crazy about you. But—” she added quickly, holding up a hand when he moved precipitately toward her “—there are still so many issues we have to discuss, Jason. Like I said, you have no idea.”

  He stopped, but there was a new glint of determination in his dark eyes that made her a little nervous. “I understand. Your career is important to you, as it should be, and this is an awkward time for you. I told you before, and I meant it, I won’t get in your way. If you choose to train someplace other than Dallas because you think another program would be better for you, then I’ll back you all the way. I can practice where you are—there’s always a job for a primary care physician.”

  She blinked. Had he really just offered to walk away from his life in Dallas for her? “You would do that? Give up your practice to be closer to me?”

  “I didn’t say I would give up my practice,” he reminded her with a faint smile. “I said I’d practice somewhere else. The job’s important to me, the geography—not so much.”

  She sank onto the couch, her knees threatening to give out on her.

  Jason took a seat next to her, still looking at her rather anxiously. “We don’t have to make any hasty decisions. You’ve still got a couple of weeks to rank your programs, right? And then you won’t know your match until March, and it’ll be a couple months after that before you finish your residency.

  “That will give me plenty of time to court you properly,” he added with an endearing smile. “To convince you we belong together. No pressure at all. But unless you send me away again for good, be prepared for me to wage an all-out campaign to win your heart.”

  He probably thought he was helping by reminding her of those dates she already knew so well. Maybe he believed she would take comfort from being assured that he wasn’t rushing her, that there was plenty of time for their relationship to progress before any big changes had to be made. But then, Jason wasn’t aware of all the facts. He couldn’t know that the thought of those passing months, and the drastic developments they would bring, terrified her.

  “You’re offering so much,” she whispered. “And it means the world to me that you’re willing to do so, not that I would expect anything different from you, considering everything I’ve learned about you. But I refuse to add to the burdens already in your life. I won’t be someone else expecting you to deal with my problems.”

  He looked confused. “I don’t know why you keep saying that. If I’ve given you the impression that I’m unhappy with my life, or the responsibilities I’ve chosen to accept, then I need to dissuade you of that belief. I’m happy with the choices I’ve made. Maybe I complain sometimes—I’m only human, after all. And maybe I need an occasional escape from the pressure, as you, especially, would know. But overall, there’s not much I would change. Except to keep you near me. If that means relocating, that’s not such a big deal. I’d still remain close to my family and friends in Dallas, just as my family here in Little Rock and my cousins who’ve settled elsewhere have done.”

  He made it sound so easy, she thought with a catch in her throat. Of course, he didn’t know everything yet. She reached rather desperately for her water glass, needing to soothe her tight throat.

  “I know I have a reputation for being Mr. Responsibility,” Jason said a bit sardonically before she had taken the first sip. “Both BiBi and my sisters have teased me with that enough times. And I’ll admit, my obligations have scared off a few women in the past, which I’m sure they told you. The thing was, I was never willing to make any drastic changes for the other women I’ve dated. I mean, like the rest of my extended clans, I’ve always wanted a home and a family of my own, but I always intended to wait until I found the right person. I was waiting for you.”

  His mention of wanting a family made her hand jerk spasmodically. Water splashed across her lap. She groaned, wondering just how many more messes she was going to make that evening!

  Jason jumped to his feet. “Hang on, I’ll get a towel.”

  Setting her glass on a coaster, she swiped ineffectively at the wet spots on her slacks. “Thanks, I—oh, wait. Jason!”

  But it was too late. He had already disappeared into the bathroom.

  She was halfway off the couch when he reappeared moments later, a cardboard box in his hand, a stunned look on his face. “Madison?”

  She swallowed hard.

  “Is this— You’re—?”

  “I was a little slow figuring it out,” she muttered. “It just occurred to me today that I— Well, anyway, it’s always possible that it’s a false positive, but I have a feeling it’s true.”

  He looked from her to the box and then back again. “This is why you were so upset when I arrived earlier. This is why you sent me away, why you said you didn’t want to be a burden to me.”

  She nodded miserably. “I think it happened that last time in Dallas,” she muttered. “In the shower?”

  Though he still looked almost as dazed as she’d been feeling for the past few hours, Jason gave her a taut little smile. “We both seem to be prone to shower accidents. Maybe we’d better stick with baths in the future.”

  She glanced at the almost-healed cut on his forehead, unable to even try to smile in return. “I know you didn’t sign on for anything like this. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be here for me. I can handle this. I’m not expecting anything from you, and I won’t blame you in the least if you—”

  “Madison.” Tossing the box on the couch, he took several rapid steps toward her and caught her hands in his. “Did you not hear me earlier? I all but proposed to you before it even occurred to me that you could be pregnant. Heck, I would have proposed if I hadn’t thought it would scare you away again. I’m that certain of my feelings for you. Do you really think this changes my mind?”

  Propose? Marriage? Her mind whirled. “I, uh—I don’t—”

  “We still have time,” he reminded her, squeezing her hands more tightly. “We don’t have to make any big decisions right this moment. We have a lot of talking to do, and we’ll get to it, now that all the cards are on the table. But first—”

  He tugged her into his arms to hold her tightly as he kissed her. She clung to him, returning the kiss with a renewed surge of hope mingled with the doubts and uncertainties.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he told her when he finally lifted his head. “Not unless you send me away again.”

  “I don’t think I have the strength to send you away again,” she confessed. “I told you once before—I really hate goodbyes.”

  “You won’t have to say them again to me. Not for long, anyway. I can take a leave of absence from work for a few months to join you here while you fini
sh your residency. It’s not going to be easy for you in those last couple of months, but I’ve seen plenty of pregnant residents who were able to perform their jobs quite satisfactorily. I mean, if that’s what you choose, of course,” he added, as though suddenly aware that he was taking a great deal for granted.

  She, too, had worked alongside expectant physicians. Even medical students. She knew it could be done. She had always vaguely envisioned herself having children someday, yet still continuing her career, just as her sister, Meagan, would do. She’d just never expected it to happen so soon.

  But then, she had never done things exactly the same way as everyone else, she thought, finally finding just a glimmer of her usual sense of humor again.

  “You almost smiled,” Jason commented, touching her lips with one fingertip. “Does that mean you’re starting to feel a little calmer?”

  She nodded slowly. “I think so. I guess I sort of lost it there for a while.”

  “I don’t blame you. I’m a little befuzzled, myself.”

  His choice of adjective made her laugh softly. “I’m sure you are.”

  “We can do this, Madison.”

  She drew a steadying breath. “Maybe we can, at that.”

  So many decisions remained to be made. So many discussions and compromises. But he had almost convinced her that what they had was worth fighting for.

  “I love you,” he said, giving her even more reason to believe.

  “I love you, too.” The words felt so strange and new on her lips, but somehow so right.

  “Looks like we’re about to embark on a new adventure, Esmeralda.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “So, you think you’re up to it, Jones?”

  “Oh, I think I can definitely be up to it,” he quipped, hauling her closer, a laugh in his dark eyes now.

  A new adventure, she thought, lifting her mouth to his. A new love. A new family. And it had all begun with a kiss in the moonlight.

  All in all, she thought that had been a very promising beginning.

  The wedding took place on New Year’s Day. Jason and Madison had agreed that the first day of the new year was as good a time as any to begin their new adventure.

  Wearing a cream-colored, tea-length dress that framed a modest amount of cleavage and floated softly over her tummy, which was just beginning to expand, Madison mingled happily with her guests after the simple ceremony. It hadn’t been easy to keep the event small, considering the size of Jason’s family, but they’d managed to convince his extended relatives that they wanted an intimate affair and would celebrate with a big party in a few months, after Madison completed her residency.

  She still hadn’t heard for certain where she’d been accepted for her fellowship, but she had ranked Dallas as her first choice and she felt reasonably confident she would get in. She was content with her choice, both because it was a very good program and because she and Jason would be comfortable there with his family nearby and her own within a few hours’ drive.

  They had exchanged their vows in the little church Madison had attended all her life, followed by a small reception hosted by Jacqui and Mitch in their lovely Craftsman-styled house in a historic Little Rock neighborhood. To the delight of everyone, Jacqui and Mitch had announced at Christmas that yet another member would be joining the family within the next few months.

  Having adjusted to the surprise events in Madison’s life with admirable poise, her family had welcomed Jason into the growing family with warm approval. They got along famously, as Madison did with Jason’s close and demonstrative relatives.

  Jason’s parents, siblings, brother-in-law and nephews had traveled from Dallas to attend the wedding, and his Little Rock family was also in attendance. Madison watched Alice flirt with Justin D’Alessandro across the room, and then she laughed softly when Seth smoothly drew his daughter away to help Jacqui serve drinks. Seth had his hands full with his active teenage daughter; and he and Meagan had just learned the new baby was also a girl. Though Seth had wondered aloud if he would survive raising another daughter, there was no doubt to anyone who knew him that he was thrilled.

  BiBi and Carl were there for the event, too. Madison couldn’t have left BiBi out of the celebration, since it was at BiBi’s wedding that this had all begun.

  With her talent for rewriting her own personal history, BiBi took full credit for the match. “I knew you and Jason would make a great couple,” she said, giving Madison an enthusiastic hug.

  Madison laughed, not bothering to point out that BiBi had tried to match her with another man altogether. “I’m so glad you could be here.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” BiBi assured. “Oh, and Corinna wanted me to give you and Jason hugs from her, too. She’s very happy for you both, you know. She doesn’t want any awkwardness in the future because of her silly crush on Jason. She and Brandon are really becoming an item these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if they announce an engagement within the year.”

  “I’m glad she’s happy.”

  “I’m glad we’re all happy,” BiBi agreed expansively. “And I can’t wait until you move to Dallas. Aunt BiBi is going to spoil that baby of yours rotten, you know.”

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  Jason joined them to hand Madison a flute of sparkling grape juice. “You two aren’t plotting anything over here, by any chance, are you?”

  Madison smiled at him over the rim of the glass. “Worried that I’m going to hit you with another big surprise?”

  He grinned recklessly at her. “Bring it on. I can take it.”

  Laughing, she reached up to kiss his cheek. Her responsible family practitioner definitely had the soul of a fearless adventurer, she thought happily. Something told her that was going to come in quite handy during the busy, unpredictable and sometimes hectic life they would undoubtedly share.

  Encouraged by the love that grew stronger with each passing day together, she had no doubt they were both up to the challenge.

  * * * * *

  ISBN: 9781459219397

  Copyright © 2012 by Gina Wilkins

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