The Truth Behind The Lies

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The Truth Behind The Lies Page 5

by Lace, Lolah

  “The night is still young.” Bash quickly downed his wine. “I like you.”

  “I like you too.”

  “I was thinking about you at work all day.”

  “I thought about you too.” I didn’t know why I was so damn talkative and telling this man every ego-boosting thing he wanted to hear. He was confident enough without me stroking his ego and treating him like a demigod.

  Girl! Get off his nuts! You know better than that.

  “I thought about where we could go if you granted me another date.”

  “What did you come up with?”

  “I was at work thinking. I didn’t have much time before I saw you tonight. I didn’t want to overdo and overwhelm you with too much preparation.”

  “Tell me what won’t overwhelm me.”

  “I assume you’re off work on the weekends.”

  “Yes your assumption is correct.”

  “Tomorrow is Saturday so I thought we could go downtown Chicago to the Blues Fest.”

  “You like the Blues?”

  “I like all music, mostly rock. Anything with guitar riffs is always sweet. I listened to rap and hip-hop in college but I like all music. So are you up for the Blues Fest?” His eyes moved to my lips.

  “Yes it sounds fun. Have you been before?”

  “Yes when I was in college. I spent a lot of time downtown back then.”

  “I’ve been once to at least every fest when I was younger, all except for Lollapalooza.”

  “Seriously, Lollapalooza, it’s the best one we have here.”

  “Well it is the most famous one we have in the Windy City.”

  “I promise we will have fun. I will pick you up nine thirty. We can have a breakfast and then head out to Grant Park.”

  “I can just meet you--”

  “Sorry that’s not going to be an option this time. There’s no way we’re taking two cars downtown Chicago. The weather is hot and it’s the Blues Fest. We’re taking one car and I’m driving.”

  “You are so bossy?”

  “I am a boss.” He said in his privileged white, I own my own company way. Not the urban street way. I smiled. It was cute. He was so damn cute. “I promise to drive safe and keep my hands to myself.”

  “Hands to yourself, like you did in my car earlier today.”

  “Oh Nina, you’re not going to hold that against me are you?” He joked.

  Thinking of it made me crack a smile. “I would never do that.”

  “Good I could have sworn you enjoyed it.”

  “Yeah I did but don’t tell anyone. It’s our secret.”

  “I like having a secret with you. I want to have more, secrets.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  “You’re so much fun.”

  “I’m all right.”

  “You’re easy to talk to. I don’t think you have some hidden agenda.”

  “Hidden agenda?” He had a way with words. I found myself repeating his words more often than not.

  “Yeah, I think you actually are just here in the moment with me.”

  “Where else would I be?” I smiled. I was always smiling around this man. He was talking in riddles but it was okay with me. He probably had some horrible dating experiences. I definitely could relate to that.

  “So tomorrow. I didn’t purchase VIP tickets. I figured we would just mingle amongst the general public. Is that okay with you?”

  “Do you know how to mingle amongst the general public?” I meant all those old blues loving black folks that were going to be piled into Grant Park?

  “I can fit in anywhere.” He confidently stated but I didn’t believe that for one minute. I could never imagine him in a soup kitchen feeding the homeless. I honestly wasn’t that type of person either. I donated to charity. I did Toys for Tots at Christmas and even sponsored a battered woman and her kids for a year until she got her Nursing degree but I wasn’t hands on. I wonder if Bash gave to charity or was he one of those selfish rich snobs. He didn’t seem snobby if you remove the Porsche from the equation.

  I pondered what other expensive toys he owns. I wonder what he really does for a living? He told me it was something about software but I was too high on him to even want to investigate him.

  Maybe I should have let Tangie do an Internet search on him. I don’t want to read anything bad. I’m feeling happy right now and I want it to last for a minute. No Google. No Bing. No Yahoo. No nothing. I will just check to see if he is in the Department of Corrections database and see if he’s on the sex offender registry. I really like him so that’s enough for now.

  We ate and we talked like we were old friends but it was clear we were becoming new friends. Sebastian Vandervol was a charmer. I loved saying his name even if it was only in my head. I learned a few things about him. It wasn’t much, only the things he freely shared. I didn’t push for information because I didn’t want him to push back. This was only our first date. It was the second date if you counted the coffee shop. I wanted to move slowly which would be hard considering he already got to third base.


  I didn’t realize we had been in the restaurant for three hours until I went to the ladies room to make sure my face was intact. When I got back to the table our waiter was chatting it up with Bash. They were laughing, cracking up actually. It was nice to walk up on him interacting with someone in a way that made him seem like cool people.

  Maybe the waiter was trying to get a good tip. He sure acted like Bash and him were buddies but I knew that wasn’t true. I took my seat and the waiter smiled at me and walked away.

  “Are you ready to leave? We have a full day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “Yes I’m ready when you are.” Did he pay the check already?

  “Okay. I just have to wait for Tyler to return with my card.”

  “Okay.” Tyler must be the waiter’s name. He remembered it and I never do.

  “Oh how I wish we were in the same car.” He muttered with a mischievous grin.

  “The car got us into trouble last time.”

  “Getting into trouble with you was definitely a highlight of a day filled with highlights.”

  “Thanks for dinner. The food was good. Everything was perfect.”

  “Your welcome. Everything is perfect.” He agreed. Now he was repeating my words. Why are we being so nice to each other? Clearly he wants me just as bad as I want him.

  Bash stood and walked over to me. He presented his hand for me to take. I took it and stood. I longed to touch him. He pulled my chair back with his other hand. Damn, he was so tall. My inner thoughts leaked out before I could stop them.

  “You are so tall.”

  He chuckled. “I’m six four.”

  I looked up at him. “Yes.” Lord you sure are.

  He chuckled again. “How tall are you without heels?”

  “I’m five seven.”

  “If you ever want to climb me or my beanstalk, you just let me know.” He winked then he gazed into my core. He ran his fingertips down my spine. Oh my.

  “I will let you know.” We flirted with each other so randomly it was almost its own language.

  Bash led me out of the restaurant. The night air felt good. It wasn’t as hot and humid this late. Bash walked me to my car.

  My nerves took over because my car was where the hanky-panky went down earlier in the day. I opened the driver’s door and tossed my purse across to the passenger seat. I turned to see Bash’s eyes trained on my ass. Men really like my ass and I’m not sure why. It’s not too big or too small. It just fits with my body. Maybe he’s an ass man. It’s hard to tell. He showed my breast a lot of attention earlier.

  “I had a really good time tonight.” He was smiling down at me when I looked up to say goodnight.

  “I did too.”

  “So I will see you tomorrow.” His dimples embraced me, locked me and held me oh so tight.

  I really wanted to ride this man’s dick. I was so ashamed that I felt this way. B
ut dammit I did.

  He took both my hands at the wrists and pulled them in front of me, of us. “You are so sexy. I’m afraid to kiss you.”

  Liar. “Why?” I asked coyly.

  “I’m afraid of you. I remember the kisses we shared earlier today.”

  “I remember them too.” I held his hands in my hands and swung them between us.

  “Just one goodnight kiss and I will see you in the morning.” He announced.

  “Yes just one.” I hunched still holding his hands. “Or maybe two.” I pulled him closer to me. He stumbled forward like he had too much to drink when I knew that wasn’t true.

  “Maybe two.” His eyebrows inched closer to his hairline. He threw his head back and gave me a throaty laugh. “Are you going to let go of my hands?”

  “No way Mister Vandervol. I’m going to keep your hands where I can see them.”

  “That’s fair.” He grinned like he was shy. Like he wouldn’t bend me over his knee. Like he hadn’t manhandled my neck and pushed his tongue deep into my mouth.

  I was thinking of something clever to say when he latched onto my lips with his mouth. He whipped his hands out of my grip and snaked his muscular arms around my waist. He pressed my waist into him. His tongue took my mouth hostage. Oh my. My legs were wake. If he decides to let me go I would plummet to the concrete.

  Oh my. His kisses were so hungry, so needy, so damn powerful. Who kisses like this? My hands found the back of his head and I tried to push myself deeper inside his mouth.

  His hands reached down and grabbed a huge chunk of my ass. He almost lifted me off my feet. I think he stopped himself. Nooooooo!!! Keep on going. Please.

  Bash delicately let go of my lips so we both could breathe. He grabbed my wrist real tight. He straight cuffed me. He looked down at me like a man that was going to rip my clothes off my body.

  Bash swallowed hard. His jaw clenched.

  “I, I will see you in the morning at nine-thirty. Text me your address when you get home.” His eyes poked holes in me. “Okay?”

  “Okay.” I looked down at my wrist. He hadn’t let me go. I tried to pull away. “Bash.”

  “Yes.” He looked at me first then at the fists he had around my wrists. “I need to let you go.” He chuckled.

  “Yes you do.” I was breathless. I had already felt like I had run a mile.

  “Please get in your car and drive away. I really want to fuck you.” His eyes were burning me, scorching all that I believed about myself. I should be scared but I wasn’t. I should be insulted but I wasn’t. I wanted to fuck him too. It was just too soon. Sex is a game changer.

  Another man would have gotten a slap but not Bash. I smiled up at him.

  “We have a future of fucks ahead of us.” I batted my lashes.

  His glare broke into pieces and his entire face smiled. Even his teeth spilled at of his mouth. He is so fucking cute and sexy.

  “Nina Norwood.” He unhanded me. He put his huge hands on the sides of my face. He placed a quick sweet kiss on my forehead. Forehead kisses, where they do that at? They do that right here in the La Bistro Cabernet parking lot. Oh my.

  Bash took two steps backwards. “Drive safe. I will see you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight.” I stepped into my car and closed the door. I didn’t want to look at him again. I was afraid I would get out my car and jump on his back. This man was intense. I just started my car and drove my hot ass home.

  I waited to text him. I don’t know why. I had been home for over an hour. I got my cell and texted one single word. [Bash]

  A minute later he text me back. [Nina ☺]

  Oh, that was the sweetest smiley face I had ever since.

  I texted my address. [344 Applewood Way, Downers Grove]

  I figured he knew I lived in Downers Grove because that was where we met but I wasn’t sure.

  [Thank you.]

  [Thanks for dinner.]

  [Sweet Dreams. See you in the AM.]

  I wasn’t sure if I should respond. That was bye. Would it be rude if I didn’t say goodnight. I was thinking too hard about it.

  [Goodnight] I texted back.

  The locksmith is coming at seven in the morning to change my locks. I needed to go to bed. There is no way I can go to sleep. I have Bash on the brain.




  I slept well considering I had a terribly painful erection that lasted most of the night. All I could think about was seeing Nina again. Seeing Nina naked. Seeing Nina spread eagle. Seeing Nina bent over with her ass in the air. Seeing Nina’s cum face.

  I probably should have rubbed one out but I was exhausted and didn’t really want to put in the extra effort. And I was also a glutton for punishment. I wanted to feel the real Nina. My hand was in no way a substitute for a woman that held my complete and undivided attention since we met.

  There were two sides to Nina. I had caught a glimpse of both, the soft side and the hard side. I was intrigued. I was bemused. I was fucking captivated. I had never felt the push and pull of any woman like this. I crave the feeling I get when I’m with her. She seems to always be cautious and on the fence. I like that about her. She feels I am dangerous. I am. Maybe she can see the buyer beware sign tattooed on my heart.

  I wanted to sleep with her on sight. I realized I wanted more yesterday when I was in her car. I went too far fingering her on our first date. Now I have to pull back. I prefer she actually liked me as well as my cock.

  I wouldn’t have a problem satisfying her in the bedroom. I have elevated my sex game over the years. Would she be satisfied with me as a man? I am flawed. I am scarred. I hope I can hide my defects. I have so many. I can’t show her who I really am. She wouldn’t trust me.

  Does Nina even date white men? I don’t know how to ask the question and I’m not sure it matters at this point. I hope she doesn’t ask me if I date black women. I would have to tell the truth and she would think I was experimenting and I’m not. I have a feeling about her. Sure it started in my balls but it quickly moved upwards to my brain. I have a brain. I have to remember to use it to keep my hands off Nina Norwood’s sexy ass.

  I was up early the next morning. I was eager and excited to see her again. I went downstairs to my gym when I probably should have just masturbated all the tension away. A workout makes me more virile and horny so I should have rubbed one out.

  I already have a hard time keeping my hands off her. I keep saying I should have rubbed one out but I’m not making any steps in that direction.

  I went straight to the kitchen after my intense workout. I did more upper body reps because I was sure we would do plenty of walking at the park.

  My house was quiet. I hadn’t run into Isabelle or Javier. I opened the refrigerator when my thirst became my main concern. I wiped the sweat from my face with the towel that rested on my shoulder.

  As soon as I pulled a cold bottle of water out I turned to see Parker sitting on a barstool by the kitchen island. Fuck me. This kid is like a fucking ninja ghost. This is not what I need this morning.

  “What are you doing here?” I growled and wished I hadn’t. This kid had never done anything to warrant my reaction. I just don’t like him. I did once but no more. He just doesn’t care that I don’t like him. This is too weird.

  Parker lifted a bowl of cereal. “Eating.”

  “No, why are you in my house?”

  “Jax is my best friend.” He looked at me like I had dementia. “Remember we have been friends since kindergarten.”

  “I know all that.” I wish my son had another best friend. “Where’s Jax?”

  “Sleep.” He crunched on a spoonful of cereal.

  “You slept over?” I asked although I already knew the answer. He was wearing colorful pajamas.

  “I’m here all the time Mr. Vandervol. You never notice me because you’re always at work.”

  “I’m not at work now.” Punk.

  “I can see that.
” He took another spoonful of cereal.

  This smart-ass prick was testing me. “Where did you sleep?”

  “In the guestroom.” He stopped chewing to roll his eyes. “Jax is not gay just because I am. I’m not trying to turn Jax.”

  “Did I say that?”

  “No but you’ve known me my whole life. I’m not going to sprinkle fairy dust on Jax. His heterosexuality is safe and sound.”

  The urge to punch Parker flashed before me. But with my luck I would get arrested for gay bashing when I don’t care who sucks his dick. I just don’t like him.

  My face contorted without my permission. “Clean up your mess.” I grumbled as I blew past him. It was so hard being nice to him. Parker’s presence brought back too many bad memories for me.

  It wasn’t his fault but I have never been able to get the images out of my head. They disappear briefly but reappear every single time I lay my eyes on this kid.

  I ran upstairs and went straight to my son’s bedroom. I opened the door without knocking. Jax was laid in the bed on his stomach. He was sandwiched in between two naked girls. The Asian girl I had seen many times. What is her name? She’s Chinese. What the fuck is her name? Soung! I have to remember that. Jax has been seeing her for a year. The other naked girl is a blonde. I closed the door.

  I don’t know why I looked inside his room. I’ve been doing a damn good job of ignoring all the girls, the drugs, the alcohol and the drama for years now. Why should I try to parent now? I had been a terrible parent the first twenty years of his life. I know when to give up.

  Seeing Parker makes me antsy. I will try to stay away from him. I will try to refrain from being such an asshole every time I see him. I know he thinks it’s because he’s gay. I’m not even sure he’s gay. He claims to be but he’s twenty years old. It’s better for him to think I loathe him because of his sexuality. The truth is not an option. The truth is, I will just stand behind the lies.

  I went right to my room after I was scarred with the remnants of a threesome. I needed to get myself together. Thinking of Nina gives me a sense of relief. She is something good that is happening right now. I prefer to think of her instead of my many epic failures. I prefer to think of eventually fucking her.


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