The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Rebecca Joyce

  “You don’t need to worry,” he replied. “I don’t want to lock you in a cage and make you call me ‘Master’ all day long.”

  An expression of relief washed over her face as she sensed that his desires were somewhat compatible with hers.

  “That’s good to know, but I wouldn’t mind your forceful nature from time to time,” she added with a sly, mysterious grin. “But only on special occasions.”

  She giggled again. This time there was no nervousness in it. She didn’t need to say anything in response. The ball was in his court. She was ready for the taking. Then why did he feel that all of this was wrong?

  Stepping away from her, Sasha moved about the room, trying to think. She was messing with his head and he didn’t know why. He needed to keep his mind clear at all times. He had to protect her. If he failed, the damage would be considerate. He should have left months ago. Tristan would have taken care of her, he knew it. He should have left when he had the chance, but he couldn’t do it. He wanted her too much and the thought of being away from her hurt too much. Instead, he stayed, torturing himself every day with the possibilities of what was to come.

  “Sasha?” she said, whispering as she tilted her head to the side. He couldn’t get his mind to shut off. Too many people were talking at the same time. He couldn’t think, and why was she acting different? He wanted his sweet little flower, not this seductress before him.

  “Sasha, when was the last time you slept?”

  Sleep? He wasn’t tired. He was waiting on another e-mail when she interrupted him. She always interrupted him for one reason. That’s why she was here. Turning to her, Sasha didn’t understand the way she looked at him. He couldn’t explain why she’d be worried about him. He was perfectly fine.

  Sasha grabbed Violet’s arm and pulled her toward him, drawing her away from the wall. Spinning her around, her back to his chest, he wrapped his arms around her tightly. She doesn’t fight him and he was thankful for that. Just holding her in his arms seemed to soothe the raging voices in his head. He needed clarity with her around. He was acting erratic and he knew it, but until he laid down his troubles before her, he was going to have to find a way to muddle through it all.

  Leaving her to stand in the middle of the room, he sat down in his favorite chair, making himself comfortable. “Strip for me,” he ordered.

  Violet looked a little surprised at his tone and the speed with which things were progressing, but he was in no mood for tender snuggling and staring into each other’s eyes. He needed action. He needed clarity, but mostly he needed her naked.

  “I told you to strip!” Sasha barked aggressively. “Get on with it! Start with your shoes.”

  After a moment’s further hesitation, Violet reached for her footwear. It was a reasonably chilly autumnal evening outside and she was dressed accordingly. Her black leather boots with a low heel which she wore over her skinny jeans looked good on her, but Sasha had had enough. In fact, he had enough of all of her clothing.

  Struggling a little for balance because there was nothing on which she could lean on in the center of the floor, she pulled off one boot, then the other. She pushed them to one side and then, without waiting for further instructions, removed her socks which she was wearing underneath them. She stood up straight and faced him, barefoot this time. Already she looked more submissive, yet worried and uneasy. He wished he could comfort her in some way, but he knew if he went to her, he would start talking and he wasn’t ready to do that yet.

  “Lose the top,” he instructed next, and she quietly obeyed. Sasha could see that she was slowly recovering and beginning to enjoy the sexual power she had over him as she divested more of her clothing. It was the power a stripper always had over her audience. Once she had her off the top, she dangled it teasingly before him, spinning it around and throwing it at him. She looked good, but this wasn’t what he wanted. He was not here for her to titillate him. He was here to own her.

  “Stop!” he snapped, and Violet jerked her head up in surprise. “This isn’t some sort of striptease,” he continued sharply. “You are not some whore, nor will I tolerate you acting like one. You will do as I say and only as I say.”

  Sasha saw the shocked look on her face and instantly regretted calling her what he did, but he couldn’t stand her acting out of character. She was his flower. His beautiful serene Violet and he aimed to keep her that way. Subdued, she stood utterly still, waiting for his next order. Sasha took in the snug fit of her jeans, her trim stomach, and especially the lacy cups of her well-chosen bra. Clearly he was not the only one who had plans for this visit. He could easily make out the shape of her nipples pressing against the lacy fabric.

  She was stunning, standing there before him while he was still fully dressed, although his cock was now pushing up so hard that she could probably see the bulge in his crotch.

  “Lose the jeans,” he commanded, and she pulled them down her legs with a little difficulty because of their tight fit. Sasha stopped her as she was about to step out of them. “Turn around,” he instructed.

  Violet caught on quickly and shuffled around on her bare feet until she was facing away from him, with her jeans bunched around her ankles. Sasha was now presented with a delightful view of her ass, encased in lacy panties which matched her bra. His viewing pleasure was only increased as she bent to remove her jeans, before adding them to the growing pile of her clothes.

  Sasha looked her up and down as she returned to stand before him in her sexy underwear, chosen with him in mind. In many ways he would have liked to keep her like this for a while, but he decided it was not possible. Eventually she would have to leave. He could not keep her with him. She would only be in danger.

  “Take your bra off now,” he ordered. Violet reached behind her back, undid the clasp, and slid the straps from her shoulders. There was a sudden bashfulness in her demeanor as she folded it over and put it on top of her pile of clothes. When done, she couldn’t help herself from covering her breasts when she faced him again.

  Sasha didn’t speak. He nodded at her panties and spun his index finger around to indicate what he wanted. She understood and turned away from him once again, putting her thumbs inside the elastic of the waistband, sliding the material over her ass and allowing it to drop to the floor. Then she bent once more to pick it up. Once again Sasha was presented with a view of her from her best angle, and by this he meant no offence whatsoever to her lovely face. He had seen her ass plenty of times, but there was something even better about it this evening. Perhaps it was the deliciously creamy, smooth flesh of her buttocks which was making his cock strain at the leash. Sasha longed to feel it beneath his hand, and he longed to bring his hand down hard on it, marking her as his with a red print to contrast with the pale skin everywhere else.

  Violet was completely exposed.

  “Go put your clothes on my desk,” he said. She picked them up and started to move when he spoke again. “Walk slowly.”

  As she returned to the middle of the floor, Sasha could see that her face had reddened at her exposure, still holding her arms in front of her breasts. It was time for him to correct her posture.

  “Put your hands behind your head,” he ordered.

  Slowly, Violet did as instructed, lifting up her arms and interlacing her fingers in the required position. Now her breasts were displayed in all their glory. They were not huge, but in his eyes they were perfect. Her nipples seemed to be reaching out to him, hard as bullets. Sasha hadn’t even touched them yet, but he could clearly see them standing up.

  He looked her up and down with approval, then got up out of his chair for the first time since he started this dance with her. Without rushing, he circled her like a shark assessing its prey. She still looked a little awkward, even with her breasts so brazenly exposed and her legs locked together like a shy virgin.

  “Open your legs,” Sasha said, and reluctantly Violet shuffled them apart. It was still not far enough for him. Sasha circled her, stopping directly
behind her. He stepped toward her and kicked her feet further apart. Her legs were still not completely spread. Sasha would take care of that later if he liked, but for now it would do. Her sex was open to him and she looked much more available.

  Still behind her, Sasha stepped back a little so he could take in her beautiful view. He loved her legs, how her toned muscles looked strong. Her hips swelled pleasingly and her ass stood out, round and pert. Sasha trailed his fingers over her right buttock teasingly and felt her involuntary shudder as he allowed his hand to drift upward where her waist cut in.

  Sasha resumed circling her, leaving his hand on her body. As his hand glided across her skin from her back to her side, he started to talk to her in a low voice. He wanted her to know exactly what he had in store for her.

  “You’re mine, little flower,” he began. “First I’m going to put that pretty mouth of yours to good use.”

  Violet shivered as Sasha continued to move in front of her, running his hand up her front, over her breasts, and stroking her lips before he slid his finger between them. She didn’t respond immediately, but quickly picked up on his mood, gripping his finger lightly between her lips and circling it tantalizingly with her tongue. She’d given him blowjobs on several occasions before and he knew she enjoyed it, but he’d always allowed her to give him head on her terms. This time he planned to treat her mouth as if he claimed it for his own possession.

  “I hope your knees are strong,” he continued. “Because you are going to spend a long time on them, sucking my cock as if it’s your only goal in life.”

  Chapter Three

  Violet had heard Sasha talk dirty to her many times, but what he just said was just crass. If he was trying to hurt her, he was succeeding. She could see the pain clearly etched in his eyes and wanted to give him the benefit of a doubt that he really didn’t want to be so mean to her. It was bad enough the wounds she was nursing almost resembled a broken heart. She didn’t like to think of it that way. But here she was again, wondering if her bruised ego and failure to help him was all her fault. If she couldn’t convince herself then how was she going to convince Sasha that she only wanted to help?

  She had slowly noticed the change in him, from gentle and kind to vulgar and cocky. And their sexual encounters had changed, too. Before he was attentive and caring, now he was greedy, harsh, and very demanding. Back before the change, she used to come so much that it nearly felt as if her body was permanently sore. She’d come over and over again. She’d come and think that there wasn’t any possible way that her exhausted body could muster up another muscle contraction, but then he’d bend down and flick his tongue against her clit or he’d do that thing with his cock inside her, that signature little move that made it feel as if he was drawing circles against the entrance to her cervix. Everything with him seemed to border upon pain and pleasure, so close to that edge where she’d scream and cry, begging enough was enough.

  Then it came true. Enough was enough, because he no longer came home or slept in her bed. He left her, or at least it felt as if he did. He was there, but not completely. Whatever was bothering him kept distancing him further and further from her to the point that she had to go see him, instead of him coming to her.

  She’d known it would come. Knew a man like Sasha couldn’t stay for long with a woman like her. For months she mourned him, even trying to conjure up anger toward him, but seeing him daily made the hurt even worse. She tried talking to Tristan about it all, but even Tristan was too busy with other things to find the time to help her. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she sought out Kelly. And what did Kelly tell her? To go talk to Sasha. She felt like she was on a Ferris wheel, with all the players riding, only never connecting. Something had to give soon. She couldn’t take much more.

  When she arrived, she didn’t expect to see Sasha living in such squalor. The room he was using as a makeshift office was gradually getting filthier. He hadn’t shaved in days or, by the looks of him, showered, either. Her heart went out to him, and when she tried to entice him, it only backfired. Going through the motions, she waited for something to trigger a real response out of him, but all she got was Sasha’s alter ego…and she didn’t like him one bit.

  She felt a little shy and uncertain. She wasn’t quite sure what she was looking for now and certainly didn’t know if being here was such a good idea.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked, bringing her back to where she was. It was an odd question. One she wasn’t sure she heard correctly. He wasn’t himself, that was for sure, but she was standing before him naked while his gaze never left hers, and he wanted to know if she was comfortable?

  “Does it matter?” she asked.

  “You seem scared.”

  “I am a little.”


  “I don’t know,” she lied.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Her voice was raspy and caught somewhere deep in her throat.

  “Good.” He paused. “Then get on my desk. On your hands and knees. All fours. I want your face directed at the wall and your ass raised in the air and close to the edge.”

  At first Violet tried to convince herself that she hadn’t heard him correctly. That’s why he had instructed her to get naked? He wanted to see her displayed on his desk like that? It was so crude and vulgar that she felt the moisture seeping from her sex, but at the same time she knew there was a deep blush spreading across her face. “I thought you want me to give you a blowjob.”

  “I changed my mind.” He said the words softly and looked at her with eyes glazed in lust and expectation, as if just telling her not to be nervous would soothe everything away.

  She pushed her hands against the smooth desk surface like she was going to lift up and hoist her legs back up and around her and settle down onto all fours. But she couldn’t will the movement from her body.

  He walked over and then his hand was lifting her chin up and his lips pressed back against her own. He pulled away and ran his fingers through her hair, whispering into her hair, “I have fantasized about this moment for so long. You will not disappoint me.”

  His words assured her, and she closed her eyes and swung her legs up and around behind her. She could feel goose bumps tingling on her exposed thighs. The cold air against her wet pussy seemed to push away all her feelings of nervousness. She planted her hands underneath her shoulders and placed her weight into them so she could raise her ass into the air. She couldn’t help but picture what the view looked like from his eyes. She pushed her ass up into the air and wiggled her hips.

  “You little tease.” His hands were upon the cheeks of her ass. He planted his hands more firmly against each of her cheeks as his fingertips dug lightly into her skin.

  “I am going to spank you now,” he murmured. “Spank you for being such a little cock tease and wiggling and thrusting your sexy hips into the air.”

  Her entire body tightened up, and she couldn’t help but notice that her asshole clenched up and the puckered hole quivered lightly. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the slap of his hand against her ass.

  Minutes seemed to tick by and she stilled her breath to try and hear the sound of his hand about to land across her ass. She didn’t hear any movement. She let her breath out slowly and still she waited, expecting the quick slap against her cheeks. Nothing. She let a few more minutes go by before she couldn’t help it and her hips wiggled in a slight circle.

  When she thought he might have changed his mind again, it happened.

  He slapped her…hard.

  His hand smacked against her right cheek and his fingertips dug into the tender skin. Her entire body rocked forward with the movement, and her pussy got so hot that she couldn’t help but to spread her thighs even wider apart.

  “You liked that?” he asked, his hand spreading the burn he knew he created. Sasha had spanked her before, many times, but nothing as forceful as what he just did. The shock of it all still had yet to register in her
mind, but her body had come alive.

  She nodded her head but then realized that he wanted a verbal response. “Please,” she heard herself murmur as response.

  “Please what?” he asked in a singsong voice.

  “Please. Again.”

  “You want me to spank you again?” He pretended to act shocked. He continued on, “Shall I give your other cheek a try? See if that one is as nice and firm and soft?”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  He didn’t give her time to prepare for the second slap as the force of it lurched her body forward. Her hands skidded a couple of inches, and she felt her body sink down against his desk, her breasts pressed against the surface.

  His hand wrapped around her waist and he hoisted her back up into the all fours position and she planted her hands down more firmly. “Stay in place. No matter what I do to you I want your body to stay in place.” He leaned forward to pinch one of her nipples. “Tell me you understand my command,” he said, pulling hard on her nipple.

  Her hips automatically wiggled. Her nipples felt so sensitive as if they hadn’t been mauled in over a year. “I understand.”

  She knew that the lips of her sex would be bright pink and puffy, engorged with her arousal and her shyness at being poised on the table on her hands and knees. She knew her sex would be exposing her eagerness in full glory, wet and wanton. She knew that if she continued to get teased, her sex would begin to drip its wetness, her thighs becoming slick and slippery. She shuddered at the thought of what she looked like to him, and her hips moved in a quivering half circle.

  His hand slid from her breast as both his hands gripped her hips. She felt him lean forward and then she could feel the warmth of his breath approaching her ass. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt his tongue lick across the red-hot flesh that he had spanked.


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