The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Suck it right,” he growled. Violet whimpered at the harshness of his tone, disappointed that she may have displeased him, even if unintentionally, and leaned back toward him to take his shaft back into her mouth. Her tongue and lips moved over his hard cock, worshipping him as only she knew how. She kissed and sucked and stroked him in and out of her mouth, feeling the rough fabric of his jeans against her face, reveling in the experience. She could feel the heat of her pussy, the moistness of her upper thighs, almost more strongly than the stroke of the hard cock in and out of her mouth. Sasha moaned above her.

  “Good girl,” he said, and then pushed her roughly away from him, zipping his jeans back up. The sense of loss overwhelmed her, as another gush of her cream spilled between her thighs. She knelt, head lowered, as he moved around the room. Suddenly he knelt in front of her, wrapping a rope around her chest, around her breasts, tightening until she could feel a pressure heavy in her breasts and her nipples tingled. He slapped each one once, twice, and then clamped them. Violet breathed in roughly, the pain overwhelming her. She whimpered and tried to pull back. The chain on her arms made that impossible. Any movement other than forward pulled uncomfortably on her shoulders. She straightened back up.

  “Please, Sasha,” she whimpered.

  “Quiet,” he said sharply. “Unless you want me to gag you.”

  Violet said nothing as he placed clothespins around her engorged breasts. The pinch of each pin tortured her excited nerves. She gasped and whimpered with each one. He shoved his fist between her legs, forcing them apart, forcing her an inch or so shorter as she made room for his hand. Her arms are pulled further up behind him. She whimpered again, but said nothing, tense and taut from the position.

  Slowly he slid his hand over her pussy. “You’re sopping wet, little flower. I think you like this,” he said to her, his face close to hers, his breath over her neck, making her shiver. He slid two fingers into her pussy and she gasped and moaned, unable to push down on his hand like she wanted to for more. Sasha chuckled and then pushed her labia together, swiftly clamping them together with clothespins, three of them, one right after the other.

  She was unable to move now. Unable to close her legs, or shift forward or backward, completely trapped by rope chain and pins. She heard him stand and unzip his fly again, tantalizing her with his hard cock. She knew it was right in front of her face but she couldn’t reach it. She could feel the heat of him, smell his scent, but she couldn’t get close to him. Her body was a mass of sharp pain and deep wanting. She whimpered and whined, stretching as far as she could bear to try to touch him.

  He slapped her lightly across the face, casually, almost dismissively. “No, little flower,” he crooned at her. “Not until I want you to. Close your legs more. I’m going to unhook your arms.”

  Violet closed her legs, and the friction of them against the clothespins sharpened the deep ache, but also titillated her clit. Her breathing quickened. A soft, almost silent moan escaped. She didn’t mean to, but the friction was too much, and she lightly rubbed her thighs together. Sasha must have noticed, because he smacked her ass hard and said, “None of that. Control yourself.”

  Her hands free of the chain, he pushed her forward until she was on her hands and knees, legs still bound to the cross. He slapped her thighs until she spread them quickly. Flicking the clothespins, Sasha chuckled again at her mixed discomfort and pleasure. He untied the breast-binding rope, the sudden influx of blood to her breasts reigniting the pain.

  Violet screamed out in agony and ecstasy. Giving her no time to recover, Sasha started spanking her. Over and over, his hand landed on her bare ass, reddening it, punishing it. She began to whimper and moan, trying to move away from him, yet wanting to get closer. His responded by smacking her harder. Each smack burned into her skin, moving her forward a tiny bit, the clamps and pins on her pussy, breasts and nipples swung, biting into her even more.

  “Now that you’re warmed up,” was all the warning she got before she felt the hard wood of a paddle smack her ass. If she thought Sasha’s hand was painful, nothing could have prepared her for his paddle. The burn she was already feeling ignited her body into a raging inferno. Over and over, he paddled her already sore ass, her pain growing. He didn’t slow his strokes.

  “Sasha, please!” she cried out to him. He moved to the side of her and covered her mouth with one hand, shoving his two middle fingers into her mouth, holding her still. She sucked on the fingers with all her might, pleading with whimpers only. “Take it,” he whispered in her ear. “Take it because I want you to.”

  Violet began to cry, the tears leaking out from under her blindfold. Held there by his hand and the striking paddle, she heard him toss the paddle away. Then he was behind her, thrusting into her hot wet pussy, the length of him pushing the clothespins from her labia. The pain seared through her and she screamed as he rammed deep inside her.

  It hurts and felt so good. The pain and pleasure was cumulative, overwhelming, soul encompassing, and she couldn’t tell which was greater anymore. He pushed down on her shoulders and said, “Get on your elbows and rub your clit. You have permission to come, and if you don’t come before I do, you won’t get to tonight.”

  Violet dropped to her elbows and began to frantically rub her clit, the pleasure and pressure building. Pain spiking each time he thrusted into her, the pins on her breasts scraped lightly on the carpet beneath her.

  “Hurry, little flower,” he groaned, his breathing coming faster. “I’m almost there. You don’t want to go to bed all wet and horny, do you?”

  Her face reddened in embarrassment as he slapped her on the ass.

  “Oh!” she moaned, and just like that, he exploded over her. She gasped and ground against him, suddenly unmindful of the pain. He thrusted into her faster, groaning out his own pleasure as he filled her with his cum. Gasping for air, Sasha gently pulled out of her and rubbed her ass a few times. “Hang on, baby, just give me a minute and I’ll have you free.”

  Violet barely heard him, but she obeyed, still shaky from his thorough fucking. He removed each clothespin slowly, and took off her blindfold. He unhooked her ankles and helped her to her feet. Holding her in his arms, Violet felt safe, loved, and adored. She missed this. She missed him. “You’re mine, Violet, forever. Mine to do with as I please.”

  “Forever,” she replied, flushing.

  “Ours,” Tristan said, coming up behind her. This was where she wanted to be forever, between the two of them. She was wrong to worry them, she knew that now, but the nagging feeling of impending doom still stayed rooted deep within her. Now was not the time to push Sasha, so she decided to wait. In the meantime, she had them both in the same room, and she wanted more. A lot more.

  God, Sasha wanted to fuck Violet into next week, but Tristan insisted that she be taken home and given the proper treatment due a submissive after such an intense scene. Though he grumbled, he agreed and followed them home. Like Tristan was going to give him any other option. Nope, this whole mess was created and started by him, and as far as Tristan was concerned, he could give up whatever time he had allotted for self-loathing and denial to help take care of Violet. Basically, Tristan didn’t give a shit about his excuses anymore. Violet was hurting and Tristan wasn’t going to give him any other option. He had to tell her tonight.

  They had made it home without any fanfare and quickly had Violet upstairs and in a hot bath, soaking. Tristan gave him the privacy he requested and now he found himself sitting in the large tub with Violet relaxing in front of him. It was now or never. The only problem was Sasha didn’t know how to begin.

  “I missed you,” Violet said softly as his fingers played with hers.

  “I missed you, too, baby, so much,” he honestly replied, because he did. For too long he’d been distant with her, holding her at arm’s length, too afraid of hurting her more than he already had. He still hadn’t come to grips with the fact that the woman he loved, he sold. Knowing her past made it so much w
orse, and had started to make him sick to his stomach.

  When Ms. Grey called him over a year and half ago with the disturbing news, he’d spent most of that time finding each and every woman he procured to make sure they were happy, loved, and secure with their lives. He met each one, talked personally to each one. He had to see for himself. Though all of the contracts were now null and void, he needed to know that none of them were harmed or worse, dead.

  Though each of them confirmed his best hope, he still felt ashamed for what he did. Some of the women who agreed to be sold, were now lawyers, doctors, and teachers. They were happy with how their lives turned out, saying they regretted nothing, and yet there were a small few that felt blessed and appreciative because according to them, they met the loves of their lives and were blissfully married to their buyer. Overall, it seemed that every woman Sasha procured was delightfully happy and enjoyed their time with their buyer…except one.

  How could he have found the perfect woman for all of these men and totally missed the mark when it came to Violet? Nothing made sense. Ms. Grey was right, he did a thorough investigation on both parties, psych evaluations, therapist secessions, regular visits to a doctor, extensive background checks to ensure that the buyer was mentally, physically, and monetarily qualified to assume the role, and somehow, through all of that, James Master Summerfield passed everything with flying colors. Then there was Violet.

  Sasha knew there was no way in hell he would have qualified Violet for procurement. She was too damn young, too innocent, and too vulnerable for such a thing. She would have been immediately disqualified. Hell, just being with her now, Sasha knew she was too damn fragile for the likes of him, but he couldn’t give her up. She was his little flower, the love of his life, and if he had to be what she needed, instead of what he wanted, then so be it. He would do anything for her.

  “Are you going to talk to me now?” her soft voice filtered through the silence. “Is this why Tristan left us alone?”

  “Yes,” Sasha replied. “I have some things I need to tell you and I wanted some privacy.” When Violet didn’t say anything, he took a few more seconds to compose himself, to mentally prepare for what he knew was to come. He wasn’t stalling per se, he just wanted those few seconds of her in his arms to last a bit longer. When he knew he couldn’t stay silent forever, he began.

  “I know you’ve been worried about me lately, and you were right to be. I have been hiding something from you, something bad. I didn’t want you to worry and thought if I could handle it myself, then everything would be fine. Instead, all I’ve done was alienate you and give you cause to doubt me. I’m sorry for that. I guess there’s really no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to say it. James Master Summerfield is back.”

  Violet immediately stiffened in his arms. Sasha knew the news was going to cause her distress, but she and everyone else in town were right, he had to tell her. She needed to know, especially after she took off this afternoon. In those short hours, Sasha had never felt worry like that before. All sorts of unimaginable things filtered into his mind, things he never wanted to come to fruition. When her breathing and body relaxed, he began again.

  “I’ve learned over the last few days that it’s not just James I have to be worried about. Tristan’s ex, Morgana Santos, is in town. We found out that she’s has been working with James. She isn’t saying much, but what she has said so far has panned out. But the biggest problem is why James is back. Apparently, James was supposed to hand you over to another man, shortly after he took you away from home. This man, Sergio Pavlov, is a wanted criminal in the States and abroad. There is reason to believe he, too, is in the area, for the sole purpose of claiming what he believes rightfully belongs to him.”

  “You keep saying ‘we’?” she whispered, fiddling with her fingers. She was nervous and distressed. Sasha wanted to avoid this but there was really no way to. Holding her closer to him, he replied, “Your brothers, Tristan and I, and a few other men know. Ms. Grey is aware because she’s known from the beginning.”

  “Anyone else?”

  “Your sister Charlotte and Kelly.”

  “I see.”

  “Violet, none of us wanted to worry you. You’ve been through so much already and we all thought that we could take care of this problem before you came home. However, when you decided to come home early, well, that was when we all agreed to tell you.”

  Violet sighed and sat up. Sasha immediately felt the loss of her in his arms. All he wanted to do was to hold her, protect her. So when she turned and looked at him with her sad gray eyes, Sasha knew he should have said something sooner. “And none of you believed I was capable of understanding, or mentally capable of handling any of this?”

  “Baby, it wasn’t like that,” Sasha backpedaled quickly. “You’ve already been through so much, we wanted to spare you this.”

  “Instead, all you’ve done was made me feel insignificant,” she stoically said, getting out of the tub. Sasha followed, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist. He wanted so much to hold her and beg her for her forgiveness, but he knew if he pushed her, she would flee. This wasn’t easy for her. Her whole life practically everyone around her coddled her, put her in a bubble, or beat her down until she felt she wasn’t capable of doing anything. And at the first chance to include her, to inform her and ask for her help, he denied her that. He was just like all the others.

  “I’m a lot smarter than I look, you know. I knew something was wrong with you long before everyone else. I saw the way you subtly changed. No one else saw it until later. You may be good at reading people, but you suck at reading me. I’m not the same woman you met a year and a half ago. I’m not the fragile and broken Violet everyone is so damn determined to protect. I have feelings, too, I worry just like all of you do. What you did was wrong, Sasha. I had a right to know, and like everyone else, I get why you did it. I may not like it, but I understand. Just don’t ever do it again.”

  Sasha was shocked. Had he heard her correctly? Was she forgiving him? He couldn’t believe it. Then it hit him. She was only forgiving him for half of what he needed to tell her. Crap! Clearing his throat, he was about to finish telling her everything, when she stepped over to him, dropping her towel in the process. When her arms wrapped around him and her breasts pushed up against his chest, he lost all train of thought. However, when she purred, he lost all cognitive skills. He was helpless.

  “Make love to me, Sasha,” she crooned, rubbing her body against his. “Show me again what it’s like to be loved by the men I love. I want both of you, together, inside me, filling me up with your cocks. I want to feel you both around me, loving me the way you both do.”

  And that was all it took.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tristan’s knock on the door startled them, but with a wink and a gentle push, Sasha sent Violet to the door. Violet opened the door for Tristan, concealing herself behind it, suddenly self-conscious about revealing her nudity. He stood in the entrance, then took a step inside, past the door, which she closed behind him. For a moment they faced each other awkwardly, Tristan taking in the beauty of the petite woman before him, Violet unsure about how to proceed. She started to retreat when Sasha stopped her and said, “You started this, baby. Now be a good girl, because I think Tristan expects a kiss.”

  She smiled, returning to Tristan, tilting her head back to look up at her tall, handsome man. He leaned down and kissed her sweetly, before completely disarming her with a broad smile. Violet would never get tired of seeing Tristan smile. With his boyishly good looks and dirty locks, Tristan was some something of a playboy, and Violet knew she’d never get tired of looking at him.

  When Violet and Tristan moved into the bedroom, Sasha pulled her to him, kissing her hard before letting his lips drift down her neck, finding the special spot where it joined her shoulder. Violet took the cue to search out Tristan’s lips again, moaning into his open mouth as Sasha cupped her breast. Sasha continued his exploration,
sliding his hand further down her body. Soon his lips found the hard nipple. At the same time, Tristan followed suit, using his teeth to nip at her sensitive skin before latching onto her left nipple with another warm mouth.

  “Dear God, I’ve missed this,” Violet exclaimed as she lay back against the soft fluffy pillows on the bed, her head thrown back, two hot mouths sucking her nipples. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

  Sasha followed her request, but added to the sensation by sliding his right hand downward, seeking her heat. Sliding his fingers over her pussy, he allowed them to dance lightly over her swollen lips, wet from anticipation and the stimulation of her sensitive breasts. He avoided her clit as he rubbed her lips with two fingers, a wishbone surrounding her throbbing shaft, completing the tease by squeezing her lips together, compressing the clit between them while sliding fingers and thumb up and down.

  Both men continued to suck and nibble on Violet’s erect, needy nipples.

  Arching her back, she slid a hand around each head, pulling the hungry mouths tighter against her breasts. Sasha inserted two fingers into her hot, wet pussy and Violet about expired right then and there. Quickly locating her G-spot, he made small circles with his fingertips on the ridged flesh. Her G-spot became firmer with her arousal. Sasha dragged his teeth against her nipple, feeding her need for more intense sensation. Violet moaned her approval, running her fingers through his hair.

  She needed more, and Sasha must have sensed that, because he began twisting his fingers within her pussy, his thick knuckles vigorously massaging her G-spot, again and again, as he rotated them. When her hips began moving, he added a slow thrusting to the twisting motion and bit down more forcefully on her nipple.


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