The Secret, the Shifter and the Sex- Slave Shanghai

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The Secret, the Shifter and the Sex- Slave Shanghai Page 8

by Melanie Thompson

  Shuddering at the thought of meeting more vampires like Antonio, Baine raised one eyebrow, “Vampires drink?”

  “Rarely. We prefer blood, but pure alcohol does the same thing to us as it does to you, shifter. And I feel the need for obliteration.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Baine said climbing to his feet. “First let me book a flight out of Panama City with a connection to Cairo.”

  “Fine. Let me know the result of your search.”

  The two of them drove their rental, an old Jeep, back to the Posada. On the drive, Baine called a travel agent he knew in Seattle and discovered the first flight in the general direction of Cairo wasn’t until tomorrow at noon. It stopped in Madrid, where they would have to change planes.

  “We have another night here, and then we’re out of Panama tomorrow at noon.”

  “Good, I’ll see you then.”

  “No way are you getting away from me. If you’re going drinking, I’m going with you.”

  Fifteen minutes later, they entered the dark confines of the only bar in Maria Chiquita, the Cantina Gatun. Antonio bellied up to the bar and signaled the bartender, a beautiful Latin woman with black hair down to the backs of her knees. She wore a white peasant blouse exposing half of her generous breasts and a bright red skirt.

  “I’ll have tequila, straight up,” Antonio said. “No salt, forget the lime.”

  “I’ll have the same, but I like limes.”

  Antonio drained his shot glass and signaled to the bartender. “Just bring the bottle. Do you have any El Conde Azul Blanco?”

  She stared at him blankly.

  “How about Patron Silver?”

  “Si, señor.” She smiled and delivered a bottle of clear tequila.

  Antonio handed her a hundred dollar bill and told her to keep the change. She smiled even wider as Antonio opened the bottle and poured both of them another drink.

  Swishing her red skirt, the bartender stared at Antonio out of sultry black eyes. “Would you like to party, señor?”

  Antonio glanced at Baine. Baine nodded. “We’d both like to party.”

  The girl disappeared through a red curtain behind the bar and returned with three more women, all beautiful, all with long, long hair and hot bodies. A man followed them out of the back room. He walked up to Antonio. “You want the girls for the evening?”

  “Sure. How much?”

  “Five hundred American dollars.”

  Antonio peeled five bills off a huge wad from his pocket and handed them to the man, who grinned from ear to ear. He wet a finger, counted the bills and crammed them into his stained khakis.

  “They will take you to their casa.”

  Baine had slammed three shots. He was more than ready to have an adventure and find some release from all the stress and worry of the past four days. “Let’s go.”

  Two girls wrapped their arms around Baine and two went with Antonio. The women led them out the back door and down a path into the woods. They walked through a banana plantation, across a small stream rushing over dark rocks, and up a big hill. The woods grew thicker. Vines dangling out of tall trees snatched at their clothes and hair as Baine began to worry.

  He’d reached the point of calling the entire expedition off when they entered a clearing containing a large cottage built from white-washed mud bricks with a thatched roof. Goats bleated from a pen in the back. Chickens ran crazy all over the well-swept yard. Frilly linens hung from a clothesline. The woman in the red skirt opened the door and invited them inside.

  Antonio looked back at Baine and smiled.

  The six of them entered the cottage. Inside, the first thing Baine noticed was the smell. A weird combination of herbs, smoke residue, marijuana and incense filled the air. The woman with the red skirt lit two black candles sitting on a rough wooden table.

  “My name is Elena. These are my sisters, Juana, Maria and Josephina. We are two sets of twins. Maria is my twin. We never sleep with a man unless we are together.” She smiled seductively, her eyes heavy, and flipped her long hair over her shoulder and put her arm around Maria.

  Juana put her arm around Josephina. “I never sleep with any man unless Josephina is with me. Sit at the table. We will pour you a drink.”

  They sat while Elena lit a small fire in the fireplace and threw some herbs on the blaze. Strange-smelling smoke filled the small cottage. Maria opened a bottle of clear liquid and filled six earthenware cups. When Baine tasted it, he licked his lips. Whatever the drink was, it tasted delicious.

  “What’s this?”

  “My sisters and I distill it from the fruit of the almirajo tree.”

  Antonio sipped his and nodded. “I’ve tasted this before. The fruit is a distant relative of the sapote.”

  “We add several other fruit juices and a few herbs,” Elena said.

  Juana lit a pipe, sucked on it and handed it to Baine. Baine inhaled the sweet marijuana smoke, held it, exhaled and passed the pipe to Antonio. Antonio looked doubtful but sucked in a lungful anyway. Baine’s head began to spin. The drink, the smoke from the fireplace and the dope had him reeling.

  “Come,” Elena said. She led him to a pallet near the fireplace, stripped off his shirt, then pulled off his pants. When he was naked, she pushed him with one hand, and he keeled over.

  He fell onto the pallet, his body stiff and unresponsive. He found he was able to turn his head far enough to see Antonio lying on a pallet next to his. His body felt paralyzed, except for his penis, which stood at attention.

  The women removed their clothing and began kissing each other and fondling each other’s breasts. Baine watched helplessly as Elena slid her fingers into Maria’s sex, stroking it while they kissed passionately. Maria spread her legs wider to allow Elena easier access.

  Juana knelt over him. Her long hair swept the ground and caressed his legs. With her thighs spread wide, he could see her ripe opening. She took his erection in her hand and stroked it, pinching the tiny hole closed with two fingers. He was helpless to stop her or do anything about it.

  She rubbed the swollen head against her red clitoris to excite herself. His cock felt ready to explode. Josephina knelt behind her and lifted Juana’s heavy breasts, pulling the nipples, squeezing the turgid flesh. Josephina pushed her sister’s hair aside, kissed her neck, and while Juana impaled herself on his cock, reached around and rubbed her sister’s fleshy clitoris with her fingers.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see similar action on Antonio’s side of the room. The women crawled across the floor on their bellies making animal noises. Josephina mounted Elena’s face, grinding her sex against Elena’s lips. The two women moaned and sighed. Juana rose and fell rhythmically on his cock, her face contorted with passion. When she was finished, Elena took her place. Tortured and aroused to the brink of insanity, Baine discovered he could not shoot off and his erection seemed permanent.

  Maria straddled Baine, facing away from him. Elena reached around her and rubbed some kind of thick lotion on Maria’s buttocks, working it into Maria’s pink anus with two fingers. Then Maria slowly sat on his cock, shoving it into her rectum while, in front of her, Elena knelt between her legs with her head buried in Maria’s crotch. Baine couldn’t see what was going on over there, but he could imagine.

  The feeling of Maria’s tight asshole wrapped around his dick, coupled with his imagination, had his senses on overload. Not being able to participate in this orgy, helpless, a sex toy for four insatiably hot women was the most unbelievable torture. And add all that to the fact he could not ejaculate.

  After four or five hours during which the women took turns using his dick like a dildo and performed every kind of sexual act imaginable on each other, Baine passed out. The sun was shining in the windows of the cottage when he woke up. Antonio paced the floor inches from his head.

  “I thought you would never wake up, cat man.”

  Rubbing his eyes, Baine sat up. He groaned and then lifted the blanket someone must have tossed over him
to check out the penis. It was bright red, chapped and sore, but thankfully not erect. “How long have you been awake?”

  “For about an hour. What happened?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  “I remember drinking some kind of fruit wine and smoking some marijuana. Then I must have passed out.”

  “Well I’ll be damned. You don’t remember anything?”

  “No, whatever was in the wine must have a very powerful effect on vampires.”

  “Have you looked at your dick?”

  “My sex organs are none of your business, cat man.”

  “You vampires heal rapidly, anyway. Take a look at mine.” Baine flashed his chapped organ at Antonio.

  “What did you do, put that thing in a meat grinder?”

  “I got news for you, buddy, we were raped, screwed and used like sex toys for hours. And I couldn’t even get off.”

  “The women must be brujas. This place reeks of magic.”

  “Oh, now you smell magic. I didn’t hear anything about magic last night. What time is it?”

  “After nine. If we are to make our flight, we must hurry.”

  Baine slowly slid his jeans over his aching crotch. His balls hurt, and his dick was on fire. He glared at the vampire. “Let’s go. We have a ship to catch.”

  Chapter 12

  The Volodarskiy sat anchored in Keppel Harbor off the coast of Singapore. The ship was far enough from shore to avoid any undesirable elements such as police, harbor patrol or Interpol agents. Maksim Rukovskya held onto his leather case as he dropped from a ladder trailing down the rusty side of his ship onto a floating dock. One of the ship’s lifeboats was tied to the dock, which bobbed in the light chop.

  A Pilipino crew member named Donray Manibog fired up the boat’s little outboard and piloted the craft toward Singapore City. Maksim was on his way to pick up the three Norwegians. During bargaining talks with their current owner he discovered the girls were triplets, a fact which made their value astronomical, a detail the current owner did not seem to understand. Even if the girls were as ugly as Drakor, blonde triplets would bring a very high price.

  Manibog maneuvered the boat through a throng of Chinese sampans, small fishing boats and motorized canoes, locating an empty spot to dock on a busy wharf. Maksim sniffed the air. He smelled the ocean, tidal flats, raw sewage, frying fish, peanut oil and peppers. He loved the Orient.

  He and the Turk shouldered their way through a crowd of Asians—some Chinese, but most Malaysians like Manibog. Different languages drifted to his ears from the stew of ethnicities surrounding them.

  They hailed a cab, a small van with room for the extra passengers. Maksim tossed his case into the van and gave the driver an address on Pagoda Street in Chinatown. The driver had to weave his way down a narrow street littered with food carts, people on bicycles and tourists. When the cab pulled up in front of an old Chinese house, Maksim asked him to wait.

  They were greeted at the door by an elderly Chinese woman who asked them to remove their shoes and leave them in the foyer. She handed both him and the Turk a pair of black cloth slippers.

  The inside of the house was opulent and very quiet. As Maksim followed the old woman across thick blue carpet, he thought the silence might be due to the early hour. It was only nine Singapore time.

  The woman led them down a wainscoted hallway to an office on the first floor in the back of the house. She scratched on the door, and a rough Chinese voice yelled from behind it. After swinging it open, she backed away so they could enter.

  A rotund Chinese man in a black silk western suit and tie bowed. “I am Chen Wa.”

  Maksim introduced himself and the Turk.

  “Would you gentlemen like to see photos of the girls?”

  A bad feeling slowly crept up Maksim’s backbone. It must be the unnatural quiet putting him on edge. “Surely.”

  Chen Wa opened a folder on his desk and removed a pile of photos. “Please sit down,” he said, indicating two empty chairs.

  Maksim backed into one of the chairs and started shuffling through the pictures. He was shocked. The girls were shown in many graphic poses. All three were gorgeous and they appeared identical. He noticed they didn’t look too animated in any of the photos. When their legs were splayed, they actually looked drugged, eyes half-opened, mouths slack.

  “Are these girls hard to manage?”

  The Chinese man’s smile never reached his slanted, black eyes. “They can be difficult.”

  Chen Wa’s accent was British.

  “Elaborate on ‘difficult.’”

  “Please, excuse me, Mr. Rukovskya. The girls are a bargain even if all three are criminally insane. There are many drugs that can easily control them.”

  Maksim nodded. This was true. “What about their health certificates?”

  The Chinese man handed him three pieces of paper declaring the women free of any communicable diseases. As he looked over the papers, Maksim thought of the tight quarters on the ship and the amount of money he’d been offered for the girls. “I will take them.”

  He flicked his fingers at the Turk, and bundles of American money were placed on the desk. “Fifty thousand American as agreed. May I now see my new property?”

  Chen Wa opened a desk drawer and swept the bundles into it without counting. The three of them left the office. Chen Wa led them up carpeted stairs, through a long hallway to another set of stairs. In another long hallway, Maksim spotted a door guarded by a huge Samoan, afro hair six inches long, tribal tattoos across his broad nose and forehead.

  The Samoan opened the door. Inside, Maksim saw his girls. They were gagged and restrained, each one on a different bed.

  “My advice is to leave the gags on,” Chen Wa said. “They are heavily drugged, but they bite. Does your cab have space for all of you?”

  Maksim nodded.

  “Roger, load the girls into Mr. Rukovskya’s cab.”

  The Samoan nodded, unstrapped one girl and tossed her over his shoulders. She certainly looked knocked out to Maksim.

  Halfway back to the docks, the girls began to come around. They were tall, well over six feet, with long legs. Their waist-length hair was braided, and they were dressed in loose Chinese smocks with high collars. The Turk sat in the back with the girls, Maksim in the front beside the Chinese cab driver. One of the girls abruptly sat up, balled her hand into a good-sized fist, and smashed the Turk in the nose. Blood gushed down his face.

  The two other girls ripped off their gags and began screaming. Maksim was momentarily stunned, but not completely unprepared. He opened the case and tossed the Turk a syringe fully loaded with Thorazine. He slid between his seat and the driver’s, dropping a folded hundred American in the driver’s lap as he snatched another syringe, reached over to the closest girl and stabbed it into her thigh.

  Only one girl seemed awake enough to move around. Turk had his hands full wrestling with her in the back of the van. Maksim injected the one dopey girl, praying he hadn’t just overdosed the pair. When Turk finally sedated the third girl, he climbed back into his seat panting.

  He wiped blood off his face. “I better get a huge bonus for this.”

  When they got back to the ship, Maksim had to figure out where to put the girls. Obviously, as valuable as they were, they couldn’t go into the hold. They’d probably go nuts down there anyway and disturb everyone.

  Unconscious, they were easy. He dumped them on his own king-size bed and went to talk to Mina. She was going to be very unhappy with his decision.

  The Eurasian girl, Alexandra, had the biggest room. It contained four fold-up bunks. She was going to have to go into the hold.

  He found Mina in the Eurasian’s room. The two women were on one bunk naked, kissing. The sight of them aroused him. He’d had a rough day. He deserved a reward. Locking the door behind him, he dropped his pants.

  “Move over,” he ordered Mina.

  “Maksim, you told me this girl was not to be touched by men. She�
�s been sold.”

  “Fine, open your legs. I’ll fuck you instead.”

  Mina leaped off the bed, and Maksim grinned at her. The dyke did have an awesome body.

  “You will screw me when pigs fly out my ass.”

  “Fine,” Maksim rolled on top of the Eurasian, fumbling beneath his body for her opening.

  The girl screamed and clawed at his eyes.

  He growled. “Fight; I like it.”

  “Alexandra, do nothing. Lay still. Maksim’s nothing but a pervert with a small dick. He won’t be able to penetrate you if you don’t fight. He can only get it up if you struggle.”

  “Shut up, Mina.”

  But the damage was already done. The bitch stood inches away from his face with her hands on her hips, her haughty head tilted to stare down at him. He could feel his cock shriveling. The girl under him lay still as a dead woman, her legs slack and her head turned away.

  He reached under his body and manipulated his fading erection.

  “Give up, Maksim. Face the truth; you’re a pervert with a pencil dick. You can’t perform like a normal man.”

  Maksim leaped to his feet and pulled on his pants. “I’ll tell you what I can do. I can send your little toy into the hold. I need this room.”

  Mina pressed herself against him with her nose inches from his face. “You do that, and you will lose the sale. I will personally tell the princess her precious new acquisition spent five days in the hold being raped by the crew of this floating rust bucket. She’ll negate the sale, and your reputation will go straight down the shitter.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Mina. I need the space. I have three more playthings for you, three lovely Norwegian girls. They’re blonde. You like blondes.”

  “Put the Eurasian in with the fag. They were friends. The queer worked for her, Nicholas won’t touch her and there’s the one spare bunk.”

  Maksim knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to tie Mina up, beat her until she screamed and then fuck her in the ass. He hated women. They were all alike, miserable bitches good for only one thing.


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