Monday Night Guy

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Monday Night Guy Page 18

by Liz Lovelock

  “Yes, that’s me.” My shaking hands reach for my folder. Nerves kicking into overdrive once again, I take a deep breath, hoping to calm myself and then walk toward her.

  I reach the doorway, and she extends her hand toward me. “Hi, I’m Helen. I’m the Human Resources Coordinator for Case Constructions, and I will be on the interview panel today.”

  I take her hand, hoping she doesn’t notice my clammy palms.

  “Have you filled out your paperwork? And do you have any questions at all about it?”

  Handing the folder over, I answer, “Hi, here’s the paperwork. I didn’t have any problems, but I may have missed something. Please let me know if anything isn’t correct.” I can’t seem to calm my nerves no matter what I do and my voice is quavering slightly. Maybe once I’m in there and the interview begins, I might calm down.

  “That’s great. Please follow me.” She turns and walks down a hallway. It’s so silent, apart from the clicking of our heels on the tiled floor. She stops, and then holds open a door for me. Walking in, my heart drops to ground floor.

  So much for my nerves settling down. In front of me are three other interviewers. There’s another lady and two men sitting behind a table, with notebooks and bottles of water in front of them, and a telephone. Helen takes her place among them. There’s a lone, daunting seat placed in front of them. I stay standing until I’m told otherwise.

  “Please, be seated,” says the grumpy old man with grey hair and wrinkly skin. He must be over this whole event.

  “Thank you,” I reply, taking my seat.

  “Hello, Ms. White,” says the other woman beside Helen. She seems very professional and an upfront type of person, but her eyes give the vibe of being just plain unkind or uncaring.

  I might need to steer clear of her.

  “I’m Jenny Ford, Office Manager. This is Helen, the HR Manager.” Then pointing to the old man, she says, “Tim is Executive Assistant and beside him is Jared, Chief Financial Officer.” She points toward the young fella on the end who looks too young to be in that position. “And on telephone conference we have our CEO, Mr. Andrews.”

  “Good Morning,” I address them all in my most professional voice, trying not to sound how my insides feel. I begin to fidget, tangling my fingers together and untangling then repeating, something I do to calm myself in certain situations, and this is one of those kinds of situations.

  Deep down, I’m hoping I answer their questions in a pleasing manner. They all greet me and then turn their attention to making notes.

  What could they seriously be writing down? The questions haven’t even begun yet!

  Helen takes over now. “So, please, tell us a bit about your previous employment?” she asks, preparing her pen to make more notes.

  Taking a deep breath, I reply, “I worked in a law firm as personal assistant to one of the partners. I’d been there for about a year before deciding to move to New York.”

  “And what were your sole responsibilities?”

  “I assisted the partner by booking his appointments, answering phone calls, minutes for meetings, booking flights and accommodation for business trips, and preparing notes and paperwork for all meetings. Those are the main things I undertook, as well as general admin duties,” I answer confidently.

  For the next half hour, the questions keep coming from each of the interviewers. Answering them, I try to lighten the mood with a few little giggles and smiles here and there. All in all, it’s a very good interview. I feel quite pleased with myself, although the big CEO on the phone never spoke, which I found odd. You’d think he’d be the one with all the questions, seeing as it could be him I end up working for.

  With the interview finished, I shake their hands. “Thank you for the opportunity,” I say, turning toward the door.

  Leaving the building, I pull out my phone and call Flick. I promised I’d call when it finished, but it goes to her message bank. “Hey, it’s me. Sooo… the interview went well. They’ll contact me in the next week to let me know the outcome, although I’m not too hopeful. Will fill you in later, catch ya.”


  If you like what you’ve read you can purchase The Lost One HERE

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  Lost Series

  The Lost One—Book One

  The Missing One—Book Two

  Unforgiven Series

  Dangerous Love—Book One

  Letters in Blood Series

  Dear Captor—Book One

  With Love—Book Two

  Forever Yours—Book Three

  Canyon Bay Series

  Someday—Book One

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  I’m a wife, mother, reader, blogger, and now an author. I’m always busy doing something as I have so much going on, and my three little ones keep me on my toes.

  I’m from bright and sunny Queensland, Australia. I have always been a reader. When I was little, I would be up late reading Garfield and Asterix comic books and also Footrot Flats. When I hit high school, they gave us Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden, and from there my love of books continued to grow.

  I keep a notebook and pen beside my bed for when those late-night ideas pop into my head, plus I’m a stationery addict and love pens, notebooks, and, well, anything stationery.

  I’ll say sorry first in case I miss anyone. I’d like to thank my editors Lauren Clarke from Lauren Clarke Editing and Kaylene from Swish Design & Editing. Without you ladies, I’d be thoroughly lost; you’ve pushed me with this one as well. Thanks for all your advice and guidance.

  Thank you Virginia Tesi Carey for fitting me in on short notice and polishing up my work to make it squeaky clean. You’re awesome!

  Special thanks to Tami from Integrity Formatting for helping make my work look beautiful. You do such an amazing job. I love you lady!

  To my fantastic team of betas: Amanda, Rachel, Melissa and Di your input is so valuable. Thank you for all your feedback—you’re all amazing. And thanks for being patient with me and pushing me to do better.

  A huge thank you to Letitia from RBA Designs for designing another perfect cover, and working with me until I was happy. It is everything I wanted it to be. I love it!

  Thanks Lindee Robinson. You’re photos were perfect for this cover and to the models

  Linda from Forword PR and your team, thank you for all your help and support in spreading Monday Night Guy. I appreciate all you’ve done.

  Thank you to Give Me Books for your help with the release. A MASSIVE thank you to all blogs who participated in the release and cover reveal, and to everyone who shared anything, I truly appreciate it. We authors would be lost without your assistance.

  These next mentions are my other halves of the author world. Without their constant support and friendship, I may have given up a long time ago. They’re my cyber sisters spread far and wide around Australia and America, so thank you to Jemma Brown aka JB Heller, Felicia Tatum, TL Swan, KE Osborn, Kaylene Osborn and Belle Brooks. These ladies are truly amazing. I’d be lost without our chats.

  To Anastasia, your help has been truly amazing. Without you and your input I’d be all over the place.

  To my Flock, I love you, girls. Your support is truly nothing short of amazing. I know I have a safe place in my group with you all. Thank you.

  And to my readers, I feel blessed to have your continuous support. Thank you.

  To my family, my husband, you’re truly wonderful. You’ve never given up on me. You sit and listen when I need to vent out my frustrations, never once complaining about it. I love you. To my three beautiful children, Millie, Cale, and Finn, you all test my patience, but I’m so grateful to have you in my life to love. Families are forever.

  Check these links for mo
re information about author Liz Lovelock.







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