The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 11

by Michelle Lee

  Wonder why?

  Oh, I can think of a reason why.

  Shut up you!

  "Thank you, by the way."

  "No problem. It's weird, but at the moment I felt..." he hesitates.

  "You felt what?" I pry.

  "I felt…like I had to help you, be there…I couldn’t fathom if something…something ever happened to you." Davis’ss eyes show so much concern in them yet behind them there’s this intensity I’ve never seen in anyone before.

  He felt what? Protective of me? Well that just shocked the shit out of me. And now I feel like crap because I’ve been everything but super nice to him and here he is worrying about my well-being.

  "You were worried about me even though I’ve been…?"

  "It's, it's hard to explain. I saw that you needed help from that mother fucker and thankfully I was there," he says with his jaw clenched tightly.

  Not liking seeing him getting worked up over something that was probably nothing with that scumbag I ask, "So, you just brought me home?"

  "Yeah." His smile comes back, his eyes lighten and it makes me feel warm.

  He just brought me home and nothing happened other than me spilling my guts to him. Thankfully he hasn’t mentioned that. God, if he does I will throw myself off the balcony. I bet he would stop you since he feels protective of you. I’m sure he would jump you and cover you with his body to prevent you from hurting yourself. My inner self is so not helping me at the moment as I try to ignore her and the feelings she is evoking thinking of his body on mine. And of course now my mind is drifting back to that hot and vivid dream I had this morning of Davis doing marvelous things with his tongue and fingers. My body begins to tingle and when my gaze meets his, I swear the temperature rises. Davis gives me this look and I can’t help but think that maybe he heard me earlier—just kill me now—or something else happened between us other than talking and I don’t remember it.

  Before I can stop myself, my mouth speaks without my thinking. "We didn't?" I question waving my hand back and forth between my girlie parts and his manly parts. I mean I remember saying what I said to him, but after that it’s pretty much a black hole. I really don’t think we did…I mean if we did I’m sure I would remember, especially if my dreams are any indication of how things might be. But, a girl can never be too sure.

  His eyes practically bug out of his skull. "Oh, God no, Kassidy, I never would think of taking advantage. You were incapacitated, to say the least. No, I brought you home, helped you in the bathroom. You got sick. Then I tucked you in; you passed right out. I was gonna leave, but I was afraid you might throw up again, in your sleep or might need something, so I stayed. And just for the record, if we ever…you would certainly remember, there wouldn’t be any question about it." His teeth tug at his bottom lip and his eyes scan me from head to toe even though I’m covered up with the blanket I swear he has x-ray vision and can see right through it. My cheeks heat up and my tummy flutters. All I can do is stare back at him and nod my head. It’s like he’s got some mind control thing going on. Davis leans forward and I instinctively lean towards him. Just when I think he’s going to kiss me, he grabs the glass from my hands and gets up.

  My body slumps back and I feel…disappointed.

  “Um, I think you might feel better if you get some food in you, so I made you breakfast. I hope you don’t mind? I just…felt…” He trails off waiting for me to stand up.

  I get up and toss the blanket to the couch. I notice Davis’ss eyes roam my entire body this time, his stare lingering here and there.

  I clear my throat, "The worrying protective thing again?"

  He stares a beat or two and then shakes his head, "Exactly."

  "Again, thank you and you didn't have to. Last night wasn't my first rodeo." I shrug and pray that I didn’t embarrass myself in my sleep. Then it occurs to me, what if I had a dream while he was in the room. Oh. My. God. Then he heard…when I was…kill me now…just kill me now…

  I feel my chest tighten like it always does before I start to hyperventilate and have a full blown panic attack. Yep, I’m definitely going to have a panic attack…the idea of him…and me…and a dream…

  Breathe Kas, just breathe.

  My hand clutches at my chest; I feel the sweat trickle down between my boobs and also down my back. It’s hot in here…too hot…I go to take a deep cleansing breath hoping to calm myself, but instead of inhaling like a normal person, I end up inhaling and choking on my own breath. Davis is by my side in a heartbeat, his hand lightly pounding on my back, while his other hand grabs mine. It’s really getting hot in here. The pounding in my head is forgotten for there is a pounding elsewhere, like right between my legs. I try my damnedest to concentrate on regulating my breathing and not his hands on me. My chocking starts to subside and now his hand on my back isn’t pounding any more, but rubbing soothing circles on it instead. What in the hell is this annoyingly sweet man doing to me? I need to get away before I relinquish all control over to him. I try to grasp onto the fact that in our previous encounters he’s been a total douche, and not the sweet man he was last night and is this morning. Grab onto that Kassidy and all will be right in our world.

  You are insane!

  My breath stutters one last time. I have tears streaming down my cheeks and I’m sure I’m completely blotchy. Just the look I was going for this morning in front of him.

  Davis continues to be quiet, goes to the sink filling up a glass with water and hands it to me. I can’t help but notice how comfortable he is in my kitchen, knowing his way around. And I can’t help but notice how I’m kinda starting to like it? Yeah, I like it and I really shouldn’t because nothing good can come out of us being…

  Davis clears his throat bringing me out of my head. “Better?”

  I simply nod my head slowly drinking the water. I figure if my mouth is preoccupied with drinking I can’t say something stupid like I know my inner self would want me too. Something stupid like how I appreciate him being here. Something stupid like how this seems natural him in my kitchen. Something stupid like how much I really like him taking care of me. Totally stupid.

  “Thanks,” I finally say finishing the water.

  “No problem.”

  “Thanks for your help last night and this morning.” I need him to leave sooner rather than later. I don’t like feeling what I’m feeling. Hopefully he’ll get the hint.

  "I’m just glad I was here to help, I could never forgive myself if something had happened nor would Chloe. She would have probably kicked my ass or worse, cut off my balls or something, if I had left you and something did happen, ya know? So I just stayed. I slept on that oversized stuffed chair with the ottoman in your living room."

  Again, all I do is nod. I know all too well what Chloe is capable of and he is right she would have fucked him up, royally.

  "I know Chloe, so no biggie. And again, thank you."

  "I really wish you would stop thanking me. There really is no need to. I have a lot to make up for, if I'm to get that third chance."

  The third chance? I totally forgot about it and his note.

  "About that..." As I speak, he quickly draws a slender finger to my lips to hush me.

  Oh my! My lips tingle.

  "Look, I don't expect anything. I know, I've been a total dick to you on occasion and I just want a chance to show you that I am really not like that. Besides, now that I'm moving here and I'm sure we will all be seeing each on a more regular basis, it would just make things a lot easier." That sexy smile is back and his eyes twinkle mischievously.

  He's moving here? My inner self is doing back handsprings.

  "You're, moving here?"

  "Um, yeah. I got a promotion and I'll be heading up things out here. My stuff is actually on its way as we speak."

  Holy shit!


  "Um, where are you gonna be living?" I ask biting my lower lip.

  Please not my building, please not my building.

  Oh pl
ease our building, please our building.

  The battle continues.

  "I'm moving into Solair off of Wilshire. My firm bought a few condos in it."

  "Oh." Is all I can think of, really what can I say, and Solair that place is luxurious living at its finest; I would kill to live there.

  Oh, I don't know, how about glad you're moving here, it will give us a chance to really get to know each other.

  Hell no!

  Chicken shit.

  Bwak. Bwak. Bwak.

  "Well, it looks like you're gonna live. I made French toast and bacon. I know something sweet, salty and greasy always makes me feel better the morning after. It's there if you want it." He’s very casual all of the sudden and it’s like he can’t get out of here soon enough.

  That’s what you wanted, right?

  "You're leaving?" I feel a little disappointed.

  "Yeah, I better get going. I need to check on the movers' arrival time and my new place."

  "Oh, okay then."

  He heads for the door and I quickly follow behind. For some strange reason I don't want him to leave and as he is going to, I am suddenly drawn to him and want to hold on to him for dear life.


  Oh my Kassidy will you ever learn?


  Never mind.

  "Davis," I call to him.

  He turns around to meet my gaze and his eyes burn into me and I see that smirk.

  "Yeah, Kassidy?"

  "I'm sorry too. I know I've been a bitch to you, even though at times it was justified..."

  Way to apologize.

  Give me a sec.

  "But still you didn't deserve it. That third chance, I think it's possible. After all, now we'll practically be neighbors."

  "Good. I had hoped I would get that third chance. And Kassidy, that bitchy hell cat in you is sexy." His smirk grows more crooked; more sexy.

  Shit, he stressed the word "hoped". Shitballs my hope panties. And what did he mean by sexy? I feel the crimson wave swell up my neck and crash smack dab on my face, making its home on my cheeks; his smirk turns into a full blown sexy smile.

  "Enjoy your breakfast and take it easy today; dance practice is canceled. Apparently, Chloe thought you wouldn't be up for it." And with that he leaves.

  I feel the crimson wave ebb back and head to the kitchen to see what he made.

  Holytruckerfricklicker! It looks as if Rachael Ray or Guy Fieri has prepared breakfast. Ryan Davis is definitely full of surprises. My stomach growls as my eyes take everything in. I settle down on the bar stool with a yummy plate of French toast, bacon and fresh strawberries. I am definitely going to have to get with my girls later; especially Chloe, I have some questions about Ryan Davis.


  I still can't wrap my brain around the idea that Davis is moving here and will be living not that far away. Hell, we will probably run into each other on the street. And he said we will be hanging out. Of course we will, he’s best friends with Jason and I’m best friends with Chloe, so we will definitely be hanging out when we all get together. Plus, my law firm isn't too far from Solair either. Whether I want it or not, it seems as though Ryan Davis is going to be a fixture in my life.

  Maybe a permanent one.

  Oh, will you please give it a rest.

  No, I won't.

  Fine, you want me to say it, you want me to fucking say it? I am attracted to Ryan Davis, Okay? That's as far as it goes.

  For now.

  Oh, for the love of God. That's it, that's it!

  Kas, if you would just open up your eyes you would see that we, you, me, could have real feelings for him.

  Okay, fine, maybe a small, tiny, miniscule crush. Happy?

  Not really, but it's a start.

  I need to google how to silence or better yet kill your inner self. This constant battling is making me feel not like myself. I’m out of control and I don’t like or need it. Things all have to have their place and my inner self needs to be put in her place.

  You wouldn’t?

  Try me.

  I attempt to relax and try to recuperate from last night's festivities. Actually, Davis’ss concoction has really helped. Who knew something so vile smelling that tasted like sweat socks and ass would help—not that I know what ass actually tastes like. I eventually shower and get dressed, opting for comfort over fashion—plain old skinny jeans, an oversized shirt and flats. I make sure to grab my biggest pair of sunglasses I have, sunlight is so not my friend today. For once I hate the California sun and wish I lived somewhere else—somewhere not so sunny, maybe Alaska where it’s night half of the year.

  I actually make it to the restaurant on time, even though I feel as though my ass has been dragging all morning. I totally shock the shit out of myself and my girls; who by the way, show no signs of what happened last night. Obviously, they can hold their liquor a lot better. Evil bitches.

  "Well, look what the drunken cat dragged in," teases Macy.

  "Shut the fuck up bitch. You have no idea." I slump in my chair keeping my sunglasses firmly in place even though we are indoors. Hey, movie stars do it all the time, I’m just keeping it California real people.

  "So Kas, how did you get home last night?" Chloe inquires I’m sure already knowing. She just wants me to say it out loud.

  "Yeah, Marshall, how did you get home, cause I know it wasn't the limo, a cab or even Jason," Macy eggs on.

  Their eyes are imploring me to respond. Macy wiggles her eyebrows; Chloe has a huge ass grin on her face. I know they both know, but like always they want to torture me. I swear I think they live to torture me. I know they just love seeing me like this. I’m usually calm, cool and in control—always in control—but this, this Davis situation screams of anything but control, and they are loving every minute of it. I just know they are. It’s written all over their faces as a matter of fact, and at this very moment. Time to woman-up, so to speak.


  "Davis took me," I whisper, as I take a sip of my water acting as casual as possible, like it is no big deal.

  "What? We didn't exactly catch that," Macy harasses like only Macy can.

  I know if I don’t just come right out and say it nice and loud she is going to be relentless as Macy always is. "Fine if you really must know, which I know you do already, and if you really need me to say it, fine…Davis took me home."

  "Really?" they question in unison, like they don’t already know.

  They just want you to admit it and say it all out loud for the record.

  Don’t remind me.

  "Yes, really and you guys aren’t fooling anybody. I know you know Missy because I’m sure Davis told Jason and Jason told you. And I know you know, ballbuster, because Satellite Chloe can’t keep her big mouth shut. Anyway, nothing happened, except probably, I embarrassed the shit out of myself, if you must know. And I know you two must know."

  "Okay, okay. Jeez Kassidy, don't have a coronary. Just relax. Kas, we're just teasing. Damn," Macy says almost apologetically, but it is Macy and apology isn't in her vocabulary really.

  "I'm just sick and tired of everyone pushing him on me and now that's he's moved here; it's only going to get worse."

  "He told you?" asks Chloe a little surprised.

  "Yeah, this morning."

  Oh, shit here we go again.


  "This morning?" You better start talking bitch," they say at the same time again, except Chloe leaves out the word bitch. Were they rehearsing this before I arrived?

  "All right I will, but will you please back off and give me some slack when it comes to him?"

  "Fine," again in unison, but I so don’t believe them. Those two are meddlers, especially Chloe. She won’t be happy until everyone she knows is in a relationship and in love like she is. I’m surprised she hasn’t started planning mine and Davis’ss wedding yet. Macy just likes to bust my balls, so to speak.

  Don’t give her any ideas.

  "Well, appa
rently, I was totally obliterated last night and he helped me out. I got sick, he took care of me and stayed over because he was afraid something would happen or I would need something in the middle of the night. But I think he stayed mainly because he feared the wrath of Chloe if he didn't."

  "Damn right he should fear me," Chloe puffs up.

  "Don't we all," Macy says seriously.

  Hell, it is the truth; she can be totally scary when she needs to be. Pitbull on steroids.

  As we all sit there eating, making idle chit chat, I finally get up the courage to ask Chloe a few questions about Davis. "So, Chloe, um, um..." I am a little apprehensive.

  "Let me guess, you want the four one one on Davis."

  "Uh, Yeah." That was easier. Thank God Chloe is a mind reader from time to time.

  "What do you want to know?" she casually asks continuing to eat her salad.

  "I don't know um..." Shit what do I want to know? Do I really want to know anything?

  "Shit Marshall, Chloe, does Davis want to do the nasty with our little sweet virginal Kassidy?"

  "Fuck you Macy," I spew at her.

  "Well you're too chicken shit to ask."

  "That's one thing I don't want to know though."

  "Sure it isn't. You know you want to fuck him ‘til the mother fucking cows come home. And as far as I know the cows are far, far away from L.A.."

  She can be so crude.

  "Well, he hasn't come flat out and said it, although he has asked Jason a thing or two about you, but I get an overwhelming sense that he's extremely attracted to you. And don't act like you're not interested the slightest. I know you better than yourself, Kassidy Lillian Marshall." She wields her fork at me like she’s ready to spear me to make her point.

  Shit, it seems like everyone knows me better than I know myself, apparently. What is up with that?

  "Okay so um, is Davis a big time player? I noticed a lot of girls' numbers in his cell phone?" This is what I want to know. If they and my inner self are right, I’m about to get mixed up with a guy with a harem.


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