by Hill, Clint
Roosevelt, Theodore, 127
Rosenwald, Cynthia, 345
Rossides, Eugene, 388–91
Rostow, Walt, 260–61, 291, 311
Rowley, James J., 14–15, 19, 29, 31, 61, 74, 75, 84, 93, 100, 114, 168, 169, 222, 229, 289, 292, 316, 318, 371, 381, 387, 388, 397, 403–4, 407
Ruby, Jack, 170, 176–77
Ruckelshaus, William, 402, 407
Rundle, Paul, 16, 31, 32, 49, 119, 159, 391–92, 394, 403–4, 406, 412, 420, 422
Rundle, Peggy, 16, 49
Rusk, Dean, 95, 114, 207, 224, 300
Russell, Richard, 170–71
Safire, William, 345
Saigon, 269, 343
fall of, 419
sailing, 106–8
St. Lawrence Seaway, 15
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 292, 293
Salinger, Pierre, 100, 101, 135
San Antonio, 141, 144–45, 299
San Carlos de Bariloche, 62
Sanchez, Manolo, 366, 367
San Clemente, 353, 360, 370, 392, 405, 410, 414
Sanders, Carl, 278
Sangley Point Air Base, 241
San Jose, 369–70
San Juan, 111
Santiago, 62
Saragat, Giuseppe, 265, 266
Scharnhorst Ranch, 213–15
Schirra, Walter, Jr., 130
Schoel, Earl, 3, 5, 6
Scottish Black Watch, 164
Seattle, 343
Secret Service, U.S., 11–12
advance teams, 53–56, 99–100, 141, 222–23, 235, 236, 347
in Afghanistan, 300–32, 353–54
of Agnew, 319–23, 327–58, 367–68, 398, 406
in Argentina, 61–62
in Asia with Eisenhower, 71–76
in Australia, 234–40, 255–59, 355–56
in Brazil, 59–60
code names, 95
creation of, 11
of Eisenhower, 3–6, 9–84
female officers, 368–69, 381
of Ford, 409–10, 415–23, 425
in France, 42–45, 99–102
funeral of Kennedy, 161–65
in Greece, 41–42, 99–100, 102–4
Hill retires from, 420–23
in India, 32–39, 114–15
investigations office, 389–90
in Iran, 39–41
in Italy, 25–27, 118–19, 265–67
in Japan, 71–72, 419
of Johnson, 161, 179–80, 181–83
Johnson’s good-bye speech to, 316–18
of Kennedys, 85–180
Kennedy assassination in Dallas, 149–65, 170–78, 188, 189, 221, 225, 242, 247–49, 289, 292, 295, 315–16, 351, 359, 379, 381–82, 391, 426–30
at LBJ Ranch, 183–95, 212–19, 242–45, 247, 287, 298–302, 321–23
local support and, 54–55
in Mexico, 116–18, 224–28
midnight shifts, 26, 35–36, 39, 60
missions, 11–12
in Morocco, 47–49
1963 trip to Texas, 141–60
1968 Democratic National Convention, 303–6
of Nixon, 111–12, 290, 299, 329–33, 342–44, 361–414
in Pakistan, 29–30, 114–15, 264–65
in Philippines, 72–74, 241, 346, 349–51
protection of presidential candidates, 289–90, 292, 298–306, 318, 380–81, 386–95
protection of visiting heads of state, 377
PTSD of, 169–70, 359, 381–82, 409, 419–21, 427–29
reorganization of, 221–22, 360
in South America, 51, 58–63, 111–14
in Southeast Asia with Agnew, 346–57
in South Korea, 74–76
in South Vietnam, 240–42, 259–64, 343, 346, 347, 352–53
in Spain, 45–47
training and requirements, 13–16
in Turkey, 27–29
Wallace shooting and, 386–88
Warren Commission and, 170–74, 176–78, 221–22, 429
Watergate affair and, 393–94, 397, 401–3
wives, 49, 79, 183–84, 242–45
year after Kennedy assassination, 167–80
See also specific presidents, agents, and divisions; White House Detail
segregation, 129, 202, 386
Selassie, Haile, 164
Selma march, 203–6
Senate, U.S., 202, 333, 378. See also Congress, U.S.
Seoul, 74–76, 242
Eisenhower in, 74–76
Sequoia, USS, 131, 286–87, 405
Shaw, Mark, 128
Shaw, Maud, 93, 139
Sheraton Park Hotel, 329, 333
Shikler, Aaron, 376
Short, Larry, 31, 32, 60–61
Shoup, David, 127
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 105, 189, 249, 394
Shriver, Sargent, 394, 395
Shultz, George, 407
Simpson, John, 327, 358
Sinatra, Frank, 335
Singapore, 346, 355
Sirhan, Sirhan, 290
Sirica, John J., 401
Six Day War, 250
60 Minutes, 425, 430
Hill interview, 425–30
Smith, Jean Kennedy, 96, 169, 175, 249
Smith, Merriman, 147
Smith, Stephen, 96, 175
Sohmer, Art, 344
Sorensen, Ted, 276, 277
South Africa, 230
South Carolina, 203
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 207, 238, 342
Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC), 202, 203
South Korea, 71, 74–76, 113, 231, 242, 285, 419
Eisenhower in, 74–76
Soviet Exhibition of Science, Technology, and Culture, 15
Soviet Union, 1, 23, 31, 32, 43–45, 65–70, 71, 85, 170, 177, 419
Communism, 44, 71, 77, 85, 96, 103, 121–25, 134
Cuban missile crisis, 121–25
-Cuban relations, 77, 96–98, 103, 121–25
Eisenhower and, 43–44, 52, 65–70, 77
invasion of Czechoslovakia, 302
Johnson and, 250–55, 302
Kennedy and, 85, 102–3, 121–25, 129
Nixon and, 379
nuclear weapons, 1, 43, 52, 66, 69, 71, 77, 103, 121–25, 252, 254
space race, 129–30
U-2 spy incident, 65–70, 71, 77
space program, 129–30, 141, 247–48, 338–42, 349
Johnson and, 338–39
Kennedy and, 129–30, 141, 339–41
Nixon and, 339–42
Spain, 24, 45–47
Eisenhower in, 45–47
Spalding, Chuck, 107, 127, 128
Special Agent Manual, 4, 15
Specter, Arlen, 171–72
Spock, Benjamin, 388
Sputnik, 129
SS-100-X, 112, 118, 134, 142, 144, 145, 151–55, 198–99, 231, 233, 237, 238, 313, 331
SS-800-X, 331
Stafford, Tom, 349, 354
Stassen, Harold, 290
State Department, 36, 68, 347
State of the Union address, 51
of 1960, 51–53
of 1968, 269
Stephens, Thomas, 71, 72
Stevenson, Adlai, 78, 96
Stoughton, Cecil, 108, 158, 180
Stover, Ralph, 204
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) talks, 379
student demonstrations, 204–5, 345–46, 364–67
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 202, 203, 281
Sturgis, Frank, 393
Suharto, President, 343
Sulliman, Sam, 134, 327, 358, 406
Supreme Court, U.S., 413
Swindal, Jim, 143
Swiss Guard, 26
Sydney, 232, 237, 238–40
Sydney Opera House, 240
T. C. Williams High School, 410
Taipei, 74, 353
Taiwan, 71, 74, 346
Eisenhower in, 74
Taj Mahal, 36–37, 38
; Tampa, 142
Tan Son Nhut Air Base, 343, 352
taping system, 376, 402–3, 407, 413–14
Task Force Potomac, 378
Taylor, Bob, 319, 330, 367, 403–4
Taylor, Loretta, 243
Taylor, Mary, 243
Tegel Airport, 134
Tehran, 39–41
Eisenhower in, 39–41
television, 23–24, 122, 129, 288
Ford and, 417, 421
Johnson and, 203, 254–55, 275, 278, 282
Kennedys and, 122–23, 127, 159, 162–63, 165
Nixon and, 330, 341–42, 344, 346, 364, 384, 413
60 Minutes interview, 425–30
Tet Offensive, 269–70
Texas, 141–60
Kennedy assassination, 149–65, 170–78, 426–30
LBJ Ranch, 183–95, 212–19, 242–45, 247, 287, 298–302, 321–23
Texas School Book Depository, 153, 161, 176, 177, 178, 429
Thailand, 242, 259, 342–43, 346
Thieu, Nguyen Van, 222, 343, 352
Thomas, Albert, 146
Thompson, Fred, 402, 403
Thor space rocket, 58
Tippit, J. D., 161
Titan missile, 58
Tkach, Dr. Walter, 366
Tokyo, 71–72, 74
Eisenhower in, 71–72
Torrejón Air Base, 45
Toulon, 42
Trade Mart, 150–53
Trans World Airlines, 24–25
Travis Air Force Base, 256, 349
Treasury Department, 13, 221, 376
Trohan, Walter, 362
Truman, Bess, 398, 404–5
Truman, Harry S., 44, 163, 165, 222, 299, 397, 404
death of, 397–98
Truman Library, 404–5
Truman Protective Division (TPD), 360, 397, 404–5
Tunis, 42
Tunisia, 24, 42
Turkey, 24, 27–29, 66
Eisenhower in, 27–29
United Nations, 96, 254, 277
General Assembly, 250
Security Council, 123
United Press International (UPI), 147, 278
U.S. Naval Observatory, 410, 418
University of Texas sniper shooting, 230
Uruguay, 58, 62–63
Eisenhower in, 62–63
U-2 spy incident, 65–70, 71, 77
Valenti, Jack, 208–2, 217, 225, 226, 259–60, 400
Vance, Cyrus, 300
Vanderbilt, Jeanne, 315
Vanocur, Sander, 98
Vatican, 26, 27, 135, 258–61, 266, 333
Venezuela, 111–13
Kennedys in, 111–13
Nixon in, 111–12
Versailles, 102
Vice Presidential Protective Detail (VPPD), 319–23, 327–58, 360, 367–68, 398, 409–10, 418
for Agnew, 319–23, 327–58, 367–68, 398, 406
for Ford, 409–10
See also Secret Service; specific vice presidents and agents
Victura, 106–8
Vienna, 99, 102–3
Vietnam, 109, 129, 207, 222–24, 342
Agnew visits South Vietnam, 346, 347, 352–53
Johnson visits South Vietnam, 240–42, 259–64
Nixon visits South Vietnam, 343
Vietnam War, 181, 201, 207–12
antiwar demonstrations, see antiwar movement
casualties, 231, 269, 270, 271, 297, 352, 353, 419
end of, 400, 419
failure of, 419
Johnson and, 181, 194, 207–12, 222–24, 230–34, 240–42, 255–64, 269–75, 297, 299–300, 306, 310–11
My Lai Massacre, 275
Nixon and, 329, 342–47, 350–56, 364–70, 378, 395, 400
Paris peace talks, 299, 300, 310–11
Tet Offensive, 269–70
troop withdrawal, 395, 400
Voss, Bill, 334, 336, 420
voting age, lowering of, 378
Voting Rights Act (1965), 202, 205, 206, 285
Wahn Airport, 133
Waldorf-Astoria, 83
Walker, Edwin A., 176
Wallace, George, 129, 203, 205, 290, 299, 386
shooting of, 386–88
Wallace, Mike, 425–30
Walsh, Eileen, 372, 420
Walsh, Jack, 308
Walsh, John, 136
Walter Reed Army Hospital, 337
War on Poverty, 181, 209
Warren, Earl, 170, 329
Warren Commission, 170–74, 176–78, 221–22, 429, 430
Warren Report, 176–78
Washburn, North Dakota, 6–8, 184
Washington, D.C. riots (1971), 378–79
Washington National Cathedral, 280, 281, 338
Washington Post, 346, 384, 397
watch list, 54
Watergate affair, 393–94, 397, 401–3, 406–7, 413–14, 417
Watergate Committee, 401–3, 406–7, 413–14, 417
Watson, Marvin, 213, 214, 226, 233, 241, 302, 303, 305
Wellington, New Zealand, 232–34
Wells, Tommy, 119, 168
Western Governors’ Conference, 343
Westmoreland, William, 222, 241, 262–64, 270, 283–84
West Ranch, 193, 215
Wheeler, Earle, 194
Whitaker, Al, 82
White, Ed, 247
White House, 13–14, 80, 95, 115
Cabinet Room, 121, 122, 276–77, 309, 311
East Room, 161, 162, 171, 255, 415
East Wing, 162
Elvis visit, 372–73
Kennedy to Johnson transition, 168–80
layout, 17
Lincoln Bedroom, 211
Map Room, 115, 143, 160, 169
Northeast Gate, 163, 164, 418–19
Oval Office, see Oval Office
pool, 115–16
press corps, 9, 17, 72, 90, 147, 208–12, 225, 241, 278
Red Room, 329
Rose Garden, 130, 277
Situation Room, 123, 211, 270, 285, 311
Sunday services, 336–37
taping system, 376, 402–3, 407, 413–14
tours, 204–5
West Hall, 321
West Wing, 14, 17, 115, 205, 279, 282, 289, 309
Yellow Room, 209
White House Army Signal Agency (WHASA), 55, 100–101
White House Communications Agency (WHCA), 213–14, 251, 347, 384, 420
White House Detail, 11–12, 13–21, 49, 179
of Eisenhower, 3–6, 9–84
of Ford, 415–23, 425
Hill becomes SAIC of, 255, 280, 298
Hill transferred to, 16
of Johnson, 161, 179–80, 181–323
of Kennedys, 85–168, 178
of Nixon, 111–12, 290, 299, 329–44, 361–414
shifts, 17, 25, 35
training and requirements, 13–16
wives, 49, 79, 183–84, 242–45
See also Presidential Protective Division (PPD); Secret Service; specific presidents, agents, and divisions
White House Police, 361–62, 373
uniforms, 361–62
Williams, Gene, 201–2
Wilson, Harold, 344, 362
wives, Secret Service, 49, 79, 183–84, 242–45
Wong, Al, 394
Woodruff, Robert, 278
Woodward, Bob, 397
World War II, 1, 27, 45, 53, 75, 96, 224, 232, 416
yacht, presidential, 78, 106, 108, 131, 286–87, 405
Yongsan Golf Club, 75
Youngblood, Peggy, 243
Youngblood, Rufus, 169, 179, 185–86, 199, 201, 204, 222, 235–39, 259, 266, 285, 289, 292, 293, 303, 318–19, 330, 381
Zahir Shah, King Mohammed, 31–32
Zapruder, Abraham, 381
Zapruder film, 381
Zarvos, Nick, 386, 387
Ziegler, Ron, 300, 367
Zobril, Chuck, 142
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Front cover image courtesy of the author
Back cover images: President Dwight D. Eisenhower © Eisenhower Library/Jerry Taylor photo; President John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy and Secret Service agent Clint Hill © courtesy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, Special Collections, The Universty at Texas at Arlington Libraries, Arlington, Texas; President Richard M. Nixon © Associated Press; President Lyndon B. Johnson © courtesy of the author; President Gerald R. Ford © courtesy of Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
Author photo © Shaughn and John
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Hill, Clint, author. | McCubbin, Lisa, coauthor.
Title: Five presidents : my extraordinary journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford / Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin.
Description: New York : Gallery Books, 2016.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015050618| ISBN 9781476794136 | ISBN 9781476794174 (ebook) | ISBN 9781476794143 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Hill, Clint. | United States. Secret Service—Officials and employees—Biography. | Presidents—Protection—United States.
Classification: LCC HV7911.H454 A3 2016 | DDC 363.28/3092—dc23 LC record available at
ISBN 978-1-4767-9413-6
ISBN 978-1-4767-9417-4 (ebook)