Simply Bears: A Ten Book Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance Collection

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Simply Bears: A Ten Book Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance Collection Page 7

by Simply Shifters

  She turned on her side and realized she was naked but somehow the inside of the cave was warm. Someone had dragged a long carpet of moss and put it underneath her. She felt her elbow sink into is as she tried to sit up.

  “Go easy.” She heard a voice whisper from behind her, “you bumped your head.”

  In the dark she could make out the silhouette of a man, and she knew almost at once that it was Sam. She touched her forehead where a very thin shallow cut had already scabbed over, and it all came flooding back to her. The plane had suddenly run into trouble – Al had shouted at them to take cover and brace for impact. It was all a flurry of images and sensations after that. Then, a horrible crashing sound as they dragged across the ground, then the dashboard rising to meet her. Then, fear.

  “What… what happened?” She murmured.

  Sam moved closer, and she saw that he too was naked. He reached toward her and rubbed her cheek and she felt like crying. “You crashed and then you turned. The hunters with you… they thought, you were a Bear. I mean, a wild one. They tried to hunt you down.”

  She nodded. Slowly it was coming back, like dredging memories from the bottom of her subconscious, waterlogged images that floated toward the surface of vision. “I remember… running. I was afraid. Someone was chasing me,” she looked up suddenly at Sam and saw his eyes glint even in the darkness. “They were going to shoot me! But… you stopped them. You saved me.”

  He bent low and kissed her forehead gently. “Always.”

  She suddenly panicked and sat up straight, her back poised. “What about the hunters?! And Al??”

  “It’s okay,” Sam said, holding out his hands, “I scared them but that’s it. I saw them head back toward the crash site. And Al’s okay, too. The search and rescue team are on their way. They’ll all be okay.”

  She shook her head. “How… how did you find me?”

  Without a word he scooted forward on his knees and touched her bare shoulder. His touch was warm, familiar, and all the terror she had felt before suddenly dissolved like sugar in water, and she leaned against his broad chest. He smelled like the rest of the cave, damp and warm and safe. He held her, both arms wrapped around the curve of her back, for long moments. Outside the rain rose in a sustained shush, and she closed her eyes.

  “I’ll always find you,” she heard him whisper, and ran the broad side of his palm over her head soothingly.

  She let out a little purr of satisfaction, and pushed off his chest with both hands so she could look at his face again. The strong edge of his jaw stood out in the dim light, and she pulled herself closer to him, forcing him onto his back.

  “Do you love me?” she asked, holding the last vowel until it blended into the dark around them. He reached out and brushed a lock of hair over her ear.

  “Always,” he replied again.

  She bent and kissed him again passionately, drawing her mouth over his and he wrapped his hand behind her head and kissed back. Emily’s breasts brushed over the coarse hair of his chest and she felt a sliding pleasure move between them as she pressed her nipples into him and kissed harder.

  His hand moved down, over the small dimples of her back, and cupped her buttocks as she reached out and dug her fingernails into the whip-cords of his shoulders. Gently, at first, she began to rock on top of him until she felt him stiffen under her legs. His long penis thrust upward, flattening against the flesh of his pubis and she bucked her hips, rubbing herself against him. She let out another little moan. Sam exhaled erotically, feeling himself grow turgid against her. Emily started to move faster, arching her waist so that the head of his member ached against her clitoris.

  “Uhhh,” Sam murmured, “god you’re beautiful.”

  “You are too,” she gasped, her breathing suddenly rapid. “Fuck me.”

  He kissed her again, his arms tight around her shoulders and Emily reached down between their crotches, found him fully swollen and ready, and slowly guided his member upward. She stiffened slightly and her mouth opened as his penis prodded upward, sliding into her with a wet cluck, like a tongue pondering an afterthought.

  Same grit his teeth, trying to restrain his desire as Emily’s vagina relaxed slowly around him, and she pushed off his chest again until she was straddling him erect, her hands reaching behind to brace herself against his knees. In the dark she moved her hips slowly, both of them matching the each other’s movements. Sam reached up, both hands on her waist and guided her faster. She opened her mouth again, and her eyes had gone cloudy with a kind of sleepy eroticism.

  Sam smiled, the same dreamy look across his face, and moved his hands slowly up her waist, over the pendulum of her hips, and placed one palm flat against her navel. She put her own hand on top of his and cried out as he thrust upward, probing her even further, alive with some primitive urge to explore every part of her, to make it part of his own understanding of what it meant to love.

  “Harder,” she whispered, taking his hands and moving them to her round breasts, which swayed to the sound of the rain. “Harder, Sam…fuck me,” she half-whispered, closing her eyes.

  A low growl, like the kind he had uttered at the hunters, something that tore from his throat like a dark eroded instrument, overtook him. He gently pulled her down beside him and onto her side so that her round glistening buttocks, now shimmering with the dampness of the cave and their own mingling sweat, jutted sensually towards him.

  This time it was his turn, and he wrapped one arm across her chest, fondling her breasts as his other hand fixed his penis. Emily had always imagined that to be with another like her kind, a Bear, a creature so intimately belonging to the wilderness, that it would be rough, quick. But as Sam struggled against her, his mouth and tongue moving across the side of her neck, she had never known such gentleness.

  She opened her legs slightly as he spooned her and he reached down, found her already wet, the insides of her thighs moist with both their excretions, and moved into her again. She opened her legs wider and pushed her belly out, feeling the pressure mount on the inside of her vagina, the hood of her clitoris folding back and suddenly unbearable.

  Sam reached over and his hand settled over her hip, grappling for purchase as he moved into her again and again, her buttocks slapping against his crotch with each movement, and both of them nearing the apex at the same time. His other hand squeezed tightly on her breast and she reached behind her, sinking her fingers into his hair as she let out a little scream and covered her mouth with her other hand.

  “I’m coming,” she choked, shivers already moving up her abdomen.

  Sam replied by bucking into her reflexively, causing her to orgasm immediately, a fresh spasm racing up her body. Her legs tightened and relaxed as if she was being electrocuted. She shuddered into Sam who continued to hold her tightly. She felt him leaking out of her and her muscles turned to a liquid of their own as she folded into the embrace and her gasping abated.

  Sam leaned over and kissed her, and when he saw how she was smiling he wrinkled his eyebrows at her again, an expression she had learned well in their short time together. She reached up and brushed her thumb over his lips.

  “Thank you for saving me,” she said at last, turning over so she could face him. The moss under them lifted its deep earthy scent and covered them like a blanket. Outside the rain was dying down, only the lingering, dropping sound of rain stepping down the branches of old-growth. The cavern Sam had brought them too seemed to glow with their entwined bodies.

  “I guess this weekend really turned to shit, huh?” He said.

  She pressed her head against his chest again.

  “What will we tell people when we get back?”

  “About… us?” He said, misunderstanding the question.

  “I mean, about the plane wreck?”

  He shrugged. “I was out looking for you. I found you. That’s all there is to it. I think though, I’m going to take a little break from hunting tours.” he smiled, “and stick with renting cabins.”
  She sighed and leaned into him again. “I love you.” She whispered, closing her eyes.

  “I love you more.” He said.

  Outside the weather’s slog kept them company, and Emily reflected on how far she had come. She sincerely doubted that if she could meet herself in the past, it would be hard to recognize that person. It wasn’t just a result of finding friends like Lily, or a lover like Sam. It wasn’t even about finding people who could appreciate her for who she was – inside and out. She was a Bear, yes, but she was also a woman.

  For the first time in a long time – perhaps the first time ever – she had found something she’d been looking for, without ever realizing she’d been looking for it. A single word that rolled around in her mind like a ball of clay between two palms, even after she fell into a deep sleepless dream in Sam’s arms. It was a word she had never understood the depth of until this moment.

  The word was home.


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  About This Author:

  If you liked this and want to check out more books by her then we recommend reading “The Bears Arranged Mate”.

  You can see all her books on her Amazon Page here!




  A BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance


  About This Book

  Werebear Blake has no idea how he got there but being a shifter in the city makes it much easier for him to live a quiet life and keep his secret safe at the same time.

  However, when he catches the scent of the curvy Bree, he can not deny himself and his life changes forever.

  Before they know it, they find they are both being hunted by a face from the past and it appears that Blake and Bree may have more in common then they first realized.

  This mysterious stranger will stop at nothing until they are both dead. Which means the loved up couple face a race against time as they have to unravel secrets from the past in order to save each other....

  How will Blake and Bree cope when they discover the SHOCKING truth of what really goes on behind the scenes in New York City?


  The light of the sun was peaking around the skyscrapers when Blake stepped onto the street. He cracked his neck and then his knuckles. It had been two weeks since he had last allowed himself to transform into his other state and his skin was beginning to feel too small for him. Not that his last transformation had been purposeful.

  Blake had allowed himself to fall asleep while reading on a park bench. During his waking hours he practiced flawless self-discipline. Maintaining control was more difficult when he was asleep. In his sleep he had fallen from the bench and landed hard on his shoulder. The pain had sparked something primal within his soul and woke the beast. Shouts of terror aroused him from his mid-afternoon slumber.

  The NYPD and local wildlife officials had spent days searching for the escaped grizzly bear. While some would laugh it off, Blake had spent the entirety of his search laying low. He knew that if his secret leaked out, the government would send scientists to his door. The medical community wouldn’t rest until they knew exactly how a man could transform at will into the hide of another species.

  Careful to keep his long stride in check, Blake walked with the crowd that poured down the sidewalk. In the three years since waking up in a dumpster on the edge of Times Square, Blake blended in perfectly with the river of people that flowed around the city. There were times that he considered moving to the country, but New York was his city. It was his birthplace, or at least, his waking place.

  Before he woke up in that dumpster in the early hours of a cold winter morning, Blake had no memories. He didn’t think that he was born fully grown. It was an impossibility, but then so was a man transforming into a bear.

  His nose twitched as he followed the flow of people. Each scent was unique. He could smell the people around him, what they carried with them, the colony of feral felines that lived in an alley two blocks to the east, and even the lone stray dog rummaging through the trash three blocks to the north.

  A tall leggy blonde to his right smiled at him. He fixed her with a cold stoic gaze. She was attractive to the other male humans, but to Blake her scent was off. Humans always smelled weird. The blonde flipped her hair and winked at him. Blake arched a dark brown brow and looked down at her.

  “Don’t worry about him,” the woman next to the leggy blonde whispered. “He’s probably gay. You can’t tell these days, but he’s always walking this way. I’ve never seen him even glance at an attractive woman. Then again I’ve never seen him glance in the direction of a man either. Maybe he’s married.”

  Blake made a mental note to change his morning route to the market. It didn’t work in his favor to have other citizens recognizing him. Humans and bears should not interact. Blake had never experienced the want to attack another person while he was transformed, but when provoked bears were often unpredictable.

  He turned the corner at the next cross street. It would take him longer to reach the market, but give him more peace of mind. The river of people grew thicker until Blake could barely breathe. He had to get away. Why did humans insist on cramming themselves together in such tiny spaces? They must need less air, he decided.

  Blake quickly turned into an alley that he hoped would allow him to find an alternative route to the market. New York City’s markets made fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and meats available to shifters. His one bedroom apartment had a fully equipped kitchen, but the stove and microwave had been barely touched. Cooking food, in Blake’s opinion, destroyed its flavor and ruined the alluring aroma of its previous freshness.

  Blake took a deep breath smelling his way through the winding alley. It stank of human waste, trash, and pets that had been tossed aside. He passed a stray dog that perked its ears and snarled at him. His presence rarely disturbed cats, but dogs always knew. Their noses outed him as the imposter he was. Dogs were intelligent creatures. They never believed their eyes, preferring to rely on their sharp sense of smell.

  “Shut up,” Blake laughed. “I’m not in the mood to have dog for breakfast!”

  The dog snarled again and Blake took longer strides. It felt good to move quickly and allow his muscles to move more in line with their true potential. He turned off into another alley, leaving the snarling dog to return to his morning dumpster-diving.

  A breeze danced across Blake’s skin and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He opened his mouth and took in a deep breath. His body screamed to pursue the scent. Nothing had ever smelled so alluring. It was a decidedly female scent. A female bear on the streets of New York City? That was impossible.

  In the weeks after waking up that frigid winter morning, Blake scoured the streets searching for any other like himself. There were no others. The scent of the female was too strong to ignore. He shook his head and turned, intent on going back to his apartment. He’d just have to wait it out. The female would eventually move on.

  A breeze ruffled his hair and wafted the scent into his nostrils. Blake knew in that moment there would be no escaping the primal instincts of the wild beast that lived within him. Years of self -discipline had done little to prepare him for this possibility. He had to locate the female. There was no other option.

  Blake’s long strides weren’t quick enough for the beast. Soon he was running through the twisting, winding alleys. . If he was unlucky enough to be spotted by a human he prayed they would think him a fitness nut. His attire didn’t fit the bill, but he hoped the humans would forgive his fashion failure.

  His faded jeans hung at his waist and his black t-shirt clung to the contours of his muscular torso. A primal cry broke loose from his mouth as he ran. The growl echoed in the alley and sent cats running for cover. He was getti
ng closer to the female. The distance was almost covered. Blake stopped in his tracks. What the hell was he going to do when he found her?

  A breeze ruffled his thick brown hair and Blake’s feet began to move of their own accord. It didn’t matter what happened when he found her. His instincts were screaming for him to find her and that primal force could not be denied. Suddenly he spotted her across the street. It had to be her. It was undeniable.

  The object of his affection stood just over five foot eight and sported a lean muscular figure. She wasn’t a she-bear to be messed with. He ducked back into the alley and watched her from a distance. Her long black hair was pulled back into a high tight pony tail. When the light hit just right he could make out the shiny edge of a short blade hidden in her hair. The she-bear was definitely a fighter.

  Her jeans hugged her human form perfectly. Unlike many of the human females walking the streets of New York City, her t-shirt met her waistband perfectly and fell flawlessly over her body. Her feet were clad in practical running shoes. She probably hid a blade on at least one ankle as well.


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