Simply Bears: A Ten Book Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance Collection

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Simply Bears: A Ten Book Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance Collection Page 117

by Simply Shifters

  With another angry sort of growl, Grant released me and rolled out of bed. "I'll go see who the hell this is and what they want. You can accompany me, Adrian. No way to tell how long this little interruption may take, and no way one of us gets to enjoy the pleasure of sharing Lila's bed for a far longer length of time than the other."

  Grant began heading out of the bedroom, and Adrian followed, after a longing backward glance at me on the bed.

  I knew that by taking Adrian with him, Grant had just been wanting to keep things fair, even though his request did seem to maybe reveal some feelings of possession as well, which I actually kind of liked. Bringing Adrian with him might have been fair to him, it didn't feel quite fair to me. It didn't feel quite fair to me and my growing need for intimacy. Because now, instead of having at least one brother in my bed, I had zero. A fact that made me grit my teeth in irritation and frustration.

  I just hoped that whoever was knocking wasn't bringing word of some life-or-death situation. Because I knew if they were, Grant would inevitably be needed, probably Adrian, too, and who knew when they'd return. And I just couldn't suffer another night of not having both of them in my bed, especially now that I'd been a little worked up.

  But soon, after hearing a voice in the foyer that I recognized as Steven's, though I couldn't make out exactly what he was saying, it seemed that another night alone was to be my fate. After not even half a minute, I heard my front door shut, and then nothing. Silence. Grant and Adrian had left without even saying goodbye.

  I sat up in bed, more than a bit huffy, but worried at the same time, because I knew whatever situation Steven came knocking about surely had been a life-or-death one, and I hoped everything and everyone was okay. Just then, the alarm sirens went off, increasing my worry.

  I knew that Steven had been flying above the town in dragon form that evening, aiding the patrols and the guards in the towers by trying to spot wolves from the sky, though even with his increased vision abilities as a shifter, this was always a difficult task when it was dark. I wondered if a wolf had been able to slip past his sight and all the guards and had attacked someone in the city. I wondered if there was even another wolf in the yard, like there had been the other day.

  I didn't have to wonder for long. My phone went off, and it was Adrian, saying he was just about to shift and would have to make it quick. "A mile or so outside of town, a few of the northern wolves were able to stop an export truck coming back into town. The driver was able to call some of the guards before shifting to defend himself, and backup arrived to help him before the wolves could do much damage to him.

  “In the meantime, a few of the Stony Rapids wolves might have slipped into town while the couple of guards were away from their posts helping the driver. So, Grant, Samuel, Steven, and I need to lead some men in hunting them down right now before anyone's hurt. We'll come back to the house as soon as we can."

  "Okay. Be safe. I love you."

  "I love you, too."

  Adrian hung up, and I set my phone on the nightstand with a sigh. It was partly a sigh of relief that no one had been badly hurt or killed, but it was partly a sigh of frustration. Lord only knew how long it would take for Grant and Adrian to return to the house. Obviously, I wanted them to find the wolves and take them out before they could hurt anyone, but at the same time, I couldn't deny that my frustration was reaching critical mass. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through another night without satisfaction. I now had yet another reason to despise the wolves.

  Wanting to try to stay up as late as I could to wait for Grant and Adrian, just on the chance that they actually came home before midnight or so, I figured I'd better find something to occupy myself out of bed so that I wouldn't fall asleep. Not that I thought that would be possible right away, anyway, considering the nagging, frustrating ache low in my belly. I didn't think I'd even be able to ignore it enough to drift off.

  I ended up drawing a bubble bath and taking a book in with me, though after a while of trying to become engrossed in the book, I realized I'd read the same page probably three times without even really comprehending what I was reading.

  Sighing, I tossed the paperback over the side of the tub and sank lower in the bubbles. "Damned wolves."

  I closed my eyes and tried to relax, focusing on the hope that it was at least possible that Grant and Adrian could return before it got too late.

  Though soon, my thoughts strayed elsewhere. The frustrating ache low in my belly hadn't gone anywhere, and it seemed to make me move one of my hands to caress my slippery thighs without even really being fully aware of the action. I imagined Grant and Adrian's long-fingered, strong hands and how good it felt to have them run their hands all over my body.

  Soon the faintest of moans escaped my mouth as I almost unconsciously moved my hand to my feminine mound and began caressing it with a few fingers. The sensitive little bud between my feminine lips was now tingling and throbbing a bit, and after a short while, my fingers began probing my lips apart to gain access to it, seemingly of their own accord.

  Suddenly, I realized what I was doing and stopped. Something had jarred me out of my reverie, but I didn't even realize what it had been. At first, I thought it seemed like it was a noise, but after several moments of listening, I realized that it hadn't been a noise. It had actually been the absence of noise, specifically, alarm siren noise. The sirens had stopped, filling me with hope that maybe the wolf problem had already been resolved and Grant and Adrian would be home soon.

  But then again, I realized, sometimes in the interest of not keeping people awake, the alarm sirens were stopped after blaring for only a short time at night, even if the problem hadn't been resolved yet. But just the same, I decided to halt my wandering fingers and get out of the bath, just so I wouldn't be tempted to satisfy myself before

  Grant and Adrian arrived home. For one thing, satisfaction from my own hand couldn't even hold a candle to the satisfaction they gave me anyway, and for another thing, I decided I'd rather wait and take my chances that I might get real satisfaction, from them, later on. I wanted to be just as hungry for it as I was currently, so that the payoff from my patience would be that much more fulfilling.

  After getting out of the bath, drying off, and dressing in just a dark red satiny robe, I strolled out to the kitchen, stunned to realize that intimacy wasn't the only thing I was hungry for. I was also hungry for actual food again, even after dinner and two slices of pie.

  I made a sandwich and nibbled it leaning over the counter, wondering if I was just feeling some sort of false hunger simply because I was frustrated and a little bored waiting up for Grant and Adrian.

  Maybe I'd only thought I felt hunger because my mind was subconsciously seeking some sort of activity to pass the time. Halfway through the sandwich, I was sure this was it. The combination of cold chicken and lettuce between the two slices of bread suddenly disgusted me, and I tossed the half-eaten sandwich in the garbage, swallowing back a rising bitterness in the back of my throat.


  I knew I wasn't really hungry, and was in fact, probably still overstuffed from dessert, to have a sandwich combination I usually liked, disgust me like that. I resolved I was done with food for the night, no matter how bored I got. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and while I did so, the minty freshness of the toothpaste drove away all traces of the disgust and mild nausea I'd felt.

  Soon I was back in bed, trying to get back into my book again without much success. It wasn't long before I tossed it aside again and turned off the bedside table lamp, irritated. The frustrating dull ache low in my belly hadn't gone away, not even close.

  Now that I was in bed again, surrounded by Grant and Adrian's masculine scents on the blankets, the frustrating ache was even intensifying. I wanted them so badly. Being in the candlelit bedroom, frustration only increased, and I became determined to have them both that night, no matter how late I had to wait up.

  I'd wait up until dawn if that
's what it took. I was determined to have my satisfaction.

  I just hoped Grant and Adrian wouldn't be too tired for lovemaking by the time they got home, though as soon as I thought this, the idea almost made me laugh out loud. With their increased sexual appetites and stamina from being shifters, Grant and Adrian were never too tired for lovemaking. At least, they hadn't been yet.

  With my head resting on a tall stack of pillows, I closed my eyes, inhaling the sweet scent of the cinnamon-and-vanilla candles, as well as Grant and Adrian's scents from the blankets. I'd just let my mind drift, I figured. I'd just relax a bit. But I wouldn't go to sleep.

  Though soon, after maybe a few minutes, I did enter a state of maybe not really dozing, but at least very deep relaxation. I couldn't help but picture Grant and Adrian's handsome, strong-jawed faces in my mind. I couldn't help but picture their long, hard bodies, naked. Eventually, I couldn't help but picture their rock-hard rods, so similar in length and thickness, in great detail.

  And it was about that time that I untied the satiny belt of my dark red robe and fully opened the front of it, exposing my complete nakedness.

  With my eyes still closed, and in such a state of deep relaxation I was hardly even aware of doing the action, I moved a hand to one of my breasts and began circling the stiffened nipple with a single fingertip. The sensation made me sigh with pleasure, and I began caressing my other stiffened nipple at the same time as well. My thighs parted, and I became aware that my feminine parts had become slick again.

  My sensitive little bud was throbbing and tingling with need. Even in my dreamy, relaxed state, I knew I couldn't hold off not touching it much longer. My own touch would be a very poor replacement for the feel of Grant and Adrian making love to me. Grant had been right; I'd been deprived.

  I was at the point that I couldn't take it anymore. Though I still planned to wait up for them, I had to have at least a little relief in the meantime.

  I walked the fingers of one hand from my breast down to my thighs, continuing to picture Grant and Adrian's very large shafts. I caressed my thighs and feminine mound briefly before moving a finger to the spot that really needed attention. With a gasp, I immediately began stroking, unable to hold back any longer.

  A fantasy soon came into my mind, a fantasy that had crossed my mind before, though thus far, I hadn't shared it with Grant and Adrian. Not because I was extremely bashful about speaking up in regards what I wanted in the bedroom or anything; I definitely wasn't. It was more just that we'd been engaged with other lovemaking activities, and then I hadn't shared a bed with them in a few days.

  The fantasy that I was imagining right then was me on my back, legs spread, just how I was, and Grant and Adrian taking turns making love to me, one thrusting into my slickness while the other one watched, hungry, impatient, and panting with need.

  I imagined each of them only getting a turn of about a minute or so before it was the other one's turn. I imagined one brother practically shoving the other out of the way when it was his turn to make love to me again.

  While I imagined this fantasy in greater and greater detail, I began stroking my throbbing sensitive bud a little faster, unable to stop myself from moaning a bit. Which is possibly why I didn't even hear Grant and Adrian come in. At least, not until I heard them both speak, directly beside my bed.


  "Don't stop."

  With a little gasp, I opened my eyes and saw Grant and Adrian standing not more than two feet away from my bed, their own eyes wide.

  They'd both uttered the same words, telling me not to stop, at the exact same time. Which I might have found amusing if I wasn't thoroughly focused on other things, namely my growing desperation for release, and also namely, the bulges straining against the fronts of Grant and Adrian's jeans.

  Grant spoke again, his voice coming out barely louder than a husky whisper. "Please, Lila. I'm begging you not to stop."

  Adrian cleared his throat and spoke in a low croak. "Ditto that. Begging you, Lila. Please keep going."

  I could have hardly stopped if I'd wanted to. My fingers had stilled in their movement, but I now started stroking my most sensitive spot again, the pleasurable feeling intensifying just by me watching Grant and Adrian's wide eyes get a bit wider still. The bulges in their jeans also seemed to get a bit bigger.

  "Take your jeans off. Take all your clothes off. Both of you. Please."

  They both immediately did as I'd asked, and in record time, though all the while still watching me, only taking their gazes off me for the briefest of moments. Once they were both completely naked, standing beside me at the side of the bed with their thick shafts both so erect they pointed straight at the ceiling, I decided I couldn't wait any longer to make my fantasy a reality.

  "I want you both to make love to me...taking turns...maybe a minute or so each. And while one of you is making love to me, I want the other to watch."

  With his gaze slowly going from my femininity and the action of my fingers to my face, Grant responded first. "Anything. Whatever you want. Gladly. Please. Just let me soak in one more minute of this...this gorgeous, gorgeous scene."

  Since he'd been so agreeable to what I wanted, I guessed the least I could do was let him enjoy the "gorgeous, gorgeous scene" a minute or so longer. And so, while he and Adrian began stroking their long, rock-hard poles, both of them making quiet grunts and groans, I continued on with my self-pleasure, stifling a moan every so often. However, I knew I was nearing release, and I decided to scale back my efforts a little, because I wanted to experience what I was sure was going to be a very powerful climax with Grant or Adrian inside of me.

  So, after a pause to throw my satiny red robe off, I forced myself to drastically slow the movement of my fingers, periodically taking a break from direct stimulation to slide two fingers in and out of my slickness, which seemed to excite Grant and Adrian further still.

  After only the third time I did this action, Grant seemed unable to take it anymore.

  My bed had an ornate carved wooden headboard but no foot-board, which was awfully convenient for what I wanted to do, and for how Grant had in mind to do it. Moving to the foot of the bed, he took me by the legs and gently pulled me down to him, so that my rear was at the edge of the bed.

  Still standing, he then hiked my legs up on his hips, positioned the head of his manhood at my entrance, and slid into me with one long, powerful thrust. Moaning, I continued stroking my most sensitive spot, the sensation of being stroked and filled at once almost more than I could take.

  Grant began sliding himself in and out of my slickness, grunting, while Adrian looked on, stroking his shaft with his gaze intent on Grant and me. Very, very soon, he wasn't content just to watch. Just as I'd imagined in my fantasy, he all but shoved Grant out of the way, telling him his turn was up. Grant pulled himself out of me with what seemed like great reluctance, making an irritated-sounding growl, but he did step aside and let Adrian take his turn.

  While Adrian made love to me with exquisitely long, slow strokes, pulling out of me almost completely before sliding back into my depths again, I studied Grant's face and body while he stroked his long shaft a little to the side of Adrian and me. In the golden glow of the candles, Grant looked like some sort of chiseled, bronzed god, with the shadows caused by the dim light throwing the contours of his muscles into even sharper relief than usual.

  He studied Adrian and me just as intently as I was studying him, and very soon, he decided it was his turn again. To my growing excitement and pleasure, he all but pushed Adrian away from me, the same as Adrian had done to him.

  This taking-turns process was repeated several more times until I was panting with a building climax. Adrian moved closer to take a turn again, but Grant stuck a hand out and uttered a single word through clenched teeth, not even pausing in his thrusting.


  That did it. That display of his power and authority, combined with the feel of his thick, granite-hard shaft sliding in and out of m
y slickness, combined with a look of tortured desire on Adrian's face while he stroked his own shaft faster and faster. All these things together finally drove me over the edge, and I cried out, hips bucking, while Grant drove himself deeper and deeper inside of me. Driving my head back into the soft mattress with my eyes squeezed shut, I saw stars that got bigger and bigger until they seemed to burst into tiny shimmering pinpricks of light.

  A short while later, Adrian brought me to another climax while Grant lounged next to me, teasing my stiffened nipples with his fingers and tongue. After that, the three of us enjoyed further intimate activities still, until about one in the morning, when I began to doze off, having enjoyed a third powerful climax. Grant and Adrian both wrapped me in their arms, and I slept like the dead, completely satisfied, finally.

  The next morning, I awoke to an empty bed. This wasn't at all surprising, considering that I knew how busy Grant and Adrian were both going to be planning the attack on Stony Rapids over the next several days. It also wasn't at all surprising to wake up alone considering it was now eleven o' clock in the morning.

  I peered at the clock on the polished oak nightstand, sure I had to be reading it wrong. But I wasn't. It was really eleven. I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept in so late. I guess it had probably been the last time I'd been ill.


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