Three Way, the Novel

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Three Way, the Novel Page 16

by Olivia Hawthorne

  “Normal?” Dad exclaimed with a derisive snort.

  Their father joined in and I couldn’t stand it any longer, I leapt up from the chaise and faced all four parents.

  “Yes, normal!” I spat. “This is our normal. It might not work for you but that’s fine because it works perfectly fine for us. In fact it’s so fine for us that we’re having a baby. And guess what? We will never know which one of my loves is the father and we don’t care.”

  I looked at their faces as the news settled in.

  I was on fire though, I continued. “We care so little for your opinions that we’re going for dinner and a movie and the four of you can stay here and fight with each other or go away. Do what you want, but none of this fighting is good for the baby.”

  With that, I grabbed Ryker and Quinn’s hands and stormed out of our house, past the parents and away from the horrible tension that had been building in our lovely home.

  “Was that okay?” I asked breathlessly as we climbed into the car out front.

  Quinn told the driver where we were going for dinner and Ryker laughed out loud. He said, “That was more than okay, that was amazing.”

  “I knew you were a little spitfire, but I’ve never seen anything like that,” Quinn said with admiration. “You’re going to be a perfect mother.”

  “I wonder if they’ll be there when we get back,” I said quietly. I wanted them all to support us, but I wasn’t going to break our backs trying to win them over. They either accepted us or they didn’t, it really was that simple.

  We managed to have a wonderful night out in spite of everything that had happened.

  Our parents weren’t home when we got back of course, I knew they wouldn’t be and at that moment I mostly didn’t care where they were.

  I climbed into bed with my two men and wondered if they would ever accept us.


  It turned out I didn’t have to wait long. It was amazing what the idea of a baby would do to turn things around.

  The next morning just before noon we had visitors.

  My parent’s and Ryker and Quinn’s parents were at the front door with humble faces and bearing gifts.

  They walked in with huge bouquets of flowers and fresh buns from Seattle’s best bakery.

  “We thought we’d get you buns for the bun in the oven,” my mom said with a little smile.

  “I am so sorry we got off on such a bad foot,” their mom told me and took me in a big hug. “I’m Sophia, but you can call me mom if you want.”

  “And I’m Henry,” their dad said, holding his hand out for me to shake. “I can’t wait to meet our first grandbaby.”

  “Me too,” Dad said with a big grin.

  “So no more freaking out?” I asked suspiciously as I took the buns and handed the flowers to the housekeeper.

  “No more freaking out,” they all parroted back at me.

  “Good,” I said, “now let’s eat. This baby takes after both boys and seems to be hungry all the time.”

  And with that the tables were turned and the baby reeled the family in and stitched us all together.

  The promise of new life and the next generation was enough for even the most opposed parents to loosen up and lower their objections. They feared missing out on watching the new grandbaby grow, but perhaps they also saw how pure and authentic the love we all had for each other really was.

  I never would have chosen to be with two men if anyone had ever asked me, but at this point in my life I wouldn’t choose it any other way.

  Love was love, and when you were as lucky as me, you had it doubled.

  And nothing could be sweeter.


  Chapter One

  I sat on the little velvet stool and looked down at my massive stomach. I was huge and still a month away from having our little boy.

  A month!

  I didn’t think it could possibly go on that long, considering how big I already was. The last doctor’s visit I’d insisted I was having twins, but the ultrasound had shown us the same thing as always.

  One big bruiser of a boy.

  I rubbed my stomach and smiled to myself. This was everything I’d always wanted and I could hardly believe it was happening.

  “Are you almost ready?” Ryker asked as he stuck his head into the dressing room off the master bedroom.

  “You can’t rush perfection,” I grinned and leaned towards the mirror, at least as far as I could get. I swept a dark red lipstick across my lips and blotted them with a napkin. He laughed and left me alone again.

  I appraised my appearance and was mostly satisfied.

  I’d gained weight with this big baby, but the twins both loved how my curves had filled out.

  The one thing I didn’t like was how puffy my face appeared now. And tired. Man I was tired, the little guy kept me up all night doing backflips and dancing on my bladder. It might even be a bit of a relief to have him out of me and only dealing with night time feeding.

  I stood up and smoothed the front of my dress down. I didn’t look that bad actually.

  We were heading to Jake’s place for a dinner party. My former coworker and Seattle’s best bartender had finally moved in with somebody and we got to meet him. It felt nice to see my friend happy though, he’d been so supportive of me since day one and hadn’t even batted an eyelash when I’d confessed everything to him about the twins.

  Well, he might have been a little jealous but in a, ‘bitch I’m happy for you,” kind of way.

  I strolled into the master bedroom and found Ryker lounging on a chaise while Quinn was flat out on the bed on his back.

  “Oh come on, I wasn’t that long,” I laughed and lightly kicked Quinn’s shin.

  “Oh sorry, I was sleeping,” he said with a grin and opened his eyes. “Is it morning already?”

  “Dinner isn’t for,” I started to say and looked at my phone, “oh shit, we’ve only got fifteen minutes to get there. Come on you two, let’s go!”

  I heard them both chuckle and scramble to keep up with me as I swept through the room and down the stairs to the front entrance.

  “How are you still so fast even with a body like a beach ball?” Ryker asked with a crooked smile as he bent to open the Range Rover door for me.

  “Did you just tell a pregnant woman she has a body like a beach ball?” Quinn chortled. “Dude, you might as well just sleep on the couch tonight.”

  “It’s fine,” I sniffed and climbed up, barely able to get the seatbelt around my body. “I’ll get back at him when this little guy needs his diaper changed at five in the morning.”

  “I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” Ryker protested and hopped up behind me as Quinn drove. I knew he didn’t mean it unkindly, but I was having fun making him squirm.

  “Seriously, it’s fine,” I said and shot a cheeky look at Quinn who caught on and suppressed a laugh. “Just tell me you’ll do a month’s worth of middle of the night diaper changes and I’ll forgive you.”

  “Come on kitten, I’ll make it up to you,” Ryker said and rubbed my shoulders. “Any way you want.”

  “Fine, you can give me a massage later,” I replied.

  “I think you walked right into that one,” Quinn chuckled and navigated the busy city streets.

  “Maybe I wanted to,” Ryker said in a deep, sensual tone. His hands moved across my tense shoulders from the backseat and I moaned in pleasure. “I think it’s been too long since we’ve all had some time together.”

  It had been, the last couple weeks I’d been too uncomfortable to get down and dirty with my guys.

  Tonight might be different though, I felt a little loose and liquidy, happy and full of desire for the both of them.

  “We’ll see when we get home,” I replied and smiled, putting my hand on his on my shoulder.

  Quinn pulled up in front of Jake’s new building, found a parking spot and we made our way up.

  “Shit, did you remember the wine?” I asked and smiled when Ryker
dramatically held up the fancy little bag that was holding it.

  “Oh good, we can’t show up without a gift,” I said.

  “I would think just seeing you is gift enough,” Quinn replied and brushed my hair off my neck to kiss me.

  I shivered and laughed. “I doubt he’s as excited to see me as you guys would be.”

  “You mean because he’s gay?” Ryker asked. “I don’t think you have to be into women to appreciate a beauty like yours, you know.”

  The elevator stopped, the doors opened and Jake was waiting for us.

  “I heard that,” he laughed. “And you’re right, Ryker. I might love men, but even I can see what a hot little number our Margot is.” He stepped back, looked me up and down and added, “Even if it does look like she’s swallowed a beach ball.”

  “That’s what I said,” Ryker exclaimed, “and I’m getting stuck changing diapers in the middle of the night for it.”

  “I’ll babysit or something,” Jake chuckled, “but you have to admit, you’re gigantic.”

  “I know, I know,” I replied and stuck out my tongue at the both of them. “Now can I go meet Jordan or what? I’m dying to meet the man who made you give up all others.”

  “For now,” Jake smiled and headed down the hallway.

  Their apartment was amazing, it was nothing like Jake’s little hole in the wall bachelor pad. It was sleek and modern with white leather and chrome everywhere…and a view of the city that was breathtaking.

  Jordan was everything I’d hoped for Jake and even more. He was gorgeous –looked similar to my guys but I’d always known they were Jake’s type, – funny, a talented cook, a successful lawyer, and utterly in love with my friend.

  He also didn’t even blink when he realized that I was with two men at once. For that alone I loved him, his acceptance meant more to me than he’d ever know.

  It was a great night and I was so grateful to have such wonderful friends.

  Chapter Two

  “Now what did I call you earlier?” Ryker asked when we got home.

  Quinn chuckled and said, “I believe it was beach ball. For that she deserves a massage at least.”

  I stretched my arms up and the twins helped me slip out of my dress. The moment we’d gotten home they’d rushed me upstairs to the master bedroom and began to touch me all over.

  It was exactly what I needed, my body had become something else to me and their hands reminded me of how much I lived for their touch.

  “Let me help,” Quinn said and began to massage my front, my chest and breasts.

  My legs trembled and I let out a moan as I fell forward into his arms. Both of them embraced me and walked me slowly to the bed, holding me up and holding me gently.

  Ryker helped lower me onto my back and Quinn helped me wiggle up the mattress. I glanced down and all I could see was my beach ball stomach thrusting upwards. I became immediately bashful, shy about my swollen tummy so I squirmed and tried to move even further up the bed.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Quinn asked quietly and slipped in beside me.

  “You feeling shy, kitten?” Ryker asked, climbing in on the other side.

  “I feel awkward,” I told them and sighed heavily. “It’s weird trying to move around with this belly, but being on my back makes me feel a bit like a turtle.”

  “You’re not a turtle,” Ryker reassured me and kissed my hand. “You’re beautiful, sexy and look like some kind of fertility goddess. A hot one I’d like to fuck.”

  “Definitely nothing ungainly about you, Margot,” Quinn added and brought my hand up to his mouth to kiss it. “You’re bringing our child into the world, our little boy. There’s nothing ugly about that.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked, looking from one brother to the next. “Do you seriously still think I’m sexy?”

  “There is nothing that could happen that would dampen my desire for you, kitten,” Ryker growled.

  “Nothing in the world would change my heart,” Quinn agreed.

  I closed my eyes and sighed in contentment. Their love and acceptance washed over me, taking me to a place of bliss and joy. “Okay, I want you guys to make me feel sexy again, I want to feel desirable.”

  Wordlessly they began to touch me, glide their hands over my body and help break down the walls of discomfort that were keeping me from falling into the pool of desire I’d been missing.

  I began to heat up, I clawed at my bra and panties and they got the hint. They pulled them from my body and rose up to take their own clothes off.

  Soon the three of us were naked on the bed, all limbs and hot flesh and even hotter need.

  I felt smooth and flowing, our energies mixing until I couldn’t tell where they began and I ended or if we were all joined as one.

  It was more than what I needed, it was everything to me. They could take me from my most ungainly point, my most awkward point in my life and make me feel like a gorgeous goddess.

  I felt their hands moving down my body on either side, their motions bringing me into a sensual state of bliss.

  I almost felt like myself again. Like my body only belonged to me and my two hot, sexy men.

  They kissed and licked me, sucked my nipples and their hands met up at the apex of my thighs. I groaned and spread my legs, granting them access to my soaking wet pussy.

  No words were needed, I writhed and tilted myself towards them, taking their fingers inside of me, along my hot cleft where they played with me and brought me higher.

  “Oh kitten, you’re so fucking hot like this,” Ryker said in a low, harsh voice right next to my ear.

  “Fuck, Margot,” Quinn told me in a similar voice thick with desire, “you are crazy sexy.”

  It didn’t take long for me to reach a peak of joy and clench my quivering muscles around their fingers. I felt it wash over me and screamed their names, one and then the other over and over again.

  It was so surreal to be taken to such a height, it really had been too long and I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed it. How much I’d needed it.

  I felt my insides fluttering and closed my eyes again to enjoy the sensual aftershocks of my orgasm. Ryker and Quinn slowly slipped their fingers away from my molten center and slid them up my body. My skin was on fire under their touch, my heart was on fire with their love.

  I opened my eyes again and looked at the two of them, their eyes sparkled with passion and intense desire.

  “I am the luckiest woman alive,” I said with a smug, satisfied voice.

  They agreed, and we spent the rest of the night confirming it…over and over and over again.

  It was almost morning by the time we were satiated. I knew it might be a while that we had this kind of night together so I was grateful for the time we’d had.

  Once the baby came, I had a feeling we wouldn’t be getting too many nights together. As happy as I was about the pregnancy, I knew it would change our lives forever.

  Hopefully for the better.

  Chapter Three

  “Margot, we need to talk,” Ryker said one morning around three weeks before the baby was due.

  “Uh oh, those words never mean good news,” I said with a tremble in my stomach.

  “It’s not bad new, but I did want to run it past you,” he said.

  We were alone at the kitchen table enjoying a light brunch. Quinn had gone into the city for some work thing and wouldn’t be back until later.

  “Okay,” I said slowly and reached for another slice of melon. I couldn’t get enough of them, and pineapple and peaches…and so many other things. Although it would be more accurate to say it was the baby who wanted them.

  “I need to leave for a little while, just a week or so until the trial is over,” he said, leaning forward and taking my hand.


  “Protective custody, just while the head of the motorcycle club is on trial. I pissed off more than a few people taking these assholes down, and word on the street is that there might be a bou
nty on my head,” he replied quietly. “Listen, kitten, I know this is a lot to take in but it will be over before you know it. As long as they have my testimony then I can come home.”

  “Am I in danger? Is Quinn in danger?”

  “God, no. I would never allow that,” he reassured me. “The club is pissed at me, they don’t even know that I’m still with you. They might remember meeting you that one night but for all intents and purposes, you’re my brother’s wife. That’s all they need to know.”

  “I don’t like this, Ryker,” I said with a frown.

  “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,” he replied with a small smile. “I’ll be back before you even notice I’m gone.”

  “I doubt that,” I said sadly. I hated that he’d put himself in danger to bring down one of the most notorious gangs this side of the country, and I hated that he had to do the right thing even if it meant that he would be away from me for a short time.

  But I understood it and that was part of the reason I loved him. Ryker never had to go through Quantico, he never had to actually work on dangerous cases…but he did it because he had such a strong sense of right and wrong. It wasn’t about the money; it was about the justice.

  “I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he said and held my hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. “You name your price when I get back and I’ll do it.”

  “This could be interesting,” I said with a grin. I knew this would be as hard on him as it was on me and decided to not begrudge him his career. “I’ll figure out something and let you know when you’re back.”

  “Sounds good to me,” he replied. “And I’m sorry. If there were any other way…”

  “It’s fine, I promise,” I said and held my hand up. “You’ll be back before we know it and hopefully in plenty of time for the baby’s birth.”

  “I told them about the due date and they assured me I wouldn’t miss it,” he said with a confident smile. I knew he couldn’t say whether or not he’d be back, but he believed he would be. That’s all I had to go on, so that’s what I had to believe.


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