Pregnant By The Alpha: A Forbidden Romance

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Pregnant By The Alpha: A Forbidden Romance Page 4

by S. E. Law

  I fall silent, still holding his hand. I’m going to be living here with him for the next month, so what is he hiding? He keeps referring to himself as “not easy,” but what does that mean? I guess I’ll find out sooner or later.

  We turn back towards the house and our silence is comfortable. The sun lights up the island, and the beaches gleam with white sand. A breeze ruffles my hair, and I feel like the stress has dissolved from my bones. Again, it must be St. Brigid working its magic, in addition to the handsome man at my side.

  But what am I thinking? I have to stay on my toes. I still don’t know if he’s a secret axe murderer. But then Tom breaks the silence with a funny remark.

  “I’m going to make you some dinner,” he says. “There’s a recipe I’ve wanted to try for a while but I haven’t had anyone to feed it to.”

  “Well I am a captive audience,” I laugh.

  Tom laughs too and suddenly stops walking. He points out over the ocean.

  “Holy shit!” he says. “Dolphins! Over there! I’ve never seen this many. Sometimes one or two, yes, but never an entire pod.”

  I smile.

  “Those dolphins are the reason I’m here. I was swimming with them and ended up in the middle of the ocean before I came to my senses.”

  He grins again.

  “Remind me to send them a thank you card then.”

  Looking up at the gorgeous man, I find his beautiful blue eyes smiling down into mine. He’s going to kiss me, I think. I shouldn’t want him to but I do so badly.

  Tom hesitates for a moment, searching my face, his blue eyes questioning. This man is gentle and sensitive, so instead, I take the reins. I go up on my toes and kiss him softly. His lips are soft and he gives me time to pull away, but I don’t want to. The kiss shoots through me and when he deepens it, I moan and lean towards him. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me tightly against him. I feel the hard muscles of his chest and stomach pressing against my sensitive breasts, and nip gently on his lower lip. He takes a sharp breath before I feel his tongue opening my lips. Touching my tongue to his, I feel his hands move to my waist and then up to my tits. I gasp as pleasure pools between my legs.

  All of a sudden, a bird calls shrilly into the air behind us. We both jump apart, startled and gasping.

  Tom laughs and runs a hand through his hair.

  “Sorry,” he says, a little breathlessly.

  “Don’t be,” I say. “I wanted that.” He grins at me, those blue eyes almost glowing.

  “Me too. I’ve wanted to do that ever since you woke up. I just didn’t want to come off as a creepy old man who was going to pounce on you as soon as you were conscious.”

  I giggle.

  “You’re not creepy at all. I should feel that way but I want you. And I don’t care if it’s weird. This is vacation, right? Live and let live.”

  His blue eyes flash, and he groans and reaches for me again. I lean into him eagerly, and he kisses me, harder this time. His mouth is commanding and hands run the length of my body, from my arms, to my back, to my butt. He grips my ass tightly and pulls me against him and I can feel a stiff erection through his shorts. The non-vacation Brynn would pull away, but shamelessly, I grind against him, needing more while letting out breathy little pants. Tom breaks the kiss and pulls away, holding me at arm’s length.

  “We have to stop or I’m going to take you right here.”

  The idea doesn’t sound terrible but before I can say anything, he shakes his head.

  “No sweetheart, we have plenty of time. Come on let’s get back to the house. There, we’ll do it right, I promise.” With that, I slip my hand into his, trusting this strong, sensitive man. After all, I love it here on the island already, and can’t wait to see what comes next.



  When we get back to the house, Brynn decides she wants to take a shower. Trying to clear my head of images of the curvy girl naked, soapy, and wet, I let her go. I walk to the fridge and pull out a beer, taking a long gulp, but it hardly helps quell the ache in my pants. What’s wrong with me? I’m acting like a teenager in heat.

  “Jesus,” I mutter out loud. After all, I almost lost control on the beach. That’s never happened before. Yet I’ve just met this woman but I’m already more attracted to her than any woman I’ve ever dallied with.

  “Steady, old boy,” I warn myself. “Keep it on an even keel. Don’t freak her out by being a caveman.”

  Turning back to the fridge, I begin pulling out supplies for dinner. I find myself calming down while washing and then cutting vegetables. It’s a nice routine. I enjoy cooking but hardly ever get a moment to myself to do it and to be frank, there’s no one interested in eating my cooking either. The last few women barely ate, to be honest. They picked at their food like rabbits, which drove me crazy.

  I get it. They were actresses and the camera puts on ten pounds, so they had to maintain weight. But still, actually being with those women was trying. All they wanted to talk about was auditions, lines, scripts, and hopefully tapping into my connections and network. Thirty years as a movie star means that I know a lot of people in the industry, and the starlets I dated weren’t afraid of using me for what it was worth.

  Then again, acting is my passion. It gives my life meaning, and I’m very lucky to be successful. Most struggling actors barely get jobs, but instead, the best scripts consistently land on my lap. I guess it’s just that the fame is starting to drive me crazy after decades of the same thing. Talking with Brynn, who has no idea who I am, is refreshing. She doesn’t care about who I know or what I can do for her. She doesn’t care about parties, or being seen at the right places in LA. Instead, she’s getting to know the real me, and it makes me feel good.

  I pause a second. You’re lying to her, a little voice inside me says. You let her think you’re just a ho-hum caretaker, and not a global movie star. I shut it up, but my heart contracts. Am I being deceptive? It’s just for a little while, I tell myself. I’ll reveal my true profession when the time comes.

  “Tom,” Brynn’s voice says, startling me from behind.

  I turn around, almost dropping the knife I’m holding on my foot. She’s standing in the door of the guest bedroom in nothing but the small towel from the bathroom. She’s clutching the terry cloth tightly to her chest and looking a little embarrassed. Little does Brynn know, but desire and an emotion I can’t identify course through me at the sight of her curvy form. She looks incredibly sexy and absolutely delectable, dripping wet with nothing but a small towel to shield her assets.

  “I need to borrow more clothes. Sorry,” she says, blushing a little.

  I shake my head to wake myself up.

  “Oh, sure thing.”

  I walk past her, my hands itching to touch her soft skin again but I manage to keep myself in check. I grab another t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants out of the drawers. This time, the t-shirt is even more ridiculous than before. Instead of Snoopy, it’s SpongeBob Squarepants doing a dance on the front.

  “Thanks,” she says, smiling up at me. “You like SpongeBob? I wouldn’t have guessed.”

  “My nephew gave it to me,” I say by way of explanation. “He’s four, and SpongeBob is his hero.”

  Her big brown eyes are shining with gentle mirth, and I can’t help myself. Feeling almost desperate for her, I lean down and kiss the corner of her soft lips. I can hear her intake of breath and my body screams at me to keep going but I pull back. I hover over her lips for a second watching her eyelashes flutter open.

  “Are you hungry?” I whisper.

  She laughs and nods.

  “Then let me cook, woman.”

  She giggles. “I’m not stopping you.”

  I throw her a look. “Well, not on purpose. But you can’t walk around nude and not expect me to be distracted.”

  She giggles again, and I force myself to turn my back so she can get dressed. Walking back to the kitchen, I take a deep breath. Holy shit, this is dangerous. Even more
, chopping vegetables with no blood flow to the brain is downright risky. But I get myself in hand, and after about ten minutes, delicious smells are wafting from the simmering pot on the stove.

  “Tom, that smells amazing,” Brynn hums, coming up beside me.

  I smile down at her, happy that she’s close.

  “Thanks, I wanted to make you something hearty.”

  She looks down at the stew with its browned chunks of beef, orange carrots and substantial chunks of potatoes.

  “Total success then.”

  As she says that, I hear her stomach growl and she blushes.

  “Sorry. I guess I’m just a hungry girl.”

  She is too cute. I lean over and kiss her.

  “Don’t apologize. You were in the open ocean a day ago and you need the calories. Swimming against waves takes a lot of energy.”

  Brynn looks startled.

  “It was only a day ago. I can’t believe it. You were going to let me use the radio remember?”

  My stomach drops.

  “Oh yeah,” I say stirring the stew. “Let’s do that after dinner.”

  She smiles happily.

  “Great,” Brynn says. “Otherwise, they really are going to call out the search parties, if they haven’t already. By the way, can I have one of those?” she asks, pointing to my beer.

  “Sure, they’re in the fridge. Help yourself sweetheart.”

  As I grab a couple of bowls out of the cabinet, I hear her whistle as she pulls out a small glass jar of jam.

  “I’ve only seen this fig preserve in Paris, in a boutique window. It costs more than my monthly rent. The owner of this place lets you eat his provisions?”

  I try to play it off, but admittedly, it’s becoming tricky.

  “Yeah sometimes. I mean, he’s never around so some of this stuff would go bad, especially if it’s already opened. But yeah, he gives me free rein and never says anything.”

  Brynn delicately places the jam back in the fridge and pulls out a beer.

  “Expensive jam, cheap beer. Whoever this guy is, he’s fascinating.”

  I feel a spurt of jealousy in my chest. Oh shit. What a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.

  “Yeah, he’s a cool guy,” I say noncommittally. “He’s pretty easygoing,” I add before sitting her down at the table.

  Brynn curls into the seat like a cat, bringing her tan legs up and cuddling her beer. Her eyes sparkle.

  “What about you?” she asks watching me.

  “What about me?”

  “Are you a cool guy?”

  I smile at her. “What do you think?”

  She pretend thinks for a moment. “I think you are. It’s weird. We’ve been talking all day but I still feel like I don’t know anything about you. Have you been telling me everything but really nothing? Some people are good at that.”

  My heart jumps and my pulse races. Brynn has no idea.

  “Eat,” I growl, turning so I don’t have to meet her eyes. There are a lot of things happening in my brain and it’s getting hard to concentrate on any single item. I’m so turned on by Brynn, but I also need to keep my head on straight. I like that she doesn’t know who I really am, nor do I want to reveal that I’m Tom Masters, A-list movie star. Instead, I try to speak lightly.

  “There’s not a whole to know. I’m a pretty simple guy when it comes down to it,” I mumble while taking a few bites of stew.

  Brynn smiles sunnily.

  “I don’t know, but something tells me there’s more to you than you’re letting on. I don’t know what it is yet but I’ll figure it out.”

  “Well, what about you?” I ask, trying to change the conversation.

  She looks up from her stew, startled.


  “Yes, I mean all I know about you is that you’re a photographer, a glutton for punishment, and apparently a really good swimmer.”

  Smiling, Brynn sits back sipping her beer.

  “There’s not a whole lot to tell to be honest. My parents live in Florida, which is where I keep an apartment for when I’m not traveling. I was on vacation for the first time in two years, but you see how that’s turned out. I love my job and my family. The end.”

  I go along with her, grateful for the change in subject, but also genuinely curious.

  “But you’re brave. Where did that come from?” She gives me a look and I laugh. “I’m serious. Any other person, myself included, would have lost their mind in your situation. Not only did you navigate your way here from the middle of the ocean but when you’re told you’re trapped on an island with a strange man, with no phone and no way off, you just shrug and go along with it.”

  Smiling at me over her beer, Brynn says, “I guess I’m cool under pressure. Hanging out with wild animals will do that to you because they can sense if you’re nervous or upset. I guess it also helps that I’m more turned on by you than afraid of you,” she teases.

  Oh shit, she’s directing the conversation back into dangerous territory. Our eyes meet and I feel blood surge into my cock as my heart starts to beat in my ears. I exhale sharply through my nose and take a sip of beer, trying to calm myself.

  “Stop that,” I tell her. “I’m trying to get to know you.”

  She stands up, putting her beer bottle down next to mine.

  “You know enough about me,” she says lightly. “People make love knowing a lot less.”

  I can’t seem to catch my breath as Brynn stands in front of me. I quickly push back my chair to give her more room, and she takes the invitation to straddle me. I groan, feeling her soft weight on my lap.

  “Brynn,” I say in a strangled tone.

  Staring into my eyes the whole time, she pulls her t-shirt over her head, revealing large, perfect breasts and a tiny waist. My brain explodes and I can’t help it. My self-control is gone at this point, and I reach for her, running my hands over the soft swell of her stomach and hips. Moaning slightly, she arches under my touch, bringing her tits closer to my mouth and her hips flush to mine. I feel myself harden even more while taking a nipple in my mouth, pulling her tip in deep. Brynn gasps, running her fingers in my hair, gripping it while keeping my mouth on her. Then she begins to grind against my erection, trying to satiate herself, all the while driving me beyond my control. I have to feel her naked against me, I have to be inside her, and nothing else matters. The rational part of my brain tries to hold me in check, telling me it’s way too soon. After all, I’m in the middle of a lie and I don’t have protection. Goddamn this stupid island and its lack of supplies.

  I pull my tongue away from her breast, barely able to breathe. But then she looks up at me, those chocolate eyes glazed as her breasts heave.

  “Tom, please,” she whispers, moving against me. “I need you.”

  I groan, and at the sound of my name leaving her lips, my mind shuts down and my body takes over. I wrap my hand in her curls and pull her down, kissing her hard. I move my other hand from her nipple to the hot center between her open legs.

  “Oh God, Brynn,” I growl. “You’re so wet.”

  At the touch of my hand, she gasps and surges forward, taking my fingers deep inside her. I stand up, pushing bowls and bottles to the floor. I grab her soft, lush ass and lift her up on the table. Brynn fumbles with the string on my shorts while I rip her sweats down to her ankles. I keep reaching inside with my fingers, stroking her wetness while driving her senseless.

  “Ohhh!” she moans, leaning back. “Tom!”

  Like a desperate man, I take her breast in my mouth, sucking hard. Then I feel her soft hand on my cock. Shock waves go through my dick, and I jerk violently as pleasure threatens to overwhelm me. Then, before I can say anything, Brynn pushes my hand away and puts my tip right at her hot opening.

  I have just enough control left to look at the beautiful woman to make sure this is what she wants. Her eyes are closed and she’s biting down on her bottom lip. At my hesitation, she opens her eyes.

sweetheart,” I whisper. “Are you sure…?”

  “God yes,” she moans. “Hurry. Please.”

  That’s all I need to hear. I push into her slowly, closing my eyes at the sheer pleasure that flows through my veins. She’s tight and wet and perfect. She throws her head back, moaning as I slide deeper inside her. The curvy girl claws at my hips and gyrates against me, whispering, “Faster.”

  “Hold on,” I gasp. “Wait.”

  But there’s no waiting.

  “No Tom,” she whispers. “Harder. Now.”

  “Oh God,” I growl and bury myself to the hilt.

  The lush woman gasps as I start to thrust into her. Each stroke is pure heaven, and Brynn is saying my name over and over, urging me on. I can feel her start to orgasm around me, clamping tight while bringing on my own release

  “Oh Tom, now!” she pants deliriously. “Now, now!”

  I groan as I feel myself finishing inside her. She ripples around me, drawing my seed deep, and my vision goes black because all I can feel is Brynn. She’s perfect and as we moan our delight together, I know in my heart that things just got really serious.



  * * *

  Tom and I make love several more times after dinner. He’s insatiable but then again, so am I. I want him so much, and I’ve never felt this way before. It’s not just the way he knows exactly what I need, but also the way he talks to me and makes me laugh. The way he runs his hands over my body and tells me how beautiful I am. He makes me feel complete, and like I deserve happiness.

  I know this is totally bonkers because we just met. Again, he could have an extensive criminal record, and I wouldn’t know. But something in me tells me that it’s not true. Sure, Tom can be domineering, especially when he’s throwing me around on the mattress, but he’s also a softie too. Only a man with a sensitive side would cook up omelets and watch with satisfaction as I wolfed them down like a hungry hippo.

  Now, I watch him sleep, still blown away by how sexy he is. I run my hand over his chest, feeling the muscle there and smiling as his skin erupts into goose bumps at my touch. Contentment runs through my veins, and I sigh before closing my eyes. Then I hear it. What is that?


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