Pregnant By The Alpha: A Forbidden Romance

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Pregnant By The Alpha: A Forbidden Romance Page 9

by S. E. Law

  “Holy shit,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair. He’s breathing hard, and somehow, his entire tuxedo looks mussed now.

  I laugh.

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Masters. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Enjoyed it? Honey, you blow me away each and every single time we make love. I’d throw you over my lap right now and give that pussy a good once over, but shit, we’re almost at the theater.”

  I giggle and he chuckles while pulling me into his arms. I settle comfortably against his huge chest, resting my head on his shoulder while enjoying the closeness.

  “I can’t wait to marry you,” he murmurs into my ear. I giggle.

  “My mother is going to be so happy.”

  I can feel his chest vibrating with laughter.

  “Ana may have been dropping hints that she wanted me to propose for a while. I can confirm that it was on her mind.”

  I cover my eyes with my hand.


  “Don’t be. She was right because you deserve to be married. Whether or not I deserve to have you as my wife is still up for debate, but I’m going to do my best to make you happy Brynn, I promise you that.”

  I look up into his face and his blue gaze meets mine, his determination taking my breath away.

  “I know. I promise to try and be the best wife to you I can too.”

  He smiles and kisses me gently. Then, we hear the partition slide down and Mike announces cheerily, “We’re here, folks.”

  I sigh and sit up, checking my hair and make-up in my compact. All things considered, I look remarkably pulled together still. But then, I look over at Tom and smile.

  “You have sex hair,” I say, laughing. “The strands are flying in every direction. But it looks good actually. You’re rakishly handsome.”

  He merely grins.

  “Let them think we were having sex in the limo because we were, and I enjoyed every second of it. Let the paparazzi have something to speculate about. But are you ready, honey? Are you ready to face the media frenzy?” he asks. Ever since my accident Tom is always protective whenever we see the paparazzi around, and my heart contracts knowing how much he cares about me.

  “I’m ready,” I say and kiss him on the corner of his mouth. “Let’s do this.”

  Mike gets out of the driver’s seat and walks around to our side of the car before opening the door. Tom slides over and gets out first, giving a practiced wave to the cameras. Then he reaches inside for me, and I take his hand as he helps me out of the vehicle. The cameras are flashing and there are people everywhere. I should be nervous, but instead, all I see is Tom and his smile. He pulls me to him and with an arm around my waist, walks me down the red carpet to the big golden doors of the theater. Meanwhile, the press continues to scream.

  “Ms. Hale, who are you wearing?”

  “Tom! Tom, how do you think your new movie is going to do?”

  “Where’s baby Hayden this evening?”

  “Ms. Hale! Is that an engagement ring?”

  After the last question, the reporters zero in on my new piece of jewelry and begin firing questions at double speed. But Tom looks down at me and smiles, hugging my curvy form to his side. Suddenly, I feel elated that everyone is going to know that this is the man I’m going to be spending the rest of my life with.

  Feeling inspired, I turn to the closest reporter and hold up my hand, where my engagement ring sparkles in the light of the cameras.

  “Tom and I are getting married,” I announce, my happiness making me giggle. “In fact, feel free to tell the world.”

  The press buzzes with questions, but I don’t hear them as Tom leans down and whispers in my ear.

  “Are you ready, Mrs. Masters?”

  I merely smile at my handsome man, overflowing with happiness.

  “I’m ready for anything with you,” I say, looking up into his eyes. With that, we walk together down the red carpet and towards the rest of our lives.

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  More from S.E. Law

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  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

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  Even worse, I decided to fall in love with both of my mom’s ex-husbands. It’s filthy, but I still like calling them “Daddy.” About My Daddies is available here.

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  I fell hard for my fiancé’s gorgeous father. Taboo? Absolutely. But our chemistry is off the charts in My Fiancé’s Dad, available here.

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  The two cherry farmers are plucking Courtney’s cherry this season in Her Juicy Cherry, available here.

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  My prom night was a disaster when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. But the older man made it all better in Forbidden Fruit, available here.

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  Getting pregnant? A big deal. Getting pregnant by your handsome, hands-on personal physician? An even bigger deal. And don’t forget, he has a business partner who loves being in on the action as well. Playing with Her Doctors is available here.

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  After I blackmailed my dad’s best friend, the alpha male swore revenge. But what we didn’t expect was the attraction between us … and now we’re having a baby. Pick up Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend here.

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  My dad’s boss caught me in a naughty position, and now he says that I have to let him enjoy my curves. Sound delightful? Then you’ll love Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss, available here.

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  Sneak Peek: Pregnant By The Doctor


  Olivia’s a gorgeous girl and she’s in the ER for some medical help from the hunky doctor on shift.

  She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

  Besides the dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep and a red-tipped nose, Olivia Castor is absolutely flawless. Her chocolate brown hair is pulled into a bun at the top of her head, stray spiral curls framing her heart-shaped face. The purple scrunchie in her hair is stretched to the max, showcasing just how thick and wild her hair is. Her deep brown eyes are round and wide, yet innocent too as she skims my muscular physique with her gaze.

  I smirk as I take her in. My eyes devour her figure, memorizing each tiny detail of the lush woman. I shouldn’t be doing this, but hell, this has been a godawful shift, and I need a bit of relief.

  I let myself look, and her curves are irresistible and delicious. She’s wearing pajama shorts that ride up her thick thighs and a white tank top that’s nearly transparent. Her massive, silky breasts practically spill out of a nude bra and her waist is slender, her hips wide and full.

  I pull myself away from her sexy body and drag my eyes up back to her face, slightly shaking my head to get the dirty images of her out of my head.

  “Hi Dr. Monroe,” she murmurs in a low voice. She clears her throat before speaking again. “I’m Olivia.”

  I grab the rolling stool near the sink in the corner of the room and sit on it in front of her, averting my gaze from those perky breasts. It’s almost impossible because I’m eye-level with those luscious ta-tas.

  You’re at work, I think to myself. Keep it together.

  When she straightens and squares her shoulders, those big breasts nearly poke me in the eye. The room is that small, and her boobs are that big.

  I don’t think self-control is going to work this time because she’s utterly irresistible, but I have to try.

  “What seems to be the problem, Miss Castor?” I ask, my gaze quickly flitting to her chest again as the question leaves my mouth. Goddamn, I have to stop this.

  She licks
her full lips and the sight of her tongue makes me think more dirty thoughts, as in what it would be like to feel that tongue everywhere on my body. My masculinity begins to respond to her sexiness, and in a futile effort, I move my clipboard directly over my crotch and stare blankly at her chart as she tells me what’s wrong with her.

  “I think I may have the coronavirus.”

  I can see she stated that to the nurses at the front desk in her chart on my lap, but I nod and turn my gaze to her while trying to appear professional. With this hard-on, it’s pretty damn fucking difficult. “Why do you think you have the coronavirus?”

  She sighs and fiddles with her fingers, tapping them on her leg rhythmically. “Well, to be honest with you, I don’t think I have the virus. But everyone else in my life thinks I do.”

  I nod. Everyone has been extremely paranoid in Camdale, but the virus has yet to infiltrate our private community in rural Maine. “What are your symptoms?”

  “Sneezing, a headache, and I have a bit of a fever,” she reveals while biting her pink lips. She’s not looking at me. Instead, she looks at the door, the floor, and even the walls.

  I make her nervous, I think to myself. I grin at the realization, my heart hammering with lust and curiosity even as my brain tries to keep me on an even keel.

  “I think you were smart to come in, but if you haven’t traveled outside of Camdale in the past few days or had contact with anyone outside of Camdale, then it’s unlikely you have coronavirus.”

  She nods in understanding, fiddling with the mask on her face. “I understand, but everyone says I should get tested anyways. By the way, I thought the ER would be packed since we’re in the middle of a pandemic?”

  I smile.

  “Ironically, we haven’t been busy the last few weeks. There were a couple of busy days with patients coming in with non-virus related symptoms, but other than that, it’s pretty slow.”

  She looks at me shyly.

  “But there haven’t been any cases in Camdale, right?”

  I shake my head.

  “Even if there were some cases in Camdale, I doubt that it would be widespread. Camdale is very rural, so the rate of transmission is lower for us than more urban cities. It’s pretty safe here.”

  She nods with agreement.

  “Trust me, I know I don’t have the virus,” she says. “It’s everyone else that’s the problem.”

  “You know you don’t have the virus, but you still came to the emergency room?” I ask with a knowing smile.

  “Yeah,” she sighs, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m doing this so everyone will stop staring at me like a dragon with three heads everytime I sneeze. It would make other people feel better and safer if my test comes back negative.”

  I nod.

  “That’s incredibly caring of you.”

  She snorts a bit, which I find adorable.

  “Caring is the least of it. It’s more because I don’t want to become the office pariah. And oh, my mom won’t stop calling unless I get tested.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. Clearly, not only is this woman utterly gorgeous, but she’s intelligent with a sense of humor too.

  “I’m going to check your temperature,” I stay, standing from my stool and going to the cabinet above the sink to retrieve the thermometer. Tool in hand, I stand before Olivia’s knees and press the object against her head.

  Unfortunately, the proximity is too much. I can’t help but be aware of those huge, heaving breasts and her tiny waist. A tendril of her hair escapes her ponytail and falls gently against my wrist. The silken caress is my undoing. I stare at Olivia’s plump, full lips and imagine them kissing every part of my body with ravenous intent. What would that feel like? I lick my lips hungrily and her eyes flicker to my mouth, her eyes flaring as she senses my hunger.

  But then, the damn thermometer jolts us out of our passionate trance with its insistent beeping. Shit. I look at the numbers on the object. 98.8. No fever.

  “You’re normal,” I say, willing my voice to remain steady. I seize the moment to return to safety by the sink. There’s disappointment in her eyes, but I can’t hit on a patient while I’m literally taking her temperature. “Whatever fever you had is gone now.”

  She nods her head. “That’s good, right? That means I definitely don’t have the virus.”

  I shrug and sit back in the stool, willing my heart to stop pounding. “Well, not everyone will develop a fever. This virus is still a mystery to professionals in the medical field. Have you been coughing or having trouble breathing? Chest pain?”

  Olivia shakes her head no.

  “That’s good, but I still want to do a more extensive check on you, if that’s okay?”

  My comment is meant to be a little suggestive and she picks up on it, her eyebrows lifting a bit with my sudden boldness. To be honest, I don’t know where my aggression came from either. I’m usually reserved and conservative when it comes to female patients, but Olivia makes me lose all sense of reality. I’m filled with a need that can’t be ignored.

  “Sure, no problem doctor,” she coos. “I’m at your disposal.”

  I say something incoherent. Shit, I’m a mess, but I have to try and act professional. Attempting to control my trembling hands, I whip out my stethoscope. As I approach, I stop just before Olivia’s knees and the luscious woman spreads them apart invitingly. Her lashes tremble as I step closer, her legs pressed against my hip bones. I’m so close to that curvy body that I’m shaking now. But I have to do this.

  I unwrap my stethoscope from around my neck and insert the ear tips into my ears, holding the chest piece between my fingers. “This might be a little cold,” I warn.

  She nods her head, licking her plump lips in anticipation. With one hand, I grasp her upper arm lightly, and she shivers slightly, goosebumps traveling down the length of her arms in response to my touch. I rub a thumb against her silky skin, my eyes meeting hers briefly before focusing on her chest. Then, I press the metal object to the center of her chest, her meaty breasts tempting me.

  She bites her lip in response to the bitter cold and shudders. As I stare at that juicy bottom lip caught between her pearly teeth, I forget about what I’m doing, where I am, and who I am. I lose all sense of my morals and every shred of common sense is stripped away. For a moment, it’s just me and Olivia.

  I unravel.

  I give in.

  I drop the stethoscope and cup her face with my hands, bringing her chin to me tenderly. She pushes her ass to the edge of the exam table and her entire body is pressed against mine, her curves begging for it. My member presses against her core and she gasps in response, her eyes widening in delight and surprise. I move my hands from her face down to her hips and grip them tightly, yanking her against me with a ferocious need. My heart races in my chest as her hands slide to the sides of my face and she pulls me down for a kiss.

  When my lips touch hers, my entire world implodes. Her soft lips press against mine with intensity, her hands traveling to my hair as her mouth opens sweetly. Her lips taste plush and fresh, the faint scent of spearmint drifting to my nostrils as I touch my tongue to her own. Her legs wrap around my waist and she pulls me closer in response, earning a small groan from my mouth as my tongue tangles with hers.

  Suddenly, the intercom blares again.

  “Doctor Monroe, please dial 211. Doctor Monroe, 211.”

  What the hell? We jolt apart, coming to the realization of what we had been doing. Two red spots blossom on her cheeks, her lips a vibrant pink from our kiss, and we’re both breathing hard. Shit, my erection is a monster between our bodies, and she looks down at it, eyes wide.

  “They’re calling me,” I mumble somewhat incoherently, my lips still tingling and the scent of spearmint wafting over my senses. “I’m going to have a nurse test you for the virus just to be on the safe side. But my best guess is that you just have a cold, but you never know. Stay home for the next few days, Olivia. I’ll write you a note for work.”
  She nods her head and looks down quickly, but I see the disappointment in her eyes. The steamy moment is gone, but her nipples are hard beneath that thin tank-top, and oh shit, but I want to bury my face between those huge mounds.

  I don’t know what comes over me, but I growl, “Give me your number.”

  Her gaze swings up to mine and she looks confused. “What?”

  “Your phone number,” I repeat in a raspy voice. “I need to see you again.”

  She nods and murmurs the number. I jot it down with a trembling hand, and then turn to go.

  “I’ll call you,” I say.

  She nods and answers in a sweet voice. “See you soon, Doctor Monroe.”

  With that, I turn my back on her and shut the door softly behind me. I expect to feel a twinge of guilt for kissing one of my female patients in the ER and I wait for regret to hit me. After all, I was just a complete ass, taking advantage of a scantily-clad woman like that.

  But I don’t feel bad at all. Instead, I feel invigorated, like I’ve just gotten a shot of pure caffeine. This is going to be amazing. Olivia Castor has changed my life with one kiss, and now, my life is on a new path.

  To be continued …

  It’s LIVE! Pregnant By The Doctor is available here.

  Sneak Peek: My Best Friend’s Dad


  Kara’s had a crush on her best friend Bailey’s dad for ages. Will she finally get a chance to tell Rick?

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