Waking Up

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Waking Up Page 11

by Renee Dyer

  Behind and off to the side of the patio is a building that I’m not sure what is because she hasn’t shown me around yet, but it’s gorgeous. It’s all wood beams and glass, but I can’t see through the glass to see what’s inside and the top almost goes into circus tent shape. It’s massive in size and stunning to look at.

  What I find more appealing, though, is the natural landscape. Beyond her well-manicured lawn is a field of wild flowers, all in bloom. Purple and yellow, red and white flowers everywhere contrast against the green stems and leaves. It’s breathtaking with the woodsy backdrop. Again, I’m taken in by the trees and the sense of privacy they provide. The comfort.

  I know there’s a house behind Adriana’s. I remember this from driving through the neighborhood, but I can’t see it through the tree cover. I like that. No eyes peering at me.

  Like a magnet, I feel myself drawn to Adriana as soon as I hear her voice. I have to know where she is. Watching her, I feel like a peeping Tom. I smile when one of the women turn Adriana around to read her shirt. Adriana seems just as giddy to read this woman’s shirt. I can’t read it from where I am, but they’re giggling like school girls and the sound of Adriana’s laughter fills my head. Her adorable snort echoing in the night.

  She hugs the man who came with t-shirt lady and I feel my body stiffen. He’s a big bastard. Although we seem even in height, he definitely out muscles me and looks like he doesn’t take any shit. But right now, he’s frozen. He looks like the wind has been knocked out of him and t-shirt lady is looking at Adriana in shock. WTF?

  Adriana looks uncomfortable, but why? What am I missing? The next couple walk up to her and I watch as they have the same reaction to her hugs as muscle head and t-shirt lady. Something isn’t right.

  Deciding to ignore the ladies for a few minutes, I size up the guys first. They’re normally my bigger threat. Figure I should find out the pissing order around here. This new guy Adriana is hugging appears to be a few inches shorter than me, maybe six foot, but he looks solid. He’s got a shaved head and I’m not sure if that makes him look tough or if he is tough. I’m going to assume he is. Great. Two tough asses so far.

  Adriana walks to the third couple and I can feel her apprehension all the way across the yard. I’d give anything to take that away. After how her friends have treated her so far, I can’t blame her for feeling this way. I thought she told me these were her best friends. I don’t understand why they’re being so cold.

  She gives the third guy a hug and he at least smiles. About fucking time one of them is nice. I think this guy is a little shorter than the last guy, but he’s built like a tank. Jesus, are there ‘roids in the water around here? I’m still taking stock of the new guy when the chick with him picks Adriana up and spins her around saying, “It’s about time, bitch. I’ve been missing this.” Adriana is still giggling as the woman puts her back on the ground.

  Did she just call Adriana a bitch?

  Everybody is busy saying hello to each other. I see Adriana walk a few feet away, putting a little distance between herself and the rest of them. I know what’s coming. Clearing her throat, I can see she’s preparing herself for the big reveal. “Hey, guys,” she calls out. Six sets of eyes lock on her at once. Her nervousness slams into me and it’s at that moment that I decide I’m going to fuck up her plan. It sucked anyway. “Um. I have a bit of a surprise for you. I have a guest here tonight, but before I ask him to come out I…”

  That’s all I let her say. I open the screen door and walk out. No baseball cap or sunglasses hiding who I am this time. If they know who I am, all the better. I want the full shock value to work to my advantage right now because I know Adriana will need a minute to pull herself back together. She knows the second I step out because her friends stop looking at her and watch my every move.

  Stepping off the deck, I walk up to a mere few inches away from her, bend over, and whisper into her ear, “I heard my cue, right, sweetness?”

  Startling her may not have been the nice thing to do, but she was floundering out there and one thing I’ve learned is the unexpected is sometimes better than the best laid plans. Seeing that she still isn’t ready to talk, I look around to her friends, smile and wave. The complete shock on their faces almost makes me laugh. Almost. It’s fucking priceless. What I wouldn’t give for a camera right now.

  I give Adriana a little nudge with my shoulder. Just enough to bring her out of her trance and remind her she was introducing me.

  “Uh… um… oh, yeah. Guys,” she says, pulling her friends attention back to her. “I want you to meet my guest. This is Tu…”

  “Holy fucking shitballs, Adri. That’s Tucker “girls drop their panties when he smiles he’s so damn hot” Stavros,” a gorgeous red head with a huge rack belts out. I know instantly I’ll get along with her. And not just because she thinks I’m hot. That’s just a bonus. Even us movie stars need an ego boosting every now and again.

  “Mickayla!” Adriana squeals. So, this is Mickayla. The potential murderer.

  “Sorry about your bitch ex, but don’t worry about it. After a few drinks with this crowd and Adri’s cooking, all your woes will be gone,” she continues. Ooh, she’s a firecracker. Adriana’s blushing from head to toe and looks about ready to drop dead. Me, I’m thoroughly amused.

  “Jesus, Mick! What the hell is wrong with you?” I look over at another of Adriana’s friends. She appears more reserved, but striking with her dirty blonde hair cut just beyond her shoulders and styled to accentuate her big brown eyes. She looks mortified, but I think she’s a little amused too if the quirk of her lips is anything to go by.

  “What? It’s in all the tabloids. The girl’s a hoe! I’m sure Tucker knows that now. Plus, she’s a no talent hack!”

  “Oh. My. God. Mick! You don’t say stuff like that. Even if you see it in the tabloids,” Blondie lectures.

  “Dee, your kids are at the sitter for the night so stop mothering me. Besides, if Hot Stuff were offended, I’m sure he’d ask me to stop, right?” She looks at me boldly.

  I know I need to say something, but what do I say that won’t offend Adriana or one of her friends? I look to the guys, but they’re conveniently staring at their feet. Fucking cowards. Victoria is a ho. Mickayla is right. I don’t care what they say about her. But, watching them bicker about it is making me worry about Adriana. I don’t want to put her in a bad spot. Shit! Today has been a great day. One of the greatest of my life. I’m not ready for it to end yet.

  Shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly, “I don’t personally care what you say about her, but it seems to be making your friends uncomfortable,” I say pointing to Adriana and Blondie.

  “Hmmm. I see your point,” she pouts. “Well played, Hot Stuff. Well played.” Smiling, I take my time looking to the three ladies who all smile back. Knowing there is one more lady here who wasn’t involved in this conversation, I search her out and smile at her. There’s no way to not notice how gorgeous she is. In fact, had I not met Adriana today, I may have thought she was the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. She looks like a model with her tall, curvy body, long, black, wavy hair, flawless porcelain skin and blue eyes. Blue eyes that are not smiling back at me.

  Her look is cool– detached, almost glacial. She doesn’t want me anywhere near Adriana. I want to tell her I understand and she’s smart to feel that way. But, I don’t. I just stand there, silently battling with her.

  “Let’s try this again, shall we?” I hear Adriana say, breaking me out of the battle of wits with the Ice Queen. Adriana is smiling at her friends and I can feel the love she feels for them pouring out of her. I’m jealous of all of them because I’ve never had this. A circle of friends like this. I wonder if any of them know how lucky they are. “This is Tucker, just Tucker– Stavros.” I give a nod of my head.

  “Tucker, this is Mickayla Jensen.” Firecracker. I hold back a chuckle when she winks at me. “Blake Wylde.” Firecracker’s man. He gives me a wave and a nod. “Deidre Bryan.” Blo
ndie. Her “Nice to meet ya” and smile are very sweet. “Kale Bryan.” Blondie’s man. He extends his hand and gives me a handshake which prompts Blake to do the same. Interesting. “Alahna Levine.” Ice Queen. Her welcome is, I believe, a grunt of annoyance. Again, I hold back my laughter. “And last, but not least, Preston Levine.” Musclehead, better known as Ice Queen’s man. I notice Adriana holds a special place for Preston and, for reasons I can’t explain, it makes me angry. Is that why her friend is being so nasty? Wouldn’t it be good that I’m here? Preston shakes my hand.

  I’m not surprised that he shakes my hand the hardest and the longest. There’s a point he’s trying to make, but I’m not a caveman so I guess he’s going to have to learn to speak. After my little hand wrestling match ends with Preston, I direct my attention to the ladies, telling them it’s a pleasure to meet them. Mickayla asks for a picture with me. Somehow I knew she would and I happily oblige.

  Adriana quickly steps in telling everyone the rules. No online comments or pictures about me being here. No phone conversations or texts about me being here. No e-mails saying I’m here. Basically, I’m a ghost so keep my location a fucking secret. I’m waiting for the fallout, but no one bats an eyelash. Nothing happens. I like her friends already.

  I’m just starting to relax into my seat when I hear. “No fried turkey?” Blake, I think, is whining at Adriana. “Then what’s in the turkey fryer?” I turn toward him and Adriana.

  Adriana gives him a pitying look as she pats him on the shoulder. “Corn on the cob, but don’t worry, B. I made plenty of meats. Can you go start the grill for me please?” Corn on the cob. When did she do that? Must have been while I was napping. Still can’t believe I fell asleep like that.

  Comments fly back and forth about Adriana’s amazing cooking and the leftovers everyone is looking forward to. When she says she’s going to start getting the food inside, I jump up to help. I probably should have tried to start bonding with the guys, but I’m not sure how I feel about spending time with Preston. Every time Adriana looks or smiles at him I want to punch something.

  “There’s corn bread though, right?” Blake asks

  “Yeah, B, there’s corn bread,” Adriana says with a beaming smile. “Made that and zucchini bread last night.”

  “Whew. You had me worried for a minute there.” He gives her a quick one shoulder hug before walking off to grab a beer. I don’t miss the slight flinch she tries to cover up when he touches her. Interesting.

  I’m watching her again. Studying her more than I should. I know this, but can’t stop. She fascinates me. One minute she’s animated, hands flying through the air, talking wildly. The next, she’s emotionless, eyes blank… lost. I wonder if anyone else sees her struggling. No matter what, she’s beautiful. I’m struggling to keep my eyes off her.

  In watching her, I keep watching her hair and how her strawberry blonde, yeah, I’m a pussy because I asked her the color, changes hues in the last remnants of the sun. Each movement of her head drags me deeper into the dance between her hair and the light. Begging me to join. To tangle my fingers into it.

  A clearing of someone’s throat beside me brings me out of my daydream of running my fingers through Adriana’s hair. I’ve been wondering all day how soft it is. Fantasizing about wrapping my hands in it while I take her from behind. It’s a shame I’m being interrupted, but a good reminder I’m not alone.

  Preston is standing next to me holding a beer out to me. A peace offering. Maybe. Interesting. Taking it, I say thanks and quickly take a drink, soothing my dry throat and giving myself time to recuperate from being caught eying Adriana. If Preston caught me, he doesn’t say anything about it.

  We start talking construction and I find that I actually like the guy. Dammit. He’s easy going, knows his shit about building, brilliant in every conversation, and just seems to be an all-around good guy. I want to hate him because Adriana seems to care for him so much, but I can’t.

  Blake and Kale join us. We talk more guy stuff– cars, sports, music and, yes, women. They ask the inevitable. What’s it like to have women throw themselves at me? I answer them honestly. It’s fucking annoying.

  I can see that these guys are devoted to their women, but they still look at me like I have five heads. Guess I should explain. I tell them how women I’ve never slept with make headlines for sleeping with me. Some even go so far as to say I’ve gotten them knocked up. All for their fifteen minutes of fame. I know their next question before they ask it. Why do you put up with this shit? I look at them and ask them if they’ve ever heard of the saying, ‘he who doth protest too much’.

  Yeah, that has come back to bite me on the ass a time or two.

  I go on to explain to them that people believe what they want to believe and the harder you fight the tabloids, the harder they fight to make you look bad. When I tell them I’ve paid for seven paternity tests for women I’ve never even touched they all look a little green. Suddenly, being me doesn’t seem so appealing to them.


  I just want to be a normal guy tonight. Hanging. Drinking beers. Eating good food. Shooting the shit.

  Tonight, I’m Tucker Stavros– normal guy.

  I hang with the guys some more. Help cook the burgers and dogs. Get some pats on the back. I could get used to this.

  No matter what I’m doing, I’m always aware of where Adriana is. I keep hearing her and Alahna crack jokes about their shirts. Mentally chuckle whenever Adriana lets out a snort. I finally read Alahna’s Save the Horse, Ride Gunner shirt. I figure Preston would be offended, but he seems so lackadaisical about it. When they seem to be lost in another book conversation, I point to the infamous shirt and Preston laughs.

  “Those two women are obsessed with their books,” he starts. “And, almost as obsessed with their t-shirts. If Gunner were a real man, I would definitely have a problem. But, I’ve learned a little something over the years with Alahna reading these books.” He leans in a little closer to me and drops his voice lower. Guess it’s secret time. What are we chicks or something? “All I have to do is put on a cowboy hat, jeans, boots, let Alahna’s imagination go wild, and she’ll ride me anytime.” The shit eating grin on his face tells me he knows he shocked the shit out of me.

  A little too much information for a couple I just met, but I’ll store what he said in my mind. Books are good for sex.


  “Grubs on!” Adriana belts out. A round of “Yee-haws” goes around. No shitting. They all shout “yee-haw” like they’re from Texas or something. I’m having so much fun caught up in the moment, I shout, “Yee-haw!” back at them. Beers and wine glasses are raised at me and everyone starts converging on the food. I don’t know where to start. It all looks and smells so good.

  Forming my plan of attack, I start at one end of the table and work to the other grabbing a little of everything. Eyebrows raise in my direction and I pray I can eat it all without getting sick.

  “Big appetite,” I say, shrugging my shoulders as I sit next to Adriana. I don’t think it goes un-noticed by anyone. There were other seats I could have chosen. Problem is, I hadn’t talked to her much all night and I miss being near her. Is it possible to miss someone you just met? If so, then that's how I feel. I need to be near her for a little while.

  When Addicted by Saving Abel starts playing, the irony of the song hits me full blast. That’s it. I’m addicted to this woman.

  “You didn’t have to take everything, you know,” Adriana says, nudging me with her shoulder. That one touch sends pulses of electricity through my whole side. “There’ll be plenty of leftovers.”

  Feeling shy for the first time since I met her, I think I actually blush. “It all looked so good.” I give her an impish grin.

  “Just don’t make yourself sick, okay? And don’t forget, there’s still dessert.” She smiles at my groan.

  I can feel six pairs of eyes watching our every move. Six pairs of ears listening to everything we say. But, when I look up, they
quickly go about talking to each other.

  Over dinner everyone talks about their jobs. Kale talks about how he’s trying to make partner at the architecture firm he’s at. Deidre looks at him with such love and pride on her face it makes me yearn for someone to look at me that way. I’ve never had a relationship with that intensity before. Feeling Adriana stiffen next to me, I wonder if Kale works for the firm Alex owned or if just the mention of architecture is enough to upset her.

  Preston and Blake talk about a new residential development they’ll be starting in a few weeks. I learned earlier in the evening that Blake is a foreman at Preston’s construction company. A damn good one from what Preston told me. I want to ask if they’ll be using Alex’s designs, but I keep quiet.

  As I sit with Adriana and her friends stuffing my face, listening to them tell work stories, talk about Kale and Deidre’s kids, neighborhood tales, I have to stop myself several times from placing my hand on Adriana’s thigh or pushing her hair behind her ear. Things couples would do. Her friends are all so affectionate with each other and I feel so comfortable with her already. Her friends, too. This is getting complicated way too fast.

  They all treat me like… like I’m normal. What do I do with that?

  Alahna asks Adriana if she’s ready for the wedding they’ll be photographing Saturday. Apparently this is the biggest bridezilla they’ve had yet. Them saying “bridezilla” makes me think of her in her kitchen along with lots of other things I shouldn’t be thinking at this particular moment. Man, I don’t remember these jeans being so tight.

  “Hey, Adri,” Deidre says. “You never told us how Tucker came to be your guest tonight.” My head snaps up. I’m inspecting Blondie looking for the motive behind her questioning, but she’s smiling, no hidden agenda. A friend asking a simple question. Funny how one simple question changes the atmosphere. I’m suddenly not hungry anymore and push my plate away from me.


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