Trois: Episode 4: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial)

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Trois: Episode 4: An MMF Romance (Trois Serial) Page 3

by Brill Harper

  “Well, you see, if we have our own Christmas, she will feel less bad about what I’ve missed over the years. And I like making Penelope feel less bad.”

  He meets my gaze. “So, we’re having Christmas tonight?”

  “Yep. She’s done with finals. I got cocoa and cookies. We’ll decorate the tree and then maybe we can decorate a little bush.”

  “You’re a fucking pig sometimes.”

  “That’s why you love me.”

  “That’s why I love you.”

  It’s still a little weird, this having a boyfriend thing. I mean, I never even had a girlfriend before, and now I have one of each. My emotions are all jumbled together, so I try not to think too far ahead. Just let whatever is happening take its course.

  We haven’t done much exploring of our newfound sexuality yet. There’s been more caressing, more peen touching, and less inhibitions about who is where when we’re in service of our nerdy goddess, but we haven’t been in rush to change things up too much yet.

  But I’ve seen the way he eyes up my ass.

  While we’re putting the tree together, I catch the sight of his biceps flexing and it makes my dick stir. Fletch cocks his head at me, noticing maybe the look in my eye or something. “You okay?”

  “I’m, yeah.”

  “Hand me that limb, with the yellow sticker.” I give him one and put another into the base. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Jesus. I don’t know what I am.”

  Fletch sits back on his haunches. “Talk.”

  “How is this so easy for you?”

  “It’s not always easy. But this part is. When it’s just the three of us. The hard part is the rest of the world. Thinking about the future. That kind of stuff. But hanging out with you has always been easy. Caring about you has always been easy.”

  “Sure, yeah. I get that. But the gay stuff.”

  “Bi stuff.”

  “Whatever. How does it not freak you out?”

  “It does. It all does. It did before, when it was just Penelope and it does now that it’s both of you. I’m scared as fuck.”

  “You don’t act like it.”

  He just shrugs. “Sometimes, I try to figure out the moment it happened. The moment everything changed.”


  “I don’t think it was a moment. I don’t think it matters. I just know that I need you and I need that nerdy girl and it just is what it is.”

  We go back to putting the tree together and agree to put the lights on it but leave the decorations for when Penelope gets home. I’ve never put lights on a tree, but Fletch is very methodical about it, so I stay out of the way for the most part.

  “I can hear you thinking still,” he says, even though he’s hyper-focused on making sure each light is exactly right.

  “I was just thinking that I don’t have as much to lose as you and Pen. Your families...Jenna. I don’t have any risk involved here.”

  “People will either accept us or they won’t.”

  “And you’re fine with that?”

  He steps back and looks at his work. “I don’t think I have a choice. Not really. I’m better with you than without you, so I choose with.”

  I swallow hard. “Tonight.”

  He slides me a look that lets me know he knows what I’m saying, but he still wants the words to go with it.

  “Tonight...I want...I want us to...”

  “Say the words, Shane.”

  “I want you inside me. Tonight. I want to feel you inside me. Is that what you want? I mean, we can maybe try it both ways, but tonight can we...?”

  He walks over to me slowly then spears his fingers through my shaggy hair so different from his close-cropped style. “Yeah, that’s what I want.”

  “Shit. Are we really going to do this?”

  When his lips close over mine and my insides light up brighter than the twinkling tree we just put up, I know it’s right.

  When Penelope comes in the door later her eyes get big like a kid at Disney.

  “Hey, gorgeous. How was your day?” I smack a kiss on her and Fletch comes out of the kitchen wearing an apron and holding a spatula.

  She laughs. “What is going on in here?”

  “Fletch makes better cookies than I do.”

  “It looks so beautiful in here.”

  “It does now,” he says and kisses her.

  “Nice one, buddy.” We fist bump above her head.

  “Jenna called me today. For the first time since Thanksgiving.”

  Fletch and I get serious. “How did that go? Are you okay?”

  “It went really well. She wanted to talk before we got back home tomorrow. She’s sorry she overreacted. She’s still totally wigged out, but I think she’ll come around. She told me she misses me. That was the thing I really needed to hear, you know? I couldn’t deal with all those years of our friendship just being gone.”

  “Oh, honey.” Fletch pulls her in for a hug. “I’m sorry this has been so hard.”

  “It’s been hard on all of us.”

  “Mostly you.”

  “Baseball season hasn’t started yet. I don’t think it’s going to be easy for you both then.”

  Fuck. “We’ll get through it. Come on. Let’s get dinner started so we can decorate this tree tonight.”

  After cookies and cocoa (laced with booze) we all laid down under the tree and looked up at the lights. “This is the best Christmas I can remember,” she says, and it gets all warm around my heart region. “Shane, you really outdid yourself.”

  “I had a really big elf helping me.”

  Fletch nudges my side. “She’s right man. You have this way of making ordinary things really special. Whenever you throw a party or plan something, it’s always epic.”

  I’m going to blame the heat of the lights, even though they are LED, for the reason my face feels hot. Because I am not blushing. I’m not.

  “He has a way with Halloween costumes,” Velma says, and my cock starts pressing against my zipper remembering that night.

  “That I do, Velma, that I do.”

  We’re quiet for a few more minutes, and I’m feeling about as good as I ever have in my entire life. I grew up always waiting for the next bad thing, and sometime in the last few months, I’ve started waking up wondering what great thing is going to happen today.

  This could really be my life. If I take care of this. If I trust this.

  “Hey, Penelope?”


  “Will you teach me how to deepthroat a cock?”

  The tree decorations rattle as Fletch sits up fast. “Holy shit. Yeah. Teach him how you do that.”

  “It’s not like I could take it that far at first, you know,” she says as we crawl out from under the tree. “But I think it’s a nice change of pace that you’re asking me for sex advice.”

  “I’ve had the pleasure of your throat a time or two, you’ve got skills, girlfriend.” I sigh. “It’s still possible I could chicken out,” I add, hedging my bets. “Are we all okay with that?”

  “There’s no rush,’ Fletch says. “We have lots of time.”

  It’s starting to feel better when he says shit like that. At first, it made me panic. Now, it’s very soothing. Commitment isn’t a scary word anymore.

  But am I ready to really commit to the physical, sexual relationship with a dude? My best friend? Even if I can admit I love him, it still feels like a far leap.

  I feel the blood rushing to my dick just the same.

  I watch them strip as if they are on the screen, and I’m in the same room. I’m sort of removed from it. My eyes are drawn to the thick shaft outlined by the tight briefs Fletch is wearing. I watch as Penelope pulls those down and reveals her prize, our prize, proudly standing at attention. I watch as she fists him, stroking up and down. I shake my head, coming back to the room I guess, and unclasp Penelope’s bra, sweeping my hand down the smooth skin of her back. She’s down to her panties standing between us, and Fle
tch grabs the strings and tears them right off her. Fuck, my heart is beating in my cock now.

  She half-pushes Fletcher down onto the couch, dropping to her knees in front of him and spreading his legs. She smooths her palms up and down his muscular thighs and I can feel it on my own. He thumps his head on the back of the couch while she teases him a little longer. As soon as her tongue touches him, a shocked, harsh gasp leaves his mouth and his eyes are pinned on hers. The swollen flesh of his cock displays the veins scattered over the surface that are hidden when he is soft, and my dick is rock-hard, aching with a yearning...a new...lust...for another man's cock. My best friend’s cock of all things. I need it so bad. I want to trace each one of those veins with my tongue. I want to be in there. Participating.

  I finally remember to finish taking off my own clothes while things begin getting less casual on the couch. The big cock pumping into her mouth is overwhelming my senses.

  “I want to try,” I hear myself say, still not convinced I haven’t had my body taken over by aliens or something.

  Horny aliens. Really horny aliens.

  “I’ll share.” Penelope moves over to focus on the tip to give me space. I hesitate briefly but join her on my knees and press my face against his abs. God I love his body, the big chest and hard stomach. I awkwardly move in to put my lips on the shaft of his dick. It feels incredible...I love the spongy, hard flesh, the way it pulses. His moans grow in intensity and encourage me to go further. His rough fingers rasp across the stubble of my cheek and my heart bangs against my ribs like it’s a pinball. That’s it. I’m committed to this now, aren’t I?

  For a while, Penelope and I divide the job; she takes care of the head, and I run my tongue over the shaft. He moves his dick between us for a long time as both our tongues slide over the hot flesh. We get to the end at the same time and kiss, full on, open-mouthed, and with tongue with the head of his cock between us.

  "Shane...fuck, you two are so fucking hot...feels good... so good."

  Penelope pulls back and smiles at me, encouraging me as she gives me more room to go solo.

  I swallow hard and nod. This is it. I’ve gone to far to pretend I don’t want this. And since both of them are as into it as I am, there’s no reason to feel weird. Right?

  I slip my lips over the glistening plum head of his dick and push my mouth slowly down the shaft. All I can think is that I am forever changed. Cheesy as that sounds. The veined surface ripples over my lips as he pumps into my mouth. I pull off to lick from the base to the tip, and then swirl my tongue over the head, doing to him what I’ve had done to me and liked over the years. He is rock-solid against my tongue and I love it. I fucking love it.

  I wrap a fist around my prize and pull Penelope to me for a kiss.

  “Merry Christmas, you little minx.”

  She smiles and sits back to watch. She’s so beautiful. What she’s done by coming into our lives I can’t even explain. But she’s the key that unlocked feelings I never knew I had.

  I stroke the shaft while working his balls, taking one, then the other, and then both. "Fuck, you got nice balls, dude. So heavy. And that is something I never thought I’d fucking say in my life.”

  Fletch laughs. “They’re full. You’re making them feel so good.”

  Not too proud to admit I like the praise, I give him a smirk I know works on other people I’ve slept with. He slides his hands into my hair and gives me a look that does so much more. He wants me. He cares about me. He’s still my best bro, but now he’s more.

  I cup his balls gently while licking my way back up the swollen shaft. After reaching the top, I clamp my lips over the head, stroking the shaft and probing the slit with my tongue. Fuck I love the way he tastes. It’s as addicting as Penelope’s pussy.

  I wrap my hand tighter around the thick shaft, feeling it throb against my hand as blood pulses through the veins. It’s weird seeing a dick in my hand that isn’t mine. But not so weird that I don’t like it.

  Eventually his body stiffens, his hips rising up off the couch. I’ve seen him come enough to know he’s close. Something changes in my head. A new longing. I’m eager for cum, his cum. His head swells in my mouth.

  "That's it, dude...that's’re going to get it, aren’t you? Take it all, Shane. Get all my cum." As he spills thick cream over my tongue, I start swallowing. Shot after shot, the thick, hot seed pulses over my tongue.

  I savor every drop, nursing him dry.

  When I pull back, I look at Penelope with new admiration. “Jesus, little bit. He puts out a lot of jizz.” I wipe my mouth with my hand. “How do you manage to get it all?”

  “I take my lessons very seriously.” She ruffles my hair playfully and leans over to kiss me. Hell, she’s sharing Fletch’s come with me, isn’t she?

  Once Fletch catches his breath, he looks at me. “Come here.” He pulls me up his body and wraps his big, strong arms around me. “That was amazing. You gonna freak out or are we good?”

  I think about it for a minute. “Nah. We’re good. I think.”

  He pulls Penelope over so we’re both resting our heads on his chest. It’s definitely big enough. “You’re not sure?”

  “What about you? You’re holding me. You just came in my mouth. You okay? No regrets?”

  “Nope. I’m right where I want to be. I’ve got everything I need right here.” His arms tighten. “I’m bisexual as fuck.”

  “Me too.” I stroke a hand down Penelope’s arm. “You okay, Velma? It’s not too weird for you, is it? Us not being all straight and shit?”

  “I just want us to stay like this forever.”

  Whoa. Forever. That’s what this is, isn’t it? It’s not just experimenting and college fun. This is real.

  “I love you. Both of you.” It’s getting easier to say.

  “Good,” Penelope says, “Because you both get to do me now.”

  Since Fletch just came, and I’m still hard as fucking granite, I get to do her first.

  She wraps her arms and legs around me and squeals as I plunge right in and start thrusting hard. It won’t be long since she is so ramped up and horny. Her sexy moans and grunts sync with my thrusts. Fletch gets his hand between us and starts rubbing her until she’s rocking her head from side to side.

  I stroke, long and deep, into her body. Her tits bounce wildly with my thrusts and I push her legs back, her moans getting guttural. “Baby, you’re fuck-drunk, aren’t you?”

  “Our girlfriend likes being fucked hard, doesn’t she?” Fletch asks right before he grabs my head and starts kissing me. “Fill her,” Fletch demands against my mouth.

  As soon as my mouth parts and lets his tongue inside, I’m done. As our kiss deepens and intensifies, I start emptying my balls into Penelope, filling her with seed, my cock pulsing wildly.

  She goes crazy beneath me, and I pump as deep as I can and hold it there, shooting deep into her body and flooding her, my whole-body shuddering.

  We all sort of slide to the floor and enjoy the lights on the tree and our own quiet thoughts for a while. We totally pushed the boundaries of our relationship. And we aren’t done. There is more I want to experience. I want everything.

  “Tomorrow, we have to go back to the real world,” Fletch says on a heavy sigh. “Let’s promise that next year, we don’t. That by this time next year, this is the real world. We don’t split up for the holidays. We either all go together, or we stay here.”

  Penelope sits up. “I keep feeling like I need to pinch myself. A few months ago, I couldn’t imagine having one boyfriend, much less two. I don’t...I don’t know how to believe this is real.”

  “You’re the reason we’re here, babe,” I tell her, pulling her closer into me. “You had us both whipped that first day in your dorm room. So nerdy and pretty. Smart and sassy. We both felt it, the need to take care of you. Protect you. And then it just grew. It was like being around you made us better.” I catch sight of one of Fletch’s hairy legs and find myself surprised that it tur
ns me on. I put my hand on it, squeeze the hard muscle that flexes under my palm. “And Fletch, you’ve always made me a better dude. I’d be lost without you.”

  Suddenly, my heart starts thumping a wild rhythm, and when I look into his eyes, I see so much there waiting for me if I’m brave enough to take it. A long, slow smile stretches across his mouth, and I realize I don’t even have to take it. It’s already mine. Everything I never thought I wanted is in this room. And it’s mine just because I’m me.

  I see his anaconda stirring. It’s hard to miss. “You ready for another round of Christmas cheer?”

  He palms that big dick in his hand, and my mouth actually starts to water. I guess when I go gay, I go all the way, huh? “Pen, show me how you deep throat this monster...we sort of forgot that last time.”

  Fletch lays back, and I kneel between his legs to wrap my hand around his big hardon. It's beautiful to look at...tall and veiny and so solid like the man it’s attached to. My man. I lick precum from the tip and pass him to Penelope. We work him together again until all his muscles are straining, and I’m getting him further back each time. This time, man. I wrap my lips over the head and slide down the shaft, my lips stretching tight. He’s hot and filling my mouth as I bob faster and stroke my hand down this shaft. When I swallow the tip, his hand clutches my head and he groans long and low. I slurp off him and glance over at Penelope.

  “Fuck,” Fletcher says. “She’s writing in that damn journal.”

  She pushes those sexy glasses back onto her nose higher. “I’m usually too distracted to note your facial expressions when I’m down there.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Shane, get a dick in her pussy. She shouldn’t be thinking clearly enough to write this evening.”

  Sounds good to me. We lay her down and proceed to suck and lick every inch of her body. Her pussy is so sweet, and under the glow of the Christmas lights, I’ve never seen anything or anyone more beautiful. Fletch and I meet at the juncture of her thighs. “I want you to fuck me. When I’m inside her this time.”

  “Are you sure? We don’t have to—”

  “I’m sure.”

  He leaves the room and comes back with lube I didn’t know he had. I guess he’s been thinking about it for a while. I get on my hands and knees over Penelope, and she brings my head down to her tits as a pillow.


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