Lucky Neighbor: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

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Lucky Neighbor: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance Page 59

by Gage Grayson

  It’s the right time, Dragon168 writes. It’s always the right time. We have so many organizations to take down that we can’t afford to wait. No one will catch us. We’ve got Spider5d3r tracking the cops and their every move. We’ll be way ahead of them if they ever even have a clue as to who we are.

  I write, I think Dragon is right. We can’t afford to miss this opportunity. I know of an orphanage that’s in dire need of some money. Let’s do it for them. But only if we’re all in it together. Are we?

  Enigma16n4 writes, I’m in! I’ll start researching the logistics of how we can take a smaller fish down.

  Everyone agrees, and I guess it’s onto our next mission. We always have to wonder about escaping the heat, but it’s usually not a problem. I can escape from jail, after all.

  I know my other hacker friends are equally talented. We have nothing to fear.

  I log off and, my thoughts naturally go back to Marcus. If only he knew what I really did, I doubt he’d be so interested. He seems like a player, anyway.

  I don’t regret sleeping with him, but I do hate the fact that I might be starting to form an attachment to him. This is something I avoid at all costs.

  No matter how bad it hurts me, I’m gonna have to keep Marcus at a safe distance by not seeing him. I can’t have him in my life no matter what my emotions are telling me.

  There’s no other course of action to take.

  Chapter 12


  I stretch, wake up, and fling my arm over Katy.

  It falls to empty sheets, and I realize she’s gone.

  I should’ve expected it, though I’m surprised she left after such an incredible night.

  I made her come so hard. I thought she’d be right here next to me still, craving more.

  She’s truly an independent person, but I gather that you have to be to pull off heists such as she has.

  She’s escaped me once again. I look at the clock and realize it’s still so early. She must’ve left before dawn.

  Katy’s never given me her contact info or anything. So the only way I have to find her is through my investigators.

  The fact that this girl keeps avoiding me and keeps leaving is starting to make me become possessive. Every time she says goodbye, it could be the last time we see each other, and that doesn’t seem to faze her. I want her to not be able to leave my side so easily.

  The thought suddenly dawns on me that she might’ve stolen something. After taking my wallet in jail, I know this person is capable of anything. I get up and search the apartment for anything that might be missing.

  My wallet and watch are on the bedside table where I left them. I’m surprised, considering this could’ve been the last time we see each other. I would’ve expected her to rob me blind.

  The fact that she didn’t…it makes me think that perhaps she’s starting to care about me even a little bit, even if she thinks we’ll never see each other again.

  It’s good news, considering my reasons for wanting her are twofold: I want her body, mind, and soul to be mine and mine alone―at least for the time being. And I want to trace her steps so that I can see how she’s planning to attack my company again.

  Once again, business and pleasure collide. There’s no way around it.

  Last night was incredible. Katy is fucking talented. She surprises me in so many ways―and yet I know I was able to dominate her once, and that makes my cock harden again.

  To take down someone so powerful feels good. She’s a challenge to me and she keeps escaping me, and that makes me want her even more.

  Katy is an enigma who I fully intend on figuring out. By the time I’m done with her, I’ll have her completely exposed.

  I shower and dress in one of the suits I keep hanging in my fake apartment. This place is not the penthouse, but it’s fine. It has all the luxuries I need for the moment.

  I make a couple calls to the investigative team. I tell them I want them to watch Katy from afar. I want to know where she is at all times.

  I make some coffee and wait for them to track her down.

  Eventually, the investigator named Mark calls me. “We have a location on a convenience store she frequents. If you go there now, I think you could see her. It must be close to where she lives.”

  “What’s the address?” I ask, scribbling it down.

  I go downstairs and hop in my car and go to the assigned location. A part of me loves the fact that I can watch Katy from a distance, and a part of me feels like I’m stalking her.

  But whatever. She’s targeting my business and so I have to pull out all the stops. Watching her is no dirtier a deed then stealing from my company, which is what she plans on doing.

  I parked at a far distance from the convenience store. My investigators did a good job, because I soon see her emerge from the store wearing earphones and holding a few things that she bought.

  She looks so gorgeous this morning.

  I wonder if she’s sore and if she’s still reeling from being freshly fucked by me.

  Last night was so good. Katy is someone I need to have in my bed again. Of that I’m sure.

  This morning, she’s wearing tight ripped-up jeans and a black T-shirt. And she’s wearing black Doc Martens and sunglasses.

  She’s my dark princess, always covered head to toe in mystery and intrigue. It reflects her hacker life and solitude.

  Mark was right, because I follow her slowly in my car as she makes her way to an old apartment building. This must be where she lives. I’m glad I have at least that locked down.

  I’m sick of chasing her around the city. I’m glad to know her she resides, finally.

  Her place is probably as I thought it was, akin to the hacker lifestyle. I don’t mind that about Katy. If she truly is the sort of criminal who steals from these large organizations, one thing’s for sure: she doesn’t keep the money for herself.

  It goes somewhere else, and the fact that it’s not in her pocket makes me believe that she’s not purely about money.

  Women like me because they know I’m a billionaire. Katy doesn’t know that about me. And if she did, I doubt she would care. I find that highly amusing and―a huge turn-on.

  I watch her go into her building, and it makes me feel powerful that I finally know where she lives. I plan on sending her a special little gift this afternoon.

  I drive away and speed through the city to my own Manhattan penthouse. From there, I have my assistants wrap up a painting from the dummy apartment that Katy commented on. It’s the one that she liked and was asking about last night.

  I tell them to deliver it to her building. I personally fill out a card that goes with the painting telling Katy to call me.

  Of course, the real surprise for her is that I know where she lives.

  I then pace around my office, waiting for her to call.

  This girl has me on edge, and she has me in a delightful game of cat and mouse that I find intoxicating. Never did I imagine wanting to bed the hacker who’s out to destroy my life.

  What she doesn’t know yet is that I’m always one step ahead of everybody, no matter who they may be. It’s part of what’s made me successful. Call it intuition or what you will, but it gives me the advantage.

  And my success with Katy will depend on this adept ability to be ahead of her in every way.

  It doesn’t take long for her to call me after receiving the painting.

  “Hi, Katy, how are you doing?” I ask.

  “Never mind that. How do you know where I live, Marcus?” she says.

  “I asked around.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Does it matter? I just wanted to send you the painting.”

  “Yes, it matters. How did you f―”

  “Listen. I’m sorry if that’s not something you wanted. How about we talk? In person?”

  She takes a minute to consider before saying, “Fine.”

  With that, she slams down the phone, and I text her the address wher
e I want to take her.

  Katy is such a firecracker, and I love that about her. But she’s probably also feeling a little bit uncomfortable that I’m closing in on her life. How many other men can say they found out where she lives?

  I’ve done the impossible, and it feels pretty good.

  Chapter 13


  Receiving this painting from Marcus is a big deal. That means he knows where I live―and I don’t like it at all.

  He’s obviously got spies, or he’s been following me himself. I wonder what his real motivation is. Is it that he just wants to sleep with me again?

  I’ve never given him my full name. There’s no other way for him to find me unless he’s taken a personal interest in knowing where I am.

  And yet…is it wrong to say that it turns me on a little bit, to know that Marcus has been watching me?

  I think about where I’ve been today, and the only place that comes to mind is the convenience store. That must’ve been where he caught me.

  Besides going there, I’ve been contained in my apartment, hacking away on the latest project.

  Marcus knows I live in this old building, so he must know now that I don’t have a lot of money.

  That he doesn’t know is that I could be rich if I wanted to. He thinks I’m this little activist who works hard on the straight and narrow to help poor people. What he doesn’t know is that I’m a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

  At least that part of my life is still hidden from him. I can’t have him knowing much more about me or it’s gonna get tricky.

  The painting he gives me is really beautiful. It’s a piece of abstract art that I was admiring in his apartment. Now that he’s sent it to me, it’s the only piece of art I have. I find an old nail on the wall and hang it there.

  I have to say it brightens my place up a little bit. I’ve never been one for decor but the fact that Marcus did this for me is nice. I’ll always think of him and of that one magical night when I look at it.

  So far, I don’t see Marcus as a threat. That’s why I’m not too concerned that he knows where I live. He’s recruiting me to be a part of an organization that is essentially in line with my beliefs.

  But I do need to be firm with him and the fact that I work alone and that I’m only comfortable with that. I will never join his organization.

  After calling him and agreeing to meet with him, I realize that we’re going on a date. That thought gives me a sense of jittery anxiety.

  Every time I see him, I get so hot and turned on. I’m sure tonight will be no different.

  The thing that will be different about tonight, though, is that I will have to really tell him that I don’t want to join him. I’m gonna have to lay it out on the line. And after that, he might be done with me.

  He needs to know that I don’t need his organization’s help because I’m doing fine on my own. I have to cut the cords between us as soon as possible. He’s getting a little too close.

  I spend the day on my computer hacking. I do this every day, and it feels so good. It’s my passion.

  Hours pass, and I don’t even know it because I’m so into my work. I love what I do, and I plan on doing it forever.

  I look at the clock and realize it’s almost time to meet Marcus.

  Dusk has fallen, and the day is already turning to night.

  I skim through my closet and try to find I can’t believe I’m doing this but for him, I want to look good.

  I pull out a little black dress that fits me like a glove, but I fully plan on pairing it with my black military boots. I can’t get too dressed up.

  I swipe on some mascara, which is it in terms of makeup. Then I go downstairs and call a cab to meet him at the address he gave me.

  In the back of the cab, I check my phone to see the success of certain projects I’m working on. Everything is going according to plan.

  Once I arrive and walk into the exclusive bar, I realize I’m a little bit out of my element.

  This place is really expensive. It’s an exclusive little restaurant, which makes me think that the organization Marcus is with might be backed by rich people. And I’m not sure what to think about that.

  I was not expecting to be somewhere this fancy tonight. Luckily, I dressed up at least a little bit. My shredded jeans and T-shirt would not do the trick here. They probably would’ve turned me away at the door.

  I tentatively walk up to the hostess, who seems to know who I am already. She ushers me to the table where Marcus is already waiting.

  It’s quiet and at the back by a window, which I like. The moment I see him, though, my knees weaken and that familiar rush of beautiful anxiety floods my body. This happens every fucking time I see him.

  He gets up to greet me and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

  “How are you, Katy?”

  “Good,” I say nervously. “I’m doing great. I just worked all day.”

  Oops, maybe I said too much. Now he’s gonna ask what kind of work I did, and I’m gonna have to lie around the fact that I’m a hacker.

  Instead, he says, “Yeah, me too. Work is work, right?”

  I decide to reveal to him how much I love what I do. I may not relay the details of my life, but at least this much is true.

  “Work doesn’t seem like work to me. It’s something I’m so passionate about that I could do it all day and all night and never think for a moment that I’m doing something I’m not in love with,” I say.

  His eyes darken, and I wonder what’s on his mind.

  “So your work is...interesting?” he asks me.

  “Yes, it is,” I say taking a sip of my wine. “I’ve been doing it forever, and I’m really good at it so I guess that’s why time flies by.”

  His eyes darken again at me. What is going on with him? Does he know I’m lying?

  I’ve checked him out, and I know he’s legit. He doesn’t know who I am. There should be no way that he’s onto me.

  No, I’m probably just being paranoid. I need to put out of my head all thoughts of Marcus knowing the truth about me.

  “Then I think you’ll be really perfect for our organization, Katy. What do you think about that?” he says.

  I hate to ruin the moment by breaking the news to him now. So I decide to wait. I ignore what he just said.

  To change the subject I say, “Last night was really great.”

  “It was, wasn’t it?” he agrees.

  Then I feel his hand on my leg, caressing it. Electricity spins throughout my body, and I feel tense, hoping his next move will be what I think it is.

  I continue to eat my filet mignon like nothing is going on under the table. That is, until his hand goes inside my thong. Good thing I wore a dress tonight.

  He starts to finger me pretty intensely. It’s hard to contain my moans. I hold onto the table with one hand and chug the rest of my wine with the other.

  He slides his thumb over my clit and circles the inside of my pussy with his long fingers. The thought of what’s happening in this restaurant and the thought of Marcus doing it is enough to make me come so easily.

  I put my hand over my mouth to contain my soft cries as my mind is pushed into oblivion. For a second, I lose consciousness, and I’m not sure where I am. I feel dizzy.

  I breathe deeply and try to reorient myself. I see him smiling at me, a devilish kind of smile.

  He offers me his glass of wine, which I take willingly. Maybe it’ll snap me back to reality after that intense orgasm.

  “God, Marcus, that was...” I trail off.

  “Incredible? Earth-shattering? All of the above?” he asks, teasing me.

  I drink his wine and feel the flush in my face start to calm. Then he says the words I’ve been waiting all night to hear.

  “Katy, do you want to go somewhere else, somewhere a little more private?”


  Chapter 14


can hardly wait to get her back to the car.

  My cock is twitching uncomfortably against my pants.

  That little scene in the restaurant was just the thing I needed to tip me off as to how Katy’s really feeling―she wouldn’t have come like that if there wasn’t someplace inside of her that wants me bad.

  I find myself thinking of her more often than I should. I find myself imagining how it would feel to come inside of her again.

  Like I said, she has the most gorgeous pussy I’ve ever seen. I want to claim it―and her. These are all new feelings for me, because I’m starting to feel possessive, like she’s mine and no one else’s.

  So I take her hand and lead her back to the car. In my mind, I’m thinking that I’m not sure we can make it all the way. I think I’m going to have to claim her inside of my car or on top of it.

  I knew my Mercedes was good for something other than driving.

  I hold her hand, and we walk down a dark alleyway to the parking lot at the back of the building. I guess it’s supposed to be an exclusive parking area―I’m not sure―but it’s covered in darkness, and it’s the perfect place to hatch my little plan.

  I start sliding my hands down her body, pulling her to me so that she can feel my cock rising against my pants. She takes hold of it, and the feeling of her hand on my member makes me want to come right here.

  “I want you, Marcus. You made me come so hard in there. I’ve never done that in a restaurant before. You’re crazy,” she says.

  “Baby, you have no idea,” I reply.

  Intense feelings are starting to rise inside my chest for this one woman. I don’t know what’s going on with me, and I don’t care to ask. The only thing I’m thinking about now is how it will feel to slide my giant cock inside of Katy.

  A war of emotions is raging inside of me. I can’t decide what Katy is to me. She’s obviously more than a one night fuck, but she’s less than a girlfriend.


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