The Plan and other short stories

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The Plan and other short stories Page 2

by Stephen Brandon

  The next morning while Bob and I were checking the trucks when Joshua announced that he wanted to be called Josh, not Joshua. Then he told Bob that he wanted him to teach him how to catch a fist in mid-swing.

  Bob simply said, “Next year will be your senior year in school. Football is a fun sport, but doesn't teach you how to control your muscles. Take up wrestling and if you make the state finals I'll teach you next summer. Plus the holds you'll learn will allow you to subdue an opponent easier than just pounding him into the ground. Then I'll teach you some moves that will make it a lot easier to stop a fight than just putting them face down on the ground. Oh and by the way two pointers, first never loose your temper because you loose your control, and the second is a warning. Never swing on your dad or a woman, because after he finishes hurting you I'll break your arms.”

  Josh answered him with a snappy, “YES SIR.”

  I hadn't heard in a long time.

  Well Josh qualified for the wrestling state finals although he lost his second match. He also graduated with a B+ average. Alice and I then informed him that we wanted him to go to a technical school.

  His reply was, “I'm going to be a tow truck driver, I don't need any technical school.”

  Mabel, three years younger, piped up and stated.

  “If you want to be a better tow truck driver than me, you better figure out which technical school you are going to excel at. I have an interview with Jim for a job at the wrecking yard.”

  At the end of the summer Josh headed off to technical school. Of course Alice cried after he left.

  * ToC *


  Mabel entered the 10th grade. Less than a month later she came home with a suspension letter from the school. It stated that she was suspended for 3 days for beating up two boys rather than reporting them to the principle after they yanked her into the boys restroom.

  The next morning Alice visited the principle. After talking to him quietly for a few minutes she informed him that if her little girl was molested or raped by any of the so called boys at school, she would castrate him along with the culprits. My girls will defend themselves. You needed to enforce discipline at the school or else.

  Then she stopped by Jim's and talked to Bob and invited him over for supper.

  Bob and Mabel were in the yard when I got home. She was covered with grass stains and he just looked smug.

  When we sat down for dinner, Alice told me that Bob was going to teach Mabel some self defense moves. Her year of judo didn't prepare her for the situation at school, only the fact that she thought faster and was stronger than either boy, kept her out of trouble. She also repeated her conversation with the principle. Then she asked Bob how prepared for life Alice was?

  Bob's answer was, “She is somewhat prepared and has evidently been watching Josh practice.” Then looking at me he smiled and announced, ”I will enjoy manhandling your two girls, as long as Alice or you are present.”

  Alice simply said, “Weekends are open, however you'll have to go to church with us on Sundays. Teaching can start after we get home.”

  * * *

  Josh came home for Christmas break. The Saturday afternoon he arrived the first thing he saw was Mabel being thrown around the corner of the house. When he rushed around the corner he met Bob head on and then the fun started. Bob flipped him to the ground and then Mabel threw him as he got up. Alice was sitting by the kitchen door and started laughing so hard that she peed herself as Mabel taunted Josh and demonstrated that she wasn't the little pest that Josh thought she was.

  It took Josh a couple of minutes to realize he'd lost his temper. Then he got serious. It only took another minute or two to immobilize Mabel. Then he turned on Bob and said, “I hope that you haven't hurt my little sister.”

  Bob replied, “Only bruises and a few scrapes. First thing I taught her was how to fall, just like I taught you. She can hold her own against two or three stupid assailants. By the way, I'm having a hard time maintaining my rotten reputation in town. Can you meet me at the cafe this evening and give me a hand.”

  Josh asked, “What if someone recognizes me?”

  Alice, our two girls, and I were sitting eating dinner when Bob entered that evening. Josh was sitting back at Bob's favorite table sipping tea.

  Bob started raising Cain and Josh returned the complements until they made contact. Then swings caught in the air and wrestling started until the waitress brought out an iron skillet from the kitchen and threatened both of them.

  I'd never seen Josh bow to a woman before, but he bowed to the waitress and asked her, “Can I be of assistance against this ruffian,” pointing over his shoulder at Bob. Then he and Bob both broke down laughing at her expression.

  Alice then walked over, grabbed both of them by their ears, and said, “You boys sit down and play nice or I'll have Mabel teach you a lesson.”

  Both said, “Yes ma'am,” and ordered. Then a lively discussion broke out between them on who would pay. They were arm wrestling when the sheriff arrived.

  Looking at them he simply stated. “You-all better eat good cause I didn't serve food in the cage I'm going to put ya in.” Then he sat down with them and they all started talking.

  When the waitress delivered the food she commented with a smile, “Sheriff maybe you better lock Bob up, he let that runt hold his own.”

  That bought more laughter everyone.

  * ToC *


  It was the summer of 08 when Bob got a call from a friend in Texas. He came back a week later and gave his notice to Jim.

  Three months later he called Josh, and Josh went to Texas to work.

  Several months later he called and told his mother that one day he'd call and she should pack everything up and be ready to move us all. He advised me to invest in a certain advertising agency. He still didn't know what the family was really worth, he just knew we didn't have any money worries.

  In 2011 I visited Tim in Austin Texas and then took a side trip to Arizona. Arrangements were made for our daughters to join my son as soon as they qualified, to make their decision.

  I retired and moved family to Montserrat in 2013. Mabel went to work at the island hospital as a nurse. Then the earth workstation.

  * * * ToC * * *

  The Characters

  John Green - b. 1955, married to Alice - b. 1964

  Joshua (Josh) 1st son - b. 1986

  Mabel, born 3 years later - b. 1990 - completed nursing school

  Felecia, born 2 1/2 years later - b. 1992 - loves things mechanical - started taking toys apart at age 5 and online courses at age 10.

  Lee - John's friend & lawyer in the city

  Jim - owns junk yard and several wreckers

  Bob – another wrecker driver - works at Jim's wrecking yard. (ex Marine)

  * * * ToC * * *

  # Main Table of Contents #

  X Plan

  Table of Contents:

  What to Do

  The Mine

  The First Year

  The Next Forty Years

  supporting documentation

  Plan 1

  Preliminary Historical Report star system 486-33

  History of The People

  * * * * *

  Author's Note 3

  What if an alien civilization discovers less advanced civilizations and evaluates them to determine if they are or will be a threat to their civilization.

  What actions may they take?

  * * * * *

  What to Do

  Meeting 30120815 of the council is now in order. The first item on the agenda is what to do about the civilization we've located at star 486-33. Jason, "If you will read the highlights from the report from the exploration crew."

  "Yes sir",

  The humanoid civilization has reached their moon using multistage chemical fuel rockets.

  Their planet has no c
entral government.

  The exploration crew observed 7 small wars in progress between political groups and savagery practiced between members of the species. Religion, language, and skin coloration seem to be some of the divisions and reasoning they use for their atrocities. Portions of their planetary population benefit from their technology, but a larger percentage are on the verge of extinction due to poverty.

  There are two main (political and economic) powers on the planet, but a third is rising (estimate within the next 50 orbits of their star).

  Estimation is that within the next 100 orbits of their start they will expand out into their star system. Plans procured indicate they plan to colonize their moon, the next outer planet, their asteroid belt, along with space habitats.

  It is estimated that within an additional 200 orbits they will exit their star system and make contact with our civilization.

  Their technology is approximately .9 on the Johnston scale. However their social development is estimated at .5 on the Johnston scale. A plan must be developed to retard their technology until their social development catches up to their technology level.

  Usually civilizations with this wide a spread destroy themselves, however this civilization appears past that point, but is a danger to other civilizations.

  "Thank-you Jason, I can only think of a few questions. Can our agents infiltrate their civilization without being detected physically? Are there any indications that we can influence their civilization without being detected? How long a period does the Johnston group estimate will be needed to bring their social level up to at least a .9 without destroying their technology?"

  "Sir", replied Jason, "These questions and a proposed plans have been drawn up."

  Due to the variety of physical sizes and skin pigmentation within the species only surgery will be required for long term infiltration of agents. Our agents doing the initial evaluation passed among the natives with no suspicion using cosmetic disguises.

  The Johnston groups preliminary estimates that the civilization can be influenced and within 400 orbits of their planet around their star be brought up to .8 on the social scale.

  They also presented a plan to retard their technology by economic means that would allow the time needed to influence their social development. This 1st plan estimates a 28% loss of native life.

  Plan 2 is to invade and occupy the planet and completely train the young natives for 2 or 3 generations. This plan estimates a 46% loss of life among the invading force and a 68% loss of life among the natives. If there is no social advancement due to species hatred, they estimate occupation for at least a thousand orbits if not sterilization of the species.

  Plan 3, which I think is suicide, is to ignore the problem and wait for contact. That can go two ways, peaceful or interstellar war between our civilizations.

  Plan 4 is to use nuclear devices and destroy their home world before they progress any further into their star system.

  "Jason, have the Johnston group detail Plan 1 and present it to the council at its next meeting. Now on to item 2, the shortage of females on colony Green due to birth defects. Who has that report?"

  Frederick answered, "I have it sir. The environmental problem is identified, a virus. Medical is working on it, but there is a ratio of 18% female to 82% male on the planet now. The Albertson group suggest enticements to females on all our planets to emigrate to Green."

  * - *

  Meeting 30120822 of the council is now in order. The first item on the agenda is what to do about the civilization we've located at star 486-33. Jason, give a copy of the Plan 1 to each member and we'll take it up at the next meeting. Now about the problem on colony Green.

  * - *

  Meeting 30120829 of the council is now in order. The first item on the agenda is what to do about the civilization we've located at star 486-33. Has everyone read Plan 1?

  Good, now discussion.

  The council erupted with demands to speak first.

  Council President Johnston held up his hand, and said, "None of us are old enough to remember the first alien species we contacted over 2000 orbits ago. We had 6 colonies and were going to establish a 7th. They only had one colony and their home planet system. The resulting war killed the population of 3 of our colonies before we decided to sterilize their colony and home world. If you will review our history you'll also find that after destroying their worlds they still managed to kill another estimated 20% of our total population in suicide attacks by their remaining military spacecraft. I know half of you are going to refer to the cost appendix. Before you are recognized to speak I want you to think a minute about the cost of citizens against the estimated cost of this plan. That's why the Exploration Fleet was chartered. As you well know it's been a burr in the side of the council for over 300 orbits, and was almost eliminated not 5 orbits ago by financial vote."

  Then he sat down and open his copy of the Plan 1. After rereading his copy he stood up and announced, "Speakers will be recognized in alphabetical order of their last names for 5 minutes each, no shuffling or substitutions will be allowed. Then we will vote on accepting Plan 1, 2, 3, or 4. Council member Ajax, you are first."

  After over 4 hours of speeches the vote was taken. Plan 1 was got 37 votes, Plan 2 got 3 votes, Plan 3 got 3 votes, and Plan 4 got 16 votes.

  * ToC *

  The Mine

  "Joe, the survey ship was off by 60 feet."

  "Nah, you just didn't get an accurate fix on the landmarks. Anyway the extra digging will make it look more like we spent a lot of time searching. We still will need to put in a few more holes and at least one more campsite. Bill grab your rifle, two sensors just went off. We got company coming in from the east."

  "OK Joe, I'm set up in a covered position."

  Bill hollered, "OK come on in with your hands in sight. I have my rifle on you."

  The hunter staggered into camp, dropped his rifle and collapsed. "Do you have any food and maybe something hot to drink?"

  Bill snagged the hunters rifle, then got the hunter a mug of hot chocolate. "Hang on, I'll get you some food. What happened to you?"

  The hunter replied between bites, "My guide's plane went down 2 days ago. I've been trying to find your camp because he pointed it out when we flew by. My son and the pilot both were injured, so I left the food with them. Can you help?"

  Bill yelled, "Joe, check the perimeter."

  Forty minutes later Joe walked into the camp and looked at the hunter. "You're pretty lucky, you know that."

  "Why?", asked the hunter.

  "I spotted where your plane went down from the cliff top and it's only about a couple of hours away. How bad are they hurt?"

  "Real bad", replied the hunter, "my son's leg is broken and I think the pilot had internal injuries."

  "Well, we've got our claim markers out so we can leave as soon as you can walk." stated Bill. "Hope our first aid kit is sufficient."

  Bill led the way and 3 hours later they approached the plane. The pilot was dead, but the boy was still alive. His leg was swollen out and around the primitive splint made out of branches. It looked bad and he was delirious. After one look the hunter sat down and cried.

  Bill carefully cut the splint away and took a good look at the leg. He whispered to Joe, "I think I can save the leg, but I'll have to use our med kit. Should we take the chance?"

  "Do it, the medicine should be clear of his system by time we get him back to civilization. I'll get him to help me tear the wing apart to make a stretcher."

  After 3 injections and re-splinting the leg Bill elevated the leg and walked around the plane to where Bill and the hunter were cutting the wing into pieces. "Your boy is real lucky. I first thought the swelling was caused by blood, but it looks more like it is because he drank to much water and the leg was lower than his body. Another day and the skin would have split."

  They constructed a long triangular stretcher and put a cross piece at the top end. Together two of them could pull it along and the two long legs would stabilize it on the ground.

  The three day walk to town took them a week. When they approached the town the hunter knocked on the door of the first house and asked them to call the local doctor and law.

  The local doctor turned out to be a veterinarian. He arranged for a plane to come in and take them to the city.

  Bill and Joe found the land office and filed their claim. They got a hassle because over half the gold they had was from the river and stream leading up to the area they claimed. Only one of the two samples they had had an appreciable amount of gold. Plus the fact that there was an old mine within a mile of the area they claimed. They were granted a provisional claim that would have to be settled in court. They then went back to the hospital to check on the hunter and his son.

  The hunter introduced himself as Joseph Brown. As they talked over dinner Joseph told them that he would get them a good lawyer and pay for him because they'd saved his son.

  A month later the lawyer proved that the old mining claim had been abandoned and Bill and Joe were granted their claim. Mr. Brown invited them to his home to celebrate. Over drinks after dinner Joe explained how they'd found the claim by tracing gold flakes back up the river and stream to where it came out of the cliff. That meant that the gold was in the mountain and they'd have to blast parallel to the underground part of the stream back to the seam of gold.

  Bill piped up that they'd be rich, but it would be someday. Properly done if they broke through to the stream the water would drain out the tunnel and they'd just get their feet wet.

  The mining engineer that Joseph introduced them to suggested that they find where the stream went underground and block it to dry out the streams tunnel. By diverting the stream they could then tunnel in through the original stream bed and reach the gold deposit faster. That would also make it easier because their blasting would be less likely to collapse the tunnel. If they were really good they could use the stream to remove the smaller debris by building a sluice along the side of the tunnel.


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