The Plan and other short stories

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The Plan and other short stories Page 13

by Stephen Brandon

  John put his hand on the Captains shoulder and said, “I think I know how you feel. When my grandfather died I couldn't function for 2 days. Do you want someplace around here to rest before we go back to the main ship?” Then he led him down the corridor to an unoccupied mess and locked the hatch after seating the Captain.

  An hour later they walked into the Quartermaster's office and he told the Quartermaster to open the ships safe. After securing the disk in a lock box he thumbed the seal, had the 1st officer put his thumb seal on it, then he told John to counter seal both. He then handed the box to the Quartermaster and told him the contents and to seal the container in the ships safe until it was needed. The Quartermaster looked at the Captain and said I didn't think he was that sick. They watched the Quartermaster seal the box with his thumb print and label the box while saying, "I hope it isn't needed anytime soon."

  The flight was uneventful to Earth orbit. The Old Man spent a week looking at the Earth through the observation blister. Then that night he died and they were unable to resuscitate him again.

  Only 2 of the Old Man's lawyers were aboard. A radio and video link was established to Jupiter and all persons that the lawyer were contacted. The next morning the lock box was on the Captains desk when the link was reestablished. A similar box was on the desk of the main lawyer on the Jupiter station in the main conference room of the company. At the same time they were opened and the seals on the data disk held up to be verified. The transmission time lag was a major irritant. Then as per instructions from the main lawyer the disk were to be placed in computers and read. The computers would transmit the contents of the disk to the other and print out the will at the same time. Then the lawyer on Jupiter said he would read the will for verification by comparing both copies.

  There were 5 sections. The first dealt with the company stock and leadership. John inherited 2000 shares and a seat on the board of directors. The Captain looked at him and said, "Well you're now to rich to work."

  The second section dealt with the Phoenix and the new A-matter engine ship nearing completion. The Captain owned 2 shares of both and the present officers of the Phoenix owned 1 share of each. John inherited 5 shares of each ship. The Captain looked at him and then said, “What am I to do with you now?”

  The third section dealt with the colony moon. The company owned 5,260,100 of the 10,000,000 shares. However any owner of the company shares could trade his shares in the company for shares in the colony moon except John. He owned outright 649,000 shares. John looked at the Captain and said, "Do you know the story of my grandfather and the Old Man?"

  The Captain replied, "I'll tell you later."

  The fourth section dealt with the desires of the Old Man as far as his body. It was to be buried either on Earth or aboard the Phoenix under 1 G acceleration out into the universe. His wife and natural children were well taken care of and would make the final decision about his burial. There was a document attached and a reference to a copy sealed in the lawyers safe and filed with the high court on Jupiter station 1. Upon the reading of his will it was to be unsealed. It was an adoption certificate showing where John was formerly adopted after his father died. His mother's agreed to the adoption and signed it. No one else except the Old Man's wife, the lawyers, and a few court officials knew about it. The Old Man's son and daughter said they'd fight and get the adoption revoked. The senior lawyer then informed them that the next paragraph in the will stated that anyone that fought any part of the will would be disowned by the will, their portion would go to a charity on the list, and John would automatically become permanent chairman of the board which was the Old Man's position after he took the company public. The lawyer then said now for the last paragraph of section 4. All inheritance except John Wing inheritance will be held in trust until 5 years after the successful launch of the colony moon. Each inheriting person or organization would be paid from that trust a proportional amount each year from the profits of the company. If John Wing died under conditions other than old age the company was to be split up and given to the public, 1 share per person over the age of 1 year.

  Then the lawyer said section five deals with the colony moon and when John Wing assumes his seat on the board of directors and a new chairman is elected it will be read to the board and the Captain of the Phoenix. It will remain sealed until that time.

  There was a big argument about the burial among the children and then their mother spoke up. “I wish to be buried with my husband.” The middle aged children shut up when she finally yelled at them. She then looked into the view screen and said. “John can you guarantee that I will be buried with my husband.” The 46 minute time lag just for him to hear the question was more than he could stand. He yelled, “YES EVEN IF I HAVE TO USE MY INHERITANCE TO PAY FOR IT.” He knew that she would not hear his reply for another 46 minutes so he turned to the Captain and asked, “Is there any way to preserve the Old Mans body aboard the Phoenix until her time comes to join him, or would it spook the crew?”

  The Captain got up and walked out of the office. He then called all officers to meet him in the his office and a comm link to the Old Man's doctors. He then stuck his head back into his office and said, “John you have the bridge for 30 minutes.”

  When the first officer and Chief Engineer came back out they told John to report to the Captain. Only the Captain and the lawyers were there.

  As John came in the Captain said, “Grab a seat. The lawyers inform me that the Phoenix is divided into 25 shares. The Old Man's wife inherited 2 shares, and his son and daughter 1 each. 11 shares are represented by the ships officers and me. You inherited 5 shares. The last 5 shares are each inherited by one member of the board of directors. I know 3 of them personally. The Old Man's doctors said they would prepare the Old Man's body for long term storage. He can either be stored and buried on Earth with his wife or aboard the Phoenix with his wife on a trip to the stars. I think that those two spoiled middle age brats he has will try to force the Phoenix to be the coffin just to try to hurt you. I may be wrong, but either way the officers of the Phoenix are with you. The Star Child will be completed next year and need a trained crew. We can move over there lock stock and barrel.”

  The lawyer behind the Captain's desk then turned over a piece of paper and said, “Read this and sign below the last signature. Captain I need two witnesses that are not inheritors or partial in any way to witness.”

  The Captain called the Quartermaster and said, “I need two witnesses from among the passengers brought to my office now.”

  There was a knock on the corridor door a minute later and two passengers were escorted in. Both women were irritated that their trip was interrupted.

  The lawyer explained that a historic legal document needed to be witnessed and none of the crew or persons hired by the Old Man could witness it. They were the two closest impartial witnesses and would they please read the document and sign as witnesses to make completely legal. If they wished they could watch the recording of the discussion and signing of it by the other ships officers and talk to any of them they wished to. They would also be given a sealed copy of all the recording provided they promised not to divulge the contents until after the main action of the document was accomplished.

  They agreed, one wanted to talk to one of the officers and pointed to a name on the signature line. The Captain then called for him to come to his office and said I will wait outside while you talk to him.

  When he came into the office John said I'll wait outside also, the lawyers will remain to verify. He stepped out onto the bridge with a cup of coffee. After a few minutes they were called back in.

  The ladies each signed with a flourish and said they had never heard a story of such passion. They would keep the secret until they were told they could tell it and show their copy. They both also asked if they could go on the maiden voyage of the Star Child.

  The Cap
tain gave a bow and said, “I can arrange it ladies. You'll be my guest."

  John then said, "The Captain has my support in arranging your trip. Please excuse us for now we still have some arrangements to make with the lawyers and family on Station 1."

  About 2 minutes later the view screen showed the lawyers office and the Old Man's wife thanked John and the Captain. Then the two children demanded that their father be buried aboard the Phoenix and it be sent to the stars.

  John looked at the Captain and said, "You were right. Shall we deflate them now or let them enjoy their little triumph for a month."

  The Captain looked at the lawyer and said, "Transmit the document and recording under seal so that it can only be viewed by the widow alone with her lawyer. Also transmit a copy to the office of the high court on Station 1 to be filed under seal until such date as it needs to be executed." He then turned to the view screen and said, "Ma'am your wishes will be honored on my word and the word of the officers of the Phoenix this date. We will be back in the Jupiter system in less than 30 days. Make any arrangements you deem necessary after talking to your most trusted lawyer. Gentlemen, John Wing and I wish to retain your services. Your partners here aboard the Phoenix will make the arrangements and transmit them to you at their convenience. I authorize the transfer of 10,000 credits from my personal account as a retaining fee for us."

  The the senior of the two lawyers in the office stated, “ I strongly recommend taking them on as clients. I'll be sending you communications as soon as we work out the preliminary details. The Captain has given me his personal check for 10,000 credits. Shall I accept it. We five represent the majority of the senior partners.”

  93 minutes later the answer came in that the Captain and John Wing were now clients. One of the senior lawyers on station 1 said, "I have privately perused the contents of the incoming document and agreed completely." His words shocked the two lawyers in the Captains office when he bluntly stated, “Those two punks are going to go through hell before they break this will or cause their mother any more pain. Talk to you later. Signing off now to talk to the widow privately.”

  * * *

  Twelve years later the Phoenix had it's navigation computers removed and replaced with a single computer that had a very simple program. It would lock in on the galactic center and keep the ship aimed for that point. All the shuttles were removed along with all non-essential equipment and furnishing except for the owners compartment. A million miles polar north of Jupiter all the crew except the 10 required to start the ship on its journey transferred to the Star Child. Captain John Wing gave the command to engage the A-engine. Two hours later the Chief Engineer verified that the A-engine would run stable until it ran out of antimatter. The Captain was the last off the bridge and the last into the last shuttle. At his command to cast off, the Phoenix containing The Old Man and his wife became the most expensive crypt in the history of the human race. There were no dry eyes when they docked with the Star Child and turned her toward the colony moon.

  Only three years before the antimatter containment problem had been solved where there were conflicting magnetic fields in the vicinity of the containment bottle. It was so simple that it eluded the best minds trying to solve the problems. It took a smart ass kid right out of training to figure how to manufacture antimatter on demand. It reduced the mass of the A-engine by 60%. The Phoenix would approach the speed of light before it's engine would fail to make enough antimatter to accelerate it more.

  Upon arrival at the colony moon the last two Captains were aboard. All three proceeded to the bridge and set the final course in the computers.

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