by J. , Anna
“Yeah.” James looked at the door and then turned to face Monica again. “About that drawing on the wall...I don’t remember posing for it.”
“You didn’t. I remembered one of the nights you were here, and decided to put it on canvas. Is that okay?” she asked, daring him to say otherwise. If he had said it wasn’t cool, she would have sent it to Jasmine in the mail to let her know he had been there. Lucky for him, he didn’t have a problem with it.
“No, it’s cool. Just don’t let it get out, okay? You know, with my career and all,” he said, his voice slightly quivering.
“It won’t, now go home,” Monica said while opening the door. She wanted James out, and he was starting to get on her nerves. James had already served his purpose. She didn’t need him anymore, so there was no use in wasting her time talking to him about shit she didn’t care about.
“One more question then I’m gone.”
“What, James?” Monica spat at him, her annoyance showing.
“Is that woman Jasmine’s secretary?”
“Yes, why do you ask?” she replied with a slight smile on her face.
“She won’t tell will she? I don’t want any trouble with them on the job.”
“No, your secret is safe. Now go home!”
“Okay, okay. I’m going. I miss you already.” “Yeah, yeah. I miss you too, now go.”
James slowly made his way to the car, trying to make sense of what had just happened. With him exploding inside of Monica and orally pleasing his wife’s secretary, he was sure this wasn’t the end of it. He just prayed he could fix things at home before shit got out of hand.
Sheila listened to everything from the top of the stairs and crept back to the room when she heard Monica closing the front door. She liked Jasmine as a person and didn’t want anything to do with this bullshit Monica had cooking up. This was only her second time at Monica’s house, and she was still surprised at how she ended up there the first time. She was sitting on the edge of the bed contemplating all of this when Monica walked in the room.
“So, Sheila, did you enjoy yourself tonight, sweetie?” Monica asked before she reached behind the mirror and pulled out the camcorder. Sheila didn’t know they were being taped and didn’t know what to do. She’d just gotten herself into some serious shit and was clueless as how to get out of it.
“Yes, it was nice, but I need to be heading out. I need to pick up my son from my mom’s house before she starts calling around looking for me.” Her son was at home with her sister, but she was trying to find any reason to leave. She knew she would never step foot into Monica’s house again, but she had to get out first.
“No problem, sweetie. Call a cab and get yourself dressed. I want to download some of these pictures onto my laptop before I forget. Let me know when you’re leaving,” Monica replied before leaving the room. She never even made eye contact with Sheila as she talked.
Sheila got dressed as quickly as possible after calling a cab from Monica’s phone. She sat in the living room as she was instructed, and didn’t budge until the cab driver honked his horn out front. Monica came into the living room and gave her money to get home in one envelope and money for the evening in another. Sheila was confused as to why she was getting paid for being there, and it showed all over her face.
“Now, this night is our little secret, right?” Monica warned more than asked Sheila as she waited for her to reply.
“Yes, I won’t say anything.”
“Okay, I’ll call you later. Be sure to answer the phone.”
Sheila walked out of the house and Monica watched her from the doorway, not seeming to care that she was still topless. Just as Sheila was opening the cab door, Monica called out to her. Sheila looked at Monica puzzled at what she was calling her for.
“Just a heads up,” Monica began with an evil look on her face. “Don’t fuck with me!”
Sheila got into the cab quickly and instructed the driver to take her home. Her heart didn’t slow down for a couple of blocks, and for once in her life someone other than her mother put fear in her. She never suspected Monica was crazy, just a little obsessive with all the pink and white going on. Now that she knew Monica was crazy, she had to find a way to tell Jasmine without her finding out she’d slept with her husband too. Sheila didn’t know what to do and was in tears by the time she got home.
James had left his credit card in another pants pocket and didn’t have any cash on him to replace the underclothes Monica took from him. He decided once he got in the house that he would hop in the shower and sleep in the guest room. He wanted to make up with Jasmine for the way he had been acting, but tonight wouldn’t work. He smelled like he just came from Monica’s house, and he didn’t want Jasmine to even think he was stepping out on her.
When he walked in Jasmine was lying on the couch asleep. She must have been waiting for him to get back and dozed off. Looking at his watch, he saw that he’d been gone for at least three hours and knew that Jasmine was going to have a fit when she woke up. He also knew that if he tried to sneak past her and hop in the shower she would definitely know what he had done.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place, he decided to wake Jasmine up and try to apologize to her. He stood over her watching her sleep and silently wondered what he had gotten himself into dealing with Monica. He knew he had to stay away or Jasmine would find out he was creeping. He honestly couldn’t think of a reason to cheat on his wife, and he did feel bad. He decided at that moment that he wouldn’t contact Monica anymore.
From what he could see she was nothing but trouble—trouble that was easy to get into.
“Jasmine, wake up,” he whispered in her ear, shaking her a little to get her attention. When she opened her eyes, she looked at him like she wanted to punch him out.
“What time is it?” she asked while she sat up on the couch and got herself together.
“It’s one-thirty in the morning,” James responded while bracing himself to be cursed out. Jasmine had a sharp tongue, and she could slice you up with just words.
“So you’ve been gone for at least three hours. Why did you leave like that without letting me explain myself?”
“Jazz, I really don’t know. You hurt me.”
“I hurt you? You’ve been acting like you hate me for the last few months. How did I hurt you?”
“I know I’ve been treating you wrong. I’ve been stressed at work and tired when I get home.”
“I’m tired when I get home too, but I make sure you and the kids eat, and if you want to have sex you get it no matter how late I’m at the office. I bend over backwards to keep this house running smoothly no matter how stressed I am.”
“Baby, I know, and I’m sorry about the way I’ve been treating you. I’m sorry I stormed out of here the way I did; I just needed to breathe for a second.”
“James, I need to breathe, too. You say shit to me that I don’t like but I stay here and deal with it! I just can’t up and leave because I have kids to think about. Mommy can’t afford to have a breakdown when things don’t go right,” Jasmine said between her tears, partly because she couldn’t get Monica out of her system and partly because she didn’t want James to go.
“I know that, Jazz. I know I need to change, but I need you to stick it out and help me. I need you to love me like you used to.”
“James that will never change, but you need to get it together. I can’t do this by myself.”
“Baby, I know. I love you so much, and I need you. Whatever you do, just don’t leave.” James was begging her, nearly in tears. He had to leave Monica alone, and he vowed to himself right then that he would never be alone with her after that day.
Jasmine was a little shaken up because she had just told Monica they could chill again. She knew if she wanted to work things out with James, she had to let Monica go, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to. Monica seemed to complete her, and it just sort of worked out. Jasmine knew if she called Monica and told her they couldn’t get toget
her anymore, Monica would spazz out. She was temperamental like that, and she could be dangerous if rubbed the wrong way. So Jasmine decided to just fall back instead of talking to Monica, and only see her when she could.
On the other side of town, Monica placed the photos she’d downloaded from her camcorder into a hidden safe behind the picture she drew of her and the governor of D.C. She had her hooks in his wife also, and she decided it was about time to call for her money. He paid Monica to keep quiet about him sleeping with her on occasions, and he didn’t know Monica was having sex with his wife and his oldest daughter. She also knew she had to keep Sheila in check before her paranoid ass messed up everything. She had work to do, and she went to relax in the tub before putting her plan into action.
Marital Bliss?
For James, staying away from Monica was nothing. He knew she was trouble, and to avoid losing his wife he avoided her. She called his cell phone on occasion to hook up, but he always had a reason why it wasn’t a good idea. This, of course, frustrated Monica, and she wasn’t one to let things go easily. Deciding to pay James a little visit at home, she got into her hot pink convertible Benz dressed in a trench coat and stiletto heels. Freshly done hair, perfect makeup, and nothing underneath the trench coat was sure to get James’s attention. She almost burst with anticipation as she zigzagged in and out of traffic on her twenty-minute ride to the Cinque household.
Deciding to park a block down from the house so James wouldn’t hear her pull up in the driveway, Monica made her way to the front door, her heels echoing loudly on the sidewalk. Glancing through the window, she spied James sitting on the couch in boxers and a t-shirt watching television. Monica knew Jasmine and the kids were away because Sheila had informed her that Jasmine went to visit her mother in Virginia on a three-day-weekend vacation. James couldn’t go because it was sweeps week at the station, and he had to be there to make sure everything ran smoothly.
Ringing the doorbell, she loosened the belt on her coat so that when he opened the door she could surprise him. She felt in her pocket for the pair of panties she had in there then posed for him once the door opened.
“Monica, what are you doing here?” James asked as he leaned out the door and looked from side to side to make sure none of his neighbors were out. Things with he and Jasmine were starting to get better, and the last thing he needed was one of his nosey-ass neighbors seeing another woman entering his house. They would tell Jasmine no soon as she set foot on the block, and that would be something else he would have to explain. They were finally talking out their differences, and although it wasn’t back to normal, it was damn close.
“I came to see you. I miss you,” Monica responded, revealing herself to James. The look on his face said it all, yet he hadn’t invited her in yet. Rubbing her hands down her body, she looked James in the eye, waiting for him to say something.
“I told you we had to chill for a while. I thought you understood that,” James responded with his eyes still roaming all over Monica’s naked body. Her trench coat was falling off her shoulders while she fingered herself. James knew if he didn’t invite her in she would be standing in front of him naked for the entire neighborhood to see. And with his luck, all his neighbors would come out as soon as her coat hit the ground.
“Yeah, but Jazz and the kids are out of town, and you know what they say,” she responded as she walked up to him in the doorway, and took hold of his erection. “When the cat’s away . . .”
“Monica, we can’t do this. Jasmine would have a fit!” James tried to keep his cool as she was backing him into the house, but it wasn’t working. Before he knew it, Monica had the door closed and him sprawled out on the couch with his boxers down around his knees.
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt you. You know you want this.”
She kissed him behind his ear and stroked his length against her clit at the same time. Her wetness covered the head of his penis, and James struggled to gain control of the situation.
“Monica, you shouldn’t be here,” James responded weakly as he pushed her back off him. He stood up, pulling his boxers up with him, and tried to clear his head. Monica was set on getting it whether he wanted to give it or not, and instead of arguing with him, she turned and went upstairs.
James was left standing in his living room with a hard dick and no idea of what to do. He went over and locked the door, hoping to God no one saw Monica come in. He knew Monica wasn’t leaving until she got what she came for. He had no choice but to knock her off real quick, and decided he would get it done quickly so that she could leave.
By the time James came up to the room, Monica was spread out on the lounge chair by the window with both sets of her lips spread open. Her eyes were closed, and she didn’t open them until he was right up on her.
“Monica, we have to make this quick. I don’t know what time Jazz will be back, and she can’t see you here!” He got down on his knees on the side of the chair so that they could talk face to face.
Instead of responding, she took her finger out of her walls and placed it in his mouth. His eyes closed as he tasted her wetness with a hint of chocolate body butter mixed in. He stood at attention immediately, and Monica moved up so the head of his penis was just inside her cave.
James moaned as her muscles contracted around his head and she grinded him slowly, not letting any more than that go in. She wrapped her legs around his waist, still not letting him fully penetrate her as she tongue-kissed his nipples and rubbed his back.
Slowly at first, they pushed and pulled on each other. Monica fed James her nipples one at a time as his strokes quickened inside of her, making her lean against the window sill for support. They moaned like crazy, and James had just begun to explode when he looked out the window and saw Jasmine’s Blazer pull into the driveway.
“Monica, you have to go! Jazz just pulled up . . .”
James grabbed the Glade air freshener and started spraying the room to get the smell of sex out after pulling on his boxers. Monica grabbed one of Jasmine’s blouses out of the closet and wiped the semen off her stomach leaving what was on her pubic area there. She knew if she got pregnant Jasmine would leave him.
She made her way to the kitchen and could hear Jasmine getting the kids out of the car. James had hopped in the shower and planned to stay there until Jasmine came upstairs looking for him like he was in there the entire time. Monica slipped out the back door just as Jasmine was opening the front, and she crept around the side of the house and down the street into her car unnoticed.
Pulling up in front of the house, Monica parked her car, grabbed the binoculars that rested on the passenger seat, and stared up at the window that led into Jasmine and James’s bedroom. She watched James walk into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Monica felt sick as she watched him embrace Jasmine and kiss her slowly. She wanted Jasmine to come home to her and to kiss her that way. Briefly, she pictured herself in Jasmine’s arms, and before a tear could drop, she peeled off down the street and onto the expressway thinking of how to put plan B into motion.
James held his wife like he hadn’t seen her in ages. Jasmine thought it was because they were apart for the weekend, but James was just relieved that Monica had made it out in time. He sat down on the side of the bed after he was sure Monica was gone. He saw her sitting outside the house from the window and knew kissing Jasmine would piss her off, but he didn’t care as long as she was gone.
“I missed you, too,” Jasmine said once James pulled back from the kiss. She smiled; she wasn’t expecting this, and she was pleasantly surprised.
“What are you doing back so soon? I thought you guys weren’t coming back until the evening,” James said as he sat down on the bed to lotion his body. He didn’t want any traces of Monica on him or in the room, and he sprayed cologne on his body just to make sure.
“It started raining pretty heavy down there, so I wanted to make it back before it started to flood. You know how it is down my mom’s way w
ith the dirt roads and everything,” Jasmine responded, taking a seat on the lounge chair and leaning back. Her arm fell over the side, lazily making contact with the blouse Monica used to wipe her stomach off. James spotted it, but Jasmine was already leaning over to pick it up.
Holding the shirt up and feeling the stickiness on her hand, she looked at James puzzled. James continued looking down at his legs and lotioning his body like he didn’t see her pick the shirt up off the floor. He wasn’t going to say anything until she asked, and he hoped he could come up with a good excuse as to why there was a sticky substance on her favorite Donna Karan blouse.
“James,” she said with a little attitude in her voice, holding the shirt close to his bowed head, “can you explain this to me?”
Looking up guiltily, he examined the shirt she was holding with her fingertips up to his face. He didn’t really know what to say, and he didn’t want to lie. He also knew he couldn’t tell her he’d just finished having sex with Monica on the lounge chair she was laying on and had exploded all over her stomach when she pulled up, and just to be a smart ass Monica used her shirt to wipe off. That would get him jacked up for sure.
“Before you came I was thinking about what you did to me before you left. You know your riding skills are the bomb, and I wanted something of yours near me. I was handling business, and let off on your blouse because I didn’t want to get it on the bed. I was gonna have it cleaned before you noticed it.”
“Then why was it under the lounge chair?” Jasmine asked suspiciously. She thought that maybe she saw Monica’s car as she was riding up the street, but she wasn’t sure. She didn’t know too many people with a hot pink convertible, but opted to pay it no mind. She chalked it up to just missing Monica and let it be, but now she wasn’t so sure.
“Because that’s where I was. You know how I do, and I would have exploded all over the place if I didn’t have something to cover up with. I didn’t think much about it, and was going to put it in the bag for dry cleaning when I got out of the shower. You pulled up as I was getting out, and it totally slipped my mind. I can buy you another one though, two if it’ll keep you from being upset with me . . . I just missed you, that’s all.”