Diamond Lives, Platinum Lies

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Diamond Lives, Platinum Lies Page 15

by Howard, Vonda

  The prisoner sighed as he stood slightly to scoot out.

  “Don’t you worry man; I’m not going to say a word. We got to all stick together.”

  Carmine just looked up at the man as Brenda guided him out of the van and shut the doors.

  Brenda took the man over to Detective Rice’s car and put him in the backseat.

  “So what is it?” The prisoner asked scowling.

  Detective Rice flipped off the dash camera and recorder and looked back at the man in the back seat with an ear to ear smile. “So, how did it go?”

  “Bro, you should have seen the way he was boiling in there! Hilarious!” The man laughed.

  “Good job.” They shook hands. “Now, we just wait for all of this to play out.”

  Simone gently placed a small ice pack on Neal’s face as they sat at the bar.

  “What were you thinking running up there like that?” Simone asked with a smile.

  “I saw him hurting you; I couldn’t stand there and not do anything. I may be gay, but my mama still taught me to respect a lady.”

  Simone smiled as she leaned over and kissed him on his cheek. “I don’t know where I would be without you. I love you.”

  “Aww, I love you too honey. I’m just glad this is finally over.”

  Simone just looked at him and smiled because she knew it was far from over.

  Chapter 21

  Simone and Neal pulled up in front of the courthouse to a media circus. Every conceivable network, ABC, NBC, BET, BBC and even Telemundo; this was worldwide news. It had been about six months for her, but the pain and fear was still fresh. Besides, it was hard for her to move on from it because the media wouldn’t let it go. It had been all over every magazine and bought up in every interview. It was even used as a skit when she guest starred on Saturday Night Live. She couldn’t escape it. She was hoping that the verdict being put down today would be closure for her…finally.

  She and Neal stepped out of the limo and began to walk up the steps to the courthouse hand in hand. They stopped in the crowd to give a brief interview before they headed inside. Just as she was answering the question on “how she was doing after all this” for what seemed to her like the millionth time, the crowd’s attention shifted to the black stretch limo that pulled up to the curb. She curled the corners of her mouth as she looked on as Darius and Big J arrogantly stepped out. She and Neal watched them walk slowly up the stairs surrounded by a throng of high paid and high powered lawyers. Neal wrapped his arm around her.

  “Girl, don’t you let that asshole get to you. Today is going to be his day of reckoning.”

  Darius looked over at her and gave her a self-confident half smile and a wink. She could have clawed his eyes out right there.

  “Hey guys.” Said Detective Rice from behind them.

  Simone turned and hugged him. “Hey Dick. I am so ready for this to be over once and for all.”

  They walked up the stairs and into the lobby of the courthouse. “Don’t worry, by the end of the day it will be. We will finally be rid of him.”

  “Sounds like heaven.” Neal replied.

  Simone and Darius locked eyes for a moment as she walked into the courtroom and took her seat.

  Darius and his lawyers strutted into the courtroom and took their places minutes before the judge and the jury entered the courtroom. The trial had been long and grueling. Simone couldn’t believe the tactics that Darius’s lawyers used to discredit the victims; from character assassinations to just flat out lying. Now, it was about to be over and she can finally try to get past all this. She reached over and grabbed Neal’s hand as the judge asked Darius to stand and the jury foreman for their verdict. She was so ready for the verdict. After all the evidence that had been presented and the witness testimonies, she knew for sure that he was going down.

  The courtroom was dead silent as the bailiff grabbed the small slip of paper from the jury foreman and walked it over to the judge. The judge opened the small slip, read it, sent it back to the foreman, and asked what their verdict was. The courtroom was silent enough to hear a pin drop as the foreman opened the sheet of paper and said;

  “In the case of Washington D.C. versus Darius Barnes, we the jury find on the charge of murder in the 1st degree….not guilty.”

  There was a unified gasp from the audience in the courtroom. Simone, Neal and Detective Rice sat in shock as the jury foreman read the rest of the verdict.

  “On the charge of conspiracy to commit murder in the deaths of Trent Michaels, Rochelle Carmichael and Officer Tim McKomack, we the jury find the defendant….not guilty…On the charge of drug trafficking…we the jury find the defendant…not guilty, and on the charge of attempted murder…we find the defendant not guilty.”

  Simone sat stunned, speechless.

  “What the hell?” Detective Rice stood up and shouted.

  “Detective, sit down or I will have you hauled out of here!” The judge yelled.

  Detective Rice slowly sat back down as he glared at the judge.

  “Tell me this is some sort of really bad joke.” Neal whispered to Simone.

  Simone couldn’t speak. Her eyes slowly trailed from the jury over to Darius whom was celebrating with his lawyers.

  “I would like to thank the jurors for their participation. The defendant is free to go.” The judge banged his gavel, stood and went into his chambers.

  “Tell me this isn’t true!” Neal said leaning around Simone to Detective Rice. “How could he get off?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out!” Detective Rice excused himself and headed towards the judge’s chambers.

  Simone and Neal sat frozen in their seats as Darius arrogantly strolled out of the courtroom with his lawyers. He made sure to look at both of them and give a wink and smile as he exited the courtroom.

  Detective Rice stormed in the judge’s chambers just as the judge was hanging up his robe.

  “What the hell?” The judge was startled by Detective Rice’s entrance.

  “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Detective Rice walked right up on the Judge.

  “What the hell is your problem bursting in my chambers like this?” Their angry stares slowly developed to ear to ear smiles.

  “Excellent job, sir. This plan is going off without a hitch!” Detective Rice smiled as he hugged the judge.

  “I know. Did you see the smug smile on his face? He actually thinks he fooled us all!” The judge laughed out loud.

  “I know. If this plays out the way we planned it and it probably will, we will have justice not only for Trent and Rochelle, but for Tim, too.”

  “Can I just say something, Dick?” The judge asked.


  “I just want to thank you for never giving up on my son. You were a damn good partner and best friend to him.”

  Detective Rice could feel his eyes beginning to burn with tears. “I know. I just wish I would have listened to him. Then maybe he would be here today.”

  “Look, he died doing what he loved to do. He knew you loved him and he loved you too. Just know today, you made him proud.”

  “Well, I hope so.” Detective Rice smiled as a single tear trailed down his cheek.

  Simone and Neal stood up in the empty courtroom devastated.

  “What do we do now? He got away with it! How did this happen?”

  Neal embraced her. “I don’t know.”

  “He cannot get away with what he did to Trent and Peaches…he just can’t.” His voice began to tremble.

  “Don’t worry.” Brenda said as she entered the courtroom.

  “What the hell are you talking about? He just walked out of here a free man!” Neal released Simone and turned towards Brenda.

  “Just know that looks can be deceiving.” Brenda smiled.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Neal asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Look,” Brenda walked closer to them. “I know this won’t change anything that has happened,
but I am so sorry for all the anguish both my father and I have caused your family. Just know that we intend to take any punishment the law hands us.” She shook both their hands and left.

  Simone and Neal were totally confused as they stood in the empty courtroom.

  “What did she mean looks can be deceiving?” Simone asked.

  “I have no idea, but I guess we’ll find out.” Neal grabbed Simone’s hand. “Come on, I know somewhere we could go to feel a little better.”

  Chapter 22

  Darius and Big J stepped outside the courthouse smiling ear to ear. Darius shook the hands of his lawyers and began his “victory walk” down the steps of the courthouse. He felt untouchable. He knew he was untouchable. He ignored the screams from the crowd that called him a drug dealing, murderous low-life. He and Big J just smiled and kept on their path to the waiting limo. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he was stopped by Ganja’s mother.

  “What’s up mom?” He hugged her.

  As he pulled back from his hug she swung her arm and gave him a full swing open hand slap across the face. “You low down bastard! How could you do that to my son? I loved you like my own when your own mamma didn’t want you! Now, I can see why!”

  Darius held up his hand telling Big J to stay back. He stepped closer to her, using his thumb to remove the blood from the corner of his mouth. “Out of the respect that I do have for your crinkled up ass, I’m going to overlook this, but the next time you put your hands on me, you will be lying in a bed next to your vegetable son.” He smiled at her as he turned to go get in his limo.

  “You just know that God will always get his vengeance.” She said to him with tears in her eyes.

  “Whatever.” He rolled his eyes as he closed the limo door and it pulled away.

  “You alright man? That was a hellacious slap.” Big J laughed a he handed Darius a glass of champagne.

  “Man, shut up. She’s just lucky I didn’t stomp her old ass. I’m not going to let her spoil our oh-so-sweet victory.” The toasted the glasses and took a sip.

  “I know that’s right…man, this is some strong champagne!”

  Darius lay back in the seat as the car seemed like it was spinning. “I know! Where did you get it from?”

  “The driver said it was sent as a gift.”

  Darius struggled to get the driver’s attention. ‘Hey! Where the hell did you get this champagne?” His mouth began to dry out and his vision started to blur. “This shit is…” he blacked out.

  “D!” Big J reached over and shook Darius with no luck in waking him. “Shit! This is a damn set up! You motherfucker!” He reached in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone to call for help, but blacked out before he could finish dialing.

  “Okay, dad. Trust me, you can do this. I’ll be there soon. I love you too.” Brenda hung up her cell phone and stepped out of the empty courtroom she ducked into to call and check on her father. As she stepped out into the hallway, she bumped into Detective Rice.

  “Oh…hey…Dick. How have you been?” She smiled awkwardly.

  “Hey, I’ve been fine. I have just had my head buried in this case.”

  “Oh yeah, I heard. It looks like the plan is working.”

  “Yeah, let’s hope Carmine does exactly what we want him to do.” Awkwardly, he cleared his throat. “How are things going with you and your dad?”

  “Oh, as best as you can expect; he is officially resigning his seat today, so he’s a little wound up. I was just on my way to be with him.”

  “Good, I heard they were going to take it easy on you since you testified. That’s great.”

  “Yeah. I just hate myself for all of it. I lost a lot of things that were very precious to me.” She looked up into Detective Rice’s eyes with a slight smile.

  There was an awkward silence for a second.

  “Well, I guess I better get going. My dad is waiting for me. You take care okay?” She reached up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. The attraction and love was still there between them: the trust had just been seriously shattered. ”Oh, okay. Can I just say one thing?” He said as she began to walk away.

  “Sure.” Brenda turned and smiled.

  “Although I was hurt and angry about what you did, I can say that I admire the fact that you are taking responsibility for it.”

  “Well, thank you. That means a lot coming from you. It was the right thing to do.”

  They stood and looked at one another for a moment.

  “Well, I’d better get going.” She said as she hesitantly turned to leave.

  “Right.” He watched her as she got further and further from him. “Wait, Brenda!”

  She turned quickly as if she was waiting for him to call out to her. “Yes?”

  “Maybe I could go with you, you now, just for moral support?”

  She smiled. “That would be nice. Thank you.”

  He reached over and held her hand as they headed towards the doors together.

  Darius and Big J woke up soaking wet in an empty warehouse, both tied to chairs that were facing one another.

  “What the hell?” Darius said trying to free his hands.

  “Where are we?” Big J asked terrified and groggy. “What is this all over us? Oh shit! It’s gasoline!”

  “What the hell is going on here?” Darius shouted.

  “Aww…don’t fret my friend. I just needed to get you somewhere alone where we could…talk.” Carmine’s voice came in over the speakerphone of a small cell phone on the floor between Darius and Big J.

  “What the hell is going on Carmine?” Darius said in a very agitated tone.

  “Oh shit, we gonna die! We gonna die!” Big J whimpered.

  “Now, now, calm down. I just wanted to talk to you in private, that’s all.”

  “Well, we could have done that dry and amongst civilization! You didn’t have to drug us and drag us out here in the middle of nowhere!”

  “Oh shit.” Big J mumbled fearfully. “See, this is that Godfather shit I said didn’t want no part of.”

  “Man shut up!” Darius yelled. “Carmine, what is it you dragged us out here to talk about?”

  “Oh, come on, Darius. We both know.”

  “Umm…no we don’t. All I know is that you ruined a five thousand dollar suit! What is it you think I know, Carmine?”

  “Okay, well, why don’t you give me a reason not to kill your snitching asses right now?”

  “Snitching? What the hell are you talking about Carmine? You have been using Hybrid?” Darius joked.

  “Man, I didn’t snitch about anything! I don’t know shit!” Big J began to sob a little.

  Carmine chuckled. “Very funny. We both know that it is because of you that I am looking at twenty-five years to life on trafficking charges!”

  “What? How is that my fault?” Darius and Big J looked at each other baffled.

  “Don’t fucking lie to me!” Carmine shouted into the speakerphone. “I overheard that Detective thank you for your loyal service at the grand opening!”

  “Oh my God…that is what that bastard was up to. Carmine, look, let me explain…”

  “There isn’t anything to explain! You ratted me out so you could steal my shit! You didn’t think I knew about that did you?”

  “Carmine…” Darius tried to explain. Off in the distance a man slowly walked closer and closer until he was in clear view.

  “What the fuck?” Darius shouted. “How the fuck are you still alive?”

  Trent stood smiling, one hand in his pocket, smoking a cigar. “Hey there Darius. Long time no see.”

  “What the fuck?” Big J yelled.

  “Is this some sort of fucked up joke or something?”

  Trent laughed. “You would think so, huh? But, you see, D-Smooth my man, the Esposito has different rules when it comes to one another. I could have went back to the family whenever I chose to and gotten the forgiveness of the elders of the family and that would have been it. I’m back in.”

“Nigga, we heard you get shot! We saw the fucking body!” Darius yelled.

  “Did you?” Trent laughed. “Or did you see it on TV?”

  Darius and Big J were silent.

  Trent smiled and leaned in close to Darius sitting in the chair. “Even you should know not to believe everything you see on TV.”


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