How Many Chances

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How Many Chances Page 9

by Beverley Hollowed

  “I see you want me as much as I want you,” he said, when he finally spoke. He slipped his fingers between her soft, wet, folds and gently stroked her swollen clit.

  “Oh God!” She cried out as he circled her clit with the tips of his fingers. She tried to push him back “Cole please, we need to talk.”

  “I need you,” Cole whispered against her neck as he slowly made his way to her breast. When he reached her erect nipple he sucked it hard then bit it softly.

  “Cole!” Ally cried out once again. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as he pushed two fingers inside her.

  He stroke her deeply, as his mouth sucked and toyed with her nipple.

  She could feel herself begin to come apart. She pinched her eyes harder as her breathing grew faster and faster.

  Then as abruptly as he had started, he stopped. Ally was about to open her mouth to complain but his mouth claimed hers once again. He grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his body before he slammed her against the wall.

  Then before she had time to say anything she could feel the head of his cock against her opening and with one hard thrust, he was buried deep inside her, making her cry out.

  She was not really sure why, but Ally didn’t feel comfortable. Something was different and definitely wrong. Cole had always being tender and loving but not now. He was not making love to her, he was fucking her. Pure and simple. She wanted to push him away, but like it does every time, her body betrayed her and reacted to his every touch.

  He pushed into her again and again, each time deeper than the last, his mouth never leaving hers. Ally could feel her body building once again, but this time was bigger. She could feel her whole body begin to quiver and her head spin as she was pushed on higher and higher.

  “Ally,” Cole growled against her mouth. “I am going to come, come with me baby.” His word were like a trigger and she cried out loudly as her orgasm ripped through her body.

  Cole slammed into her one more time, as he came and pump himself into her.

  Ally slumped in Cole arms, unable to keep her legs wrapped around him. She buried her face against his chest. She wanted to pull away from him but she knew her legs were like jelly and if she had stood she would have fallen down. But she felt cold, like she had just made love to a stranger.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered as what he had just did seemed to dawn on him. “I don’t know what came over me. Today was such a terrible day. All I wanted to do was get lost inside you.”

  “Tell me,” Ally said, lifting her head and looking up into his face. “Let me help you.”

  “Let’s get into the bath,” Cole said and kissed Ally on the forehead and smiled sadly at her. Ally turned and looked at the bathtub. She had forgotten he had even turned on the taps. Cole sat her on the vanity unit while he finished striping.

  When he was finished, he lifted her down off the unit and led her to the bath, holding her hand while she stepped into it. Then he climbed in behind her and pulled her to him and he sunk back into the water.

  They lay for a few minutes before either spoke. Ally wondered if he was going to say anything and was about to ask him when he spoke.

  “When Nick woke me this morning and told me about the newspapers,” he began with another deep breath. “All I could think was, you were going to leave. And then when you said you wanted some space. I was sure you wouldn’t come back.”

  “Cole I promised you I wouldn’t leave,” Ally reassured him. “You are going to have to learn to trust me.”

  “I understood why you didn’t want to come with me this afternoon,” he continued. “But I will be honest, I wanted you to be with me so badly. But turned out you were right. When I got to Steph’s, she went nuts. She had seen the pictures in the papers and said I had humiliated her and made her look stupid. She went berserk. She started screaming and throwing things. She was completely out of control”

  “What happened?” Ally asked sitting up in the bath and turning to Cole. He looked at Ally for a moment before he spoke.

  “She said if I want to see Ben,” he paused and looked away from Ally and immediately she knew she wasn’t going to like what was coming next.

  “Tell me,” she pushed him gently.

  “She said I couldn’t see Ben and keep seeing you,” Cole said his eyes finally met hers.

  Ally thought she was going to be sick. Was he telling her what she thought he was telling her? Now the sex and the no talking suddenly all made perfect sense.

  “So you agreed?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper. She could feel the tears pool in her eyes as her heart began to bang harder in her chest. This was it. He was finishing with her.

  “I most certainly did not!” he exclaimed. He reached out and took Ally’s face in his hands. “I love Ben Ally. I really do. But I can’t live without you.”

  “I don’t understand,” Ally replied as the tears trickled down her face. She wasn’t sure why she was crying. “Then why are you acting so strangely?”

  “Ally, I am sorry if I scared you gorgeous girl,” he said as he leaned forward and kissed her softly. “I didn’t mean to worry you. When I was with Ben I just kept thinking, why couldn’t he be mine and yours. And I realised if I want to be part of my son’s life. Steph is always going to make life hard for us. And I am scared you will leave me because of her. You are my life. You are the air I breathe. I need you with me every day, just to make this world a more bearable place. I love you so much, Ally”

  Ally looked at him in silence for a moment. Every time she thought her heart couldn’t possibly love him anymore. He says something that makes her fall in love with him all over again.

  She leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips.

  “I love you Cole bloody Thomas,” she smiled brightly at him.

  “Then marry me,” Cole said suddenly looking Ally in the eyes. Ally stared back at him in complete and utter shock. She was speechless. “Please say yes,”

  “Yes,” she breathed out.

  “Yes?” he asked excitedly.

  “YES!” she laughed. “Yes I will marry you.”

  Chapter 11

  Ally sat next to Cole in the back of his Range Rover and held his hand tightly. She wasn’t really sure how she should be feeling right now. She was still in a spin from Cole’s proposal the night before.

  She thought she would have freaked out and changed her mind about agreeing to marry Cole by now, but she didn’t. She knew it was very soon and she knew her grandparents were probably going to freak out. But she loved him, of that she was sure.

  She looked down at their intertwined hands resting on Cole’s knee and she felt happy. But then she thought about where they were headed and her heart sank a little.

  She had promised Cole she would go with him to see Ben the night before. To show a united front to Steph. But as she sat there next to Cole and stared at their hands, she could feel her determination beginning to fade fast.

  Ally hated to admit it, but she felt intimidated by Steph. She had done the one thing Ally could never compete with. She gave Cole his first child, his first son.

  “Are you okay?” Cole asked Ally, sensing she was once again over thinking things in her head.

  She nodded her head and smiled but he wasn’t buying it.

  “Look, I know you are nervous,” Cole sighed. “I am nervous too, but everything will be okay. I promise.”

  Ally smiled at Cole reassuringly but the knot in her stomach tightened. She looked forward towards Nick, who was driving and caught him stealing a glance at her in the rear-view mirror. He quickly turned his attention back to the road and Ally frowned. She had no idea why this guy had taken such an instant dislike to her. But it was clear he had.

  Screw him! Ally thought to herself. Once we go back to Dublin, I won’t have to deal with this asshole anymore.

  Five minutes later they pulled up outside a quaint little mews house tucked in to the corner of a quiet lit
tle Cul-de-sac. Everything about the house was picture perfect, from the white sash windows to the picturesque cobbled ground outside the house.

  Cole had told Ally that he had in fact bought this house for Steph while she was pregnant with Ben, of course putting the house in his name, to be given to him on his twenty first birthday.

  Ally was floored when he told her he had paid over three million for the house. But he wanted somewhere nice and safe for his son to be raised. Also there were some very good schools in walking distance from the house and he wanted nothing but the best for Ben.

  He said it was the only way he knew how to compensate for him not being in his life every day.

  Ally understood, but couldn’t help but think just how well this Steph had landed on her feet when she climbed into Cole’s bed.

  As Cole undid his seat belt he turned to Ally and his heart sank a little. She looked terrified and he knew he could not force her to do this. He wanted her to be part of Ben’s life, but she needed to do it at her own pace.

  “Ally, sweetheart,” he said reaching over and taking her hand. “Talk to me,”

  “I can’t do this,” she replied in barely a whisper. “I am so sorry Cole. I wish I could be strong enough to be the person you need me to be. The girl you think I am. But I’m not. I am not strong enough. You are asking too much from me. Cole it’s too soon. I am so sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” he replied as he lifted her hand and brought it to his mouth. “I have all the time in the world to wait for you to be ready.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said once again, softly.

  “Don’t be,” Cole said with a big smile. “I have to go in and see Steph, I have some papers I need her to sign about Ben. You can wait here in the car. Or I can have Nick drive you back to the apartment. I will be back to you within the hour

  “I will wait for you at the apartment,” Ally nodded. “But I can walk back. I don’t want to be a bot…”

  Cole kissed his lips against her to stop her talking. He slowly pulled his lips from Ally’s, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “You are never a bother to me,” he said before he kissed her one more time. He climbed out the car and spoke quietly to Nick before he leaned back into the car. “I won’t be long.”

  He closed the door and stood and watched as Nick climbed back into the car and drove away.

  Ally looked back over her shoulder and saw Cole standing in the same spot before he slowly turned and walked towards the front door of the house. When it opened, he stepped inside and the door shut and Ally heart sank.

  She turned back around in her seat and stared at the back of the seat in front of her. Suddenly hot tears began to sting her eyes.

  Why the hell am I crying? She thought to herself as she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. She had no idea why she was upset. She hated the idea of Cole being in there alone with that tart. She couldn’t bear to think of the horrible nasty things she was saying about her right at that moment.

  She knew she should have gone in with him. She should have kept her promise and stood next to him facing that horrible woman again. She thought maybe she should tell Nick to turn the car around but she knew her eyes were now probably red and puffy and there was no way she could go back now.

  She had let Cole down again and it was breaking her heart. This time she couldn’t hold the tears back as they began to stream down her face.

  Suddenly Nick’s hand stretched back over his shoulder as he held out a handkerchief for Ally.

  “Thank you,” Ally sniffed as she reached out and took the handkerchief from his hand and wiped her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as his eyes caught hers in the rear view mirror. She nodded as a fresh wave of tears hit her. Nick didn’t say anything else.

  Ally dried her eyes and took a deep steadying breath. And she glanced up and once again her eyes met Nicks in the rear view mirror.

  “I know you don’t really like me,” Ally said, unsure what had possessed her to say what she just did. But she had and should couldn’t take it back.

  “What makes you think that?” he asked sounding a little taken back by her directness. “Why wouldn’t I like you? I don’t even know you.”

  “But you don’t approve of Cole and I,” she retorted suddenly feeling braver.

  “What Mr Thomas does with his life is his own business,” Nick’s his eyes flicking from the road ahead to Ally and back to the road again.

  “So it’s me you don’t approve of!” she shot back immediately. She was on a roll now.

  “I am sure you are a very nice girl,” Nick replied, maintaining a professional tone with Ally the entire time. He quickly glanced at Ally in the rear view mirror briefly the turned his attention back to the road.

  “But I am not good enough for Cole.” this time Ally’s tone was curt and a little hostel. Suddenly they were plunged in to the darkness of the underground car park of Coles building. Ally hadn’t even realised they had been driving that long.

  “I am not sure where you have gotten the impression I don’t like you Ms Brody,” Nick said as he pulled the car to a stop and turned in his seat to face Ally. She sat back in her seat unsure of where this was going or what she had started. “But if you want the truth, I don’t think Mr Thomas should have brought you here. He clearly hasn’t told you everything there is to know. Just how important he is or how many would love to see him fall on his ass and would step on anyone, and that includes you, to get to him. You are not part of this world. You are not like Ms Richards or some of these other social climbing wanna bees. You are a different class altogether. You are a lady. Granted a lady with a fiery temper, but a lady none the less.”

  “I see,” was all Ally could say. She was completely floored by what he had just said. She was so sure he didn’t like her. But she couldn’t have been more wrong if she had tried.

  “Look I have said far too much,” Nick sighed. “I understand if you tell Mr Thomas about my inappropriateness. I am truly sorry.”

  He stepped out of the car and walked around to Ally’s side if the car and opened her door. She slowly stepped out of the car, the whole time she watched Nick, who was no longer making eye contact with her. If anything he looked angry with himself that he had said what he had. He had crossed a line.

  Ally stopped in front of him and stared up at him. Then much to Nicks surprise she leaned up and kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you,” she smiled up at him. “And don’t worry, Cole doesn’t need to know about our conversation either.”

  “Thank you Ms Brody,” he said finally looking at her once again. “I am very grateful.”

  “My pleasure,” Ally replied. “And please, call me Ally.”

  “Okay” Nick smiled for the first time Ally could remember and even blushed a little. “Ally.”

  Ally smiled back and walked towards the elevator and stopped and waited for Nick to join her.

  They rode up in the lift together, in silence and Nick escorted Ally into the apartment before he excused himself so he could go back for Cole. And then he left and once again Ally was alone in Cole’s big penthouse.

  She walked down to Cole’s room and quickly changed into her baggy t-shirt, legging and trainers. She pulled her iPod from her hand bag and popped it into her ears before she made her way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. She was going to hit the gym she had discovered Cole had in his apartment earlier that morning, not that she should have been that surprised.

  She opened the big brushed metal fridge door and pulled out a bottle of water. But when she closed the door of the fridge, she came face to face with a pretty red head with the friendliest smile she had ever seen beaming at her. None the less she scared the crap out of Ally and she screamed with fright as her bottle of water went crashing to the floor.

  “Oh I am so sorry I startled you,” she said as she instantly bent down to pick up Ally’s bottle of water from the floor. She picked it up and handed it back to her. �
�You must be Ally.”

  “Have we met?” she asked confused that this woman seemed to know who she was.

  “No my lovely,” the girl replied with a big smile. “I’m Annette. Mr Thomas told me you were here. We seemed to have kept missing each other.”

  “Oh right,” Ally said, as memories of Cole talking about someone called Annette came back to her.

  “Is there something I can get for you?” Annette asked as she handed Ally back her bottle of water.

  “I am all set,” Ally replied taking her water and giving her a big smile. “I was just going to hit the gym, before Cole gets home.”

  “Well if you need anything at all,” Annette continued in her friendly manner. “I will be around somewhere just give me a shout.”

  “Thank you,” Ally replied. She headed for the gym and she smiled to herself. If Cole had one thing right in his life, it would be picking good house keepers. Annette seemed just as lovely as Rosie.

  Ally smiled at the thought of Rosie and suddenly she was feeling a little home sick. She missed her job and her friends. She needed to get back home and back to her normal life as soon as possible.

  When she reached the gym, she grabbed a towel from a pile on a side table and headed straight to the treadmill and switched on. She wasn’t feeling as eager as she was earlier.

  She switched on her iPod and turned the music up full the sounds of the Pussycat Dolls “Don’t ya” blaring in her ears and pressed start on the programme she had selected. Starting of slowly, her speed increased gradually until she was running flat out, lost in the music and a world of her own.

  She wasn’t sure how long she had been running for but her legs were starting to get tired so she hit the cool down button and began to slow until she finally came to stop. She grabbed the towel and wiped her face as she stepped off the treadmill and turned around.

  “JESUS CHRIST!” she cried out when she saw Cole sitting on a chair watching her. She reached up and pulled her earphones from her ears. “You scared the crap out of me Cole, how long have you been sitting there?”


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