How Many Chances

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How Many Chances Page 13

by Beverley Hollowed

  She bit her lip and thought if she should call him. He could come get her and have her back at Coles in no time. She knew she was being a coward but she couldn’t face Cole right now. She felt awful for bailing on him once again even though she had promised him she would never run again.

  But it wasn’t running as such. She was only going as far as his apartment. She was not leaving for good.

  She was just about to press the call button when she heard the door to the ladies open. She froze half excepting to hear Cole call her name. She quietly reached down and picked her bag up from the floor and tucked her legs as tightly to her body as she could and kept perfectly still.

  “Steph,” she heard a girl voice chirp excitedly. Ally froze. Could it be the same Steph? “You are a fucking genius.”

  “Shush,” the other girl scolded her friend. Ally looked down and could see two hands on the ground. Whoever it was, was checking they were alone. Ally held her breath.

  “She isn’t in here,” the second girl, who apparently was Steph said as she stood back up. “He is completely clueless.”

  “I can’t believe you pulled this off,” the first girl laughed. Ally tried to remember the name of the girl Cole said Steph was bringing with her but she was completely blank.

  “He is a decent guy,” Steph snorted, “He was always going to support a child he thought he’d fathered. Unlike that scumbag Damian.”

  Ally’s eyes widen with shock as her heart was pounding in her chest. What was this girl actually saying? Her stomach heaved and she quickly cover her mouth with her hand to stop herself from throwing up again.

  “I can’t believe he didn’t insist on a DNA test,” the first girl walking into the toilet next to Ally and closing the door. “I was sure that would have been how you would have gotten caught.”

  “Cole might be a bastard in the boardroom,” Steph said, then paused as if she was applying lipstick. “But once he saw Ben and I told him he looked just like him. He was on board.”

  Ally could hardly believe her ears. This was like some sick joke. Her heart was racing faster and faster. She could feel the bile rest inside her and she swallowed hard to push it back down.

  “Still it’s a shame you never actually got to fuck his brains out,” girl number one laughed from the cubical next to Ally and Ally’s stomach heaved again. ”I bet he is hot in the sack”.

  Ally could barely breathe, she could feel tears prickle her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. She was not going to cry. It was all she could do to stop herself from throwing up once again.

  “I had to get him drunk enough to pass out,” Steph replied. “Cole Thomas might have shagged his share of woman, but one thing everyone knows is, he doesn’t ever go without a condom. Beside once I chase this Irish tart off, Cole will end up back here and I will finally get him to fuck my brains out then.”

  Girl number one laughed hysterically and she began to move in the cubicle and the flush sounded. Ally wanted to scream and burst out and confront them. But she knew if she stood up she would throw up again. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly. She had to keep pushing the desire to throw up back down inside her.

  The door opened and Ally listen as the water ran into the sink as girl one washed her hand. Then the buzz of the hand dryer filled the restroom giving Ally the chance she needed to take a deep steadying breath.

  “Are you ready?” girl number one asked when the hand dryer stopped.

  “Oh hell yeah,” Steph said with a venom in her voice that made Ally realised this girl was a girl on a mission. “Let’s go scare this bitch off. So Cole and I can play happy families like we are supposed to.”

  The two girls laughed. Then the door to the bathroom opened and closed again. Ally sat for a moment in silence, making sure the pair of plotting bitches where gone.

  When she as sure the coast was clear she dropped her feet to the ground. She felt cold and numb. Her mind was racing so fast she could hardly think straight.

  Ben wasn’t Cole’s. Ally wasn’t sure how she felt. She thought she would have felt relieved, happy even. But all she could think was how crushed Cole was going to be. He loved Ben. Ben was his son.

  “Oh God!” she exclaimed as the realisation of what had just happened hit her. Ben wasn’t Cole’s son and she was the only one who could tell him the truth. And that meant she would have to be the one to break his heart.

  Her stomach heaved once again this time she couldn’t hold it back. She jumped up and threw up violently.

  Ally leaned her back against the door as she regained her composer after vomiting. She closed her eyes and pressed her head back against the door.

  Ben is not Cole’s, she thought to herself. That bitch lied to him.

  Suddenly she was filled with rage. She wanted to walk out and beat the crap out of Steph till she told Cole the truth. Nothing would have given her more pleasure.

  But she need to handle this right. She wanted Cole hurt a little as possible. She opened the toilet. And walked to the sinks and looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

  She looked like hell. She was pale and her eyes were red from crying and throwing up. She needed to sort herself out. She quickly pulled her compact and lipstick from her handbag. And fixed herself up as best as she could. She then ran her brush through her hair and applied some perfume. Finally she searched her bag till she found a stick of gum and stuck it into her mouth to get rid of the taste of vomit.

  She surveyed herself in the mirror once more before she took a deep breath and headed for the door.

  She was just about to push open the door to The Promenade Lounge, when Cole appeared through the doors,

  “There you are,” he said and a look of relief filtered across his face. “Are you okay?”

  “Something I ate must not have agreed with me,” she lied. “I got sick so I went back outside for some air.”

  “Sweetheart are you okay,” Cole asked with genuine concern. “If you don’t feel up to this we can leave.”

  “No,” Ally replied with a determined smile of her face. “I am fine now. I promise. I have put this off for too long. I promised you I would do this and I will. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Cole smiled brightly then took her by the hand. As he led her back through the door and through the lounge, her heart was banging loudly in her ears but she was ready for this. She was ready to face this bitch and show her what she was really made of.

  Chapter 16

  Ally took a deep breath and finally came face to face with Steph. Ally was taken back at just how ordinary this lying tart looked. Her hair was dyed blonde, badly Ally smirked. She was not unattractive but was no great beauty. She was wearing a dress that was far too short and a little too tight and she had on far too much make up. Ally couldn’t help but compare herself to her and she knew she was everything this wannabe wasn’t.

  “Ally,” Cole said, the nervousness in his voice very clear. “This is Stephanie Richards.”

  “Steph,” Steph purred with a grin that Ally longed to slap.

  “Steph,” Cole said turning to Ally and smiling at her. “This gorgeous lady is Ally Brody.”

  “I thought your name was Fitzmaurice,” the other girl sitting next to Steph spoke up suddenly. Ally knew she was trying to unnerve her and had she not over heard the conversation earlier, she would have. But Ally knew her game and she was happy to play.

  “Actually, that’s my father’s name,” Ally replied with the biggest smile she could. “My name is Brody. And you are?”

  “Becca,” the girl replied a little less enthusiastically.

  “Becca is my sister,” Steph added staring at Ally, Ally turned to her in time to see Steph look her up and down from head to toe. Ally couldn’t help but smile at the look of pure jealousy on the lying tramps face.

  “And this,” Cole said reaching in to the designer buggy next to Steph. No doubt paid for by Cole! Ally thought angrily. “This is Ben”

  And there he was. Th
is gorgeous little boy, fast asleep in Cole’s arms. Ally looked from Ben to Cole and her heart broke. He looked so happy and proud. How was she ever going to tell him that Ben was not his son? Ally looked down at Steph and it took her every ounce of strength she had not to slap her face there and then.

  Cole walked towards Ally slowly, his eyes fixed on the sleeping bundle in his arms. Then he looked up at Ally and smiled.

  “Would you like to hold him?” Cole asked Ally unsure if he should or not.

  “I would love to,” Ally smiled but inside her heart was hurting so badly. She turned to Steph and added. “If that’s okay?”

  “Sure,” Steph forced a half smile and stared at Ally but Ally just smiled back at her before she took the little boy into her arms.

  “He is perfect,” Ally whispered as she cradled the little boy in her arms and kissed him softly on the forehead. “I think he looks like his Mommy.”

  Ally couldn’t resist. She remembered the comment from the bathroom, about how all she needed to do was tell Cole he looked just like him and he was hooked. She looked up at Cole again and he was positively beaming.

  How can she do this to him? Ally asked herself. How can this girl be so completely heartless?

  “I think he looks like Cole,” Steph said much to Ally’s surprise. This girl has some balls.

  “Really?” Ally replied, still looking down at the little boy. “I can’t see it at all.”

  “Here sweetheart,” Cole said pulling out a chair for Ally. “Sit down and make yourself comfortable. We were just going to order lunch.”

  Ally slipped into the seat and stole a quick glance at Steph. And as Ally had expected Steph was glaring at her. Ally knew Steph was pissed she wasn’t the sad shrieking violet she was expecting.

  The waiter arrived and took their orders and Ally was shocked to hear both Steph and Becca order cocktails. It was only twelve o’clock in the day and she was responsible for a new baby. This girl really had no class.

  “Isn’t he perfect,” Cole leaned in and spoke softly to Ally as he kissed Ben on the top of his head.

  “He is gorgeous,” Ally replied honestly. She swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. He loved this little boy so much and Ally knew this was going to destroy him.

  The waiter arrived with their lunch and Cole stood up and took Ben to settle him back in his buggy.

  Ally watched him as he settle the little boy lovingly and her stomach heaved. She looked down at her food but her appetite was gone. She couldn’t eat her lunch. So she pushed it around her plate and sipped her water.

  “So what is it you do,” Steph asked looking at Ally, and Ally knew it was game on.

  “I am a mechanic,” Ally replied and smiled holding Steph’s eyes.

  “It’s not very girlie,” Becca sneered and smiled to herself feeling pleased she delivered the first blow.

  “Well I am no ordinary girl,” Ally shot back and smiled sweetly. She reached for her glass of water.

  “OH MY GOD!” Steph exclaimed and grabbed Ally’s hand. “What the fuck is this?”

  “Steph, lower your voice,” Cole said in a calm but seriously tone. “And take your hands off my fiancée.”

  Becca spat her cocktail everywhere at Cole’s words. Ally just sat quietly and said nothing.

  “You are marrying her?” Steph hissed in complete disbelief at Cole under her breath.

  “Yes,” Cole replied calmly and took Ally’s hand. “I have asked Ally to marry me and she has accepted.”

  Steph said nothing for a moment. She was fuming and Ally could tell she was thinking hard what her next move should be. Suddenly Ally stomach heaved again.

  “I think I need to use the ladies again,” she said standing up from the table. “And I think you two need to talk. I will call Nick and have him come collect me. And I will meet you at home when you are done.”

  She leaned down, kissed Cole and smiled.

  “Lovely to meet you both,” Ally said looking at Steph and her side kick before she turned and walked towards the door.

  “Ally,” Cole called, following her to the door. “I don’t want you to leave. Don’t let her push you out.”

  “She isn’t pushing me anywhere,” Ally smiled at Cole. “I promise you that. I just don’t feel too well. But I promise. I’m okay.”

  “Then I am coming with you,” Cole said turning and walking back to the table and going straight to Ben. He leaned in and kissed him before he leaned down and said something to Steph that Ally couldn’t hear. Steph’s face dropped with whatever he’d said.

  He turned and walked towards Ally, then taking her by the hand, he led her to the door. Ally glanced over her shoulder at a very angry Steph and she couldn’t help but bask in her first little victory.

  Cole didn’t say a word until they were in the safety of the car. Ally wasn’t sure what to think. She wasn’t sure if he was mad at her or not. So she said nothing. Her stomach heaved again and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Ally, sweetheart,” Cole said turning to her and wrap his arm around her. He voice was full of concern. “Are you okay? You look a little pale.”

  “My stomach is just a little out of sorts,” she replied as she opened her eyes and looked at Cole. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what,” Cole asked, looking at Ally in confusion. “For feeling unwell?”

  “For you having to leave early,” Ally explained. “It was really okay if you had wanted to stay. You know, spend some more time with Ben.”

  Just saying those words to him hurt her. She wanted no part of this lie. She had to tell him the truth. But in that moment it was all she could to not to throw up in the car. She was relieved when they finally reached Cole’s apartment. Cole told Ally, he had some work in his office and Ally said she was going to go lay down. Cole walked with her down to the bedroom and sat next to her on the bed.

  “Thank you for today,” Cole said as he brushed her hair back from her face. “I know it wasn’t easy, especially as you were feeling unwell. It means so much to me that you did this. Ben is so important to me and I want someday for you to love him as much as I do. I don’t expect it to be over night. But maybe in time he might mean as much to you as he does to me.”

  Ally could barely breathe. She had to tell him the truth but the words just wouldn’t come out. She hadn’t got the heart to hurt him. So she simply smiled and said nothing.

  “Okay I will leave you get some rest,” he kissed her on the forehead and stood up to leave.

  Ally lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling as the tears pooled in her eyes. She knew she needed to do this but she just couldn’t bear to be the one to break his heart.

  She tried to stop the sob that came from deep inside her but she couldn’t. She turned over in the bed and sobbed into her pillow.

  She cried until pure exhaustion took hold of her and she drifted into to restless sleep.


  When she woke, the room was in darkness but she knew she wasn’t alone. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she rolled over in the bed to face Cole.

  “Hey gorgeous girl,” he said in a quiet voice. “You feeling better?”

  “Much,” she smiled at him.

  “Good,” he said and he pressed his lips against her. “So you wanna tell me what’s bothering you?”

  Ally’s heart nearly stopped. How did he know something was bothering her?

  “I… eh…” Ally was struggling to find the words. “What makes you think something is bothering me?”

  “Well you have been very quiet since we left the hotel,” Cole replied and traced down her cheek. “And you were crying in your sleep.”

  “Was I?” Ally asked completely shocked, what if she said something in her sleep.

  “I don’t like it when you are upset,” Cole said tracing the tips of his fingers across her lips. “What can I do to make it better?”

  Ally couldn’t breathe. She hated he was being so nice wh
en she knew she was about to destroy him with what she needed to tell him. She searched deep for the words but she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

  So she leaned up and kissed him. She wanted him to know how much she loved him.

  He was surprised by her kiss but soon was returning it. He slipped his arms around her and pulled her to him and his kiss deepened as he eased her on to her back and moved above her. He breathlessly pulled his lips from hers and stared down at her.

  “I wish you would talk to me,” he sighed, his eyes staring deeply into hers.

  “We can talk to tomorrow,” she breathed softly. “But for tonight, make love to me.”

  She needed one more night with him. She wished she could be sure how he would handle what she had to say. She wished she knew he wouldn’t lash out at her and tell her to leave. She knew he loved Ben, and she knew he loved her. But she was the one who was going to pull his world apart. And it was her word against Steph’s. What if he didn’t believe her? So she wanted one more night with him, so no matter what happened she could remember.

  He stared down into her face for a moment, looking a little confused. But when she brought her lips up to meet his, he could feel himself instantly harden. He wanted her too.

  He kissed her harder as his hand reached down for the bottom of her dress. Slowly he eased it up her body, his mouth never leaving hers until he pulled it briefly from hers so he could pull her dress over her head. Ally quickly undid the button on his shirt and slipped her hand inside. She loved the feel of his strong firm chest, Cole pulled her bra cup down, freeing her breast and claimed her swollen nipple with his mouth.

  She reached for the waist band of his trousers and pulled them open as Cole dropped his hands to the rim of Ally’s panties and he quickly slid them down her legs.

  He kneeled up on the bed and stared down at this gorgeous woman whom he was going to spend the rest of his life with. He adored her perfect body. He adored her.

  He pulled his arms free from his shirt and threw it to the floor. Then he kneeled up straight and finished opening his trousers, he pushed his trouser and his boxer shorts down, freeing his hard length


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