Made Men 10: And Then...There Were Seven (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Made Men 10: And Then...There Were Seven (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Where the hell was Donata? Why hadn’t she texted or contacted her friends at all? Two weeks and no one was concerned? Sure, the focus has been on Alessa, and assisting Cobra, Roman, Lenox, and Ziek, but if that didn’t get Donata to come out of hiding, perhaps something was wrong after all? Turbo’s gut clenched as he barely listened to the conversation going on around him. This wasn’t good. This was different. Where the hell was Donata?

  * * * *

  Donata James couldn’t believe that she was in some shithole village in the middle of Pakistan. What had Kyle gotten them into? Where was Ellis, his partner and best friend? Who were these men that they had planned on doing business with in New Delhi? She had a shit load of questions and no answers. These men forced her to wear something over her head, face, and body hiding her western attire and figure. She never would have accepted helping Kyle with this business trip if she had known where they were headed and that he was dealing with terrorists, criminals, some sort of cartel or something. She didn’t even know. No one told her anything. They manhandled her, struck her a few times when she resisted or asked questions. The strikes to her sides were surely going to cause damage and make her succumb to their orders. Her ribs and sides hurt so badly there was pain with every breath she took.

  They were monsters who had superior weapons yet hid out in this village of buildings. That’s what they had to be, a bunch of damn terrorists. She was so scared and not used to the large guns, the security, and the cold expressions the men gave her. There was hatred there, and at first she thought maybe they just were distrusting of Americans, but she quickly learned it was their hatred of Americans and the civilized world she came from. These men weren’t civilized. They were monsters.

  Donata hadn’t said a word or asked any questions until she demanded to see her brother and was told that he was there but Kyle had been taken into a separate room. She was left alone, sitting in a single chair as three men stared at her, holding guns and looking capable of anything. The large knives on their sides, the dirty faces and clothing told her they were soldiers of a different kind—that these men had killed, and it was a common thing for them. She tried not to show intimidation or fear, but how could she not? She was a business woman, a CFO, for her brother’s company Ellis and James Enterprise. She had only come into the position a couple of years ago when he’d lost his other accountant to some sort of car accident. It was tragic, and trying to wean through that guy’s work and poor organization skills had taken months, but she’d done it. The company’s books were up to par.

  Looking back on the conversations and meetings her brother and Ellis had with Halan and Mulkan, she realized it was dirty business. That somehow they had gotten themselves involved with more than likely illegal smuggling. If they knew this, and that these men would be pissed for whatever reason, then why the hell had her brother and Ellis brought her along for the trip? It didn’t make sense. She had no information of any kind. She was shaking with fear. Was she going to die out here in Pakistan?

  She could hear some yelling. An argument of some kind was going on behind that door where maybe her brother was. She couldn’t totally hear what was being said.

  “Where is Ellis? We did what you asked and what you paid for. Everything is in place in the city for when you arrive. What is this all about?”

  “It isn’t set up the way we wanted and paid for. The distribution will not be successful with that asshole skimming off the top. He owes us money that hasn’t been made. He broke promises of exclusivity by talking with Halan. The boss is angry.”

  “We had the shipments go through a few days ago as you insisted. Ellis arranged everything since he’s the one in charge of this deal, not me. Skimming off the top? Why the hell would Ellis do that after everything you’ve put us through?”

  “The money is missing. The shipment never made it to where it was supposed to go until four days later, and it was lighter, Kyle. You steal from Admere, and you die. It’s pretty fucking simple,” Mulkan yelled, and then Donata heard her brother grunt.

  She looked at the guards. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her body ached. What would they do to her? She didn’t know a thing. She felt sick and wished she had never come here.

  “I didn’t steal from Admere. If you let me talk to Ellis, I can try to find out what happened. There’s no reason to be holding us here like hostages. My sister hasn’t done anything. I didn’t even know that Ellis was doing this type of business. I swear I didn’t. I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to resolve this and to ensure my sister’s safety.”

  “She was with you, so she is guilty, too. Ellis is being handled. You will see, so you too will understand the seriousness of double-crossing Admere and his associates.”

  She heard a grunt, then her brother yelling out.

  The door to the room opened. They said something in their language, and she didn’t need a translator to know they were pissed off. Her throat clogged up, her heart ached, and Kyle landed on the floor a few feet in front of her, all bloodied and beaten. His lip was swollen and bleeding, his eye red and swelling fast. He looked up at her.

  “I’m sorry, Donata. I don’t know what Ellis did. I’m so sorry you’re part of this,” he said and then lay on the floor in pain. She went to move off her chair to be by him, to get more information from him, but one of the guards grabbed her upper arm and pulled her up.

  “Let go of me,” she demanded, and he yanked her harder toward the room her brother had come from.

  “No. Not my sister. No, she doesn’t know a thing. She isn’t part of this.” Kyle pushed himself up only for the other guard to kick him down and put a rifle against his head.

  “No!” she screamed out.

  “She’s with you, then she’s part of this,” the guy by the door said, staring into her eyes and at her face and licking his lips.

  “Let’s get acquainted, Donata, and decide if you live or if you die.”

  * * * *

  Mulkan stared at the beautiful woman before him. Admere got the pictures and was very interested in using this situation to his advantage. Ellis was a slimy fuck, and he screwed his partner and this woman, but Admere always had a plan. Once he set his eyes on Donata, he knew that he could persuade Ellis and Kyle to achieve what he wanted.

  She was shaking. Even in the hooded clothing, her face and those smoky green eyes the only thing showing, she looked like a goddess. A woman fit for a king. Admere was right: she would be a bonus to this situation.

  “Please, don’t hurt us anymore. We’ll work this out. We’ll do what is necessary,” she said, those sensual eyes all glossy and spilling tears.

  He stepped closer, gripped her chin, and tilted her head up toward him.

  “Ellis and your brother are going to die if they do not come through on this contract.”

  She swallowed hard and another tear fell, but then she straightened out her shoulders and held his gaze.

  “What contract?” she asked.

  He squinted, surprised by her fight to be strong. Another attribute that Admere will find appealing. It could also be a show of resistance he may need to eliminate with a firm hand, or a stiff whip.

  He released her jaw. He licked his lower lip and then exhaled.

  “Ellis made a deal with my boss to transport drugs and other things in sealed containers to the US and then to deliver to a specific location for distribution. He’s pulling back as we want more product smuggled in than what was originally negotiated.”

  “So it’s really your boss who is going back on the original contract and forcing Ellis to smuggle in more than was negotiated?” she asked. He hid his smirk. She was sharp, smart, a woman in need of being disciplined.

  “He offered him a larger cut. It only became a problem when Ellis decided to venture out to competitive sources, as well as take an advance on money only to fail to come through on the delivery. It was light, which means Ellis is more than likely selling some of the goods on the side, skimming off the top and profiting
there, too. Perhaps trying to create a supply and demand situation and force my boss’s hand to give more money.”

  “That would be just stupid on Ellis’s part. Kyle and I know nothing about any side deals Ellis is making. All I know about is the meeting with this Halan Dajon, who seems to be a criminal like you,” she said.

  He chuckled low.

  “A criminal.” He snorted and walked around her. “We are not criminals as you refer in your western world. We are businessmen, royalty, men of great power and abilities.”

  “You mean here in Pakistan you are? Not in the United States though. That’s why you need our company? Our abilities to smuggle in your goods so you can actually make money.”

  He thought of striking her. He really wanted to, but Admere wanted to see her in person to make his demands and threats clear. He wouldn’t be happy if her gorgeous face was battered.

  “I would watch that sharp tongue of yours, Donata. The boss is not accustomed to women having any rights whatsoever.”

  She stared at him, and he noticed her nose got red, her eyes welled up with tears, and he knew she was scared.

  He reached out and stroked her jaw over the material covering her hair, head, and body.

  “You’ll be presented to the boss within the hour. He will determine whether or not you remain here while Ellis and Kyle complete the deal as negotiated and end any potential deals with Halan. If they fail, then you succumb to your destiny as seen fit by the boss.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “No. No please, we’ll do whatever the contract says. I’ll help Kyle and Ellis. I can make sure it’s complete.”

  “That isn’t a decision for me to make. It’s one for the boss to. You’ll be prepared for meeting him. You can make your plea for your life then. Do not resist the process or your brother will suffer.”

  As he opened the door, one of the guards grabbed her arm and started walking her out of the other room and past her brother. “Donata. Where are you taking her?” he yelled out, only to be struck in the back with the butt of a rifle by one of the guards.

  She cried out. “No. Please don’t hurt him any more. I’ll cooperate. I will.”

  “No. No, Donata, don’t do anything for them. Don’t make a deal of any kind. Don’t,” her brother yelled out to her, but the men dragged her from the room. Mulkan stared down at Kyle, face bloody and swollen.

  “Your sister is a very beautiful woman. Smart, strong-willed, but not as stupid as you or Ellis. If she doesn’t submit to Admere or accept his commands, you’ll all die here.”

  “No. No, don’t let him near her. Don’t let him touch her.” He clenched his teeth. Mulkan gave a nod, and then guards began to strike Kyle and put him in his place. He grunted and moaned and then lay on the ground in exhaustion. They dragged him out of the room and to a holding cell. Mulkan walked back into the room and then turned the laptop around.

  “What do you think?”

  “That I will get my deal secure or means of smuggling a success and also gain a lover. Make sure she is presented to me in something that shows her assets. I will ensure that this deal goes through, as well as make this woman understand that her life, her brother’s life, and Ellis’s lay in her hands.”

  “Understood. She will be ready within the hour.”

  * * * *

  Donata was beyond mortified as women bathed her and dressed her as if preparing her to be feasted upon by this man named Admere. She wasn’t stupid. Men felt they could control women by force, by sex, by taking what they wanted and being abusive and controlling. She feared being raped, being forced into something because of threats and power. She had nothing to defend herself with, and even if she did, she didn’t know where they were or how to escape or where to run to. She didn’t have a choice.

  The tears kept falling, and then she forced herself to be strong and try and get through this. She had to figure something out. Kyle was no help, and Ellis was nowhere to be seen. She looked into the mirrors at her body. The bruising and red marks along her ribs indicated that this was real and she was injured. Perhaps her ribs were broken. She wasn’t certain. This couldn’t be real. She wasn’t being held prisoner in Pakistan because her brother and his partner had screwed over some Middle Eastern criminal asshole. When would she wake up from this nightmare?

  The women sprayed her with some sort of fragrance and then pulled out a dress. It was simple but revealing and sheer. It was done on purpose to show her figure, her large breasts and nipples, hell, even her mound. This sick fuck, whoever he was, would break her down. Make her feel weak. Donata wasn’t sure what she was going to do. She was a million miles away from home. From her life, from the clubs, her friends…from Harley. Tears filled her eyes, and she closed them tight. She thought about Harley and his embrace. The way his fingers slid into her wet pussy, and how turned on she was by his ministrations, his words, and the idea that Turbo, Covan, and Jack wanted her, too.

  She should have had sex with Harley. She should have let it all go and just given into the desires. She could have met him later that night when business was over. She could have met and been with all of them and felt safe, amazing, and complete. That night had been her last and only opportunity to be so close to them. It wouldn’t matter that it was just sex, lust, because of this situation. She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring. Hell, what stood behind that door, her destiny, her demise, a future forced upon her by her brother and his partner who had made a deal with the devil himself.

  She wiped away the tears and looked into the floor-to-ceiling mirrors, somewhat cloudy and old, but still clear enough to give her reflection. The long cream-colored gown clung to her curves, the top too small for her abundant breasts, the cleavage now deep and exaggerated. It was made of gorgeous light material. It was hot here. Despite the shower and powders, she was perspiring and the sweat dripped between her breasts. She felt the push to her side and the door opened. The guard was there. He squinted, eyed her over.

  Holy God, this is really happening. I’m in some godforsaken shithole, being bathed and dressed to meet some Middle Eastern business asshole who is threatening my life, my brother’s, and Ellis’s lives. What does he want with me? What will I need to do to save us?

  Tears stung her eyes as she was escorted to another room. He pointed and told her to wait right here as he placed her by the window in the light of the sun. She looked out, seeing security and guards all over the place. It was some kind of compound, but it sure wasn’t a place fit for a king, a wealthy businessman. No, this was a prison. A place they kept people they wanted to own and manipulate, perhaps even kill. She swallowed hard, heard the door open, and couldn’t turn to look—wouldn’t turn to see who this monster was.

  “I told you that she was exceptional.”

  She recognized the familiar voice and turned around to see two men standing there. One of them was Coleman.

  * * * *

  Coleman licked his lips and held her gaze. Donata was a goddess and then some. Surely Admere would want her in his bed, and by the time he was done with her, Coleman could take over, console her, and own her, as well.

  “You?” she snapped at Coleman. He smirked.

  “It’s business, Donata. Although I wish your brother and Ellis hadn’t taken the bait with meeting Halan.”

  “What bait? You set up that introduction. Kyle wasn’t even sure who Halan was,” she said.

  “Enough!” Admere raised his hand up and walked closer. He eyed her over from head to toe.

  “Exceptional,” he whispered, and Coleman stared at Donata who had daggers in her eyes. Her long brown hair was pulled up on top of her head in some fancy style. She wore no makeup and didn’t need to. She was naturally gorgeous. The dress was way too small for her abundant breasts. Admere reached out to stroke her cleavage, and she lifted her hand to stop him, only for Admere to yank her by her wrist and make her fall to her knees.

  “Oh.” She cried out.

  “You must realize I hold your life
in my hands,” he said to her, and Coleman walked closer.

  “Listen to him and do as he says so your brother and Ellis live.”

  “I don’t have anything to do with this. I didn’t know about any of it,” she said, tears rolling down her cheeks, then gasped as Admere, a man who stood about six feet two, with muscles, a beard, and the military capabilities terrorists had, yanked her back up to her feet and held her wrists behind her back.

  She tilted her head back as Admere stared down into her eyes, then at her breasts and lips.

  “You will be a nice added bonus to this deal, as long as you cooperate.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “We’ll explain it to you, but first I think you need to know how serious I am, and also the fact that I now own you.”

  He pressed his mouth over Donata’s and kissed her. Coleman watched, turned on as she fought to resist but was incapable of getting out of the grasp of such a strong man like Admere. Admere used his other hand to cup her breast as he moaned into her mouth and then explored her body with his hand.

  As Admere lifted, she struggled to get free and pushed at his chest until she froze at the sound of the switchblade opening up. Her eyes were wide, her breathing rapid.

  “I think you’re a bit stubborn, Donata. Perhaps you need something to remind you about this moment and to ensure you don’t try to double-cross me.”

  She shook her head. “No. No please don’t cut me. Don’t hurt me.”

  “You will cooperate?” he asked, pressing the blade against her side.

  “Yes. Yes, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll do it,” she cried. He smiled, then eased his hand up her ribs and cupped her breast. He brought the blade along her skin, near the deep cleavage of her breasts, and then down the material of her dress.


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