Made Men 10: And Then...There Were Seven (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Made Men 10: And Then...There Were Seven (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  “Ahhh, the heavenly voice of my goddess. I have to admit, Donata, I was concerned for a moment that you could be trying to double-cross me, but you’re smarter than Ellis and your brother. My reach is far as you can see. I’m everywhere.”

  “We’ve done what you contracted us to do.”

  “Yes, you have, and that will continue, but you will not expand your connections. Ellis is a greedy fuck, and he will be dealt with. I have men there in New York to handle a bit of a situation. I expect no other issues and for our business to remain concealed. A warning to you as well in regards to Coleman. He is not to kiss you ever again. You are mine. When I call upon you to come or have my men accompany you to the airport and abroad, you come willingly, or Kyle and that pretty little brunette friend of yours will die.” Donata felt the tears reach her eyes. He was talking about Bella. Oh God, she shouldn’t have gotten together with her. She had put Bella’s life in jeopardy, which would piss off Mateus and Major, plus the others. Oh God, she was going to have made men after her next.

  “Understand me?”

  “Yes.” A tear fell and she quickly wiped it away.

  “Now, make sure your brother isn’t as stupid as Ellis. There’s something else that I need from you.”

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “Considering who is romantically involved with your brunette girlfriend, perhaps you might need to be my eyes and ears around them.”


  “The Fiorre family seem to be getting wind of my product distribution. It’s causing some unnecessary exposure.”

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “I own you. You work for me. If they continue to snoop and make demands and I am forced to negotiate a cut for coming in on their territory, then you and Lamad will meet with them to negotiate terms.”

  “No. Oh God, no, please don’t do this to me.”

  “It is not up for discussion. You remember how I let you go? How I didn’t take fully of your body and mark you as I wanted to? That was to build trust, to give you the opportunity to adjust to my ownership of you. I don’t expect you to take any other side but mine and represent me and my dealings there. I’d hate for some of your friends to go missing or turn up dead. I look forward to seeing you again and finishing what we started—finalizing our future in business and in our personal lives. Lamad will fill you in on your part with the meeting with the Fiorre men. Put Lamad back on.”

  She handed the phone to Lamad with a shaking hand. Her life as she knew it was over. The Fiorres, Harley, Jack, Covan, and Turbo were going to go mad when they found out she was working for Admere and that she was to negotiate the terms for him as he saw fit with Lamad. They would know immediately that she was under his control, that she was doing business with Admere. Her head began to throb as she listened to Lamad finish up his conversation with Admere then end the call.

  “So it looks like when negotiations begin that we will be side by side. We need to go over some things, and then head to the facility. Admere wants pictures, some eyes on the manufacturing of his products being distributed. Let’s enjoy our lunch and talk some more. We’ll be spending a lot of time together, I’m certain.” He raised his glass of wine toward her, but she felt numb. She was scared, terrified, and if it weren’t for Kyle and her friends, she would try to run. To escape somewhere and not return. But Admere would find her. His capabilities were obviously far beyond her wildest imagination.

  * * * *

  “Hey, cous, how’s it going?” Harley asked Brady over the phone.

  “Oh shit, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call? I mean seriously, Harley, what fucked-up shit are you guys into now?” Brady asked.

  “We aren’t retired fucking pansies like you and Bailey. Never mind your neighbors, Slogan, Kendrick, Pierce, Frankie, Lou, and Tex. How the fuck are they doing? Where are they? Fucking riding horses and shit?”

  Brady chuckled.

  “You know we aren’t fucking retired. We just got back a few days ago from a little desert excursion.”

  “Interesting, considering I have a little situation and need some info.”

  “Fuck. Is it mob business or military?”

  Harley chuckled.

  “I need info on some people. Can I send you what I got so far, Brady?”

  “Sure, but do you have any names to throw at me that might ring a bell offhand?”

  “Lamad Pakan.”

  Brady whistled, and Harley’s heart pounded inside of his chest.

  “How the fuck are you coming across Saudi assholes?”


  “Fuck yeah, and one of the main business associates of Mulkan Massad and Admere Mullan. Major fucking men connected to terrorism, drugs, arms deals, and other crazy shit.”

  “Fuck. That is what I was fucking afraid of.”

  “What’s the deal?”

  “Lamad was seen with a woman we know. A friend of Bella’s. She had disappeared for a few weeks, came back from New Delhi we found out, and with bruises and hiding something.”

  Brady whistled.

  “A woman who is friends with Bella, or also one you and the guys have a connection to?”

  Harley was silent a moment. What did he have with Donata? A hot and heavy make-out session? A need to fuck and claim her in hopes of getting her out of his system? What? As he thought about it, that possessive, protective feeling consumed him.

  “Oh no. This is not fucking good.”

  “What?” Harley asked.

  “You wanting to fuck a woman who is in bed with crazy Saudi fucks like Admere and Mulkan. Jesus, you have a fucking death wish, man? You guys survived heavy shit and you take on this? Go fuck some other broad.”

  “It isn’t like that, and we aren’t sleeping with her.”

  “You want her though. You have your sights on her, and now she’s involved somehow with these men and you and the guys want to be her saviors and get her out? Total ingredients for disaster,” Brady stated.

  “Brady, we don’t know what is going on. Let me explain because I trust you and the others. If I’m calling you with this, don’t you realize the importance?”

  “Fuck. All right. Let me put the phone on speaker so the others are up to speed with this situation you’re involving us in.”

  “Hey, I didn’t say I was involving you.”

  “You know damn well we don’t like fucking terrorists. So if some are fucking with our cousins, then we’ll have your backs. Explain what you have and also about this woman. I want pictures, too.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  “Hey, I’m curious to learn about this woman you’re willing to sacrifice your lives for to go up against men like Admere,” Brady said, and Harley heard the others in the background.

  “Admere? What the fuck?” Kendrick yelled out.

  “What is going on?” Pierce asked.

  “Harley and the others have the hots for this woman involved with Admere,” he stated.

  “She must be fucking great in bed or give outstanding head for them to be thinking with their cocks instead of their fucking brains. Are they out of their minds?” Slogan carried on, and the teasing continued until Harley explained the situation as they knew it. He also sent them pictures of Donata. They whistled, talked about her body and about how classy and sexy she was and why would she want a bunch of retired mercenaries like Harley, Jack, Covan, and Turbo. He wondered that, too, but made the call anyway and now put it all out there. These were their cousins, their friends, their family, and in a situation like this, reinforcements were priority. He just wasn’t sure how dangerous this could get but knew he wouldn’t put their lives on the line, but also that they would have his back either way. He needed to see Donata. That was the next plan of action.

  Chapter Six

  “What the fuck were you thinking? Why, Ellis? Why the hell would you try to go behind Admere’s back and negotiate a deal with Halan?” Kyle yelled at Ellis.
Kyle had just gotten off the phone with his sister, who was crying and contemplating running and going into hiding, but warning her friends first. This was turning into a complete mess.

  “How the fuck was I supposed to know that Admere’s people here sell the drugs in Fiorre territory and without their permission?”

  “How about standing behind your promise to Admere, who could have left you in Pakistan to die, and about dealing only with him and no other interested companies? He has people watching all of us and especially Donata. She’s in the middle of this. She has to go to a meeting with Admere’s representative to meet the Fiorre brothers. Do you know what this will do to her relationship with them, her friends?” he asked.

  “No. I was trying to get us out of this deal and work something out with Halan because he’s threatening to blow the whistle on this operation.”

  “What?” Ellis ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Yes, he isn’t worried about Admere. He knows who he is and feels that he can keep Admere off our asses and we can make money from both of them.”

  “You’re out of your mind. I’m not doing it. My focus is on my sister and her safety. Don’t you realize that Donata is in serious danger now? That Admere wants her in his bed and so does Coleman? That isn’t fucking happening. I’ll give up the whole company. Go bankrupt, sabotage it, set the fucking buildings on fire, I don’t fucking care. Now you do this? I need to think. I have to figure out a way to get her completely out of this situation and fast.”

  “Don’t do anything rash. Just wait this out. Maybe Coleman, who arranged our meeting with Halan, is onto something bigger?”

  “Like what? Taking out Admere or some crazy shit terrorist drug dealers do? Sorry, Ellis, but this is already way past extreme. I’m fucking scared. Pakistan sunk in immediately. You need to get your head out of your ass and realize we could very well die by these men’s hands.”

  “Not if we cooperate with Coleman and Halan.”

  Kyle was shocked. He couldn’t believe that Ellis was being so stubborn on this and even with the knowledge that Donata could be taken, raped, forced into some sort of relationship. What was Ellis really up to? Who did he promise what to, and how long before that blew up in Donata’s face, sending her straight into the arms of the devil? He had to do something, even if it meant pissing his sister off big time.

  * * * *

  Donata was shaking as she sat in the limo with Lamad outside of Club X, the meeting place for this deal between the Fiorres and Admere and some sort of cut in the drug dealing that was going on in their territory. This was stuff she didn’t want to know about but had been forced to learn about in less than twenty-four hours. Worst of all, her brother kept asking her where she was headed after the meeting with Lamad and the Fiorres.

  “You’ll do fine, and it will send the message Admere wants to send to these men,” Lamad told her as the door opened and the security he had with him got out. They used the back entrance, and she was grateful no one would see her with these men besides the Fiorres.

  “What do you mean, send a message? You said we’re negotiating terms and cut in the deals so Admere can continue to let his sellers sell in Fiorre territory.”

  “Yes, of course that’s what this is about, and it is protocol. However, Admere also wants to ensure where your loyalties lie.”

  “Obviously with him, since I’m here.”

  “We’ll see if it is a success, and ensure that your interests won’t get in the way of your future with Admere very soon. Which, by the way, we have to discuss a few things afterward.”

  “Discuss what?” she asked just as the security inside the club, men who worked for the Coglonies, greeted them and patted the men down. The security guys removed their weapons, handing them over to be secured, and she felt a notch sicker than she had been all day anticipating this meeting. When Turbo and Covan came into view, stood by the doorway to the meeting room at the club, and didn’t look shocked to see her, she knew something was up.

  “Donata, we weren’t expecting you here today,” Covan said, greeting Lamad hello with a handshake while Turbo gave her a kiss on the cheek and a tap to her side. Was that a silent way of telling her not to worry?

  Turbo kissed her cheek next, and then Lamad took her hand and led her into the room. There were Mateus, Major, Sunny, Collin, Jack, and Harley.

  “Ahh, looks like a large crowd for such a small meeting.” Lamad motioned for his men to join in.

  “We all have investments in the community your boss has decided to distribute his product in. Let’s hope we can come to some agreeable terms here today,” Mateus stated. The men were all looking at Donata, and Lamad stroked her arm and then her hair.

  “I understand you know my good friend, Donata. This will hopefully give you some comfort that the boss wants things to go smoothly.”

  “We’ll see. That all depends on what you put on the table today,” Mateus stated. Everyone took a seat, but she wouldn’t look toward Harley, Covan, Jack, and Turbo. She couldn’t face them. It was so difficult to face the others, and she knew Mateus and Major were probably pissed off at her for putting Bella at risk. They began to speak about the products and about how they were being distributed.

  “So we get a large cut due to the fact that your boss wouldn’t even have a successful business without use of our territory,” Mateus said to him.

  “Perhaps that’s the deal you do with others, but our boss has a number he is willing to work with,” Lamad stated.

  “What number is that?” Mateus asked.

  “Donata,” Lamad said to her.

  “He would like to offer an eighty-twenty split. Him getting eighty obviously,” Donata stated.

  Mateus, Major, Collin, and Sunny chuckled.

  “Funny guy this boss of yours,” Sunny said and leaned forward in the seat.

  “He should get out of the desert more often,” Turbo said, with his arms crossed in front of his chest, and in a dead stare at Donata.

  She cleared her throat. Holy shit were these men fierce. She had to pull off her role. She had no choice. Her life was on the line, and if she could get through this meeting, then she could take off and disappear. She made her decision. She needed to escape.

  “It is not a joke, Sunny,” she said to him.

  “It must be because no one in their right mind comes here and asks for something so low, not when they are in the wrong, selling products in an area they don’t have a right to or belong in. Perhaps he needs to relocate,” Major said to her and Lamad. Lamad squinted and then leaned back into the chair. Donata was sitting forward, too uneasy to lean back and pretend she wasn’t scared out of her mind. Then Lamad’s hand went over her chair and began to stroke her shoulder. She tightened up and bit her lower lip, making it obvious to those around her that she was not happy about being here under Lamad’s control. She had fucked up, but they didn’t react. She wondered if they didn’t care or if they were somehow going along with this in hopes of helping her later. She couldn’t allow that. She needed to be strong. She glanced at Lamad.

  “What is the normal cut for other people selling in your territory?” Lamad asked.

  “Sixty-forty, us,” Mateus said. Lamad exhaled and then looked at Donata.

  “He won’t be happy,” he said to her. She stared at Lamad.

  “If they are not willing to negotiate, then your choices are to move the locations of distribution. That’s not what anyone wants. They all want to make money. This is how it works here in New York. Maybe we can negotiate that number, Mateus,” she said, bringing her attention toward him. “The product is high-end and pure. The process from which it is packaged and shipped is of the highest standards.”

  “Doesn’t matter. We don’t care about the quality or quantity. We own the territory, and people pay us to use it. End of story. Perhaps you need to go back and talk to your boss a little more and explain how things work here in the United States?” Mateus said to her and then glared at Lamad.

nbsp; “Then this meeting is unfortunately done,” Lamad said and stood up. Donata hesitated to get up. She knew if she failed at this that her chances of remaining here in the States were less and that Admere would summon her to Saudi Arabia.

  “Isn’t there something we can work out?” she asked. Tears filled her eyes before she pulled herself together.

  “That’s up to Lamad’s boss. Not us,” Major stated, and she got up. Lamad grabbed her upper arm and escorted her from the meeting room. His men got their weapons, and they headed out of the club. A glance over her shoulder and she saw the angry expressions on the men’s faces, as well as Sunny grab onto Harley’s arm as Harley said something and stepped forward.

  She knew he was disgusted and would want to confront her. Lamad was already texting by the time they got to the car. He spoke to the driver. “To her apartment so she can pack.”

  “Pack?” she asked, shocked and immediately feeling sick.

  “You failed to ensure a deal with the men. That was a mistake I now need to figure out and resolve. I will personally be accompanying you to Saudi Arabia. The plane leaves in two hours.”

  “No. No. I’m not going. No,” she said, and Lamad grabbed her by her hair and yanked her head back against the seat.

  “You have no choice. He owns you, and what the Admere wants, he gets.”

  By the time they got to her apartment, Donata was texting her brother and telling him about the mess and about her leaving. He was upset and telling her to try and remain calm, that he would handle things, but she knew he was only telling her that to try to calm her. There wasn’t anything she could do. She was screwed.

  All she could do was cry as she packed some things up.

  “You don’t need much. He’ll dress you how he likes,” Lamad said, sounding pissed off. She looked at him, knowing that his men were right in the small living room. There was no way of escaping. Her plan to sneak off tonight wouldn’t work. It was too late.


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